Infernal Artist

Chapter 177 Viscount’s Gift

Thirty professionals.

They are well-trained, enforce orders and prohibitions, and act resolutely. At first glance, they are veterans on the battlefield.

Liu Ping just announced his recruitment.

Under the command of that soldier, they began to assign tasks in an orderly manner, set up defensive sentries on the city walls, and even sent a few people to the city to purchase supplies.

Liu Ping looked at them busy and couldn't help but asked in his heart:

"These people won't rebel midway, right?"

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"Rebellion is equivalent to giving up the mission, and a large amount of soul power will be deducted. If the soul power is not deducted enough, it will be wiped out."

"In addition, you can set up some small reward mechanisms to better command them."

"Can I set up a reward mechanism?" Liu Ping asked.

"Of course." Sequence responded.

Liu Ping thought for a moment and then said: "Okay... then the decision is this:"

"Those who gain my favor, perform bravely in battle, or make special contributions have a certain probability of getting extra gems from me."

Liu Ping finished.

After a few breaths of time, a line of small burning characters appeared in the void:

"A side mission has been released: the favor of the guard captain."

Liu Ping looked towards those people and saw that their expressions all moved and their eyes were cast into the void.

The next moment.

A female professional came to Liu Ping, winked at him and said:

"Master Knight Captain, you look quite young. How about my sister taking you to have a drink with me?"

"Things outside of work and tasks will offend me, remember." Liu Ping said coldly.

"Yes! Captain!" The female professional saluted, turned and left.

Everyone looked at it and thought for a while.

Liu Ping asked: "As soon as you release the mission, they can see it?"

Two lines of burning small characters appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"They are junior heroic spirits who responded to my call, just to help you complete your current mission——"

"Remember, you are the sponsor."

Liu Ping looked at this long line of burning characters and was stunned for a moment.

Are you a financial sponsor yourself?

The soldier came over with a flattering smile and whispered: "Master Knight, your safety is more important than anything else. I have dedicated two good hands to protect you. What do you think?"

"...What's your name?" Liu Ping.

"Zhao Mingguang."

"Zhao Mingguang, I still have some ability to protect myself. Your most important task is to repel the devil. Don't worry about me."

"Okay, everything goes as you wish."

At this time, a professional ran back from the city and said to the soldier: "Boss, we went to buy food with the copper coins exchanged in the series, but we couldn't buy anything to eat at all."

"Do they only accept gold and silver?" Zhao Mingguang asked in surprise.

"No, boss, I feel like they have no food left to sell." The professional said.

Zhao Mingguang looked at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping said: "Viscount Addington will provide your food, accommodation, weapons and armor, so there is no need to worry about this."

All the professionals immediately cheered.

Liu Ping turned around and walked towards the city, saying without looking back: "You guys set up all the defenses first, I'll take care of the logistics now."

"Then I'll trouble you, Lord Knight." Zhao Mingguang shouted loudly.

When Liu Ping returned to the castle, he saw that the entire castle was empty, and there were even fewer servants.

As for the officials who specialize in managing various affairs, I didn't see any of them.

Liu Ping suddenly remembered the long motorcade leaving the castle in the morning.

Looking back, the city was also in a state of depression.

Among the guards at the city gate, one is wearing a bandage and the other has not recovered from a long-term illness.

"It can't stupid."

Liu Ping murmured.

"Knight Commander, you are back." A man who looked like a butler said.

"What's the matter?" Liu Ping asked.

"This is what the Viscount left for you." The butler held up a wooden box.

Liu Ping opened the wooden box and saw inside a seal, a long list of keys, a card, and a note with elegant handwriting.

The note read:

"To Liu Ping, Captain of the York City Garrison:"

"You are responsible for all defense tasks in this city. The seal represents your authority, and the key allows you to pass without hindrance."

"I took my manpower to move reinforcements. I hope to come back as soon as possible to fight the devil with you."

"Justice will prevail!"

"——Your city lord: Viscount Addington."


"My ancestors were also knights and have some inherited knight skills. In view of the critical situation, I have left a knight skill to you. I hope you can use it."

"And again:"

"If you really can't hold it, you can run away at any time, but before leaving, please be sure to burn the entire castle - this will make my words more tragic."

"Thank you."

Liu Ping laughed dumbly.

When I saw that scene in the morning, I had a premonition.

It turns out he really ran away.

"Chanyi." Liu Ping called softly.

"I'm here, devil—no, brat."

"Why did you call me a brat?"

"Haha, I like to see your helpless look, it's so cute, really."

"...You are best at scouting. First see how many professionals are available in the city, and then go around outside the city to see if you can find the devil's movements or any other information."

"It's a small thing."

Zhao Chanyi turned into a small and cute cat, jumped up to the high window sill, opened the window, and disappeared outside.

Liu Ping stood there and continued to think.

When I first arrived, I had to accept the position of garrison knight commander before I could gain a foothold in this world.

Therefore, there is nothing we can do if we are forced to defend the city here.

The most important thing right now is to see what is left here after the Viscount leaves.

Liu Ping first picked up the card and looked at it carefully.

I saw a knight in white armor painted on the card, holding a sword in one hand, and raising the other hand slightly to hold a ball of light.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"Advanced Holy Chanting Technique."

"Special Skill Card (Knight)."

"Explanation: This is a silent technique of holy chanting. It allows you to skip the chanting process and directly release this elementary healing technique."

"To use this card, you need to pay five points of soul power."

All right.

Although Viscount Addington ran away, he still cared about some dignity and knew that when employing people, he must at least pay them.

Liu Ping held the card and whispered: "Use."

The card suddenly turned into a ball of light, covering Liu Ping gently and softly, and it took a while before it completely disappeared.

Liu Ping suddenly had many more techniques for performing the Holy Song Technique in his mind.

In a daze, he felt as if he had practiced the Holy Chant Technique thousands of times, so much so that he could cast it with just a wave of his hand and no longer had to rely on spells.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You have mastered the silent technique of Holy Chant."

"Consumption of soul power: five points."

"From now on, you can wave your hand at will to release the primary healing spell: Holy Chant."

——This technique has a good healing effect on some external injuries on the limbs and internal organs. It is a very practical primary healing technique.

Liu Ping felt a little better, picked up the seal and weighed it.

This is the city lord's secondary seal.

From now on, he can represent Viscount Addington and direct the operation of the entire city.

——What is left in this city to function?

"Take me to the granary to have a look." Liu Ping said to the housekeeper.

"Okay, Lord Knight," the steward said.

Opening the door of the granary, Liu Ping couldn't help but sigh.

There is almost no food left here.

Next, Liu Ping went to the weapons storage room, stables, and heavy equipment warehouse.

The weapons cache was empty.

Not a single horse.

Surprisingly, there are still two intact artillery pieces in the heavy equipment warehouse——

But there were no shells.

In line with the principle of no waste, Liu Ping pressed his hand on the cannon and activated the ability of the heroic spirit operation interface: collecting cards.


With a soft sound, the two artillery pieces turned into a card, which Liu Ping put into his pocket.

"Is there really no food at all?" Liu Ping asked.

"Lord Knight, in fact, everyone in our castle still has something to eat. The Viscount has also prepared enough food for you, which is all in the kitchen." The butler whispered.

"Take me there." Liu Ping said.

The two came to the kitchen.

I saw that there was still a lot of food reserves here, enough for Liu Ping and several servants to eat for a week.

"Start arranging for people to cook, the people in the castle, plus lunch for thirty people." Liu Ping ordered.

"Sir, if that's the case, we'll run out of food in a few days." The housekeeper was embarrassed.

"Leave the food matter to me, you don't have to worry about it, just do as I ask." Liu Ping patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes, sir." said the steward.


The professionals took turns returning to the castle for dinner.

Liu Ping and Zhao Mingguang stood on the city wall and looked out at the wilderness together.

"We have made preparations for defense. We will send scouts out of the city in the afternoon to detect the devil's movements." Zhao Mingguang said.

"This matter is not urgent. I have already sent scouts." Liu Ping said.

"Has someone already gone?" Zhao Mingguang said unexpectedly.

He glanced around.

There were only a few guards guarding the city gate, either injured or disabled.

"Master Knight, our people are very professional and are actually more qualified for this matter. Let our people do it." Zhao Mingguang said.

"Where are you from?" Liu Ping asked.

"You can't say this," Zhao Mingguang pointed at the non-existent interface in the void and said with a smile, "If you say it, I will be obliterated."

A white shadow flew from the distant sky and landed on Liu Ping's shoulder.

——But it is a snow-white and cute cat.

It spoke in human words: "Liu Ping, the devils have gathered and will arrive here in half an hour."

Liu Ping and Zhao Mingguang were both surprised.

"How strong are they?" Liu Ping asked.

"There are about seven hundred devils, and their individual strength is about the same as these professionals." White Cat said.

Zhao Mingguang's face turned pale.

"Impossible...this is a mission that must be carried to death..." he muttered absentmindedly.

"Besides these devils, do they have other things at the bottom of the box?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, this is just a small city, so those powerful guys have gone to attack other places. They seem to think that sending more than 700 soldiers is already extremely high regard for this place." White Cat said.

Liu Ping glanced at Zhao Mingguang, then reached out and took out a card.


The cards turned into two cannons.

"This is the most powerful artillery in the castle. It just lacks ammunition. I see that you were well prepared before coming. I wonder if you can make some cannonballs?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, I will arrange for someone to do it right away - but devils are a very cunning species. This kind of artillery can only fire for one round at most, and then they will find a way to avoid it." Zhao Mingguang sighed and hurriedly About to leave.

"Zhao Mingguang." Liu Ping called to him.

"Lord Knight, is there anything else?" he asked.

“How many healing professions do you have?”

"Healing profession? That is a very rare profession. Our small team cannot attract a healing profession."

Liu Ping looked at him and said, "There is no need to be afraid of more than seven hundred devils."

Zhao Mingguang's lips trembled, his face turned ashen, and he said nothing.

Liu Ping added: "I forgot to tell you that I am a Paladin."

Zhao Mingguang couldn't help but look over Liu Ping's head.

——There is nothing there.

"Now is not the time. I will let everyone know this before the war starts." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, if you are a Paladin, then we still have to fight this battle!" Zhao Mingguang gritted his teeth.

After saying that, he hurried away.

Liu Ping stood there and muttered silently: "Activate the Heroic Spirit Protection."

Be sure to select Yana, and then draw out a paladin skill.

This is about morale!

Liu Ping thought silently in his heart.

I saw lines of burning small words quickly emerging:

"Heroic Spirit Sanctuary has been activated."

"The Heroic Spirits are being randomly selected this time, and the chosen one is: Yana (Samurai God)."

"If you meet the following conditions, you can extract a variant of one of Torment Lady Yana's abilities and use it once."

"Extraction conditions: torture an enemy and make him completely surrender under your feet."

"——For gods, torturing sentient beings will bring some happiness."

Liu Ping looked disappointed.

It's over.

According to the last prompt, what will be drawn next will not be the paladin ability, but Yana's ability as the goddess of torture!

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