Infernal Artist

Chapter 207 Emergency Measures

Seven options.

"All cards,

Career and skill allocation,

fate line,

Harvest period setting,

Emergency measures,

history record,

Regarding the Fool 3-6912 type sequence. "

Among them, "all cards", "fate line", "harvest deadline setting" and "about the Fool 3-6912 type sequence" have all been figured out.

What's left is——

There are three items: "Occupation and Skill Allocation", "Emergency Measures" and "Historical Records".

Liu Ping thought for a while and then said, "Let me take a look at the historical records first."

"As you command, Your Excellency."

In the void, all cards disappear.

Immediately afterwards, dense dragon characters appeared:

"Since the advent of eternal night, the harvesting situation of human souls in this sequence is as follows:"

"In the first year, the fallen angels harvested the souls of 2,400 human professionals. The detailed list can be retrieved;"

"In the second year, the Bone Refining Demon harvested the souls of 1,800 human professionals. The detailed list can be retrieved;"

"In the third year, the Ice-Blooded Ghost harvested the souls of 1,500 human professionals. The detailed list can be retrieved;"


——It turns out that the so-called historical records refer to the records of harvesting human souls.

Liu Ping read it for a while, until the name "Dark Elf" appeared in the last entry, and then he said, "I won't read anymore."

"Yes." Metallic voice said.

All historical records disappeared, and the seven options resurfaced in front of Liu Ping.


There are only two items left: "Occupation and Skill Allocation" and "Emergency Measures".

Emergency measures are for dealing with evil spirits.


"Let me see the 'occupation and skill allocation'." Liu Ping said.

"As you command." The metallic voice said.

Lines of small characters began to appear in front of him:

"Based on some problems that occurred in the Fool's second-generation sequence, the Fool's third-generation sequence added the ability of 'occupation and skill allocation'. The principle is:"

"Suppress the growth of human beings and prevent them from gaining powerful abilities too quickly."

"You can search for skill deployment plans for any occupation at will."

Liu Ping thought for a while and said, "Let me see the knight's skill deployment plan."

Lines of new text appeared in front of Liu Ping:

"According to the normal arrangement of the laws of purgatory, knights are versatile fighters. Each time they advance to a level, they can acquire professional skills in a certain direction."

"In view of this situation, the deployment of the knight profession in this sequence is as follows:"

"1. You can obtain skills once every ten levels;"

"2. Each time you upgrade the level, only a small increase in health and attack power is allowed;"

"3. Completely block other attributes;"

"4. When reaching level 50, the knight will begin to master the skills of resonance with the world."

"Explanation: This resonance will remind this sequence in time to arrange its fate line as soon as possible so that the harvesting of its soul can be completed in an orderly manner."

"5. Once the knight awakens his special ability, the skills that provide him with promotion will be terminated early and his fate will be arranged immediately."

Liu Ping read it silently and went to look at other professions.

——The same is true for other professions.

It turns out that all human professionals have been suppressed.

The Sequence of Fools—or, in other words, the beings in purgatory—only want to gain souls and do not want to see any possible resistance.

"Hey, Heroic Spirit Operation Interface, are you in the same sequence?" Liu Ping asked silently.

A line of burning small words appeared:

"What do you think?"

"...No, otherwise why wouldn't anyone else have your sequence?" Liu Ping said.

Another line of small words appeared:

"Exactly, it is the Fool, and I am the Heroic Spirit. You can understand the huge difference from the names."

Liu Ping asked doubtfully: "But what exactly are you?"

Two more lines of burning small characters quickly appeared:

"Please continue to obtain the cards that make up various sequences in Purgatory and Eternal Night, so that this sequence can evolve——"

"Only if this sequence continues to evolve can you see the answer."

Liu Ping fell into thinking.

I got a "Bsanna in the Woods" before.

The heroic spirit sequence directly upgrades the "primary heroic spirit summoning" to the "secondary heroic spirit summoning", allowing you to summon a level 50 heroic spirit.

In this way, helping the sequence grow is also a way to enhance one's own strength.

He looked at the blank space again.

——At this time, six of the seven choices in the "Fool" sequence have been read, and only "Emergency Measures" are left.

"Open emergency measures." Liu Ping said.

"As you command." The metallic voice responded.

Several brand-new options immediately appeared in front of Liu Ping:

"1. Core card group inspection;"

"2. Human threat;"

"3. Eternal night erosion;"

"4. Discover the prisoner;"

"5. Sequence error reporting."

There are five options in total.

Liu Ping looked down at the leaves in his hands.

I saw a few lines of text quickly appearing on the leaves:

"Start interpreting."

"Choose 1, the examiner will operate the core deck of the 'Fool 3-6912 type sequence';"

"Option 2, the Purgatory Legion will come to solve the human threat;"

"Choose 3 or 4, and the current sequence world will enter a protected state;"

"If 3 and 4 exist at the same time, the current sequence world will be abandoned, and no inspector will come to check the situation until one year later;"

"Choose 5, and the sequence will enter a frozen state of time and space within an hour until the examiner corrects the errors in the sequence."

"——When you choose any of 2-5, you need to provide corresponding evidence."

Liu Ping finished reading it quickly.

There is no doubt that I cannot report the 'Human Threat' option because I am not the real examiner.

Once the Purgatory Legion comes, although they will fight the prisoners, it will not necessarily be beneficial to them.

And point 5 is very much like the frozen state of the Kingdom of Ceylon.


Liu Ping looked at the black leaves and said silently: "Are you sure you will help me?"

"Yes, this leaf contains the power of destiny, which can interpret the current situation for you and help you leave here safely." A line of small words appeared on the black leaf.

"Leave here safely..." Liu Ping repeated.

Now he has a rough idea of ​​it.

The so-called inspector should be a role similar to management and maintenance.

The difference is that the inspectors are responsible for the management and maintenance of the 'Fool' sequences created by the numerous sequences in Purgatory.

Liu Ping looked at the options and said:

"I'm going to start."

"Your Excellency, this sequence is ready for your inspection at any time." The sound of metal sounded.

Liu Ping said: "I need to test the core deck of the current sequence."

"As commanded."

In the blank world, a set of cards quietly emerged.

On the back of these cards, there is a human being who barely smiles. His hands and feet are shackled, and he is kneeling on the ground, making praying movements.

All 54 cards were turned over, facing Liu Ping.

"Come." Liu Ping said calmly.

All cards fly to his hand.

He held the card and asked quietly:

"What cards are needed to ensure the sequence works properly?"

A line of text appeared on the leaves: "Pictures 3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 26, 33, 46, 52."


Liu Ping picked out half of the cards and threw them back into the air.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "Activate emergency measures 3, 4, and 5."

Then the metallic sound sounded:

“Are you sure you want to activate ‘Eternal Night Erosion’, ‘Prisoner Found’, and ‘Sequence Error Report’ continuously?”

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"Please provide evidence." The metallic voice said.

"There are two pieces of evidence for item 3. One of them is in the garden of the palace, covered by a piece of human skin cloth. Under the cloth is the Eternal Night Sleeper: the communication circle of the Thousand-Eyed Demon King. If this is not enough - "

Liu Ping took out the dagger and threw it into the void.

The dagger disappeared instantly.

A breath passed.

"The verification has been completed. The third emergency measure is activated: 'Eternal Night Erosion'." Metallic voice said.

"The fourth piece of evidence is that the emperor is fighting with the Supervisory Committee in the sky. He does not dare to use your power, otherwise you will sense its true identity." Liu Ping said.

——About this, the Thousand-Eyed Demon King said it himself when he was mocking the prisoners.

At that time, such words would not have any impact on the situation, and the Ten Thousand-Eyed Demon King just said it casually without any other considerations.

Liu Ping thought for a while and further added: "In addition, please do a simple reasoning: Who has the power to build a rune array connecting the Ten Thousand-Eyed Demon King in the palace garden?"

After three breaths.

A metallic sound sounded: "The verification has been completed. The emperor is unwilling to use the power of this sequence. This sequence is activating the fourth emergency measure: 'Discover the prisoner'."

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

From this moment on, those guys in Purgatory no longer dare to come.


"Okay, let's start item 5 directly: Sequence Error Report." Liu Ping said.

The metal voice said: "This sequence has completed the self-test and has not found the sequence error report you mentioned, so this sequence will not start the fifth item."

"Really?" Liu Ping said.

He held the core card of the ‘Fool’ sequence in one hand, shuffled the cards a few times, and said softly:

"Collect the cards."

A line of burning small words suddenly jumped out:

"Accept the order!"

"The Fool core deck is about to be collected from you."

"In view of the large number of Purgatory Sequence cards obtained this time, this operation interface is about to enter a super-evolved state!"

In an instant, all the cards in Liu Ping's hand disappeared.

He stood there, coughed slightly, and asked: "Can we start item 5 now: Sequence Error Report?"

The metallic sound was silent for a long time.

"Item 5 has been activated."

"In one hour, the entire sequence world will fall into a state of stasis of time and space."

"In view of the fact that the behavior of this examiner has caused irreversible damage to this sequence, the hidden settings have been activated, and this sequence will directly contact Purgatory and report everything that happens here."

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the leaves in his hands again.

"Hey, you seemed to have said that you could take me out safely."

He whispered to the leaves.

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