Infernal Artist

Chapter 242 Enter

Ten people.

Live together.

Liu Ping glanced around and saw that the other people who joined were almost all titled assassins or titled thieves.

"The Chamber of Commerce is urging us to leave." The old man said.

He patted the wall.

Another secret passage suddenly appeared.

"For those who are left behind, remember to protect the guild well. If I find any problems when I come back, I will take care of you if I don't take care of you." The old man said with a smile.

The crowd booed.

"Boss, don't worry."

"You still don't believe in our strength?"

"It's fine."

The thieves shouted.

The old man nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the passage.

Liu Ping stood up immediately and followed the old man into the passage.

The other eight followed.


People came out of the passage.

The old men were randomly lined up on the wall.

The channel closes.

I saw a carriage waiting for everyone at the entrance of the alley opposite.

The old man's relaxed expression suddenly changed and he said loudly:

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Everyone get in the car, we have to hurry!"

The thieves showed their faces clearly.

——Which of the characters who can join in is not a strong, smart and smart character?

Everyone got on the carriage, which immediately started running at full speed, and soon left the city of Flen, heading towards the main road outside.

They traveled about dozens of miles.

A tent appeared in front, guarded by various professionals and heavily guarded.

——The people from the caravan are waiting here.

The leader of the caravan was a fat middle-aged man who asked kindly:

"Have all the thieves arrived?"

"We're here," the old man said.

"Very good, now only the captain of the entire escort team has not arrived yet."

"Captain of the guard? Who is it?" the old man asked.

A voice sounded from the void:

"it's me."

Everyone looked together.

At some point, there was an additional person in the open space in front of the camp.

This man is floating in the air, surrounded by the breeze, holding a book in his hand.

Card Master!

I saw the card master pull out a card from the book, throw it out and say: "Test!"


The card turned into a strong wind and spread out from him, blowing across the entire camp.

One breath.

He took back his hand and nodded: "The whole team is fine, we can set off at any time."

"Then I gave the order?" the caravan leader asked.

"Well, your Chamber of Commerce team needs to move immediately - I'll say a few words to all the professionals in the escort team, very soon." The card master said.


The caravan leader hurriedly waved to the others, shouted orders, arranged the horses and men, and began to move forward along the road.

The card master stood in front of all the professionals and said, "Everyone, I am Lorenzo, the card master known as 'Wind Demon'. Maybe some of you know me."

All was quiet.

A title assassin standing next to Liu Ping whispered: "Wind Demon Lorenzo, I never thought that even a famous card master like him would join this team..."

The card master nodded to the president of the Thieves Guild as a greeting, and then greeted several people from other professions.

"Sir, what is going on?" asked the president of the Thieves Guild.

Lorenzo said: "Time is limited, I just said it -"

"Flen City is facing an attack by demons. We must leave immediately. Don't hide and hide along the way. Use whatever means you have. The most important thing is to survive."

There was a commotion among the crowd.

"Since this is the case, why don't you leave quickly?" said a woman holding a staff.

"Don't worry, there is one more thing I want to make clear to you. You all know that Viscount Ayton offended other nobles this time, so there will be such a disaster in Flen City, but to go further -"

Lorenzo, the wind demon, became serious and continued: "Some people may know that there are seals everywhere in our world. Once there is a problem in Flen City, the entire viscount territory to which it belongs will fluctuate. Everyone will encounter some unprecedented difficulties, I hope everyone will not panic, unite as one, and protect all caravan members."

"Remember, as long as everyone reaches the imperial capital safely, everyone will receive unprecedented generous rewards."

"Do you understand everything?"


The card master waved his hand: "Let's go."


Everyone responded one after another, each joining their own team and chasing after the Chamber of Commerce in front of them in an orderly manner.

The president of the Thieves Guild walked to Lorenzo and whispered: "Shall I come to arrange the waiting?"

Wind Demon Lorenzo said: "No, my wind is exploring the path. You thieves are suitable for short-distance and fast combat, to personally protect the people of the Chamber of Commerce."

"Thank you for your hard work."

The president of the Thieves Guild waved behind him and began to arrange the actions of the thieves.

When it was Liu Ping's turn, he thought for a while and said:

"You don't want to come with us."

"Why?" Liu Ping asked.

"You are about the same age as the children of the big guys in the Chamber of Commerce. You are more suitable to communicate with them, go to the middle of the team, and protect those teenagers."

Liu Ping glanced at the president.

Staying in the middle of the team is a good job.

After all, according to common sense, any attack is usually aimed at the head and tail of the team.

If you directly attack the middle of a team, the entire team will immediately shrink.

The attacker must withstand the full force of the entire team's strangulation.

The president smiled at him.

Yes, it was a care-

A rich and powerful young thief still made the guild develop a love for talents.

"Yes, President."

Liu Ping responded, got on his horse and rode away.

He quickly crossed the long queue and arrived at several carriages in the middle.

I heard a burst of laughter and talking coming from the carriage.

Liu Ping did not say hello to the people inside, but just rode his horse and silently followed the carriage.


An invisible wave came, making all the hairs on Liu Ping's body stand up.

Everyone couldn't help but look back.

I saw an illusory outline emerging above Flen City, which looked like another bustling and lively city.

"Mirage?" someone asked with interest.

Liu Ping's pupils shrank suddenly.

He had seen that kind of architectural style before.

——The devil's city!

In the flash of lightning, scenes from the past emerged in Liu Ping's mind.

He suddenly remembered something.

When he first arrived in the place of exile, he met Viscount Addington outside the city of York.

He was appointed captain of the garrison knight by Viscount Addington.

At that time, the devil was also attacking the city.

Could it be...

Just as Liu Ping was thinking, he saw lines of burning small characters appearing quickly:

"You see the overlapping intersection of space and time."

"This is an extremely rare phenomenon and usually comes from some sort of loosening of the seal."

"Please continue to explore and find out the secrets of the 'Land of Exile'."

——It is indeed a valuable secret!

From this point of view, ‘Land of Exile’ and ‘The Fool 3-6912’ are completely different sequence worlds.

The next moment.

Wind Demon Lorenzo’s voice echoed through the entire team:

"Don't look back, speed up, go full speed ahead!"

"Those who disobey the order will die!"

The words fell.

The speed of the entire team suddenly increased.

The people kept silent, but ran away in a direction away from Flen City.

The voice of Lorenzo the Wind Demon no longer sounded.

It wasn't until most of the day passed and people were about to be exhausted that the team slowly slowed down.

"Rest in place for two hours."

"Get ready for dinner."

Lorenzo's voice sounded again.

He flew into the air and looked around with a vigilant expression.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and dismounted to rest.

I really can't run anymore.

If something happens to the team and everyone is hungry and exhausted, it will be even more difficult to deal with it.

Several caravan men carried large baskets and distributed food along the road.

"this is yours."

When they passed by Liuping, they took out a kettle and a piece of solid dry food from the basket.


Liu Ping took the dry food and looked at it, and found that it was a kind of flour cake mixed with dried meat.

Eating this kind of food not only resists hunger, but also replenishes strength.

In the kettle is the clear sweet spring, with a hint of magic. A slight smell will tell you that it is blessed with magic and can help people cheer up.

Liu Ping leaned against the carriage and started eating and drinking.

At this time, Lorenzo also flew down from the sky and gathered with the leader of the Chamber of Commerce, the president of the Thieves Guild, and the heads of other trade unions in front.

They started talking while eating.

People subconsciously stayed away from them so as not to disturb the adults' conversation.

Liu Ping took a look and said softly: "Zhao Chanyi."

"I am here."

Zhao Chanyi's voice sounded.

"When you were in the cultivation world, you were very good at finding out information." Liu Ping said.

"Yes, now that we are far away from the practice world, let me just tell you that I have always had a magical power, and it is called 'Tingwei'——"

"No barrier spell or barrier can prevent me from hearing the sound." Zhao Chanyi said.

"Come... listen to what they are saying." Liu Ping said.

The next moment.

A snow-white cat appeared on his shoulder.

Liu Ping brought the kettle to the white cat.

The white cat sniffed curiously, stretched out his tongue and took a lick, shook his head and retracted.


Liu Ping handed over the dry food again.

The white cat continued to shake his head.

The two continued to act like they were feeding pets.

The white cat narrowed his eyes and said through the message: "Someone asked why we stopped. Why did we change our plan instead of running until the horse could no longer support it?"

"The card master said - the critical point is almost reached, there is no point in running anymore, it is better to rest where you are."

"Critical value?" Liu Ping frowned.

The white cat listened attentively and continued: "Yes, it is said that it is close to the critical value. The seal of the entire territory has been opened. Now let's see if we encounter..."

"Wait a minute, the card master said that the critical value has been exceeded!"

Before Zhao Chanyi finished speaking, there was a burst of noise from the other side.

Just listen to the wind demon Lorenzo suddenly fly into the sky and shout at everyone: "Everyone pay attention, get ready for battle!"

The next moment.

Lines of burning flames suddenly flashed before Liu Ping's eyes:


"The seal has been broken."

"You're in a space-time overlap."

"A hidden world is coming to where you are."

The small print quickly dissipated.

Liu Ping looked around and saw that the fields on both sides of the road had disappeared.

The road underfoot has turned into a rugged trail, and the scenery before and after is obscured by fog.

There are towering trees all around.

The carriage, luggage, and people all disappeared.

There were only a few people standing not far from Liu Ping, looking around warily.

"Where are the people?" said a strong man carrying a flail.

"The space around us has changed, but the change is very slight. I guess other people are not far away from us." A woman said.

The white cat on Liu Ping's shoulder suddenly stood up and stared into the depths of the mist.

"Liu Ping, I heard a lot of noises - in that direction." White Cat said.


Liu Ping moved and flew towards the direction pointed by the white cat.

"Rogue! Where are you going?"

Several other professionals shouted and followed him after a slight hesitation.

——Thieves are the most agile and clever scouts. This boy can be sent out to join the team at such a young age, so he obviously has a lot of skills.

He might have discovered something.

Liu Ping flew all the way through the dense woods and finally came to the edge of a hillside.

He stopped and looked outside.

After being stunned for a while, he whispered softly: "Where is it?"

"Yes." White Cat nodded.

At the foot of the hillside, there is a dense cemetery with no end as far as the eye can see.

Among the endless tombstones stands a huge church.

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