Infernal Artist

Chapter 201 Naturalists

Imperial City.

Imperial Command.

Although it is called the Imperial Headquarters, in fact, all the military-related institutions in the entire imperial city are here.

"Don't move around here. I'm going to get some information and will be back soon." Liu Ping said.

Libertas looked at the large iron gate of the headquarters and then at Liu Ping.

"How-how are you going to get in?"

he asked suspiciously.

"You have forgotten that Hua Qingkong and I are secret troops directly under the commander-in-chief." Liu Ping said.

"Oh! Then I'll wait for you here." Libertas said suddenly.

Liu Ping nodded, turned and walked towards the door.


He briefly showed his ID and was let through by the guard.

Libertas leaned against the tree, feeling a little envious.

Is it unfair to become an assassin?

If that doesn't work, you can still get a job in the military and at least get an extra salary.

Liu Ping walked all the way into the headquarters gate, his eyes wandering between the various buildings.

——I had already investigated it when I came here last time.

It should be the special operations team that responds to various emergencies in the imperial city.

But that incident at the Royal Academy was long over.

The corpses of the bugs should have been handed over to the Special Inspection Section.

The Special Laboratory Department specializes in this, and they are responsible for comprehensive analysis of some strange things.

This department is in Building 3.

Liu Ping continued to walk forward and soon saw a white building.

Compared with other buildings in the headquarters, this white building is relatively deserted, with almost no one coming in or out.

——Would you like to touch a fish?

Although he is a member of the secret force, he is not qualified to enter the special inspection department without a reason, let alone take away some insect corpses.

Then let’s fish.

Liu Ping was about to activate his skill when a voice suddenly came from not far away:

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Liu Ping looked back and saw an old man in simple clothes standing not far away, looking at him with a smile.

——Teacher Ted!

"Teacher, why are you here?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"The military has some things that it can't handle and needs help from us naturalists, so I've been here recently," Ted said.

"Need a naturalist? In this way, it has something to do with some biological specimens and unknown things, right?" Liu Ping said.

"Exactly, I'm going to the Special Laboratory Department to continue a job, what about you?" Ted asked.

Liu Ping was silent for a moment and then said directly: "I plan to sneak into the Special Inspection Department and look for the corpses of the insects that invaded the Royal Academy."

Ted's face changed slightly, and he pulled him to the shade of a tree aside and shouted: "You are too courageous to sneak into the special laboratory department casually, but you will end up in a cell."

"I am now a member of the special forces under the commander-in-chief. There is no problem in getting in, but I can't get the insect corpses." Liu Ping also whispered.

Ted looked around and saw no one around, so he whispered: "Are you doing research?"

"Yes, I think there's something fishy about that insect." Liu Ping said.

"Of course it is strange. There is a lot of secret knowledge in it... We have been studying this. By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet - you have officially become a naturalist." Ted said.

"Thank you, teacher, for your introduction."

"Du Lei and Jess are full of praise for you, saying that you have the demeanor of our naturalist."

"It's a pity that the Natural History Society was closed down just after I became a naturalist."

"...Hmph, it's that ignorant emperor. He thinks religion is a good thing? Come with me."

Ted led Liu Ping towards the building of the Special Laboratory Department.

"Teacher?" Liu Ping hesitated.

"As naturalists, we have never been afraid of secular power. Only truth can make us bend." Ted said.


"I'll take you in, be smart and find the right opportunity to strike."

"...Thank you teacher."

Liu Ping followed Ted into the building.

Some people came up to question me.

At Ted's signal, Liu Ping took out his Erudite emblem, and then Ted proved his identity and was released.

The elevator descended all the way to the ground.

Floor 32.

The elevator opens.

After passing through several doors, Liu Ping and Ted changed into protective clothing and gas masks. After a series of disinfection measures, they stood in front of a huge iron door.


"It's okay, we have the final say here."


The door opens.

Several groups of people wearing military uniforms, rubber gloves and gas masks looked at the two.

Liu Ping met everyone's gaze and discovered Du Lei, Jace, and even a few other men with scholarly temperament.

"This is my student Liu Ping." Ted introduced.

Everyone immediately laughed and greeted Liu Ping one by one.

"I heard that there is a young man who can memorize the entire library of books. It must be you."

"The rising star."

"So young and one of my own."

"Has the research direction been decided?"

Everyone said one after another.

Liu Ping was a little surprised. While greeting everyone, he looked at Ted.

Ted laughed and said, "Except for researchers, what kind of people do you think would be interested in monster corpses?"

"I should have thought of it earlier." Liu Ping sighed.

"Okay, let's talk about the bugs later when we leave. Come, come and see this monster with us."

Ted said.

As soon as this was said, everyone's expressions became serious.

The three scholars draw cards together.

I saw that on the cards in their hands, there was a row of numbers that were constantly changing.

"This is a password card. The seal will be unlocked only if all three strings of passwords are correct and the character verification is passed." Ted said.

The next second.

A cold voice sounded:

"Permission passed, the seal has been released."


A thick cold mist dispersed from across the crowd.

In the cold fog, several black objects appeared vaguely.

Liu Ping saw several insect corpses covered in frost and frozen on the platforms.

In the center of the many corpses, there was a giant object seven or eight meters high.

It looked like an extremely strong man, with steel and flesh all over his body, but the gaps between those muscles were filled with vertical pupils.

Just looking at it is terrifying.

"Teacher, what is this?"

Liu Ping asked.

"I found it from northern Xinjiang - this thing is actually thrilling and could write a travelogue, but to put it simply, I used an automatic detector to explore a place outside the border, where I found this A corpse," Ted said.

"It was just shipped back yesterday, in other words-" Du Lei said.

"This is something outside the border. We have never seen it before. It is very precious." Jace said.

Liu Ping also became interested, walked around the monster, and said, "This guy is similar to a bug."

"What?" Ted asked.

"It was originally supposed to be a human being." Liu Ping said.

"Are bugs originally humans?" a scholar asked keenly.

"Yes, I just found out one thing. The incident on Floating Deng Road was caused by an officer named Qian Zhouwu. He could transform into a bug." Liu Ping said.

Ted ordered: "Search the empire's missing persons catalog immediately and compare the monster's face to see if anything can be found."

Several scholars pulled out cards and began to quickly search the missing persons directory.

Ted winked at Liu Ping and said, "Go and look at those bugs - see if you can find any clues."

He handed over a tray.

—The plate is full of dissection paraphernalia.

"is teacher."

Liu Ping took the plate, walked to the periphery of the monster corpses, found a random insect corpse, and began to cut it carefully.

The scholars turned their backs one after another.

Liu Ping held a sharp scalpel and cut off the compound foot of an insect.

"I don't know if it's enough..."

He placed Fuzu on the ground, took out the dagger, and lightly touched the insect Fuzu with the tip of the sword.

The insect's legs suddenly disappeared.

There was a "crunching" sound coming from the dagger, as if it was chewing something.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"It needs more corpses to fully understand the current weakness of the corpse bug."

——This is easy to handle.

Liu Ping walked to another insect, cut off a wing from its back, and still held it to the dagger.

The dagger ate it quickly.

Another line of small words appeared:

"It also needs to eat a little bit of the main trunk."

Liu Ping held the scalpel, dug open the chest of the other insect, cut out the heart, and placed it on the ground.

——He didn't dare to let the dagger directly touch the insect corpse, otherwise the dagger would eat up the corpse at once, which would make things difficult for the teacher.

As it is now, the bugs lack some scattered parts, and the teacher can say that they are used for research and consumed.

The dagger made a "creak" sound.

Its surface gradually turned into a long needle, changing from dark green to dark gray.

A line of small burning characters appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"Your magic sword: Death of the Insect, the Sword of Extermination in the Green Devil Canyon is ready."

"Number of uses: 1 time."

"It has become a highly targeted weapon that can directly kill that species of corpse insect."

"Special note: The corpse insect transformed by the prisoner is the most unique and the most powerful. This sword may not be able to kill with one strike. Please be prepared for other things."


Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief and put away his dagger.

He slowly returned to Ted and said softly: "Teacher, there is nothing to study about bugs. I want to continue studying this corpse with you."

Ted took out a pocket watch and looked at it.

There are only two scales on the dial, one on the left and one on the right of the horizontal line, with green leaves and skulls engraved on them.

When the pocket watch was opened, a red pointer rotated a few times and suddenly jumped to the right, pointing to a black skull.

Liu Ping looked at the pocket watch curiously.

I saw lines of burning small words appearing quickly:

"The foretelling bell of growth and death."

"This is a mysterious item. Its pointer represents the situation you will face next."

Ted put away his pocket watch, coughed lightly and said, "Okay, today's research ends here. I have something important to announce to everyone. Everyone, follow me."

Everyone was stunned.

The research has just begun, but Ted wants to take everyone away?

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Liu Ping looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go."

He supported Ted and walked out first.

"Let's go, Ted must have some secrets, let's go and see." Du Lei also laughed.

Everyone followed.

They walked out of the big iron gate.

"Close the door and reseal it," Ted ordered.

Rumble, rumble——

The heavy iron door closed again.

"Sequence, disinfect everyone, check the soul and body, and then send us out." Ted said again.

Pipes emitting cold smoke suddenly hung from the ceiling, spraying various disinfectant gases on people.

A light flashed from bottom to top.

"Everything is fine, you can leave."

Sequence said coldly.

The elevators open.

Everyone squeezed in one by one.


They are back on the ground.

Ted took out his pocket watch again and opened it.

I saw the red pointer jumping over and pointing to the green leaves again.

Ted breathed a sigh of relief, but his face immediately became tense again, and he said: "Quick! Everyone, go, don't stay here - Liu Ping, you also go quickly, I have to report the sequence immediately."

Deep underground.

The sealed place behind the iron gate.

The giant with vertical pupils moved.

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