Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 908: Threatening mail (2)

Bjorn was full of praise for the "Pizza" garden, but Yang Cheng was pretending to have something in his heart, and did not dwell too much on this topic. After a few people sat down, Recosta said, "Mr. Yang, about Norwegian Airlines' investment. ,How is your considering?"

After adding a word to both parties, Recosta shut up and stopped speaking. Yang Cheng had long received the report from the investigation team and had made a decision in his mind. "This case has been formally established within the company. CEO Ryze Khan will Responsible for the formal contract signing, Mr. Jos stays safe."

Bjornjos is very determined. He has been active in London recently and met with many investment fund representatives. The results are horrible. Basically, everyone has the same view of Norwegian Airlines. They have reached the ceiling and there is no room for improvement. In the event of bankruptcy, the only way to go is to be annexed by giants, so everyone is unwilling to spend huge sums of money in exchange for insignificant profits.

It was not until I met Recosta under the introduction of a friend and met Yang Cheng with the help of this rising star in the zheng world. Bjorn’s heart disease was resolved. To this day, Yang Cheng personally confirmed the investment commitment. People become more relaxed, just like losing 5 pounds.

However, Yang Cheng seemed a little absent-minded today, lacking in conversation, and served the guests with Almas caviar at noon, and then a few people left with interest.

Ian El was dragged behind and was pulled by Yang Cheng and told a few words, "The team is doing well, keep it going. I hope that after the end of the season, I can at least see a heavyweight trophy."

The implication is that the Champions League and the Premier League championship must have at least one of the two. This was originally the team’s goal this year. Ian Ayre will naturally not hesitate and replied without thinking, "Yes boss, I also hope to use the championship trophy as Present to you."

After the guests had left, Yang Cheng's expression couldn't hold back anymore, and it fell to freezing point in an instant, eerie and terrible.

Carson also got Hansen's ward, walked over alone and whispered in Yang Cheng's ear, "Master, do you want to ask six places for help?"

Yang Cheng's eyelids trembled, and her heart moved a little, but he still didn't agree with it. He felt that it was not appropriate to make a public statement. If someone arranged for someone to protect himself with great fanfare, it would be easy for his opponent to take advantage of it.

Moreover, how can this group of wicked people have any credibility to talk about? So Hansen's words didn't make him take it lightly. Once the deadline expired, the opponent didn't do anything, and he waited for the security to relax. As long as he is dead, what does the murderer want to say?

Yang Cheng is not unreasonably worried. Hansen and the soldiers are straightforward and straightforward in thinking about problems. Sometimes they subconsciously ignore the enemy's cunning. These are understandable, but Yang Cheng is more worried about his own life. It is better to sit and wait for death. Taking the initiative to attack, it is really impossible, so he uprooted the damned organization, turned it into a dead person, and was safe.

Carson reminded him that this matter really had to rely on external forces, but it was not MI6, but F~B~I!

Immediately returned to the study to call Kari. Some time ago, Kari made a big splash in F~B~I and even the entire American intelligence community. While giving F~B~I a long face, he also lost C. ~I~A’s face, although due to the pressure of all parties, the bureau did not show merit to Kari, but it recorded a glorious stroke in the internal files. Next time, Kari has become a deputy in power. A strong contender for the director, at this time in the Hoover Building, became the object of worship of the bottom-level agents.

When Yang Cheng called, Kari was making coffee in the office. Although the meritorious performance he actively strived for this time failed to get him promoted immediately, the material treatment was honored immediately, but he just couldn’t stay idle. , I was thinking about taking the initiative to find something to do, Yang Cheng's call came, and when I was dozing off, someone sent a pillow.

After a brief talk with Yang Cheng, Kari said that he would do his best to help Yang Cheng catch the murderer and even destroy the ‘clown’ organization directly.

As a senior agent of F~B~I, Cary also hates this infamous "Joker". In history, this organization has made F~B~I embarrassed by many actions. So far, he has only caught it. Some people on the periphery, as for the core of the organization, they don’t even know the roots. Their information has already accumulated several bookshelves in the archives of F~B~I.

However, according to F~B~I years of investigations, it has been basically confirmed that this'clown' organization is likely to be an extreme group split from the 3~K~ party, and it has been sorted out. After the archives of the golden age in the 1920s, it was discovered that they were a biography organization.

Of course, the leaders behind it have great ambitions. In the heyday of the K-K Party, there were as many as 60,000 members. These members were not stragglers, but core members who paid their dues. This core circle is extremely exclusive and controlled by society. People at all levels have no similar characteristics in age and From the ZF high-level to the low-level poor, everyone can join.

Then, use these core members to hook up a huge sales network to promote various products, and let these core members have money to make and serve the organization with all their heart.

However, in the mid-1990s, due to various reasons, the 3~K~ party continued to break out of disagreements and even spawned conflicts and struggles. This prosperous organization has since disappeared from people's vision.

And F~B~I believes that the “clown” is an organization originally established by some unwilling high-level leaders of the 3~K~ Party to do things that conform to their ideas, such as stepping on all people of color under their feet. .

After listening to Kari’s explanation, Yang Cheng’s heart became heavier. It seems that this organization has existed for so many years and has not been destroyed. It can't even touch the edge of the core. It can be seen how powerful the forces behind it are, but why should they stare? What about yourself?

Cary couldn’t think of the reason. In addition to black people, there are some white people who openly support racial equality. Of course, they are all celebrities with social influence, but they seem to be aimed at yellow people. This is the first time.

Yang Cheng wanted to cry without tears, she was really beeping a dog, and she could find herself no matter what bad luck.

"Kari, do your best. Just call me if you need it. You should also understand that the meaning of my life is far greater than that of death."

Yang Cheng vaguely warned that he was worried that Kari would not work hard, so he had to put pressure in this way. Of course, he thought too much. Kari knew the positive meaning of Yang Cheng's existence for him. It can be said that he jumped up so quickly. , Is inseparable from Yang Cheng's assistance, so if anyone does not want to see Yang Cheng accident, Kari is definitely one of them.

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