Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 950: Father and son meet

Gareth Lopez is here, no, no, to be precise, he reunited with his son in a non-active, that is, very passive way, where he didn’t know it, just after Yang Orange slept beautifully all night. .

Well, it may be awkward to say that, but doesn't it just express Gareth Lopez's helplessness at this time?

He is really helpless. This phobia with thick hair and looks very masculine. Yes, please forgive Yang Cheng for calling him the lower term phobia. In Yang Cheng’s eyes, this person is pure A scum, it's cheaper to call him a terrorist.

Anyway, no matter what you call him, when Gareth López woke up leisurely, he realized that he was in a situation at this time.

Gareth knew that he was tied to a chair. He was familiar with the knotting method of the rope. The characteristics of the seal were very distinctive. There is almost no possibility of breaking free with this method, unless he is willing to self-mutilate a few ribs. Obviously. Reis did not have such awareness, so he did not waste his energy at all.

Opened his eyes and looked at the environment he was in. The dim light flickered overhead, satisfying the lighting atmosphere of the interrogation room. The room was not big, except for a door with walls on all sides, and there were no windows to let him know. Night and day, the other thing that made him feel the most creepy was that there was a large dry blood stain on the ground, and a few rotting fingers with bones lying in a pool of blood. That scene almost made him take his breath away.

It stands to reason that as a core member of an extremist organization, you should not be scared by this little scene, but that is not the case. For example, now, when he finally turned his head and found Martin in a state of syncope, no matter how strong his psychological defense is. There was also shaking, and even said that it was faltering. There was no way. Before he came, Yang Cheng did not hesitate to overturn his previous promise and asked Hansen to make some disguise for Martin. He admitted that this disguise was too real, but that was again how is it? In order to achieve the goal of destroying Gareth Lopez's psychological defense, Martin had to be wronged.

Therefore, the son that Gareth saw was in such a miserable situation: I don’t know how many fingers are missing. Anyway, Hansen chose to use a knife to avoid trouble, instead of taking apart the stitched thread. Then Martin’s face swelled into a pig’s head. If it weren’t for my dear, he wouldn’t be able to recognize it; there was no whole piece of skin and flesh on his body, either **** or just showing cold bones, even if it’s a head to be slaughtered. The pigs look much better than Martin.

Because his mouth was sealed with tape, Gareth's eyes were splitting, and he could only use his throat to make a miserable cry, but without the effect of the loudspeaker of his mouth, the sound was really not too loud.

Given enough time for Gareth López to be sad, Yang Cheng appeared in front of Gareth López with a smiling face of "savior". As the master behind the assassination mission, he naturally knew Yang Cheng. Therefore, when Yang Cheng appeared, Gareth had already understood everything. He loaded, not only did he plant himself, but his son also fell off the cliff. Do you regret it? It seems that he has long forgotten how to write regret.

Gareth was not tortured, but his face was ashamed, just as he had been heavy, his lifeless eyes revealed endless despair.

After entering, Yang Cheng did not speak, but looked at Gareth Lopez blankly;

Similarly, Gareth Lopez didn't make any sound. He screamed at his son before, but now he has lost his voice. His eyes are completely out of focus, and he is empty and moved forward.

The silence lasted for a long time, until Yang Cheng's sighing voice sounded in the quiet room, "Oh~ why bother, you and I have no grievances, why do you want to hit me?"

This is a problem. Both the tone and the tone prove that it is a problem, but Yang Cheng didn't expect Gareth Lopez's reply. He didn't even mean to take off the tape to seal his mouth, and said to himself. "You think I'm a bully? Or do you think I can be your target for killing chickens and monkeys? By the way, you may not understand what it means to kill chickens and monkeys. It doesn't matter, I just said that."

The corners of Hansen's mouth twitched a few times, standing behind Yang Cheng. The mouth-cannon that had played a powerful role before took off again. Hansen couldn't help but pray for Gareth Lopez, hoping that he would not die too soon.

The cruel smile stayed on Hansen’s mouth for less than a second, because Yang Cheng’s instructions came, "Hansen, let’s start, remember to wake Martin first. I think he must really want to see what happened with his own eyes. How did everything in me reappear in his body."

Hansen responded subconsciously, "It's the boss~"

"Wow~" A basin of cold water fell from the sky, poured Martin out of the air, and woke up with a chill, his eyes matched Yang Cheng's eyes, and he shivered almost instinctively, and his body kept trembling. "Devil, devil, you are a **** devil~"

At this moment, Martin hadn’t realized that there were more people around him. He died on Christmas and was dragged away long ago. At this moment, another figure appeared beside him. Martin hadn’t noticed it for a while, until Yang Cheng’s playful eyes were on the two of them. Looking around, Martin suddenly realized that he was coming to a partner.

Looking back the familiar face came into view, Martin opened his mouth wide, surprised and apprehensive, all kinds of negative emotions followed one after another, but he did not make any sound after all, he was already mentally prepared, when he When I explained everything to Yang Cheng, I was ready in my heart. However, what was unexpected is that this day came so soon?

Gareth Lopez's gaze finally fluctuated, and he slowly turned his head to meet his son's eyes. As soon as he touched the point, he didn't know what he was thinking, but Martin cried directly, "Sorry, sorry, I really I don’t want to, but I can’t make it anymore, I’m really sorry~"

Hansen asked Yang Cheng with his eyes if he was going to block Martin's mouth. Now it is not a good thing for them to communicate.

However, Yang Cheng shook his head and signaled Hansen to do nothing. He wanted to see how the two of them prepared to deal with the scene in front of him. Anyway, the target is already in hand. You can rub it anyway, don't worry!

Gareth Lopez straightened his head again, as if he hadn't heard his son's cry, and he seemed to be indifferent to it.

Martin's wailing continued, tears, blood, and wounded thick water mixed together. It was really disgusting and disgusting. I don't know how long he cried. Martin suddenly calmed down and said in a deep voice, "Christmas Dead~" ()

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