Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 924: Finger



"Bitch, fuck~"

Thanks to Andrew's fast enough movements, of course the knife is sharp enough. With a single cut, the little young finger landed on the ground. As for his painful cry of piercing the sky, Yang Cheng selectively ignored it.

The corner of Carson's eyes twitched. The scene was too **** to watch, so he went out to watch the door.

Andrew was unmoved by the blood sprayed on his face. He had seen even more **** scenes. Before, he had never expected that Yang Cheng, a man who had never been on the battlefield, could come up with such a cruel method.

Not afraid of pain? There is no such thing, the young man has turned pale with pain, and Yang Cheng disdain, "The barbarians who have a history of only a few hundred years, dare to fight against the Chinese who have thousands of years of ancestors? I am afraid that they are dead words. Right?"

Ignoring Xiaoyoung’s curse, his calm face, his upper lip touched his lower lip, "Continue~"

Andrew is naturally obedient to Yang Cheng's words, and he is familiar with the interrogation routines. The young man's defense line cannot be stabilized. At this time, he must step up his offensive, otherwise he will fall short.

No nonsense, with the same rhythm and the same voice, the poor ring finger has not escaped bad luck, lying quietly next to the little finger, this scene is much more terrifying than the horror film.

Andrew put away the knife and touched the back of his head embarrassedly, "Sorry, I didn't control it well, I cut a little bit more~"

Yang Cheng glanced at it, and it turned out that Andrew's knife had just scratched the young man's left middle finger. Half of it had been drooped outside. He was smiling, or Andrew was stunned, and shrugged indifferently, "Then you can help him. Busy, just chop it down, it's more than half unsightly."

When Andrew heard this, the knife flashed, "Ah~~~"

Xiaoyoung almost fainted in pain. In fact, he did want to faint. He didn't have his fingers chopped off during training.

I can't bear Christmas, but I can't say anything, so I can't see it, I close my eyes and recharge my energy, maybe it's his turn anytime.

After finishing the chop, Andrew stepped aside and left the position to Hansen. Just now he was afraid that Hansen could not bear to do it, so he took the initiative to give Hansen a sample. He was kind, but how could Hansen not bear it? These two **** almost caused him to change his destiny. They have the heart to kill him. What is it to chop off a few fingers?

After he took over, he didn't need Yang Cheng to greet him, and he chopped it directly, one, two, or three~ No chance for the young man to speak at all, and he didn't even have time to shout in pain.

"Crazy~you are a bunch of lunatics, fuck, fuck, fuck~" The young man was so gut-hearted, his eyes were almost staring out, and the pig-headed face was extremely scary.

Yang Cheng drew his ears, "Go ahead? What are you waiting for? He won't say half of the time, don't waste time."

"You will go to hell~" Before the young man's curse was finished, he only left the ring finger and little finger of his right hand. How could this perfectionist Yang Cheng tolerate it, the symmetry is so beautiful, just about to greet Hansen to continue cutting , Xiaoyoung finally collapsed, even if the perfect defense line suffered such successive blows, there were times when it could not be supported.

"Stop, stop, I said, don't cut it, fuck!" the young man wailed.

At Christmas, I suddenly opened my eyes, and I was about to attack Xiaoyoung when he got upset. He was stunned by the quick-eyed Andrew, and fainted with a punch on his temple. It was quiet now. Hansen was playing with a knife, and the blade was on Xiaoyou. Dangling about a dozen centimeters in front of me.

"You~ what do you want to know?" Xiaoyoung shivered in pain, it seems that it is not without pain.

On the contrary, Yang Cheng was not in a hurry, she had already spoken, and was afraid that he would hide it? "Let’s talk about your name first? Why join the clown organization?"

The blood had flowed all over the place, and it looked very oozing, but Yang Cheng didn't mean to bandage him at all, and there was no time to die after he finished speaking.

"I~my name~Martin, my father is a member of the first 3~K~ party." Because of excessive blood loss, Martin's face was as gray as paper, a bit whiter than Yang Cheng's face before.

Yang Cheng's eyes widened in astonishment. Didn't he expect that he was still too party?

"Why are you killing me?" Yang Cheng stood there for a while and his face became pale again, but he still stepped forward and asked.

Martin laughed suddenly, the more he laughed, the louder he laughed, from the initial sneer to a frantic laugh, Yang Cheng frowned to see him get nervous, and did not stop it. Anyway, it was not his energy that was wasted.

After laughing, he didn't seem to see an angry expression on Yang Cheng's face. Martin was a little disappointed. He moved his fingerless hand, sucked in pain, and said nonchalantly, "Why? Kill if you want? How do I know why? Whatever my dad tells me to do."

Seeing that Yang Cheng didn't answer, he shouted, "Hey~ Look at me so cooperating with you, did you freeze my fingers first?"

Yang Cheng was worried that he would have another moth, so he greeted Carson at the door to fetch ice cubes and a small refrigerator, and picked them up with his fingers one by one and put them in ~ Continue talking? Otherwise, I can put it in and then I can take it out. If you cooperate well, there is still time to sew it, or it will take a long time and even the best doctor will do it. "

Martin twitched his mouth. "What?"

"Why do you want to kill me? Don't talk about the reason to kill this fool if you want to kill, I don't believe it!" Yang Cheng kicked the refrigerator, and he could kick it with a little bit of force.

Martin didn't dare to hesitate, and said excitedly, "Damn, you be careful, I really don't know why they chose you to start, maybe because you are in the limelight, killing you, our organization can be more famous."

Yang Cheng rubbed his chin thoughtfully, telling him instinctively that Martin was telling the truth, because at this point he had no need to conceal it. There was not much difference between saying one sentence and saying two sentences.

It seems that the goal is to turn to the tough guy next to him, "Who is he? What is your relationship?"

Martin grinned, "He? He is the trump card killer of our organization. The code name is Christmas. I don't know what his real name is. Bah~, he is also the trump card killer. He was caught so easily, waste."

Speaking of Christmas, Martin was full of disdain and seemed to be grieving.

Yang Cheng frowned. It seemed that he couldn't ask anything from Martin, so he told Andrew, "Take people out and let the doctor try to sew them. It depends on this kid's luck."

It happened that the doctor who was in charge of observing his injury hadn't left yet, but it was cheaper for this kid, otherwise, when he went to the hospital, there would be no need for stitches.

After the people left, Yang Cheng did not rush to wake up the unconscious Christmas. He always felt that this clown organization was inextricably linked to the mist that had been shrouding him before.

After pondering for a long time, I decided to ask in person.


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