Infernal Artist

Chapter 241 Join

"In the past ten years, Viscount Ayton has been assassinated thirty-nine times, but none of them were successful."

"According to incomplete statistics, there are eight card masters in the Viscount Mansion, and they are always guarding Viscount Ayton."

Liu Ping put down this piece of information and picked up another one.

I saw it read:

"The latest information from the Viscount's Mansion:"

"Yesterday, because he failed to preside over the gambling game, the viscount killed twenty people in a row and sent three card masters to hunt down the baron of Mir Village."

"According to intelligence analysis, the Viscount is suspected of playing tricks in the gambling game, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of the majority of high-ranking nobles."

"The direction of the wind coming from the imperial capital shows that the Viscount will face huge difficulties this time."

Liu Ping put down the information and fell into deep thought.

A viscount can decide the life or death of a baron at will.


If Viscount Ayton really angers other nobles——

As long as there is one of those nobles who is more noble than him, such as a marquis or an earl, then Viscount Ayton will be in danger.

...It seems that I don't have to rush to kill him.

If Viscount Ayton is killed by a high noble—

Wouldn’t everyone be happy?

"Your Excellency, everything you asked for is ready."

A voice suddenly came from the door of the secret room.

"Please come in," Liu Ping said.

The door opens.

A thief walked in respectfully and placed several cards in front of Liu Ping.

Liu Ping looked at them one by one and saw a good set of thieves' leather armor, as well as a pair of daggers, a short sword, a bow and arrows, poison, small grenades, night boots, a cloak, an enchanted mask, and a combat potion.

The thief watched him check the cards and said from the side: "They are all items at the level of a great thief. They are the best in the guild."

"Not bad." Liu Ping said.

These things can't be said to be very good, nor are they anything special, but they are as sharp as they should be, as light as they should be, and as deadly as they should be, and they are enough to play a thief.

"Sir, there is one more thing."


"The city lord's palace sent people today to search the entire city of Fulun like mad dogs, and they have already arrived at our place."

"What do I need to do?" Liu Ping asked.

The thief gave a bitter smile and said: "Many of the things our Thieves Guild has done are not on the table, and many brothers have offended the City Lord's Mansion - if you have ever offended the City Lord's Mansion, please come to the secret passage with me to escape for a while."

"Then let's go." Liu Ping said.

He stood up, followed the thief out of the door, and walked all the way towards the depths of the Thieves Guild.

After crossing long corridors and passing through several hidden secret passages, Liu Ping entered deep underground and came to a large, dry and cool room.

There are already some people here.

Looking around, lines of small words quickly appeared above their heads:

"The great thief."


"The great thief."

"Shadow Assassin (Title Assassin)."

"Master of treasure stealing (title thief)."

"Hunter (Title Thief)."


They are all good players.

Liu Ping withdrew his gaze, found a chair, sat down, and began to play with the poisons he had just acquired.

Poison is an interesting thing.

It can help people defeat enemies that they would otherwise have no way to defeat.

Liu Ping himself also has rich experience in using poisons. This is the first time he has come into contact with poisons outside the world of practice, so he quickly immersed himself in his research.

"The blue poison... looks at the label and says it is specially designed to put people to sleep. Unfortunately, there is no ingredient description? There is no shelf life either?"

Liu Ping complained while watching.

Suddenly, the discussion around them stopped.

An old man appeared in this secret room and looked at the many thieves and assassins.

He is the person who made the deal with Liu Ping before.

——After being promoted to a great thief, Liu Ping found out that he was the branch president of the Thieves Guild in Flen City.


"You are all good at walking in the darkness. Now I have a temporary job. Let's see who of you is willing to take it."

"What kind of work?" someone asked.

"Flen City has become less peaceful. Some people are eager to leave here and need some guards. Of course, they have also recruited many people from other guilds. Now they want to recruit ten good players from our Thieves Guild. They require levels. Above the great thief." The old man said.

"They must be the heads of those chambers of commerce," said a title assassin.

"That's right, the leaders of several major chambers of commerce have jointly issued a mission that will leave in an hour, so if you are interested, please come forward as soon as possible so that I can concentrate my manpower." The old man said.

"Haha, what a bunch of cowards. Even if something goes wrong with Viscount Ayton, Fulun City will not be affected. If he dies, wouldn't there be more benefits here?" said another big thief.

Everyone had an incompetent look on their faces, and no one stood up for a moment.

Liu Pingben also withdrew his gaze, and was about to continue studying the poison in his hand, when a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.


When it comes to secret information, the Thieves Guild naturally knows more than those merchants.

But businessmen have wider knowledge than thieves. They usually have contact with people of higher status and are naturally sensitive to many things.

They were in a hurry and must have discovered something.

What kind of situation would make these guys with keen sense of smell want to leave Flen City in a hurry?

Liu Ping asked in a low voice: "Mr. President, who will lead the Thieves Guild this time?"

The old man glanced at Liu Ping and said, "I will make a trip myself."

——The president is leaving.

Liu Ping stood up, walked to him and said:

"Count me in."

The old man looked at him, hesitant for a moment.

Liu Ping's heart became even more tense.


——If it is a general escort mission, even if the president is not sure of his own strength, at least the two parties have just made a deal, he will go along with the flow and let himself join.

But the branch president of the Thieves Guild was hesitant.

Obviously, he didn't want to sell this face, but was thinking about the mission.

Think about the mission——

Well, what he wants is good hands.

Why do you need a good hand?

Liu Ping was silent.

——Of course, the president agreed with the judgment of those businessmen, so he thought of arranging good hands.

It seems that I have to leave this time and absolutely cannot stay.

It is certainly safer to leave alone than to follow a large group of caravans with strong escort capabilities.

At this time, all the thieves and assassins looked at Liu Ping.

Someone booed: "How did such a teenage boy become a big thief?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the branch president's face.

Liu Ping smiled at the man and said, "Because I killed a lot of arrogant guys like you."

The man's face darkened and he shouted: "You are looking for death!"

Gray mist suddenly burst out from where he stood, and he disappeared into the mist.

Liu Ping slowly drew out his dagger, shook his head and said, "The jump was too high."

He raised his dagger and stabbed diagonally forward.

The next moment.

The thief suddenly appeared in mid-air, and Liu Ping's dagger had already reached his neck——

This scene seemed like a perfect cooperation between the two. The thief himself sent himself in front of Liu Ping's sword, preparing to die.

Liu Ping's sword didn't stop and slashed straight towards the thief's neck.

Everyone's expressions changed.

one move.

With just one move, these two colleagues will be separated from each other!


Liu Ping's dagger was blocked by personality.

At the same time, the man was also kicked out.


Liu Ping looked at the old man who was blocking his long and short sword and said with a smile: "He provoked me first."

The old man glared at him and said, "I remember you said that you don't like killing people."

"I'm sorry, I looked down on him - actually I have stopped." Liu Ping spread his hands.

Everyone looked at his other hand and saw that he was holding a dagger in his backhand, which was coated with a layer of green poison.

It turns out that this is killing!

When the president kicked the man away just now, the dagger flew out——

Whether that person can live or not is still a question.

——What a dangerous guy.

Everyone was silent.

The old man coughed lightly and said, "Everyone, this is a colleague who was just promoted to the great thief today. Don't underestimate him."

He patted Liu Ping on the shoulder and motioned for Liu Ping to stand behind him.

"Okay, this mission requires ten people. Besides me and him, who else is willing to make this trip?" the old man asked.

Liu Ping took a few steps back and took back the dagger and dagger.


After the scene just now, the president has already approved his joining.


What are those businessmen afraid of?

Liu Ping leaned against the wall, thinking and waiting boredly.

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