Infernal Artist

Chapter 208 Leaving

A harsh metallic sound sounded:

"Inspector, please stay where you are."

"This sequence is waiting for Purgatory's response and its subsequent treatment of you."

The entire blank world quickly disappeared.

Endless metal pipes came into Liu Ping's eyes.

The dense pipes swirled around Liu Ping like a strong wind, trapping him in the middle.

The black leaves in Liu Ping's hands glowed.

A line of small words appeared on the surface of the leaves:

"The situation you have created is beyond the capabilities of this leaf."

"This leaf can only help you get out of here."

"You will appear in the Imperial City."

"Please choose where you want to stay now."

Liu Ping only hesitated for a moment and immediately said: "Headquarters."

The next moment.

The entire leaf suddenly opened up, draped over Liu Ping like a piece of clothing, and disappeared from the place with him.

The world is spinning.

Liu Ping stumbled and fell to the ground.

Directly opposite him was the gate of the Imperial Headquarters.

The black leaf floated in front of him, displaying the last text:

"The Fool 3-6912 type sequence is about to hunt you down."

"You must escape from the current human kingdom within an hour, otherwise you will fall into the stasis of time and space together with the entire kingdom."

"—Prove your worth."

"Don't let the power of this leaf go to waste, otherwise the tree spirit who gave you the leaf will also suffer eternal soul destruction."

All text is displayed.

This leaf gradually turned into a powdery light spot, submerged into the void, and disappeared.

The next moment.

Metal pipes appeared from the void and swarmed in, all rushing toward Liu Ping——

But at the same time, rows of burning small characters were refreshed crazily:

“Through the core decks you have collected, this operation interface has fully analyzed the ‘Fool’ deck;”

"The current 'Fool' sequence has been linked;"

"This pursuit order has been eliminated;"

"All means of transportation have been ordered to operate normally;"

"Character: Liu Ping has been decoupled from the 'Fool 3-6912' sequence and is not under its control."


"Next, this operation interface will enter the upgrade state and will not be able to respond to all your commands."

"——Time and space stagnation will be activated in 59 minutes."

"You must escape from the current country as soon as possible!"

All the small words disappeared in a flash.

The entire interface disappeared.

Just listen to a dense "click, click, click, click, click" sound.

Those metal pipes separated from Liu Ping's body one after another, retracted into the void, and disappeared.

Liu Ping fell to the ground again.

Ignoring the strange look from the guard at the door, he turned around and walked across the street to his previous location.

Libertas is still waiting here.

"What happened just now? What happened?" he asked solemnly.

"The entire empire will come to a standstill in an hour." Liu Ping said.

"What!" Libertas was startled.

Liu Ping closed his eyes, opened them again, and said: "From the map, it is possible to cross the border and leave the empire within an hour only by walking in the direction of Saint Tossif City."

Libertas hesitated and said: "Frostwind City——"

"After Frostwind City was massacred by demons, Saint Tossif City became the border."

Liu Ping recalled while continuing: "On the other side of the border, the entire devil's kingdom has fled - so once we cross the city of Saint Tossif, we will arrive at the deserted devil's kingdom. In a short period of time, It should be safe!"

"I can't believe it..."

Libertas said, reaching out to draw the card into the void, but suddenly stopped.

"The time is not up yet, I can't draw the suggestion card yet."

he said in frustration.

"It's okay, we need an airship, fly to Santosif City immediately - let's go!" Liu Ping said.

The two of them quickly crossed the street and rushed towards the airship passenger terminal.

In the sky, an angry roar suddenly sounded:

"The despised Supervisory Committee, sooner or later I will kill you all!"

——This is the emperor’s voice!

Immediately afterwards, another old voice sounded: "Aha, we don't expect to defeat you. After all, this place seems to be sealed, isn't it?"

Another female voice said with some joy: "We will let you be sealed here."

"Don't even think about it!"

boom! ! !

The sounds of fighting in the sky became more intense, and then quickly faded away——

From the looks of it, the emperor seemed to be escaping in one direction.

The sky above the imperial city gradually returned to calm.

on the ground.

The two teenagers ran quickly.

"Liu Ping," Libertas' expression became serious and he asked quickly: "What is going on? Why do I feel that the whole world is in chaos?"

Liu Ping said while running: "The sequence is actually an accomplice of various races in purgatory to harvest humans. For example, as an assassin, you can only obtain a skill at level ten; the fight between humans and devils always ends with the devil winning; those above level 50 Professionals will always reasonably die, and these limitations on humanity will always exist."

"Damn it, really damn it! If I had known this, I would rather linger on and live, why should I fight with others and end up in this hellish place." Libertas cursed.

Liu Ping was thinking secretly.

——As expected, the prisoner will escape.

It doesn't want to be sealed in stagnant time and space again.

from now on.

The sky is no longer a restricted area.

The heroic spirit interface ordered all transportation vehicles to operate as usual, which perfectly coordinated with his actions.

I wish I could make it in time!

Seven minutes later.

The two arrived at the airship passenger terminal.

"When will the airship to Santosov City take off?" Liu Ping asked, standing in front of the window.

"Airship No. 8 will take off in seven minutes." The conductor said while looking at the light screen.

Liu Ping and Libertas looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

"please give me--"

"Sorry, I just received news that all seats are full."

"What! Who booked the seats?"

"It's the church."

The conductor looked at the two teenagers and consoled them: "You can wait for the next one. In two hours, there will be another airship heading to St. Thomas' City."

Liu Ping said: "Where will the airship with the closest departure time fly to?"

The conductor said: "Flight to Port Said in five minutes."

"Please give me two tickets."

"Okay, go through the passage behind me, berth No. 7, I will tell them to wait for you, you have to get on the ship quickly."

"Thank you."

Liu Ping and Libertas paid the money, quickly walked through the passage and entered the airship port behind.

5 minutes later.

An airship slowly took off and flew towards Port Said.

Liu Ping looked around the entire airship.

Lines of small words popped out from people’s heads——

This is the mysterious side's ability "Seeing and hearing is like a name". Although the Heroic Spirit operation interface fell into silence, this ability belongs to Liu Ping.

Liu Ping glanced at the entire cabin and whispered: "There is no threat."

"I'm going to hijack the ship," Libertas said.

"I'll contact Hua Qingkong," Liu Ping said.

"Should we notify more people?"

"No, they won't believe it. Even if they believe it, it will be too late."

"Let them fall into stagnant time and space?"

"This is actually a kind of protection. After all, it would be difficult for such weak human professionals to survive if they were all placed in the eternal night."

Libertas was convinced, got up and walked towards the cockpit.

Liu Ping pulled out a contact card and whispered: "Hua Qingkong."

There was a moment of silence.

Hua Qingkong's voice suddenly sounded from the card: "Liu Ping, I have some bad news to tell you. Xiao Mengluo is missing, and I can't find her."

"No need to look for her, she has already left." Liu Ping said.

"What!" Hua Qingkong said in shock.

"I'll explain to you later. Now you have to do one thing - cross the border of the empire and go to the other side of the snow-capped mountains." Liu Ping said.

"Why?" Hua Qingkong asked.

"Libertas and I will leave the empire from the city of Santosov, and then go back to the snow-capped mountains along the border to meet you - believe me once, and we will spend a clear sky," Liu Ping said.

"...Okay." Hua Qingkong said.

Liu Ping could feel her rapid breathing.

"Has Xiao Mengluo been kidnapped?" she asked.

"No, but you have been targeted by the devil and can no longer stay in the empire." Liu Ping said.

"Me?" Hua Qingkong asked.

"You have the talent of summoning spirits, which is also a rare ability in purgatory. The sequence is auctioning you - you must get out of their sight immediately."

Liu Ping thought for a while and added: "Bring more supplies to ensure your own safety."

There was no sound from the other side.

After a while, she seemed to have controlled her emotions and choked up:

"I understand - you must come to me alive."

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths and said, "If we are alive, we will definitely look for you."

After saying that, he slowly put down the card.

At this time, the spacecraft turned in a beautiful arc in mid-air, changed direction, and flew towards the city of Saint Tossif.

Libertas poked his head out of the cab and gave Liu Ping a thumbs up.

Liu Ping nodded.

Suddenly, someone in the cabin shouted loudly: "What's going on? We should obviously be flying towards Port Said, why did we change the course?"

Libertas also shouted: "Please keep quiet, this is a new route, it can save a quarter of an hour."

He glared at the man.

The man immediately became quiet and sat on his seat without saying a word.

Suddenly, another voice sounded:

"Look, that's airship No. 8. It's obviously heading to the city of St. Thomas. Why are we with it?"

Everyone looked out the window.

Sure enough, not far ahead and to the side, an airship was gradually accelerating.

Airship No. 8.

Fly to Santosov.

——There are people from the church up there!

Liu Ping's expression condensed, and he stood up and said: "Everyone, I am a professional, specifically responsible for the safety and security of this flight. Please understand one thing:"

"Airship No. 8 is diverted to Port Said today."

"Every passenger, please start taking a rest. If anyone causes trouble, I will record his card number and report him to the police for disrupting traffic."

Everyone had no choice but to quiet down.

Liu Ping walked to the driver's cab and whispered: "When you arrive at St. Thomas' City, go out of the city immediately, cross the border, and wait for me outside the border."

"You won't come with me?" Libertas asked in surprise.

"I...have some revenge to take."

Liu Ping looked at the spaceship outside the window and said quietly.

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