Infernal Artist

Chapter 176 Primary Ability

"This is our thank you gift, I hope you can accept it."

said a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

Liu Ping stood beside him, watching people continue to clean up the bodies in the square.

The church is built on the top of the mountain.

When the fire broke out, nearby towns immediately discovered it and sent out manpower.

Word spread quickly and caused a sensation.

The children's families came one after another the next day.

The little boy found his father, pulled his father aside, pointed at Liu Ping and whispered: "The Paladin...the guy with the old not pure..."

After some statements.

His seemingly powerful father gradually became moved, and after soliciting the opinions of officials from nearby villages and towns, he solemnly placed a card in front of Liu Ping.

Liu Ping looked towards the card.

There was nothing else on the card except a flag with a war shield embroidered on it.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"York City Garrison Standard."

"Those who hold this flag will be appointed as the Knight Commander of the York City Defense. They will be responsible for gathering professionals from all over the place to form a knight team and be responsible for the security and defense of York City."


“You gain initial acceptance into the current world.”

"This is your starting point."

"Please be sure to accept this card, otherwise you will become a refugee. The evil god is taking over the power of this world step by step, and you will gradually be unable to fight against it."

Liu Ping no longer hesitated.

He accepted the card and asked:

"Thank you for your trust. I don't know who you are?"

"I am Viscount Addington, Lord of York City - not long ago, the devil attacked the city, and our guarding knights killed too many people, otherwise there would not be such a big mess." The middle-aged man wearing glasses The man sighed.

Liu Ping suddenly understood.

It turns out that the other party is also in urgent need of manpower, so seeing a knight like himself, he naturally wants to stay.

"How is the situation now?" Liu Ping asked.

"The devils were repulsed once, but it's already the snow season. After it snows, they will definitely attack again." Viscount Addington said.

"Okay, I'll be responsible for recruiting people." Liu Ping said.

"Then please, you were a respected paladin, but I want to say——"

Viscount Addington lowered his voice and said: "In today's world, even a noble person like you must let go of his compassion."

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths.

I saw some officials and professionals around me, nodding slightly towards me, and even smiling.

——All the children told about the existence of that halo.

This cannot be faked.

Sure enough, the image of the Paladin was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he immediately gained everyone's trust.

As for the cultists he had to kill in order to save others——

Everyone hates and despises him.

On the contrary, everyone naturally sympathized with themselves as the "paladin".

Liu Ping said: "I understand. As for the salaries of those recruited..."

Viscount Addington said: "Don't worry about this. When York City's life and death are at stake, no one dares to be careless or skimp."

"Then it's settled." Liu Ping said.

That night.

Liu Ping returned to York City with Viscount Addington and lived in the Viscount's Castle.

After the grand welcome dinner.

late at night.

Liu Ping returned to the room, closed the door, and took out the battle flag card.

"Guard Knight Commander?"

He gently threw the card away.


A battle flag was gently planted on the ground, fluttering in the absence of wind, exuding slight special fluctuations.

At the same time, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"In the sequence world called 'Exile Land', every card has the corresponding authority recognized by the mysterious side rules."

"With this card, the people you recruit will automatically obtain the human camp and basic military occupations."

Liu Ping thought for a moment and said, "If you are in a certain position, you will be blessed by certain rules, is that right?"

"Yes, your own strength is part of it, and the blessing of the rules is another part. It will help you gain recognition and even improve your strength." Sequence said.

Liu Ping said: "According to this, the strength of the city lord..."

"No, he is a city lord and a noble. What he has obtained is non-combat ability blessing." Sequence said.

Liu Ping said: "That's it. It seems that we must obtain more powerful combat professional authority."

Then I saw lines of burning small characters popping up:

"You are on your first official sequence mission."

"This sequence has stated that this is a good opportunity for you to improve your strength, and it is also the path to survival for this sequence to integrate into Eternal Night."

"This is the first card you have obtained. This sequence will rely on this card to start the link to the 'Land of Exile' sequence."

"——This sequence will evolve accordingly."

A box appeared in the void, just big enough to fit a card.

"Do you want this card?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes." Sequence said.

Liu Ping turned the battle flag into a card and placed it in the illusory box.

"Is that so?" he asked.


"This sequence is about to start its first evolution. It cannot respond to all your calls during the process. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, this sequence will wake up again."

All the burning small characters disappeared from Liu Ping's eyes.

Liu Ping waited for a while.

Sure enough, that interface completely disappeared.

never mind--

From the moment he entered Coldhammer Town until he passed through the tunnel and entered the ruins, he still hadn't rested.

Liu Ping yawned and fell on the bed.

the next day.

Viscount Addington took seven or eight professionals to have breakfast with Liu Ping.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Viscount Addington asked.

"Not bad." Liu Ping said.

He looked around and saw several professionals accompanying the viscount, eating together.

"The scout team outside the city sent back news that the devils have begun to stir up trouble. I guess they can't wait for the snow to fall and will attack our city." Viscount Addington said.

He waved.

Someone immediately sent a list to Liu Ping.

Liu Ping looked at it and saw it said:

Yorktown defends the Knights.

Recruitment: thirty knights.

Knight treatment:

1. Food, accommodation, weapons, and armor are all provided free of charge.

2. Each person can receive twenty silver coins per month.

3. The number of gems Liu Ping masters every month: sixty, which can be given to his subordinates as rewards based on the performance of the knights.

"Gem?" Liu Ping said.

"Yes, we in York City rely on mines, and there is never a shortage of gems. Speaking of which, the market for gems is not good now, and the nobles in the royal capital are no longer keen on gems. The real hard currency now is gold and Food!" Viscount Addington said.

"I'll go out and look around in a while, think of ways to see if I can recruit some professionals." Liu Ping said.

"To give you a suggestion, the city gate and the bar are two good places to find foreign professionals."

Viscount Addington wiped his mouth, stood up and said:

"I will set off this morning to go to other larger cities to ask for help in person. I will leave the recruitment of knights to you, Liu Ping."

"Don't worry, Lord Viscount." Liu Ping said.

Viscount Addington nodded and left the restaurant with the professionals.


A long line of carriages left the castle.

Liu Ping drank the milk, ate another piece of bread and smoked fish, then stood up and walked towards the outside of the castle.

First he walked around the city of York.

——This is a very small city, almost only a little bigger than the original Dark Mist Town.

The bar wasn't open yet this morning.

Then, go to the city gate and have a look, you might just bump into some professionals.

Liu Ping came all the way to the city gate.

The walls on both sides were covered with black bloodstains and traces of flames.

——This was left behind when the devil attacked the city not long ago.

Liu Ping took a general look, then stood at the city gate and waited.


He suddenly saw a man riding a horse, hurriedly coming out of the city.

A line of small words appeared above the man's head:


——He is a professional!

Liu Ping immediately stepped forward to stop him and said with a smile: "Sir, our York City is recruiting garrison troops. Do you have any intention to join? The treatment is very good."

The man shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, I have something urgent."

He bypassed Liu Ping and quickly ran towards the wilderness outside the city.

His unstoppable whisper came from the wind:

"Are you kidding me? There are no decent professionals in this city anymore. It will definitely be captured by the devil..."

Soon, the man disappeared without a trace.

Liu Ping raised his eyebrows.

——You are so unfavorable to York City?

He looked at the two guards standing at the city gate, and saw that one of them had a plaster on his hand, and the other had been coughing non-stop since just now.

"...Why not change two people to guard the city gate?" Liu Ping asked.

"Sir, the others were all killed in the battle, and the remaining brothers were more seriously injured." said the soldier with a plaster on his hand.

"Oh, well, you have worked hard too." Liu Ping said.

The soldier laughed and said, "Your Excellency, you sympathize with us, so I would like to remind you that recruiting men requires a battle flag. It can prove that you are recruiting men on behalf of York City."

Liu Ping said: "Haha, okay, I just took a look."

His eyes fell into the void.

The time should come.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw lines of burning small characters emerging from the void:

"The first round of evolution is completed."

"This evolution has completed the link to Sequence: Exile Land."

"When you plant the battle flag, the new functions of this sequence will be officially opened."


A battle flag fell into Liu Ping's hand.

Liu Ping looked at the interface and saw a burning flame behind "Heroic Spirit Asylum", "Spiritual Inheritance", and "Card Collection".

——Is it this flame?

He planted the battle flag on the ground.

In an instant, the flame unfolded and turned into a new icon.

It is a battle flag.

At the same time, a group of people suddenly appeared outside the city.

This group of people marched extremely fast, followed orders and orders, and silently arrived in front of the city gate and stopped next to the battle flag.

One of the leading soldiers jumped off the horse, first looked at the battle flag planted on the ground, then looked at the two guards guarding the city, and finally his eyes fell on Liu Ping.

"It must be you." The soldier said.

"Me?" Liu Ping was confused.

"Yes, we responded to this mission - aren't you recruiting people?" the soldier said enthusiastically.

"...Yes, I just started recruiting people, but how did you know?" Liu Ping asked.

"We are a pair," the soldier came over and lowered his voice: "The mission content is: defend the city, repel the devil's attack, and complete a victorious battle."

"The mission reward is: one sequence gem for each person."

The soldier pointed behind him: "A group of thirty people has a total of thirty gems, right?"

Liu Ping was startled and looked at the people behind the warrior.

——They are all professionals.

It's just that their strength is around level ten, and there are no particularly powerful professionals.

That’s not bad!

There is no one available in York City right now!

Going further, Viscount Addington gave a total of sixty gems.

That is to say——

Sequence used thirty of the gems to summon thirty professionals and saved thirty more for himself?

Just as Liu Ping was thinking, lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared in the void:

"The fourth feature has been expanded and is called:"

"Basic Heroic Spirit Summoning."

"Note that as you get more cards from the 'Land of Exile', this function will evolve to become stronger."

All the small characters are closed and re-expanded into new prompts:

"Using the battle flag, you can give them a formal identity, so that the world of this sequence will accept their existence."

Liu Ping couldn't help but asked silently: "Where did you conjure up such a group of people?"

Sequence said: "You have forgotten the name of this sequence."

"What's your name?"

"The name of this sequence is: Heroic Spirit Operation Interface. If this sequence cannot summon heroic spirits, what's the point?"

"...Okay, but where did these people come from?" Liu Ping asked insistently.

"When you are strong enough, maybe you will know this secret." Sequence said.


Liu Ping looked at the soldier.

The soldier and the professionals behind him were seen eagerly waiting for Liu Ping's answer.

"Do you want gems?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, the gems in this world are good things. I don't need anything else, just gems." The warrior said.

"Very good!" Liu Ping shouted: "I announce that you have been officially recruited!"

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