Infernal Artist

Chapter 18 Begin!

"Who is she?" Liu Ping couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." Old K shook his head.

Qi Lu's expression became serious: "She is a monster that cannot be messed with. I have heard about her... In this land, any monster that dares to offend her will be killed."

As the three of them were talking, they saw new movements in the wilderness.

The ground shook slightly.

Deep in the wilderness, hundreds of gloomy voices came from the ground:

"You killed our people! We will eat you all!"

An inexplicable breath emerged from the wilderness, condensed into wind, and blew in all directions.

In this wind, Liu Ping, Lao K, and Qi Lu froze in place, almost losing the ability to move.

One after another, long scorpion tails emerged from the ground.

Just a few breaths.

The wilderness seemed to have turned into a dense jungle, and this jungle was composed of endless scorpion tails.

These scorpion tails were tens of meters long, with poisonous stings shining with green light at the ends. They kept rising and pointed at the three people on the city wall.

"Calm down!"

A flash of fire suddenly lit up and exploded outside the city wall.


The entire city wall turned into a barrier made of flames, keeping out all the wind.

Liu Ping suddenly felt like he could move.

too strong.

He thought to himself.

——This kind of strength is at least at the level of Nascent Soul.


Old K and Qi Lu shouted at the same time.

Liu Ping turned around and saw that the leader of the night watchman was leading two of his men, quickly coming from the other end of the city wall.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the leader appeared in front of the three people.

He overlooked the wilderness outside the city wall, his eyes fell on the countless sharp scorpion tails, and his expression gradually became solemn.

A ring of fire appeared behind the leader.

He loudly said: "Retreat, the existence of the world of death, we have no intention of offending you."

In the wilderness.

Countless voices responded: "Flesh, we want your flesh and soul!"

The leader of the Night's Watch waved his hand.

The ruby ​​ring between his fingers emitted dense firelight, gradually condensing into a huge flaming fist in the void.

The leader of the night watchman looked indifferent and was concentrating on chanting the incantation, making the wall of flames outside the city wall burn even more intensely.


A rapid ringing of bells came from the small town.

At the same time, twisting ripples seemed to appear in the depths of the dark sky.

Those monsters also noticed the changes in the world.

"Damn, there's not enough time..."

In the wilderness, their extremely disappointed voices could be heard.

next moment.

Those scorpion tails gradually became blurry, seeming to be moving away from the entire town.

The people on the city wall also fell into panic.

"Quick, change clothes." Old K started to take off his pants directly.

"Hiss—someone can help me take off this armor on me." Qi Lu said, holding up his injured hands.

The leader nodded behind him, and someone immediately went to help Qi Lu remove his armor.

Liu Ping was confused about the situation and said blankly: "Boss, what are you doing?"

The leader was taking off the mage robe, casually throwing a set of dirty clothes to Liu Ping, and said: "The bell just sounded is an early warning, indicating that there is a hidden time and space near our town, and we are likely to be sucked into it. Get in."

"You mean - the whole town?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

He glanced at the clothes in his hands.

I saw that this was a nondescript embroidered mandarin jacket, which could be considered a style from the spiritual world, but the problem was——

Practitioners don't wear such clothes.

This is a piece of clothing worn by waiters in various restaurants and restaurants in the secular world.

"Don't worry, Hidden Time and Space will automatically give our town a name and directly become a part of it." Old K interjected.

Dang Dang Dang!

The bell rang again, becoming more urgent.

The leader urged: "Put it on quickly. This clothes comes with a nano-level biological wave suppressor. When we are sucked in, we will pretend to be ordinary people——"

He looked at Liu Ping and explained: "If you dress too uniquely, you will be regarded as a heretic by the practitioners."

Evil demons and heretics will be found and punished by everyone.

There is no need for the leader to explain further, Liu Ping naturally understands this.

It seems there is no other way.

Liu Ping had no choice but to put the gown on.

He looked into the town and saw that the lights on both sides of the street were on, and the bartender was standing on the street in the middle of the town.

He was accompanied by a large group of ordinary humans.

"You guys go to the restaurant, the ingredients are all ready."

"You, you, and you, take the girls to the brothel opposite."

"When you go to the drugstore or the food store, you all remember your identities and memorize your lines."

"Did you hear that? Act quickly!"

Those people changed their clothes in a panic, then dispersed in a hurry, running quickly towards the houses that had not collapsed.

——God knows where the bartender conjured up so many people.

Liu Ping changed his clothes and looked to his side silently.

The leader had already put on a long robe, and several people around him were dressed as servants.

Qi Lu was so tall that he wore a military uniform for guarding the courtyard.

Old K was very thin and always had a shrewd look on his face. He was wearing a master's coat and was shaking a paper fan in his hand, which seemed to be the case.

Several people looked at Liu Ping together.

"Coming in for the first time?" the leader asked.

Liu Ping nodded honestly.

"It doesn't matter. I have already anticipated this situation and gave you the simplest role."

The leader said, carefully handing a piece of paper to Liu Ping.

Liu Ping took it and looked at it, only to see a menu and two lines on it.

He then read: "Sir, what would you like to eat?"

Then he read: "Sir, your dish is here, please use it slowly."

After he finished reading, he looked at the leader.

The leader nodded and praised: "That's a good reading. In fact, your performance in the battle just now was also very impressive. I think the two lines will not embarrass you. I am relieved about this."

Liu Ping said anxiously: "What will happen in a while?"

Old K unfolded the master fan in his hand with a bang and said with a smile: "Generally speaking, a mortal town like ours will not attract the attention of those practitioners."

Qi Lu also said: "Yes, and we deliberately left many houses in the town in a collapsed state, and will arrange for a group of people to repair them later. The sky will be filled with dust, and the practitioners will generally not stay here for a long time. "

The leader added: "Liu Ping, you are just a waiter in a restaurant. Practitioners rarely eat food from the mortal world, so your role is very safe - go to the restaurant now, the hidden time and space will soon unfold."

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

While several people were talking, the steel city wall had slowly descended to the ground, sank into the ground, and disappeared.

The scorpion monsters disappeared together with the wilderness.

There are several more roads outside the town, but I don’t know where they lead.

Liu Ping ran all the way and entered the restaurant.

The shopkeeper is the bartender in the bar.

When the bartender saw it was him, he smiled at him and said, "There is food in the kitchen. You go and eat something, and then come to the door of the restaurant."

"No need, I'll wait here." Liu Ping said while standing at the door of the restaurant.

"Don't be nervous. Practitioners will not come to us to eat worldly food. We are the safest in the restaurant." The bartender said.

Liu Ping glanced at him.

——Where do you get your confidence?

Back then, my favorite place to hang out was Shishi Restaurant, which was called relaxing.

Those evil heretics like to hang out most in secular restaurants.

...There seems to be something wrong.

He asked casually: "What about other places?"

"The others are ordinary people. Whatever they do in the real world, they can do here. They just have to do their original jobs well - you see, I also came directly to the restaurant as a shopkeeper, so I can do my job well." said the bartender. Then he took out an abacus and typed quickly with one hand.

"So, has anyone died?" Liu Ping asked.

The abacus in the bartender's hand suddenly stopped.

He smiled and said: "If something happens, how can it not kill someone?"

Liu Ping nodded, sat down on the horizontal chair at the door of the hotel, and gently performed the breath-holding technique.

He believed more in his own means and methods of dealing with practitioners than in the biological wave suppressor in his clothes.

After doing this, he looked out unhurriedly.

In front of the collapsed houses everywhere, a large number of construction workers have arrived and are hammering away.

The leader of the night watchman wore a long robe and walked up and down the street with his hands clasped behind his back, surrounded by his master, guardians, and slaves.

The young ladies in the brothel waved their red sleeves and smiled and waved to the passers-by on the street.

What a lively scene.


The bell rang again.

Liu Ping was interrupted from his thoughts and couldn't help but look into the void in front of him.

Lines of small characters appeared quickly in front of his eyes:

"The space-time connection is complete."

"Dark Mist Town is about to enter a hidden time and space and become a part of it."

"There are still two hours left until daybreak."

"Estimated stay: two hours."

All the small words disappeared in a flash.

A line of large scarlet characters suddenly appeared:


"Dark Mist Town is in the middle of two hidden time and space, and it is about to be absorbed into one of the hidden time and space!"

Liu Ping was stunned and slowly looked up.

I saw two juxtaposed lights and shadows appearing in the sky.

In the light and shadow, there is only a vast land, with some villages and farmland in it, and all living beings in the world are in it, a scene of contentment.

In another light and shadow, there were corpses on the ground, and the human army and the demons were fighting hard.

——Which hidden space and time will we enter?

Just as Liu Ping was thinking about it, he saw the bartender kneeling down next to him, with cold sweat all over his head, praying crazily:

"Lord, please don't let us enter the S-class war time and space, otherwise everyone will die."

"Please don't let us enter the war, otherwise we will definitely die!"

"Please have mercy on our fate."

"Let us enter E-level time and space, please."

The next moment——

The two lights and shadows in the sky disappeared.

The gate of the town opened with a bang, and groups of people immediately poured in outside the door.

Liu Ping looked at them intently for a moment, but found that these people were ordinary people.

Some people are carrying poles with baskets full of eggs; some are pushing carts with the words "shaobing" hanging on the side; there are also some sellers of firewood, fish sellers, and people looking for work, all kinds of things.

Liu Ping looked at the bartender.

The bartender took a breath, collapsed on the ground and said, "God bless us, we did not enter that war."

"Yes," Liu Ping mused, "this small town really can't bear such an intensity of war."

The bartender pointed in the direction of the city gate and whispered: "This is an E-class hidden time and space. In this world of death, most of them are ordinary dead. As soon as we appear, they will have this town in their memory, so Come here to make a living, and then go back at dawn."

"What does E-level mean?" Liu Ping asked.

"At most, a bunch of people will die and some buildings will be destroyed. The town won't be in danger of being completely destroyed," the bartender said.

Will not be destroyed...

Liu Ping looked at the bustling scene outside.

——Compared with the second light and shadow, this is indeed heaven-like treatment.

Liu Ping was secretly glad in his heart.

He and the bartender sat in the restaurant's entrance for a while.

Not long after, a surprised voice suddenly sounded in the dark sky:

"Huh? There's a small town."

(Thank you to the Silver Alliance for the magical little arrow, thank you to the alliance leader Hailan Shijianxing, Qing Ningzi, I will update it if there are more words, thank you!)

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