Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 949: Edinburgh Relax (2)

Yang Cheng and the others sat not far from the window and ordered the most Scottish breakfast set-Haggis, omelette, bacon, sausage, and toast. It was as boring as British food, only Haggis. It is worth mentioning that this is a sausage-like dish made of lamb stomach, lamb heart, lamb lung, lamb liver and other materials. The rich aroma has a unique flavor. Although people will inevitably feel sick when learning the raw materials, this dish is Known as the "national dish" of Scotland, it's a shame not to try it.

Luo Yue obviously didn't have much interest in visceral food. After a few mouthfuls, he thanked him for being insensitive, but Yang Cheng found it very appetizing. It was especially enjoyable with toast and simple eating.

Although the breakfast tastes good, Yang Cheng feels that it is still not as delicious as the things made in the kitchen in the castle. Of course, this cafe is not for breakfast. Like many tourists, you can experience Rowling’s creation of "Ha The situation of "Lee Potter" is the main purpose of coming to the Elephant Cafe.

Just like the world of Harry Potter, life always needs to look forward to miracles.

Harry Potter fans of all skin tones and accents enthusiastically expressed joy and excitement to their companions around them, tasting Rowling’s coffee, as if looking forward to meeting her characters in the next second .

Elephants are the theme of this cafe. The shadows of elephants can be seen everywhere. In the glass cabinets are elephant dolls of different materials, the chairs are elephants, the elephant stickers on the glass, and the coffee cups are printed. Looking at the elephant, Yang Cheng thought that the owner of the store just wanted to use the elephant as a sign, but at first the manager who received them explained the story behind it:

Due to people’s desire to gain ivory illegally, countless elephants are killed every year and the former living environment is also destroyed. The boss deliberately set up a propaganda to protect elephants in the corridor between the front and back of the cafe. The area is filled with newspaper clippings and pictures of elephants, and some pictures are graffiti by customers. In the childishness of Harry Potter, it adds a touch of humanity and life exploration. I have to say that the owner of this store is a People who think about life are worthy of Yang Cheng's admiration.

After having breakfast, I visited the first attraction in Edinburgh, got on the bus, got in touch with the tour guide arranged by the travel company, and the two parties agreed to meet at the foot of Calton Hill, where tourists from all over the world must go to Edinburgh. It's like you must climb the Great Wall when you get to the capital.

Calton Hill is also an ordinary small mountain, located on the east side of the city of Edinburgh.

There has always been such a metaphor in the eyes of those who have been to Edinburgh. The location of Cattle Hill to Edinburgh is equivalent to the location of Jingshan to the capital. It seems to be really important. Cattle Hill is the highest in the city. Place, ascending this mountain, you can see the scenery of the whole city.

There are many small buildings on Carlton Hill, sparsely arranged. Although the scenery on Carlton Hill is not as gorgeous as the buildings on Jingshan, its simplicity and simplicity are more attractive to tourists, and it is full of time. The sense of history is solemn and solemn. Not only foreign tourists, but locals also climb Carlton Hill in the occasional leisure time, lying on the lawn and soaking in the sun overlooking the city where they live. This is a baptism for people's body and mind. Leisure way.

After meeting the tour guide, the two parties were relieved of the cumbersome courtesy. This Scottish boy who had just been admitted to the University of Edinburgh used his free time to work and earn money, and Yang Cheng is not a person looking for special services, so there is no closeness, just With a friendly greeting, the little brother entered the role.

"First of all, we can see a memorial pavilion. This is the memorial pavilion of Dougeldstout. As its name says, it was built to commemorate the great British philosopher. This memorial pavilion It was built in 1831 and has a history of more than 200 years. The ancient trace on the memorial pavilion is the imprint left by the old man of time. It is full of historical precipitation. The aboriginals of Edinburgh like to come here to remember Great man, you know, Edinburgh is a city of literature."

Just as Yang Cheng was worried, the little brother’s Scottish accent is quite heavy. He should be from the northern highlands of Scotland, and his tone is filled with a chill from Loch Ness, but in fact his people are very enthusiastic and Yang Cheng can understand. But he sounded really strenuous, and he could only ask the younger brother to slow down and try to introduce with an accent close to London.

Naturally, the younger brother would not refuse the request of the paying boss. Although very awkward, he still tried to slow down his speech and try to say every word completely. "In fact, there are more than one memorial buildings on the mountain, and A Nelson monument, this monument commemorates the British admiral who died bravely when he defeated * and made an indelible battle. It is of great significance to both Edinburgh and the United Kingdom. The same monument It was also built in 1807, and it is more ancient and mysterious than the Dugeldstout Memorial Pavilion.

And every afternoon at one o'clock in the afternoon, when the cannon is fired at Edinburgh Castle, there will be a small ball falling at the spire of this monument. Unfortunately, we may not be able to witness this magical scene today. "

As the group continued to climb, the younger brother suddenly pointed to a very fascinating dome building in front of him and said, "See? That is Edinburgh's Urban Observatory. It has a long history, but there is nothing to look at inside. I It is not recommended to waste time here."

Yang Cheng chose to follow the little brother's suggestion. He is a tour guide and he arranges the itinerary entirely.

"When you come to Carton Hill, the most not-to-miss building or attraction is the National Memorial Hall in Carlton Hill.

See that building that is not completely similar to the Parthenon in Athens? That is the National Memorial Hall, which commemorates those Scottish soldiers who made military contributions in the Napoleonic Wars and gained glory for the country.

This National Memorial Hall was built in 1826, but due to various reasons at that time, it was not completed, so all we can see are some bases, stone pillars, etc. They use pillars to support beams, and that's it After such a long history, it is still very memorable. "

Under the wonderful explanation of the little brother, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue browsed the ancient buildings of Calton Hill, and then naturally they should appreciate the most famous beauty of Calton Hill.

On the green grass **** that is about to reach the top of the mountain, many locals have picnics and sunbathes there. It is very comfortable. It does not seem to be a famous attraction. It is just a place for people to relax. It is difficult to see the crowds and there are not many vendors. Here "slaughtering the guest", this quietness is a rare enjoyment.

According to the little brother, this **** is also a famous dating place in Edinburgh. A couple of young or old lovers come here to spend a sweet time with delicious food and enjoy a different kind of romance, especially Nazong. At the inadvertent dusk, lying on the soft and fragrant grass, overlooking the distant horizon and sea, it is very romantic.

After discussing with Luo Yue, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue gave up their plans to visit other scenic spots, and gave the brother enough money to let them leave first. Hansen and the others were also pushed far away, leaving only the two of them to enjoy the rare two. People World, arranged for two bodyguards to go down the mountain to buy delicious food and drinks, and stayed on the mountain for a whole day.

At the moment when the afterglow was spilt in the evening, the sea surface of the Forth Bay directly opposite was rendered into a charming pale pink. Yang Cheng, who has almost traveled all over the world, also exclaimed for such a unique afterglow of the sunset, and the sea was sparkling. , And then looking into the distance, the ancient buildings on display in Edinburgh are also plated with gold by the afterglow of the setting sun. The tall clock tower, scattered castles and spires are like a painting in a dream.

Looking up at this moment, the blood-red sky makes everyone fascinated by it and unable to extricate themselves from it. This is a beautiful and inconceivable sunset landscape. As long as you look at this landscape, it will be forever engraved in your mind. Don't forget, even if the years flow, when Yang and Cheng recalled such a beautiful scenery, they would definitely still be full of meaning.

When the sunset slowly dissipated, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue clasped their fingers together, with endless regrets, reluctantly embarking on the road to the airport. Originally, there was no plan to stay in Edinburgh, although they faced this situation, It really should be gentle, but the call of reality makes Yang Cheng have to forget this dreamy and quickly plunge into the intense real life.

When descending the mountain, Hansen received a notification that Gareth Lopez was successfully captured without any suspicion. He is now on the plane to London. Having his own plane leasing company has this advantage. Aircraft are available at all times, and can be kept confidential to the utmost.

Eiffel led the team, Garez Lopez was put on a black headgear, and he was given a hypnotic injection. When he woke up, he probably didn't know he had left the United States and reached the other end of the Atlantic.

The arrest process was not as difficult as imagined. In order to meet his lover, Gareth Lopez did not bring a bodyguard at all, or he was at ease for too long. He didn’t think he could encounter any trouble, or he was confident in his secrecy measures. , I don't think I will be exposed. In short, the whole action didn't arouse anyone's suspicion except that the lover screamed when he found someone invaded.

As for the woman who might not know anything, she was quietly dealt with out of the need for confidentiality. The scene was made into the illusion of a gas leak. She died very peacefully. Even if F~B~I came to investigate, she couldn’t find out. After one, two or three, there were doubts but no evidence, and the woman had no friends or relatives to help her appeal. The final result was nothing, waiting to be cremated by Jing Fang and turned into a pile of ashes. ()

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