Infernal Artist

Chapter 200 Crash Landing

on the sky.

The airship flies at a constant speed.

Libertas lay beside the cabin window, looking at the dark earth outside.

"After death, being able to live in such a peaceful place is actually a blessing among misfortunes, what do you think?" he said with emotion.

"Fortunately, we are not in an area full of sleepers." Liu Ping said.

He raised his head and glanced around.

Lines of identifiers popped up from the heads of the passengers:

"Ordinary people."

"Ordinary people."

"Second-level professional, Express Association."

"Ordinary people."

"Level 5 professional, believer of the Nine-Winged Fallen God."

"First-level professional, believer of the Nine-Winged Fallen God."

"Ordinary people."

"Second-level professional, believer of the Nine-Winged Fallen God."


One hundred and twenty passengers.

Eighteen believers.

The number of people who believe in evil gods is growing rapidly.

This may be because of the speech made by the emperor——

If there is only one human settlement within a billion square kilometers, this will indeed cause despair in people's hearts.

And religion is the best sustenance.

"We are indeed lucky to be in the Empire." Libertas said.

"It's a pity that those young men from the class who died young died in battle while defending the city." Liu Ping said.

Libertas said:

"I heard that the empire originally had high hopes for our class..."

"Oh? Did you get any news?" Liu Ping asked.

"It is not an easy task to gather all of us young people into the territory of the empire. I heard that the war sequence spent a lot of energy on this matter." Libertas said.

He shrugged and sighed: "In the end, only five people survived, and one of them became a believer in the monster."

Liu Pingdao nodded.

Seriously speaking, Hua Qingkong and Xiao Mengluo both have extraordinary talents. If they can grow up, they will definitely surpass other professionals.

Libertas also has abilities beyond those of ordinary professionals.

They are all in their teens.

If you give them time and help them grow up——

From this point of view, the empire actually gained something.

Libertas stood up and said, "Let's go outside and have a cigarette?"

Liu Ping shook his head and said, "Go ahead."

Libertas turned and walked out of the cockpit.

Liu Ping looked into the cabin again.

Eighteen believers——

Riding on the same airship is a fate that cannot be wasted.

He sat still when a knife suddenly came out of his sleeve and slashed lightly under the table.

The invisible wind flew out instantly.

Eighteen passengers suddenly began to fall asleep (coma).

——After all, who would have thought that someone would attack in such a sinister way, with a gust of wind coming out from under the person's feet?

In an instant, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You cast the secret sword Spring Breeze Slash."

"You have consumed 1 point of soul power."

"Because this sword technique has the power to save lives and heal the wounded, you are gaining soul power:"

"Soul power +1;"

"Soul power +3;"

"Soul power +4;"

"Soul power +1;"


Liu Ping nodded with satisfaction.

Mosquito meat is also meat. As long as it is accounted for, how can we let it go?

Under his gaze, soul power accumulated rapidly.

——Only the last 1 point of soul power left to upgrade.

At this time, a soft broadcast sounded:

"Dear passengers, we will arrive at the Imperial City in one hour."

One hour.


First go to the headquarters and see if you can find some way to get some insect corpses.

Liu Ping was thinking silently, without any warning——

The airship shook.

Many things fell from the tables and chairs to the ground, and those who were standing fell down.

Noisy sounds followed.

People let out bursts of shouts.

On the radio, a soft voice sounded again:

"Dear passengers, we have encountered strong air currents. Please sit down immediately and do not move at will."

Strong airflow?

Liu Ping frowned slightly.

The feeling just now was like the fluctuations caused by the impact of energy, rather than a strong air flow...

He casually opened the light screen on the table.

On the screen, the shadow of the Imperial City appeared, and a host was roaring crazily:

"Look, everyone, those two attackers are hovering over the palace!"

"They want to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor!"

Deep in the sky behind the host, two small black dots floated quietly.

A female voice penetrated the sky, allowing everyone to hear clearly:

"Show yourself, my dear Emperor. You are definitely not a human being. I have already sensed this."

There was no movement in the palace.

Around the palace, more and more soldiers appeared out of thin air and formed formations to meet the enemy.

In the sky.

Another voice laughed and said: "We don't mean any harm, we just want to meet you to confirm that you are not the target we are looking for."

Following his voice, countless branches appeared from the void and entangled every soldier.

No matter how hard they struggled, they could not break away from the branches.

The female voice sounded again: "Come, meet us."

There was still no movement in the palace.

After a while, the emperor's voice slowly sounded:

"Sequence, shut down all communications and surveillance."

"I'm here to have a good meeting with these two distinguished guests of unknown origin."

The cold and ruthless voice of the war sequence then sounded: "Follow your orders!"

The light screen went black.

All communications were interrupted.

Libertas hurried back and shouted: "It's not good, Liu Ping!"

Liu Ping looked up.

I saw Libertas holding a card in his hand.

There is a line written on the card:

"Either death or a crash landing."

Liu Ping asked: "Is this your suggestion card?"

"Yes, just twelve hours later, I was a little worried when the airship was bumpy, so I took one." Libertas panted.

Liu Ping stood up suddenly and shouted: "Let's go! Go to the cab!"

Libertas' suggestion card should be a mysterious ability.

This ability of divination can never be underestimated in various systems.

——In the eternal night, the mysterious power has the highest status!

Liu Ping quickly passed through the crowd, passed through the three passenger cabins along the corridor, and arrived at the airship cab.


The cab was kicked open by him.


Several guards and drivers turned around.

Liu Ping said: "I am a member of the Supervisory Committee. From now on, this airship has been hijacked by me."

Beside him, a little girl appeared quietly and whispered: "Don't resist."

An invisible aura emanated from the little girl.

All the pilots and guards suddenly became paralyzed and could no longer move.

Liu Ping strode forward, stood in front of the console and quickly clicked various buttons. Then he held the flight rudder and controlled the airship to land quickly towards the ground.

"You know how to fly an airship?" Libertas asked in surprise.

"I read the operation manual when I was in the library, and this is my first time to practice it," Liu Ping said.

Bursts of noisy sounds came from the airship cabin.

——The airship descended too fast, and many people began to panic.

"Andrea, guard the door."

Liu Ping said without looking back.

The little girl nodded, walked to the door, and looked outside.

"Please be quiet, everyone."

she whispered.

Everyone instantly slumped in their seats, unable to move.

As a level 40 dragon, he has a huge advantage even against professionals of the same level, not to mention that most of the people in this airship are ordinary people.

Time passes slowly.

The airship passed through the clouds, descended quietly, and finally stopped in a farmland on the outskirts of the imperial city.

Then that astonishing scene appeared——

Endless fire clouds soared into the sky.

The flames were like a raging tide, destroying the clouds, burning through the night, and projecting into the endless deep sky.

If the airship is still flying above the clouds, it will only end up crashing.

"Libertas, you saved everyone."

Liu Ping said.

Libertas wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, unable to speak for a moment.

Luckily I looked at the suggestion sign!

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Andrea stared at the fire clouds in the sky and whispered: "But what exactly is the flame? This type of destruction spell is almost impossible for humans to master..."

Liu Ping had some guesses in his mind.

——This fire cloud is most likely the aftermath of the fight between the Supervisory Committee and the Emperor.


Andrea said suddenly.

Liu Ping looked up and saw that the fire clouds in the sky suddenly condensed into a point and turned into a woman.

She flew into the deep space without looking back, and disappeared completely after a few flashes.

There were two people when we arrived.

Run away one.

This time it seems that the people from the Supervisory Committee suffered a loss.

——Will they come again?

Liu Ping shook his head and put this thought out of his mind for the time being.

The appearance of the Supervisory Committee has already caused trouble for the monster. Whether it is interrogating the prisoners or looking for other members of the Supervisory Committee, it will distract the monster's attention.

This is enough.

"We can't wait here any longer. Let's go back to the imperial city." Liu Ping said.

He strode out of the airship and threw out a mount card.

Libertas also took out the mount card he just bought and threw it away.

There were two soft sounds in a row.

Two war horses appeared in front of them.

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