Infernal Artist

Chapter 245 Who am I?

Liu Ping was held by Yana and suspended under the ceiling.

Together they looked toward the gem.

It was a gem that exuded a dim red glow. It was embedded in the middle of the ceiling and was surrounded by many colorful murals.

"I'll activate it." Yana said.

"Wait a minute, why do I think this gem is a little strange?" Liu Ping said.

In front of his eyes, two lines of small words appeared next to the gem:

"The Passage Stone (Tangled in the Thread of Fate)."

"Explanation: Injecting soul power can open a special secret passage."

Liu Pingmo asked: "What does the entanglement of the fate line mean?"

"Please explore on your own." Sequence responded.

Explore on your own…

Liu Ping hesitated.

"Open it, I don't feel any danger from this gem, and they are almost filling the entire church." Yana said.

Liu Ping looked down.

I saw densely packed skeletons crawling along the wall.


He pressed his hand on the gem and gently released a trace of soul power.

The gem suddenly turned into an open passage.

Yana flew in with Liu Ping.

The passage immediately closed.

As soon as I came in, I saw that there was gray fog all around, and there was only a small path leading to the front.

In the mist, rustling sounds could be heard from time to time.

——Just like when you first entered this world.

"Don't enter the fog, there are some very powerful guys inside." Yana whispered.


Liu Ping responded and walked forward along the path.

Before long, he reached the end of the road.

"It's strange. Didn't it say there is a monster guarding the key here?"

Liu Ping said in confusion.

In front of him is a circular altar.

There is a beating heart on the altar, and beneath the heart lies a monster that has been dead for a long time.

——It is not accurate to say it is a monster, because it looks like a person whose body size has increased three or four times.

It's just that it doesn't have any human qualities on it, and its whole body and even its face are all white.

Lines of small burning words appeared next to the monster:

"Z-type biological combat body (death) (entangled in the thread of fate)"

"Mysterious side, martial arts side."

"Explanation: This is a powerful combat organism. The label 'Z' represents its area of ​​expertise in unarmed combat."

Yana stepped forward and looked at it carefully and said: "This monster is dead, and the heart placed on it belongs to the devil."

"Do you know the devil's heart?" Liu Ping asked.

"It should be called the magic core, but we usually call it the heart." Yana said.

The two searched around.

No key.

"Strange, is that sealed core card lying to me?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

"No, all its fluctuations have not changed. It is still a card on our side." The banshee in the forest said.

"Could it be that the key is this heart?" Liu Ping asked.

He took two steps forward and was about to pick up the heart when he suddenly remembered something and called out: "Lilith!"

"I am here."

A girl the size of a palm emerged from his hair, looking curiously at the white humanoid corpse.

"This thing seems very strong. Can we use it?" Liu Ping asked.

"It...has far exceeded your level. If you make it into a death doll, you will not be able to summon other death dolls." Lilith said.

"Is this permanent or temporary?" Liu Ping asked.

"When you level up and become stronger, you can summon more dolls." Lilith said.

Liu Ping summoned the stuck book and said, "It doesn't matter, let's start and wake it up."

Lilith landed on the card book and whispered an obscure spell.

The next second.

The pure white Z-shaped biological combat body slowly stood up.

"What do you think of its strength?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's hard to say," Yana looked at the white monster and said, "its aura has completely restrained, and I can't sense anything about it."

Liu Ping looked at the Z-shaped biological combat body and felt as if he was staring into the void, but there was nothing in the void.

"Very... advanced." He judged.

"What should we do now? There are only corpses and a heart here. Why don't we take the heart and go to the Light Gate to try?" Yana asked.

"In Exile, the first two cards I got were keys - maybe there is a key hidden in this heart that belongs to the devil."

Liu Ping said as he took the devil's heart from the Z-shaped biological combat body.

The next moment.

Sudden changes occurred——

I saw lines of small words popping up in the void above my heart:

"The heart of the unknown devil."

"The seal is lifted."


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heart beats vigorously.

The void opened to both sides, and a skeleton with three heads landed opposite Liu Ping and Yana.


It actually entered the secret room directly!

"Unexpectedly, you helped me find my heart." The prisoner said in a low voice.

A white shadow flashed.

boom! ! !

The Z-shaped biological combat body punched the prisoner into the ground, and blurry fist shadows erupted from his hands.

It took two full breaths.

A black light hit the chest of the Z-shaped creature combat body, knocking it away.

The prisoner jumped out from the ground and said to Liu Ping:

"Just because of this thing, you also want to win against me?"

Liu Ping looked in the air and saw a hole in the chest of the Z-shaped biological combat body.

——It was only injured, not killed by the prisoner's blow!

Liu Ping moved his fingers lightly.

Holy healing technique!

This is the most powerful healing technique Liu Ping currently has.

A soft light appeared on the chest of the Z-shaped creature combat body, healing its injuries a little.

"I'll come!" Yana said.

She casually released a blazing holy light.

——As a paladin who can rival the gods, her healing skills have reached a terrifying level.

The injuries on the Z-type biological combat body were healed instantly.

"Damn, it's the Paladin..."

The prisoner cursed, waved his hand and released a ball of black light towards Yana.

A white shadow flashed.

The black light was severely knocked away by it, and immediately after, it had arrived behind the prisoner.

The prisoner had no time to continue releasing the spell and reluctantly turned around to catch the continuous attacks from the Z-shaped biological combat body.


With a roar, the prisoner and the Z-shaped biological combat body flew out simultaneously.

Several wounds appeared again on the Z-type biological combat body.


Yana casually released a ball of holy light, which immediately healed the wounds on the Z-shaped creature combat body.

"How many more times can you use your healing technique?" Liu Ping asked.

"If it's a healing technique of this level, I can release it continuously for a day and a night." Yana said.

Liu Ping felt slightly relieved and looked at the prisoner not far away.

Only slight cracks appeared on some of its bones.

Liu Ping pondered for a moment, waved his hand and released a warm and soft light, which fell on the prisoner.

The prisoner's wounds immediately disappeared.

"Are you healing me?" it asked curiously.

"Winning or losing actually doesn't matter," Liu Ping said with a smile, "I hope you will have a fair fight, show your style, achieve results, and show the spirit of our Evernight World."

The prisoner was about to recite a spell, but after hearing Liu Ping's words, he didn't know what happened and forgot the spell.

"The human soul always has problems of one kind or another." It sighed.

Liu Ping raised the heart without hesitation and said:

"Seriously, I rarely see someone's heart outside of their body - if I crushed this heart, what do you think would happen next?"

"Wait a minute!" the prisoner said repeatedly, looking at the heart in his hand.

"What do you want to say?" Liu Ping asked.

"As long as you return my heart to me, I will sign an eternal night contract with you and never cause trouble to you again." The prisoner yelled irritably.

"Is there such a good thing?" Liu Ping said with a smile.

"You and I have no grudges. I have been looking for my heart, but I never thought it would be your hands. I only want it," the prisoner said.

Liu Ping said doubtfully: "But it is obviously the devil's heart——"

"Don't worry about it. Give it to me. I can swear an oath, turn around and leave, never to cause trouble to you again." The prisoner said.

"What about the core cards of this sequence?" Liu Ping asked.

"You and I will share equally," said the prisoner.

Evenly divided...

"What about all the humans living in this sequence world?" Liu Ping asked.

"You can't take them away," the prisoner tried.

"Yes, I can't take them away. Even if I take them away, they may not survive in the eternal night world outside." Liu Ping admitted.

The prisoner said: "Then, I will take away their souls and use them to build a dark drama that belongs to me, and select valuable souls from them - maybe as a human being, you don't know what a dark drama is, but this is me It’s their business, you don’t have to worry about them anymore.”

Its three heads said in unison: "Rejoice, human, this is your only chance to escape from my hands."

"Dark drama? Kill it!" Liu Ping ordered.

The Z-shaped biological combat body turned into a swift white shadow and rushed straight towards the prisoner.

at the same time.

Liu Ping squeezed hard and crushed the heart into pieces.


roared the prisoner.


The Z-shaped biological combat body rushed halfway, and complicated and strange characters appeared on the surface of the body.

It suddenly erupted with an aura that was far beyond its own. It landed in front of the prisoner in a flash, hugged the prisoner, and rushed towards the depths of the mist in the distance.

"You're going to die——"

The prisoner's voice came from afar, but in the fog, all kinds of rustling sounds suddenly became like roaring, chasing the direction of the prisoner and the Z-shaped biological combat body.

at the same time--

The ruby ​​on the top of the church ceiling suddenly emitted a dazzling and brilliant light.

I saw two rays of light falling on Liu Ping and Yana, taking them into the sky and flying towards the endless depths of darkness.

I don’t know how long it flew.

The two quickly fell down and stood on the ground.

"This is……"

I saw another church here.


It’s exactly the same as the previous church!

A light door floats quietly in mid-air.

No one was around.

A voice came from that gem:

"If you want to get the core card of the sequence, you must enter from this mirror world to find it."

"Congratulations, you passed my test."

Liu Ping couldn't help but ask:

"Who are you anyway?"

A low laugh came from the gem: "Many years ago, when the Void Divine Pillar came to its end, we humans had no choice but to fall into purgatory and eternal night."

"What did you say? There are divine pillars above Purgatory and Eternal Night?" Liu Ping lost his voice.

"Of course, but it has been destroyed, and only void is left in the void." said the voice.

Liu Ping said: "Then you——"

The voice continued: "At that time, I was in the sequence world of the 'Land of Exile', fighting a final battle with some kind of unspeakable monster."

"Those demons dared to break in and try to make me and that monster a slave."

"Of course, they failed. In the end, they had to fuse the strongest devils with us to temporarily restrain us and prevent us from escaping from this world."

"That devil just lost its heart."


"The unspeakable monster that I fought with opened the prison cell."

"It's a pity that it fell short and was sealed in the Fool's Sequence."


Snowy mountains.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the snow-capped mountains.

The top of the tall building in Mechanical City.

A delicate woman twirled the long transparent thread in her hand and said softly:

"Guess, who am I now?"

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