Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 937: True and false funeral goods (2)

   Regarding the scepter, the earl was very resolute in his denial, unlike when he answered the golden mask before, he hesitated.

   Yang Cheng has reason to suspect that the key to the problem lies in the golden mask.

   pretended to be regretful and said, "It's a pity that I haven't been to Egypt yet, and I have not been lucky enough to see the treasures handed down with my own eyes. It is a lifetime regret to not see the last time in my lifetime."

   It's a pity that William didn't keep up with his thoughts, otherwise it would be better to cooperate.

   Earl was not fooled, he didn't speak, and Yang Cheng couldn't pick it up by himself. He was very cunning.

In the afternoon, everyone stopped talking about the Pharaoh’s curse, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. At 8 pm, because of William’s presence, the specifications of the dinner rose by several levels. Not only did they put on the dress again, they also deliberately mute the phone to avoid Disturbed the atmosphere of the dinner.

The arrangement of guest seats in aristocratic family banquets is also very particular. In the traditional sense, the host will arrange the guests seated on the principle of men and women. Married couples will be separated because it is usually considered that the couple has enough time together. The engaged couple will be arranged to sit together so that they can talk to each other accompanied by a guardian.

In addition, you must also consider the background of each guest, and make sure that everyone has a chat partner. If it is a big festival like Christmas, dozens of guests may stay in the castle all day and eat more than one meal. It is necessary to ensure that the people sitting next to the luncheon and the dinner are different to encourage more opportunities for communication. These tasks require a lot of effort, and nobles can do it.

   Fortunately, there are not many people today. As the hostess, Fiona doesn't have to waste too many brain cells.

After the dinner began, the valet brought the meal with a silver tray in one hand, while Klin stood behind the earl, watching closely the behavior of each guest on the table. The dinner was mainly traditional British dishes, and the menu was said to have been extended. It took 200 years. Of course, with the progress of the times, the taste is more improved by combining the characteristics of Italy and France. The taste is quite good, breaking the inherent impression that British cuisine is unpalatable. After all, the dishes are made for Piaget. Not those John Bulls who can only fry fish steaks.

Seasonal vegetables and various meats are combined into a delicious dish. Among them, a classic cheese grilled lamb chop with Yorkshire pudding has received unanimous praise. Chef Paul has also received personal praise from William. This honor is enough for him to propose. The salary is required.

At the after-dinner reception, the two male servants shuttled between the guests to ensure that their glasses will not be empty. In fact, this service method is a classic "Russian" style and requires the highest number of waiters and service quality. The method of serving dishes also reveals the background of the family calmly.

   After the dinner, Yang Cheng, who was going to stay overnight, suddenly received a call from Carson. Martin, who had fallen into a certain mode of silence before, spoke under the continuous interrogation and revealed a very important situation.

   The important thing is now, Yang Cheng doesn't have the heart to stay in the Castle of Hecollier and wrangling with the earl. What kind of mask and curse are not as important as finding a murderer who wants his own life.

So he took Luo Yue to board the helicopter and hurried back to Beihai Manor. After landing, he comforted Luo Yue and asked her to rest first, and then came to the interrogation room non-stop. The impulsive posture would definitely scare him away. A vicious dog.

It’s been less than 12 hours since I left. Goodbye Martin. There is no whole piece of flesh on his body. Of course, the brother in charge of the interrogation is also kind-hearted. He didn’t remove his stitched fingers again, but the Christmas next to him was miserable. , There were still a few fingers left and now there is no one left, I am afraid it will be on par with Doraemon in the future.

   The **** and **** Martin seemed to be trembling constantly because of pain, and the painful moan was constantly in his mouth, and his spirit was lost. It is no wonder that his concentration is not as strong as that of Christmas, Martin can not bear to speak.

Yang Cheng was still wearing the dinner gown. The neat black dress without a trace of folds set off his whole body very tall and tall, exuding a mature male style. However, he is now in the **** interrogation room, and this body looks like this. Extraordinarily violated.

   But no one would pay attention to his clothes at the moment. After observing for a while, Yang Cheng motioned to Hansen behind him to wake up Martin. The method was simple. Pour a basin of icy cold water on him, not afraid that he would not wake up.



   Martin slapped a spirit, raised his head with the strength of eating nai, and saw the initiator who made him so miserable, and shouted angrily, "You **** bastard~"

   Yang Cheng's brows were slightly squeezed into the word "Chuan", "I thought you had recognized the reality. It really made me happy."

   After speaking, he turned and wanted to leave. Martin was surprised and stopped Yang Cheng excitedly, "Don't~ wait, damn, damn, I said, I said~"

   Yang Cheng turned back to face Martin again, and made a stubborn mouth, "Speak, I'm listening."

   Martin scanned the fainted Christmas with a complicated gaze, feeling that his vocal cords had been torn, causing his voice to split, and it sounded like a spent tape.

   "Don't you just want to know where our organization's headquarters is?" Martin took a few deep breaths and asked with a sneer on his face.

   Yang Cheng did not say, but waited quietly for his following.

   Martin also knows the current affairs. Before Yang Cheng scolded him, he took the initiative, "If I say we don't have a headquarters at all, would you believe it?"

   Yang Cheng's eyelid on her left eye flicked, and her pupils shrank slightly, "Are you sure you didn't joke with me, you should know that my patience has reached a critical point, and it is impossible to give you endless opportunities."

   Martin sneered, "Of course, is there any need to hide it after I'm like this?"

   Both Yang Cheng and Hansen felt that Martin should not have the need to continue lying and disturbing his sight. Obviously, Yang Cheng's anger could swallow it up at any time. Martin, who was afraid of death, wouldn't make fun of his life, right?

Hansen pondered for a moment, and stepped forward and whispered in Yang Cheng's ear, "Boss, there are indeed many mysterious organizations that never set up a headquarters. This is for safety reasons. All members use the pyramid single-line method to communicate and handover tasks. "

   Yang Cheng gave a blank expression, and slapped his lips threateningly, "Since you don’t have a headquarters, you don’t need to exist anymore~"

Before he finished his words, Martin, who was terribly scared, thought that Yang Cheng was going to kill him, and he didn't rush to sell him. He shouted, "I have it. I have use value. My father controls the contact information of nearly half of the organization members and many organizations. Confidentiality, even property, yes, property, as long as you find my father, the money will be yours."

   Martin is like grabbing the last straw, desperately suggesting that Yang Cheng has a lot of fortune waiting for him.

   Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "So, what is your father's name and where is he?"

   Martin didn't dare to delay a second this time, "My father is Gareth López. He rarely shows up. I only know that he has a property in Tennessee. He often goes there to have private meetings with his lover."

   "Tennessee? 3~K~Party headquarters?" Yang Chengxin said, the expression on his face finally became wonderful, but Martin looked like a prodigal, and he cared about his father's emotional life.

   "Hansen, write down the detailed address and send someone to Tennessee. If his Lao Tzu really appears there, he will take it down in one fell swoop. Remember not to alert the media and F~B~I."

   "It's a boss~"

   Yang Cheng did not stay in the interrogation room. The blood smell was too strong and it smelled uncomfortable.

He hadn't had time to change his clothes just after entering the door. The self-cultivation dress was very uncomfortable when he hugged his injured arm. As soon as he went out, he asked Carson to help take off his jacket and shirt. The bandage that was covering the wound was stained with blood. The doctor changed the dressing and then went back to the bathroom and wiped his body briefly with Luo Yue's help, changed into comfortable home clothes and returned to the first floor.

Carson sent normal temperature mineral water and anti-inflammatory drugs. After staring at Yang Cheng and taking it, he was relieved. He was worried that the wound would become inflamed all the time. Fortunately, the doctor’s examination did not deteriorate, otherwise he would have to tie Yang Cheng. *Recovering from illness, if the wound is not healed a day, you can’t get chuang.

   "Master, how does it feel to go to Hikerlier Castle today?"

   Yang Cheng slobbered again, and smiled, "I think Beihai Manor is more suitable for living. Although it looks more majestic and majestic, Heikelier Castle seems too solemn and lacks a trace of life."

   Carson understood what Yang Cheng meant, "Master, on your way back, Klin called me, thank you for your help conveying my blessings."

   Yang Cheng waved his It’s okay, with a little effort, by the way, I want to ask you something. Do you know the development of the Kanavin family in the mall? I mean their main source of income. "

   Carson frowned and thought for a long time, then slowly shook his head, "I have never heard of Hikerlier Castle doing business. At most, it is collecting rent on the property left by his ancestors."

   Yang Cheng secretly said in her heart, "Sure enough, they have other sources of income."

   hurriedly asked, "Then have you heard of them selling antiques to maintain the castle?"

   Carson responded without thinking, "Yes, and not only the Carnarvon family. In fact, more than 80% of the aristocratic classes that still exist in the UK today are relying on selling antiques to make ends meet."

Yang Cheng pressed his fist and said in a low voice, "Go and investigate it for me in the past 20 years, no! In the past 50 years, among the antiques sold by the Kanaven family are related to the Egyptian pharaohs and even Tutankhamun's tomb If there are any of the treasures, what are they? Who are they sold to? How much are they sold for, and I have all the relevant information you can find."

Carson never asked why, and faithfully implemented every order of Yang Cheng, "give me a few days, master, I will be able to check it out. The royal family has a special agency responsible for tracking and recording the nobles, so as to keep abreast of their living conditions. As long as the relationship is opened up, it is not difficult to get the record file about the Kanavin family."

   "That's good. I don't need to ward me where I need to spend money. I will show 100% efficiency. I will see the results in the shortest time."

  :. :

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