Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 909: Beckham's thanks

Outsiders are not aware of all the changes in Beihai Manor, but the Beckhams who came to thank the manor were very nervous by the five-step, one-post, ten-step and ten-step sentinel atmosphere in the manor. They went through three routine inspections alone. At the checkpoint, from the gate to the private road of the castle, there are patrol cars passing by from time to time, carrying heavily armed soldiers!

In fact, he should be fortunate that if the faces of their couple are not known all over the world, and it is almost impossible to be an assassin, then they will face more than three inspections.

The 24-hour comprehensive three-dimensional security measures are sufficient to ensure that every dead corner of Beihai Manor will not be missed, and every servant carries the latest military identification certificate. Without this certificate or the certificate does not correspond to the person, It is completely impossible to enter the manor’s castle.

The servants were told that the manor was undergoing security drills. Although there were quite a few words in private, everyone was used to it. Windsor Castle held similar drills every year. This was a sign of the masters' lives.

But the Beckhams, who had been to the manor before and noticed the ups and downs after a week, felt a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, Carson showed up in time to explain, and the reason was also the security exercise.

Yang Cheng saw the twitching Xiaobei and his wife in the living room, because every corner of their eyes was spotted bodyguards in black suits with cold faces. They stood with their hands behind their hands, and a pair of eagle eyes swept through the monitor at a uniform speed. , Perhaps because of the murderous intent on them, the Beckhams felt their breathing slowed down involuntarily.

"Hey, don't be nervous. A little thief entered the castle a few days ago. Although it did not cause substantial damage, it is not reassuring. I took the opportunity to do an exercise to avoid the same thing from happening." Yang Cheng smiled cordially. The embarrassment of Xiaobei and his wife was resolved, and his explanation was more reasonable, and Xiaobei had no doubt.

He sighed in relief and joked, "I was scared to death. I thought something major had happened, and I didn't breathe a breath all the way in."

Victoria agreed and nodded, "Yes, so do I~"

Yang Cheng's heart was also heavy, but the expression on her face was very relaxed, and she said meaningfully, "Who made me cherish my life."

The woman’s instincts told Victoria that Yang Cheng’s actions might not be as simple as exercises, but she was clever and didn’t speak, and took the initiative to divert the topic, “Don’t talk about this, jason, we’re here to thank you especially, thanks to Your media has dealt with it, and the outside world has finally shifted the focus from David."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't care, since I invested in your brand, I naturally don't want my investment to be lost."

Beckham smiled and said, "That's right, but your Chinese custom is courtesy. I think it makes sense. So I went to the Canterbury auction house. The trustee bought a lot in advance. This is from the ancient Z country. National treasure."

After all, I personally took out a very old-looking bronze from the carrying box. The shape is very similar to the current teapot. The shape of the tiger on the lid is very delicate. The patina on the surface proves the vicissitudes of this antique. .

Yang Cheng doesn’t know this antique, but he knows it must have an extraordinary origin. Looking at the shape and material, it is likely to come from the Shangzhou period. At that time, bronzes were popular, and dragons and tigers were used as decorations, but he didn’t know what it was called. After all, he is not a professional archeologist.

After reading the instructions provided by the auction house, I realized that this object was named "Tiger Ying (ying. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, it was looted from the Old Summer Palace by the British. This kind of ritual vessel has been collected by the royal family for thousands of years. It is said that there are only 7 known "ying" type bronze wares in the world, and 5 of them are collected in major museums. This "tiger" It is also the only one kept in private hands, and no one knows where the remaining one is.

This is a well-deserved national treasure antique, Yang Cheng is very happy, "David, you have a heart, this antique should cost a lot?"

David shrugged, "No matter how expensive it is, our friendship is not as precious. In fact, I entrusted a friend to help, and Canterbury did not set up obstacles. The price of 350,000 pounds is not too expensive."

Yang Cheng thought it would cost one million pounds, but if it was only more than 300,000 pounds, he would be disrespectful, "Thank you, I love this gift very much, and I must cherish it."

After finishing talking, Carson waved his hand, "Take care of security measures and put him in the showcase in the corridor in front of my bedroom."

"Yes, master, you will see this baby every day you wake up."

After the gift was given, Yang Cheng left Xiaobei and his wife to entertain them with a caviar Japanese meal. This was the last stock. Two 64-ounce boxes of Almas worth $50,000 were eaten.

After Xiaobei and his wife left, Yang Cheng personally watched the servants put the "tiger" in the vacuum display cabinet and locked it. It could only be opened by fingerprints, passwords and keys.

When the laser light is on, the dim “tiger” immediately becomes noble and sacred. The rotating tray below rotates at an extremely slow speed, ensuring that the glorious history of the treasure can be appreciated from any angle.

Beckham's gift is considered to be delivered to the heart, and the things that others don't have are precious, far more meaningful than giving a supercar.

However, there are still business affairs that affect his mind. After enjoying it, he left the corridor and went to the security room on the basement floor. As many as 8 security personnel again faced hundreds of surveillance cameras, shifting every 4 hours. , To ensure that security personnel will not be distracted due to fatigue, resulting in fatal negligence.

Hansen was also in the security room. Seeing Yang Cheng coming in, he quickly got up and said hello, "Boss, why are you here."

Yang Cheng motioned for him to sit, and she took a chair and sat down. He was a little dizzy looking at the hundreds of screens in front of him.

Hansen replied truthfully, "So far, we haven't found any suspicious activity. I have sent a team member to put on casual clothes and go outside the manor to conduct investigations on those who stayed for no reason."

Yang Cheng nodded. Hansen is professional in this regard. He will not arbitrarily command blindly. This is a matter of his own life, so he can't help being willful.

"That's good. If you have any needs, please mention it, and you must let the brothers rest." Yang Cheng cared about it, paused, and asked, "If it were you, facing such a tight security line, How would you plan an action to assassinate me?"

Yang Cheng would not underestimate those professional killers who seem to be brain-disabled. Those who have undergone rigorous training can always find security loopholes and wait for their mobile hands.

He is so nervous, and it’s not unreasonable worry. He is the chief comrade Guanhai in the United States. He receives tens of thousands of threatening emails almost every day. Among them, many of them are put into action. The reason why the assassination is not successful is because of the protection team. It took a huge effort to the point where the matter was fine, otherwise he would have never known how many times he had died.

And compared to the general security measures, what Hansen is doing now is just pediatrics. Take the "Air Force One" on which Comrade Guanhai is riding, unlike leaders of other countries, other people may only be equipped with a special plane for visits. However, Comrade Guanhai was sitting in a plane, and there was another one next to him for emergencies. Therefore, "Air Force One" was also called a "Mandarin Duck". No one knew which "Air Force" Comrade Guanhai was in. One", the two planes are exactly the same, there is no difference.

Moreover, the safety measures of the aircraft itself are even more impeccable. "Air Force One" can interfere with the enemy's radar at an altitude of 8000 meters, turning it into a "blind man"; when being tracked by a missile, it can launch flares to confuse the enemy. ; Once it encounters an atomic bomb explosion, it can also produce a high-tech "protective shield" in an instant to ensure that the sensitive electronic equipment on board is not disturbed.

After landing, the special plane is equipped with a special car called "Beast". It is produced based on the truck structure. It is a veritable super bulletproof armored car. The American secret service agency has participated in the production of this car. , It’s not hard to imagine that this car will be even cooler than the cars in the 007 only windows of the “Beast” are the side windows that are located on the right side of the rear seat and those used by the driver. A car window can be raised and lowered by only a few centimeters; the thickness of the window is up to 12 cm, and the thickness of the front windshield is up to 15 cm; the weight of the door is equivalent to the weight of the Boeing 757 aircraft door, and ordinary sniper gun bullets don’t want to penetrate this layer. Armor.

Not only that, it can also resist chemical weapons attacks, and is equipped with automatic oxygen supply equipment, tear gas and automatic weapons and other weapons and equipment, as well as first aid equipment that can be used for blood transfusion in emergency situations, and the protection of the company is almost reached. To the point of nitpicking.

The above is just a last-dest protection method for close individuals. Generally speaking, if Comrade Guanhai participates in public gatherings, at least a thousand soldiers or JC must be the first line of defense to maintain order at the outermost periphery, and at least 20 people must be arranged. Snipers occupy all commanding heights, and no less than 24 mobile armed groups are ready to respond to unexpected accidents.

Compared with this kind of protection, Yang Cheng's caution is really insignificant.

When facing death threats, you can’t be too careful. At least Yang Cheng has not suffered nearly 30 death threats a day like Comrade Guanhai. Who is the most dangerous profession in the world? In history, the United States A total of 9 general tongs suffered a life-and-death crisis, of which 4 died and 5 survived. If this rigorous protection was lost, Comrade Guanhai would have died many times.

It should be understood that assassinations do not only exist in violent attacks. For example, toxins are also a very effective means. Comrade Guanhai often receives letters containing ricin.

All in all, facing the threat of organizations with a glorious history of assassinations, Yang Cheng still feels that the current security measures are not tight enough. Why would it be troublesome?

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