Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 923: The bride price (2)

"Italian people are optimistic and enthusiastic. If we live on the shores of Lake Como, we will inevitably have a good relationship with our neighbors. Partying is the best way." Luo Yue looked at the villa introduction video being played by Pad, and couldn't help but yearn for it. Tao.

McAndrew hurriedly answered, "Yes, Italians have an innate enthusiasm for gatherings. This is also the necessity for the terrace to be designed.

And the whole villa has a construction area of ​​1100 square meters, with many arcades and walkways, and beautiful scenery everywhere.

The main building is divided into 5 floors, which is very suitable for families with large populations. Occasionally guests can also have enough room guarantee. A special elevator is installed in the villa to connect all floors. Even if there are elderly people, it is very convenient to go up and down. "

Luo Yue took Yang Cheng's arm, "I like the Gothic spire design, which is elegant and heavy. It must be a sense of ceremony to live here."

Yang Cheng smiled and did not answer. Although everyone despised nobles, no one would refuse if they had the opportunity to live a noble life, especially a girl like Luo Yue, who always lived with a little princess in his heart.

McAndrew flattered, "The lady has elegant taste, because the villa is built on high ground, and each floor has an excellent view, and you can experience the highest quality of life in any corner.

In addition, on the ground and first floor of the villa, there is a 110-square-meter garage, restaurant and entrance and exit doors.

The first floor leads to the second floor and the second floor with private toilets, dressing rooms and three large master suites, each with bathroom; the entire third floor is the master’s room, equipped with their own summer and winter cloakrooms. Spa bathroom, and a studio study room where you can manage your business comfortably;

The fourth floor is equipped with a very spacious living room, dining room, kitchen and a bathroom. The open structure allows sunlight to pour down unobstructed. Even in winter, it cannot hinder the warm intake; the top floor layout is particularly clever, with a full-size room Gymnasium, private audio-visual room and semi-outdoor viewing platform are also great places to enjoy the intoxicating beauty of Lake Como.

Every room in the house is carefully designed to maximize the natural light inside. Through every window facing the lake, you can enjoy the moving scenery. The whole mansion is designed with great thoughts and shows the original The owner's extraordinary taste can let people get rid of their worries and park in their own soul harbor. After investors like Mr. Yang take over, they don't need to change at all, and they can move in with their bags. "

Just as Yang Cheng was about to speak, McAndrew added apologetically, “I’m sorry I forgot to say that, the property also has two outer buildings that are independent of the main building. These two buildings are ingeniously designed and flexible.

The first outer building has multiple bedrooms and living rooms with dedicated toilets, a kitchen, and supporting entertainment space. This is a space for housekeepers and servants, because the original owner is used to taking care of himself and No servants were hired, so this building has been vacant since its completion, but there are dedicated cleaning staff to clean it every month, so it will not delay the use, please rest assured;

As for the second outer building, it is a pure entertainment space, with a large bar with a fireplace and a hunting showroom. Of course, a kitchen that can be used for barbecue parties is essential.

In addition, Mr. George Clooney’s residence is located on the lakeside not far from the property. Although the two properties share a wide and private road, they will never disturb each other. And as far as I know, Mr. George Clooney often uses speedboats. In and out. "

Yang Cheng nodded and looked at Luo Yue, "How about? Do you like it? If you like it, buy it. From now on, we can come and stay for a few days every season. Lake Como has a season and a scene, and I pay more for the scenery. It's worth it."

Of course Luo Yue likes it, and she likes it from the heart. What moved her more was Yang Cheng's intentions. She didn't buy a set of extremely expensive jewelry to fool her. What else could she say? Wouldn't it be a waste of Yang Cheng's heart to refuse?

"Thank you, I like it very much."

Yang Cheng touched Luo Yue's hair affectionately, and shrugged at McAndrew, "Did you hear? When can I move in?"

McAndrew resisted the desire to celebrate with a fist. The corners of his mouth were almost pulled behind his ears, and he shouted in his heart, "This is the top rich man. Buying a house is the same as buying cabbage."

"Of course, Mr. Yang, I really envy you to have such a beautiful woman. I hope you can spend a happy life on the shore of Lake Como. I will go through the handover procedures as quickly as possible." McAndrew promised.

From the beginning to the end, the two of them did not talk about the price issue. In fact, this luxury house with countless added values ​​is really not expensive. It may also be related to the overall economic downturn in Italy. Even the permanent land use rights and various taxes are added. But more than 4 million euros, if a house of the same level is placed in London or Los Angeles, it will at least triple.

After a worry was resolved, Yang Cheng felt that the wound was not so hot and painful, and let Carson take care of the next work. He took Luo Yue's little hand and returned to his bedroom on the second floor, and pointed at the big chuang. You can sleep here at night, I will sleep downstairs."

Luo Yue looked at Yang Cheng in surprise, as if he had met him for the first time, and smiled meaningfully, "I thought you would take the opportunity to eat me."

Yang Orange smiled bitterly, "What, am I that kind of person? Besides, looking at my arm, it's not easy to move."

Luo Yue suddenly realized, "I almost forgot that you are a patient. I said how you changed the evil and returned to the right."

The last time she was in the Atlantis Hotel in the Bahamas, she lay down on a piece of * because she believed Yang Cheng’s nonsense. If it hadn’t happened to be in time for a visit from relatives that day, she would have been eaten and wiped out. She was mentally prepared for things sooner or later, not to mention that she was not disgusted with Yang Cheng, and some things happened naturally.

However, good luck makes good things happen. Until now, the two have not broken the final bottom line. It is really unimaginable for Yang Cheng. However, he is really not in a hurry. Anyway, it will be his sooner or later, and good food is not afraid of late.

Luo Yue was joking, even if Yang Cheng wanted to stay and sleep together, she couldn't agree, because she was afraid that it would be bad if she turned over and pressed the wound while sleeping.

Later, Yang Cheng personally took Luo Yue to visit the castle briefly. Compared with Jason Manor on Beverly Hills, Beihai Manor's profound historical heritage and highly research-worthy architectural features deeply attracted Luo Yue. After a while, he drove Yang Cheng away to rest, and took the close maid that Carson arranged for her to play around.

There is no need to worry about what happened in the manor, Yang Cheng will leave her fiancée. After all, she will also be the hostess of Beihai Manor, and it is not a bad thing to be familiar with her own territory earlier.

Instead, he himself did not lie down obediently, but came to the basement with a dead face.

An vacant warehouse in the corner of the basement was converted into a temporary detention room. Two prisoners who had been beaten into pigs, who had not seen their true colors for a long time, were firmly tied to chairs. Hansen and Andrew went into battle and took turns. Waiting, there is no progress so far, Yang Cheng and others are impatient.

"Is the mouth so hard?" Yang Cheng opened the door and looked in for a while, then asked dissatisfiedly.

Hansen smiled bitterly, "Boss, if they are simply trained in Lingxun, I have many ways to make them speak, but these brainwashed guys have completely lost their pain nerves and can't feel the fear of pain. "

The two had long since been removed from their old costumes. The slightly younger-looking "pig head" suddenly grinned at Yang Cheng and sneered, "Is it just so capable? Yellow monkey?"

The corner of Yang Cheng's mouth twitched, with a trembling chill in her eyes, "I'm not afraid of pain? That's right, I have always been particularly interested in anatomy, but how boring is to dissecting small animals? It's still interesting to live people."

Seeing that the young man showed a contemptuous look even though his face was swollen, Yang Cheng said nothing, and directly ordered Hansen to act, "Start with a finger, cut off a finger in a ~ Cut off the toes after the fingers are cut off, cut off the ears and eyes if the toes are gone, cut off the meat after the organs are cut off, should he be able to cut his tendons for 2 hours?"

As soon as I said this, let alone the young people. Even Christmas was horrified. The corners of their mouths were shaking and they didn’t know what to say. Hansen and Andrew also looked at Yang Cheng dumbfounded, as if they were saying: Boss, you still have this Kind of operation?

But at this time, I can’t hold back Yang Cheng. Hansen quickly adjusted his emotions and showed a cruel smile, “It’s the boss, I like this job. Wait for me to get the knife.”

Andrew also reacted, smiling more terribly than Hansen, and the big white tooth was particularly dazzling under the yellow light, "I want to do it myself. I have never played such a fun thing before, this time I have an addiction."

The young man was a little broken by the three masters and servants of Yang Orange, and shouted, "Scare who? Are you afraid that you haven't seen blood yet? Be careful not to faint!"

Christmas turned his head laboriously and gave Xiao Young a look. Just now, most of Hansen and Andrew’s fists were entertaining him. Xiao Young only looked miserable, but it was Christmas that was more injured. He wanted to scold him. The idiot told him to shut up. He could see that Yang Cheng could definitely do it. At this time, continue to stimulate. Isn't it just pulling the tiger's tail and calling for help-death?

Sure enough, Hansen quickly went down with two small machetes and threw one to Andrew. As soon as he was about to do it, he was preempted by the eager Andrew, his eyes signaled Yang Cheng that he was ready.

Originally, according to the routine, Yang Cheng should give them one last chance, waiting for them to swear, and then announce to do it, but Yang Cheng did not follow the routine and said blankly, "Do it~"


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