Infernal Artist

Chapter 17 Vigil

The five-meter-long body is completely covered with black chitinous hard skin. There is a pair of sharp giant pincers on the front of the body, and a dark green poisonous needle covered with burrs stands up high on the back.

She turned out to be a monster with a human-like upper body and a scorpion lower body!


On the wall, a bolt of fire burst out from the revolver.

As soon as the monster stretched out a few pairs of appendages to rest on the city wall, it was hit by a shot and stopped immediately.

The woman slowly raised her head, stared at Old K and said, "You also have a sting? But it's too weak..."

"Bastard!" Old K pulled out another pistol and pointed it at the woman.

Before he could fire, a burst of intense shooting suddenly sounded from behind.

Da da da da da!

In an instant, a green poisonous needle was revealed in the void beside Old K, and it was resisting back and forth in the void.

If it hadn't been for this firing, the poisonous needle might have successfully attacked Old K!

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Old K's back, and he couldn't help but look back.

It’s Liu Ping!

He was holding a mini submachine gun and was shooting non-stop!

Qi Lu reacted first and quickly swung his battle ax, slashing a phantom into the void.


The poisonous needle was five or six meters long and as thin as the mouth of a bowl. It was hit by a bullet and struck by a phantom of a battle axe, and then it retracted under the city wall with great reluctance.

——It went back to the woman’s back.

At this moment, Old K looked back at Liu Ping and said in disbelief: "You know how to use a gun? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Liu Ping said: "I just saw you learn it after using it. It is very simple."

Old K had nothing to say.

Are things like guns simple?

It is true that anyone can fire a gun, even an idiot, can learn to pull the trigger in a very short time.

But to hit that sting lurking in the night...

If Liu Ping wasn't lying, then his learning and imitation abilities were simply terrifying.

At this time, the woman leaned forward, and her six pairs of appendages were immediately placed on the city wall and began to climb upward.

The bullets hitting her body only produced bursts of sparks, unable to penetrate her hard chitinous skin.

"This won't work. Buy me some time." Qi Lu said.

After saying that, Qi Lu took a few steps back, closed his eyes, and began to breathe in a strange rhythm.

Old K said: "Buying time? No problem, leave it to me."

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and his expression turned ferocious.

I almost got caught by that monster just now!

With this in mind, Old K solemnly took out a silver bullet and loaded it into the revolver.

He didn't take aim and fired directly into the void outside the city wall.


A flash of silver light flew out of the barrel, drew an arc in mid-air, and went straight to the bottom of the city wall.

There was a moment of silence.

The woman screamed in pain: "Ah - damn mortal! How can you have divine power!"

Old K had no expression on his face. He took out a grenade from his waist, pulled off the ring, and threw it hard.




boom! ! !

In the darkness, blazing fire rose into the sky accompanied by violent explosions.

"You - damn -"

The woman roared crazily.

But he saw a black shadow penetrate the flames and rush towards the city wall.

The monster's speed became faster and faster, running twice in a row, crossing a distance of tens of meters, and climbed up the city wall.

It looked a little miserable, with its chitinous shell cracked, green blood seeping out, and one of its appendages broken off.

- But it doesn't care anymore.

It's going to rush up and eat these nasty prey!


A series of gunshots rang out.

Liu Pingyuan was just watching, but then he suddenly raised his mini-submachine gun and fired continuously.

The monster pounced on Old K, but was knocked back by the dense bullets.

With Liu Ping's support, Old K immediately dodged and retreated, while simultaneously pulling the trigger.

Under the double fire attack, the monster had to retreat to the edge of the city wall, almost falling.


It used a pair of giant claws to pierce the wall, and steadied itself precariously on the wall.

"Old K, I've run out of bullets." Liu Ping shouted loudly.

Old K's heart sank.

His firepower alone was not enough to repel the monster.

The woman also heard Liu Ping's cry.

It waved its tail needle and kept resisting Old K's attacks, but its eyes turned to Liu Ping.

The next moment.

The monster's whole body vibrated, and it rushed towards Liu Ping with all its strength!

Old K's face changed drastically and he shouted: "Damn it - get away, run away!"

Tongues of fire continued to shoot out from his two guns, but they were blocked by the poisonous needles dancing in the air, without causing the slightest impact on the monster.

The monster has rushed in front of Liu Ping!

It laughed crazily and said: "What delicious flesh and blood, I can already smell the fragrance on your body..."

Between the lightning and flint——

The monster's voice stopped suddenly.

Liu Ping made a random mistake in his steps and casually passed through the pinch of the pair of giant pincers.

It's unclear whether Liu Ping aimed at the monster, or whether the monster took the initiative to send the head to him. In short - Liu Ping's body was close to the woman, and the mini submachine gun in his hand was deeply inserted into its mouth.

"I lied to you."

he said with a smile.

Da da da da da da!

The submachine gun erupted with a dull roar.

The monster's body was covered with a hard chitinous shell, but there was no such defense in its mouth.

A crooked hole was suddenly punched out of its head, and it screamed in pain as its huge body struggled wildly on the city wall.

At this moment, Qi Lu opened his eyes.

I saw that Qi Lu's body had expanded several times, and his height was close to five meters. His whole body was like a giant, full of muscles as solid as steel.

With his current size, he was just right for the three-meter-long battle ax in his hand.


He exhaled for a long time, flexed slightly, and disappeared from the place in an instant.

A dazzling cold edge burst out from the city wall and shot straight into the sky.

The poisonous needle met the sharp edge, but was cut off directly.

"Ah - just wait for me -"

The monster howled crazily, turned into a black shadow and flew out of the city wall, rushing towards the wilderness, and soon disappeared.

Qi Lu, Lao K and Liu Ping stayed on the city wall for a while.

There had been no movement in the wilderness.

Qi Lu's figure gradually returned to normal and suddenly collapsed on the ground.

"I'm fine. It's just that the strength I just exploded several times, and I'm a little weak now." Qi Lu gasped.

Liu Ping and Lao K didn't speak, and looked at Qi Lu's hands together.

His arms were trembling, and his mouth was torn open, revealing a bloody gash.

"That blow just now was really strong." Old K said with emotion.

Liu Ping squatted down and whispered: "Don't move."

He activated the magic formula at will, and a mist of mist immediately appeared in the void, quietly falling on Qi Lu's hands.

Qi Lu's brows smoothed.

“Hiss—it doesn’t hurt anymore!” he said with a smile.

"You can't use any more force on your hands today, otherwise the wound will tear, which will be even more troublesome." Liu Ping warned.

"Thank you Brother Liu, it's great to have the treatment!" Qi Lu grinned.

He turned his head and said to Old K: "Give me a gun."

Old K took out a pistol, loaded it with bullets, and threw it to Qi Lu.

The three of them sat down against the city wall, resting and staring at the wilderness outside.

"Brother Liu, you deceived me just now. I thought you really had empty bullets."

Old K smiled.

Liu Ping said: "I have no choice but to take a gamble. After all, it can understand our words and it is here to hunt. It should know how to pick out soft persimmons."

He looked at the severed poison needle and took a closer look.

This thing seems to be a good material. If you can stay here to refine a sword...

With the Shu Dao, one's combat effectiveness can be improved to a higher level, and self-protection will not be too strenuous.

"This poisonous needle comes from the body of a dead monster. It should be considered a relatively rare thing." Liu Ping asked.

"This is our group's trophy. When daybreak, we can take it to the bar and sell it. The three of us will share the money equally." Qi Lu said.

Old K also nodded.

"That's good." Liu Ping said.

——Although I feel a little regretful, I am not in a hurry.

The most important thing is to integrate into this organization first.

Suddenly, the three of them looked at the wilderness outside the city wall.

"Something is coming." Qi Lu shouted.

Liu Ping spoke faster: "I'm really out of bullets this time. Old K, do you still have bullets for a gun like mine? Give me some, and I'll give you the money later."

Old K stared at the wilderness, casually took out a heavy black box, placed it on the ground, and kicked Liu Ping.

Liu Ping opened it and saw that they were all bullets of the corresponding model.

He quickly removed the magazine and began loading.

——The micro submachine gun is really easy to use. It doesn’t require any physical effort at all. You can release a certain powerful attack just by pulling the trigger.

Of course, the premise is that there are enough bullets.

Qi Lu shouted in a low voice: "Here he comes."

Liu Ping raised his head and looked into the darkness with Lao K and Qi Lu.

I saw a humanoid figure appear again in the depths of the wilderness.

The figure walked straight towards the city wall.

As it got closer, the three finally saw each other's appearance clearly.

A little girl.

She has ruby ​​eyes, shoulder-length hair, and a gorgeous dress.

is her?

Liu Ping was secretly surprised.

I didn't expect to meet her here.

I don’t know what kind of existence she is.

I saw the little girl dragging the huge poisonous scorpion with one hand and walking past the city wall.

——It is the female scorpion from before, and it is too dead now.

The little girl suddenly felt something. She turned her head and met Liu Ping's eyes.


She looked at the gun in Liu Ping's hand, and then at the poisonous scorpion in her hand.

The next second.

A voice rang in Liu Ping's heart: "You kid must have applied poison on the bullet. I just tasted its blood, and the blood contained the same poison as last time."

"Ah, yes, this poison is very useful. I collected some when I killed the wolf demon, just in case I need it." Liu Ping responded.

"Sinister guy...but it will be more delicious this way, thanks."

The little girl muttered and never looked towards the city wall again.

She dragged the scorpion corpse and continued walking into the wilderness.


Her figure disappeared.

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