Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 930: Pharaoh's curse (1)

   In the end, Earl Carnarvon still did not refuse the old man's affectionate plea, and agreed to Klin staying in the castle as a manager.

   Yang Cheng is happy to see this. Klin has the most orthodox British noble butler service, which is definitely a novel experience of long-sightedness for the guests who come to stay.

   And Klin is right. His advantage is not only reflected in the service. His understanding of the castle is by no means comparable to the managers hired from outside, which is particularly important in the operation of the hotel.

Afterwards, the group came to the small banquet hall to have a meal. At the dinner table, several people chatted about the history of the Kanavin family. Yang Cheng was particularly interested in the Egyptian pharaoh. "Although it is a bit presumptuous, I am really curious. I just During the visit, I did not see any treasures discovered by the Earl’s great-grandfather in Egypt."

Count Carnarvon smiled bitterly, "Mr. Yang may not believe it. Mr. Howard Carter, who completed the pioneering work in the archaeological world, found a golden mask, a throne studded with gems, and a golden ancient Chariots, white vases like jade, beautifully carved golden beds and golden chairs;

Every cultural relic unearthed in    is a world-class treasure. What's more against the sky is the unearthed golden flip flops and golden daggers made of meteorites from the sky. All kinds of phenomena show that the magic of ancient Egyptian pharaohs is by no means artificial.

  My great-grandfather also had a record in his family book. He witnessed the unearth of these rare treasures and sent someone to make 1:1 imitations and place them in his home for future generations to admire.

Strange things followed. Mr. Howard Carter found several pharaoh’s curse inscriptions on the walls of Tutanmunka’s tomb during his archaeology. Among them, “Who disturbed the peace of this pharaoh, the wings of death” Coming over his head, people who had been blinded by miracles at that time would naturally not believe these nonsense.

Until the archaeologists who excavated the tomb suddenly died one after another without any warning, 19 people died one after another, including my great-grandfather. The outside world has different opinions on this, and the most accepted one is that the great-grandfather died of sepsis. The cause was being bitten by a mosquito. This absurd statement was overthrown by my grandfather.

Since then, our family has been very taboo about this matter. At least at family gatherings, no one dared to mention it easily. Of course, I can’t deny the imitations brought back by the great-grandfather. Some of the small objects are actually unearthed artifacts. They were only brought back to private collections in the name of imitations, and they were all sealed in a warehouse in the basement.

Originally, I thought that the matter disappeared with the passage of time, so I sent someone to pack up the cultural relics and imitations and prepare them to be exhibited on the castle’s open day for visitors to see. However, in the following year or so, several servants were sent to collect the cultural relics. People died of illness one after another due to various reasons, which made me have to believe in the'Pharaoh's curse', and the room was closed again by me. No one has opened it yet. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Klin, who had gone out at the beginning of the topic, came back with a thick old notebook, "This is some information we have collected about this bizarre incident, including the hands of the fifth generation Earl. recording."

Yang Cheng took it rather unacceptably. First, he carefully opened the autograph of the fifth Earl of Carnarvon. The paper turned yellow, and the pen and ink texts became lighter and lighter as the years passed, but they didn’t. Does not hinder reading.

   He read it aloud as he watched it so that other people could hear it. In fact, William was also curious about it. Even if he was a prince, he had not known much before.

   Yang Cheng skipped the previous preparation process, and read directly from the section where Earl Carnarvon found the tomb:

"On the afternoon of the 26th, we found the entrance to the Land of Miracles in the steep underground passage at the foot of a pyramid in the'Valley of Kings' in Egypt. Howard and I had serious faces. In order to find this tomb, Howard had paid a lot. Ten years of hard work, in order to support him, I also spent a lot of money and time in 8 years, success or failure in one fell swoop.

  In front of us is the gate of an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh’s tomb that has been closed for more than three thousand years.

   We took deep breaths one after another to suppress the excitement and tension in our hearts.

   Finally, Howard couldn't bear it, and cautiously chipped away a corner of the tomb door. I followed him closely and opened my eyes to look in.

  As the entrance of the cave expanded, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

   Howard raised the torch with a trembling hand and looked in, without speaking for a long time.

   I was worried that something might happen, and I was holding back my desires, but after a long time, I finally couldn't hold back, and asked in a hoarse voice: Have you seen anything?

   Howard immediately turned around, with a wonderful light in his eyes, stammering to me: I saw a miracle, a great miracle! We are going to personally open the door of miracles!

   I couldn't wait to take the flashlight that Carter handed over, and when I looked inside, I was shocked. In front of my eyes, a pile of gold-coated chariots appeared vaguely, yes, all of them were golden!

   A couch decorated with huge gilded lions and monsters, a tall statue of a king (I learned later that it was the golden coffin of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and countless boxes and cages.

   This is the tomb of Tutankhamun, the youngest pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of ancient

   Although Pharaoh Tutankhamun only ruled the ancient Egyptian empire for 9 years, he mysteriously died at the age of 18 in 1323 BC.

  I think this young pharaoh would never have thought that after being buried for thousands of years, someone would disturb a place to sleep, and even become a world-renowned news figure!

   When we recovered from the shock, the tomb search began.

Tutankhamun’s tomb is located at the foot of the cliff of the Valley of the Kings in ancient Egypt, which is specially used to bury the pharaohs. It is very hidden and fragile. If you are careless, it may be completely buried and be buried with the pharaoh. So every time we go Every step is very careful.

  After our investigation, the entire tomb is composed of 4 burial chambers. The jewels scattered on the ground indicate that tomb robbers once sneaked into the tomb chamber, but they did not take anything. This is a very puzzling thing.

   Howard and I speculated that it was possible that the tomb robber was frightened by some accident and fled in a hurry, and to prevent outsiders from knowing, the tomb door was later resealed.

   With all kinds of doubts, Howard and I did our part to survey the tombs one by one. The tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun is like a museum with extremely rich collections.

   There are more than 5,000 pieces of jewelry, handicrafts, furniture, clothing, cosmetics, and various weapons in the tomb. Each item is enough to become a treasure of a museum! "

   (unfinished... Continue to the next chapter~)

  :. :

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