Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 936: True and false funeral goods (1)

   What happened a few months later, how can I be sure now? Yang Cheng had no choice but to evade, "I will be there if I have time."

Then Fiona discussed with Kate about the Queen’s Ball that will be held next month. All British ladies and ladies will attend. The annual Queen’s Ball can be said to be a festival for all British women. Everyone can enter. The women who danced in person are all the people who are ranked at the top of the pyramid in the British Isles, and they will become the object of envy among their compatriots throughout the year.

Luo Yue didn’t know much about these, so he couldn’t participate. Fortunately, Kate, who just met, liked Luo Yue. He took the initiative to change the topic and talked about skin care products that women are more interested in. Kate introduced a piece called'Jenny Brown's skin care products are natural cosmetics made from top ingredients such as caviar, white truffle, and matsutake. They are called'dragon blood soothing kits' and cost tens of thousands of pounds a bottle.

   It happened that Luo Yue also had it, and it was a small gift from Yang Cheng's mother Liu Yun to the future daughter-in-law, so the ladies also had a common language and had a great chat.

Yang Cheng sat down with William and the earl and brought the topic to the basement. "Your Excellency, I heard that before officially entering the tomb of Tutankhamun, Mr. Howard Carter had entered the tomb privately. There are rumors that he secretly entered the tomb. A few rare treasures have been transferred, is this rumor true?"

A trace of unnaturalness flashed across the count’s face, but he quickly concealed it and denied it, “How could it be possible? Not to mention that the place where the tomb is located is Tibe, the capital of the ancient Egyptian kingdom. The ancient Egyptian kings were buried in Therefore, because of this, tomb robbery has been rampant in this area for thousands of years. Before modern academic research was carried out, the tombs in the Valley of the Kings had been looted by tomb thieves, and Tutankhamun's funerals could still be left. It's already a miracle, and it's not difficult to understand the loss of a part.

It was discovered that King Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus and more than 5,000 luxurious funerary objects were included in the Egyptian Museum, except for a few inconspicuous small objects that were privately hidden by the great-grandfather, including the one weighing about 134.3 kilograms, made of gold The coffin of Wang, the mummy of King Tutankhamun wearing a golden mask, has been placed in the museum since the day it was unearthed, and has never left for even a day. "

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, reluctantly believed the earl’s words, but it should be said that his great-grandfather and Howard Carter only hid a few inconspicuous things. Funeral items are hailed as one of the top ten treasures in the world. What is the most among them? gold! How much do people in that era value gold? Just like the diamonds that women like now, they absolutely love it, especially in the face of massive amounts of gold, it's strange that they can bear it!

The land of ancient Egypt is densely distributed in the narrow strip around the Nile River. It is a typical hydraulic empire. Although the Nile River floods the farmland almost every year, the soil has become fertile arable land and is rich in natural resources, including gold, copper, lead, granite, Various ores, etc.

Gold is a common metal used in ancient Egypt to make jewelry. All ancient Egyptian jewelry discovered today is made of gold. The gleam of gold like the sun makes the Egyptians believe that gold can illuminate their souls and give them power. And status.

  In the minds of the ancient Egyptians, God is the ruler of the universe and Pharaoh is the king of the world. Therefore, people use precious gold to decorate the holy objects to express their piety and admiration.

   Many ancient civilizations are represented by blue, especially ancient Egypt, so lapis lazuli was the most expensive gem at the time.

   Ancient Egyptian jewelry mainly includes necklaces, earrings, crowns, bracelets, bracelets, rings, belts, amulets and pendants, etc., which are exquisitely made, complicated in decoration, and have specific meanings.

It is conceivable how valuable Tutankhamun’s funerary items are. Any one that is lost overseas can become the final piece of the auction. The family of the Earl of Carnarvon, who has been poor for several generations, can maintain the huge castle. s expenses?

  On the basis of the meager income from crew rentals and tourist visits each year?

Anyway, the more Yang Cheng thinks about it, the more he feels that there are many secrets hidden in the basement of the castle. As for whether those curses exist or not, Yang Cheng can’t explain it, but out of similar thinking, is it possible that someone has fabricated it to cover something What about things that should not be known to outsiders?

Among Tutakhamun’s burial objects, two are the most valuable and the easiest to be carried out secretly. One is the Pharaoh’s scepter, which is composed of two parts: hook and flail. It was originally an agricultural tool of the ancient Egyptians. It symbolizes the ruling power of the ruler and is used by the king and pharaoh. In the mythology, the **** Orysius is also commonly used.

The scepter is placed in the coffin of the deceased pharaoh’s mummy, which means that the supreme ruler also enjoys authority in the underworld. Therefore, Pharaoh Tutankhamun is also inseparable from these two things. You must take it with you when you enter the coffin. The scepter is exclusive to the corresponding pharaoh, and it is this uniqueness that gives the scepter unlimited value;

   The second item is the golden mask of Tutankhamun, the treasure of the town hall of the Egyptian National Museum in Cairo.

When it was discovered that year, the mask made of gold leaf was commensurate with the size of the real person's face. It just covered his face. It was embedded with gems and stained glass. The forehead was decorated with the gods of eagle and cobra, symbolizing upper and lower Egypt. Egypt uses the condor as its protector, and Lower Egypt uses the serpent as its protector);

The beard hanging below symbolizes Osiris, the **** of underworld. The exquisite production is rare in the world. It is one of the most exquisite art treasures in the world, and there have been rumors that the golden masks now placed in the museum are imitations. The authenticity has long been It disappeared. Like the classic "Mona Lisa's Smile", no one knows where the authenticity is.

   Yang Cheng squeezed his chin. When talking at noon, the atmosphere created by the earl made him nervous, and his mind was always in a trap.

   After a short rest and letting go, I have a little thought about it now. If it is as I guessed it, it will make a lot of money.

   So, he started to test, "Your Excellency, did Howard Carter copy the golden mask back then?"

   The earl hesitated and nodded, "He and his great-grandfather made two copies of the original ratio to commemorate his great feat."

   Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "What about the scepter?"

   Earl shook his head firmly, "Scepter? No, that thing is far less ornamental than the golden mask, so there is no copy."

  :. :

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