Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 931: Pharaoh's curse (2)

Yang Cheng’s voice sounded in this banquet hall without any haste. Everyone, including Earl Carnarvon, who had read this notebook many times a long time ago, was immersed in the world described by the text, as if he had become an explorer. Follow Howard Carter and the fifth Earl of Carnarvon to explore the land of miracles.

I picked up a water cup and drank water to moisturize my throat, turned a page and continued reading, "I don't know for what reason, the front room of Tutankhamun's mausoleum turned out to be pink. Maybe it's our flashlight and the corruption in the air in the mausoleum. The light effect produced by the combination of matter?

   Of course, this is not the point. We found three golden chuangs carved into monster shapes on all sides, resting in the center of the front room.

Next to   chuang are two life-sized statues of black guards standing opposite each other. They are wearing golden skirts and holding hammers and spears. They are mighty and weird.

  In the tomb room, we also found a bowl filled with ash. We guess this was used by the craftsman at the time when sealing the tomb.

   I don't know any careless worker who left a fingerprint on the surface of the bowl, which is still visible after a thousand years.

   continued to move forward and came to the coffin room, guarded by two statues of warriors, there were 4 golden shrines, a crystal sarcophagus and three coffins.

  The inner coffin is made of pure gold, and it is engraved with the famous words of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun-I saw yesterday; I know tomorrow.

   This sentence gave us a great shock. Howard stroked the engraved text obsessively. He seemed to believe that the ancient Egyptian pharaoh possessed the prophecy.

   Then, we saw the young pharaoh Tutankhamun lying in the coffin. He was wearing a large golden mask. Howard and I were shocked to add, because this mask was almost exactly the same as his own appearance.

   And the most amazing thing is that after an X-ray examination, it was discovered that a scar on the mask was almost exactly the same as the scar on the face of the Pharaoh himself, but the thickness was slightly different.

   The young pharaoh looked sad and quiet. We unconsciously held our breath and did not dare to touch it easily with our hands. We could only observe as best we could, without letting go of any detail.

   The pharaoh has a collar made of rosary beads and flower-shaped sculptures on his chest. His hands hold shackles and hooks. Although the colors of cornflowers, lilies, and lotus have peeled off, they are still faintly distinguishable.

   Howard believed that this collar was presented by the young queen of Pharaoh at the time before the coffin was placed.

   There is also a mural in the tomb, which shows the scene of this young and energetic pharaoh, being taken to heaven by two gods.

   Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s mummy was wrapped in a thin cloth, and was covered with collars, amulets, rings, gold and silver bracelets and various gems.

  There are also two short swords, one is gold, the other is gold-handled and iron-blade, the latter is extremely rare, because the Egyptians just learned to use iron at that time.

   So many precious cultural relics are unearthed in an ancient tomb, which is unprecedented in history.

Afterwards, it took us a full 10 years to organize these treasures and transfer them to the Egyptian National Museum in Cairo. Perhaps out of selfish desire, I privately brought back a few unimportant gadgets for my family to keep. , Let future generations remember that their ancestors once did a great thing. "

   The record of the fifth Earl of Carnarvon came to an end. After that, all the news about the "Pharaoh's Curse" was compiled by his descendants. Old newspapers were cut into pieces and pasted on the notebook.

Yang Cheng probably glanced a few times, and found that people at that time liked to be a headline party. A headline like "The Pharaohs Are Revenge" almost became a stereotype, and the subheadline was "Tutankhamun's Curse Killed Another Man". "Wait for sensational words, anyway, how to exaggerate, it is best to make readers believe it at a glance.

   As for the report, I try to adopt a positive tone as much as possible. It seems that what the reporter wrote is the truth: "The 78-year-old Lord Westbury committed suicide by jumping off the 7th floor of his London residence today.

   Lord Westbury’s son was the secretary of Howard Carter, an archaeologist who excavated Tutankhamun’s tomb. He died suddenly in his room in November last year and was in good health before his death.

   The cause of death cannot be ascertained. "

   "Mr. Howard Carter's partner Metz also died not long after. Although he continued to work with illness for a long time, it was not life-threatening, but suddenly died suddenly for unknown reasons."

   Anyway, almost as long as he can get in touch with the people who went to Tutankhamun’s tomb at that time, even if he is separated by several levels, as long as he dies, he will be called "Pharaoh's curse", and he will not pursue the real cause of death.

Yang Cheng also found even more absurd things from the paper-cuts. A report said that a man named Carter lived in the United States. The cause of death is unknown. He was the one who was held accountable by the Pharaoh for his life. He even reminded the whole world that Carter was named Howard's people must be careful, everyone may be implicated and pass away inexplicably.

   Later, seeing things getting worse, Howard Carter himself had to come forward to refute the rumors.

   He said that the so-called "ridiculous reports" such as Tutankhamun's Revenge are nothing but a "word game."

   He said that some newspapers have been mentioning the so-called danger of crossing the threshold of ancient tombs. In fact, science has proved that this kind of danger does not exist at all.

   He emphasized that scientists have proved that there are no germs in the tomb, and the results of the infection test done in the tomb also prove that the above reports are very irresponsible and absurd.

   In order to correct the audiovisual, the German Egyptologist Professor George Steindorf published an article on the pharaoh’s curse in 1933,

   tirelessly explored the sources of newspaper news and other similar reports.

   He said that Carter, who died in the United States, and Carter, an archeologist, have the same surname, and they have nothing to do with each other.

   He also found out that Westbury and his son had no direct or indirect relationship with Tutankhamun’s tomb, the migration of Chinese artifacts from the tomb, and Tutankhamun’s wood.

   After enumerating a large number of facts, he made a clear conclusion: "Pharaoh's curse" does not exist at all. There is nothing similar in ancient inscriptions.

   Howard Carter later published an article on this issue, writing: “As far as modern Egyptians are concerned, such curses and the like are not allowed in their religious traditions.

   On the contrary, the Egyptians sincerely hope to express good wishes to the dead. "

   As for the people who died one after another in a strange way, no one can actually explain it. Some people think that the ancient Egyptians might use viruses to deal with tomb robbers.

   A medical professor at Cairo University published an article saying that according to his medical examinations for many archaeologists, these people all carry a virus that can cause respiratory tract inflammation.

   He believes that the person who entered the pharaoh's tomb was infected with this virus and died of pneumonia.

   In 1983, a female doctor in France put forward another insight. She believed that it was not the virus but the mold that was fatal. Because of the many foods in the pharaoh's burial, it deteriorated over time, and due to chemical changes, various mutated molds were produced.

   In short, various theories and theories have been put forward and published by experts one after another, but so far none of them can be recognized by most people.

For the people of the Carnarvon family, they would rather believe in the existence of the "Pharaoh's curse" than believe that their great ancestor died of a mosquito. Of course, it may also have something to do with witnessing too many bizarre events with their own eyes. .

Yang Cheng closed the notebook and took a deep breath. He rationally told him that he should believe in science, but thinking of the miracles of nature, he couldn't help but slowly accept the possibility of the existence of the "Pharaoh's curse", let alone ancient Z. How many unthinkable things the country left behind was enough to make him accept this mind-boggling concept.

   And if there is no magic in the ancient Egyptians, it is not worthy to be called one of the four ancient civilizations.

However, at the moment whether the "Pharaoh's Curse" is still effective, Yang Cheng doesn't know, nor does he care. What he cares about is whether Heikelier Castle can make money for him, if it is not for seeing the current Earl of Canaveron attack the underground room. Rebelling, he really wanted to propose to reopen the room, which is a bigger gimmick than any British butler service.

After all, there is never a lack of wealthy neuroses in this world, especially Americans. They can store eggs as dinosaur eggs for half a century. They don’t believe what can happen. When they return to the United States, they will take care of them. The castle is a year and a half, studying the magic of the pharaoh in it.

Yang Cheng just wondered how to persuade Earl Carnarvon to reopen the "magical" underground so she kept silent, which caused a misunderstanding of Earl Carnarvon, "Are you not? Believe in the existence of the so-called curse?"

  William and Yang Cheng looked at each other, is it important to believe it or not? But seeing Count Carnarvon’s solemn expression, the two of them had no sense to say anything.

   Count Carnarvon was reluctant, and suddenly stood up excitedly, "That notebook is only one of twelve. The ignorant reporter only knows to earn attention, and he doesn't care if his articles will mislead others."

   Yang Cheng laughed, "Your Excellency Earl, don't get excited, we didn't question our ancestors."

Kanavin waved his hand and interrupted Yang Cheng, "Listen to me, I know the whole thing sounds incredible. For people who haven't seen it with their own eyes, the Pharaoh's curse is a fantasy, I am afraid that it is not as good as a joke, but For our Kanavin family, that is a nightmare that cannot be dissipated.

   Although Mr. Howard Carter has repeatedly denied the pharaoh curse in public, others don’t know it. Don’t we know?

   In order to avoid the curse of the Pharaoh, he hid from the United States all the way, but what happened in the end?

   still couldn't escape the bad luck. He was only 64 years old that year. His body was very healthy because of keeping exercise all the year round, let alone hidden diseases, but he passed away peacefully while sleeping? Don’t you think it’s strange? How can a normal person fall asleep and die?

   The most coincidental thing is that the day he died happened to be the day he and my great-grandfather opened the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun! "

  :. :

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