Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 901: Pirate King

Yang Cheng was thinking about the issue of funds, and he didn't reply for a while. Bjorn was upset. He didn't know if it was because his price was too high or what it was. He felt uncomfortable at the moment. .

Recosta also has a nervous face. Yang Cheng's next words will determine whether he can get on the ship of Mr. John Frederickson. It is a matter of the future, so he can't help being nervous.

At this time, a whistle on the field pulled Yang Cheng back, who had already wandered away from the sky. It turned out that the second half of the game was about to begin.

After returning to my mind, seeing these two people who are the best in their respective turf, they are like primary school students who are listening carefully. They can’t help but smile and laugh, "Don’t get me wrong, since I am determined to invest, I will definitely not break my promise. I just Thinking of other things."

Bjorn squeezed a smile and listened to Yang Cheng continued, "I can meet the funds that Norwegian Air needs. It just so happens that a team of our company is coming to London. Then let them drop by for a survey in Norway. You know Yes, routine."

Recosta turned away and sighed fiercely, his hanging heart finally fell.

Bjorn's complexion was a little flushing. God knows how much pressure he has been under recently. Norwegian Airlines is only short of money. As long as the funds are made up, he can let go of his hands and feet.

Excitedly stretched out his hand, firmly held Yang Cheng's hand, and shook it a few times, "Happy cooperation~"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "Happy cooperation~"

Later, everyone fully enjoyed the joy of football. The final score was fixed at 6:1. Just after the second half, Coutinho knocked on the city gate with a wonderful long shot, three goals behind Southampton. He just wanted to score a goal to save his face, but it was a pity that he missed the other and was completely nailed by Liverpool's successive counterattacks.

Southampton, who lost to Anfield, did not stay too much after the game. He went directly to the locker room to change his clothes, got on the bus and left griefly. On the other hand, the members of the Red Army don't need to worry so much at their home court and can talk to the fans. Revelry.

After a big victory, the fans were reluctant to leave for a long time, and played a game of waves with the heroes on the field.

This scene was seen by Yang Cheng. The harmonious relationship between the fans and the club made his boss extremely satisfied. Compared with the other two clubs he acquired, Liverpool is undoubtedly the most popular today.

Bjorn was envious behind him, "If only I could have such a team~"

Recosta proudly said, “There is only one Liverpool in the world, and the spirit of Anfield can only be seen at Anfield.”

The game is over, and the Anfield stadium is still very lively. Young people in high spirits are waving their scarves and dancing. People who they don’t know join the carnival team. Drivers passing by will happily sound their horns as accompaniment and don’t care about themselves. Blocked in the road.

Every time there is a game, the traffic near Anfield has to withstand a huge test. This is also the reason why the team has always wanted to relocate the stadium. It is too crowded.

Fortunately, the car Recosta and Bjorn rode out of the VIP passage and passed through a narrow alley to avoid the traffic. They left proudly, otherwise they would not want to go home before 12 o'clock tonight.

And Yang Cheng didn't have to think so much. The flight in the sky was faster than the flight on the ground. The helicopter landed in the center of the court, and Yang Cheng took the bodyguard and Susu back to Beihai Manor by helicopter.

After returning to the manor, Yang Cheng simply ate some fruit, went directly to the study, asked for a pot of hot chocolate, sat behind the desk and looked through John Frederickson’s information. Sen prepared in advance.

The so-called confidant knows the enemy, and the cooperation between Recosta and John Frederickson is set aside for the time being. It is the matter of the two of them, but there is no connection between Yang Orange and the "pirate king."

A large part of the crude oil produced by Abramovich and the others from the North Sea Oilfield is transported by the "Pirate King" tanker to various refineries for refining, and then delivered to customers for use. In fact, the two sides have already cooperated. I have never met before, let alone spoken.

Frederickson was once dubbed the title of "Mysterious Billionaire". The outside world knew little about him, and even some businessmen with insufficient level had never heard of him.

It may be related to the "pirate king" who came from the working class, low-key and restrained but without losing humor. It is the common evaluation of all the people who have dealt with him. He built his own shipping empire from scratch. This story has been narrated by countless people.

He began his entry into the shipping industry at the age of 16, when he dropped out of school to work for a Norwegian shipbroking company. As the son of a welder at the Oslo shipyard, Fredriksen said that entering the shipping industry was a major part of his life. It was decided, "I am passionate about going all over the world, and shipping was a very important industry in Norway at that time."

At the age of 27, Frederickson embarked on an adventure alone-transporting Iraqi oil during the armed conflict between Iraq and Iraq and the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War.

Although many people are avoiding this huge risk, Frederickson saw a huge opportunity.

He cautiously measured the possible outcome of the conflict between Iran and Iran, and used his keen mind to formulate a nearly perfect transportation plan, so that he quickly accumulated his wealth.

Compared with many ambitious shipowners who lack funds, his initial strategy is nothing special. Frederickson established his business by signing cargo transportation contracts with customers on unconventional routes.

At first, his strategy was to always obtain goods and purchase ships cheaper than competitors. When there is a contract for the carriage of goods, it will be much easier to obtain control of the ship whether through purchase or time charter.

At that time, as a young man, he quickly traveled around the world. In the Middle East, Singapore, Indonesia, he obtained many cost-effective goods contracts, and then he managed to obtain them in Cairo, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and many other places. Cargo contract.

In the shipping industry, goods are king. Once you show others that you will work hard to transport goods, they will give you more goods.

Yang Cheng discovered from the information that John Frederickson is a businessman who values ​​the market very much. This coincides with his philosophy. The information shows that Frederickson is always looking for opportunities to ensure that he Able to buy when the price is low, he will always pay attention to new ship orders, economic prospects, and look for development trends. When the market appears, he must firmly grasp it.

Here comes the point. In the material, I wrote this paragraph in bold font:

In an industry that is famous for its rhetoric, Frederickson is very cautious in his words. Whether in conversation or reviewing business, he likes streamlined communication. In the face of complex shipping transactions, his expression Style is simply a challenge. Before studying a proposal, he has an important criterion: "If a transaction cannot be explained clearly in half a sheet of paper, I will not be interested."

Seeing this, Yang Cheng couldn't help but rubbed his temples, unconsciously reached out his hand and took a sip of chocolate. The warm and sweet taste made Yang Cheng's head very clear, and he knew how to deal with this "pirate king".

The following information analyzes the "pirate king" in detail. In addition to his cautious and capable style, he is also a du bet who dares to place du bets and is very generous.

This generosity reflects the difference between him and his competitors. Frederickson is very happy to invest his wealth in transactions that are beneficial to his investors, and to get rich returns with investors.

"When there is extra money, we will return it to those who support us." This is what Frederickson said personally. The reference to what he called "extra money" in reality is the company's past few years. A total of nearly US$12 billion in dividends were paid to shareholders in the past ten years, which also allowed him to obtain the support of the world's largest and smartest shipping investors, including Fidelity, Soros and Viking Global, all of whom are shipping A close partner of the Empire.

A paragraph of investor’s evaluation of Frederickson is attached to the information, saying that Frederickson’s attraction lies in that investors can truly become shareholders of the company.

Contrary to the disproportionate return of investing in other companies, Frederickson pays himself and other shareholders the same amount of dividends per share. "Because we receive the same amount of dividends per share, you will feel that you He is equal to him," said the investor. "He has surpassed others in the industry and is far ahead because he is a true entrepreneur, and he is doing more than just running a company~www.wuxiaspot. com~ You can feel his love for this industry, and you can see his eyes gleaming when he discusses the shipping industry."

Yang Cheng couldn't help but sigh, how could he not meet such a good entrepreneur? Generally speaking, there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the owner and the investor of a company. This contradiction is that the owner believes that everything about the company is created by himself. Why should others share it with him?

Since investors have made venture investments, they are bound to ask for a return. After all, there is no free lunch in this world.

And Frederickson has done a very good job on this point. He not only made himself a great fortune, but also made investors satisfied, enough to see this person’s greatness and dare to place du bets. At the same time, he is willing to share with others, it seems that this person has no faults.

This made Yang Cheng admire, but at the same time could not help but feel a headache. This person can deal with his shortcomings. How can he deal with no shortcomings?

Well, even if you don't know what to say, the two sides are in a position of equal cooperation, and some weaknesses must be exposed. Otherwise, who can rest assured to cooperate with you? Integrity? That thing is less valuable than in the capital world.


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