Infernal Artist

Chapter 246 Hidden Cards

"Guess, who am I now?"

That voice echoed in the empty and silent church.

The light door floated quietly in mid-air.

Liu Ping looked around the entire church and found no monsters or anything strange.

——The other party’s methods are very clever.

"Guessing your identity, is this the test of getting the card?"

Liu Ping asked.

The voice sounded again:

"You did not give your heart to the devil, but crushed it. This has passed my test for you - as for who I am, if you guess it, I will have a reward."

Liu Ping asked: "Reward?"

The voice said: "——I will tell you the secret of the place of exile."

Liu Ping fell into deep thought.

The secrets hidden in the Land of Exile are too deep. If the other party really knows these secrets, then this is an extremely valuable thing to me.

after all.

Whether it’s roles or experience points, secrets need to be explored.

Knowing the secrets of the place of exile can also help you better deal with everything that happens here.

Liu Ping thought about it and slowly said:

"First of all, you know that the corpse insect is sealed in the 'Fool' sequence world."

"Yes." said the voice.

"I guess if you are willing to tell me so much, you must have used some method to find out that I sealed the corpse insect."

"That's right, continue," the voice said leisurely, "The better you are, the more confident I am - I will tell you the real secret."

Liu Ping thought for a few breaths and said: "If three existences are sealed in the prisoner's body, one is the guy who turned into a corpse insect and escaped into the Fool, and the other is the three-headed skeleton just now - then the remaining existence, It should be parasitic on Hua Qingkong."

"It's not a parasite, I responded to her call." The voice said.

"Response?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"She is an extremely rare spiritualist... Not only is she extremely talented, but her will also coincides with mine... She woke me up from my endless slumber."

The gem suddenly bloomed again and turned into a scene of light and shadow.

Snowy mountains.

In the howling north wind, a girl trudged hard on the rugged mountain road.

Flowers clear the sky!

Corpse insects surrounded her one after another, constantly attacking.

Dark light continued to appear around the girl, repelling the corpse insects and flying them away.

"This won't work. I have to find a way to find a stronger spirit, otherwise I will end up being eaten by these bugs!"

The dark light around the girl suddenly burst out, knocking all the corpse insects away.

A blazing light flashed in her eyes, her body floated, and her hands were put together in a praying posture.

"With my life force, combined with all wishes——"

"Come, spirit of the void!"

"No matter who you are, as long as you can defeat such an enemy with me, please come and help me!"

The world was shocked.

Far away from the horizon, a silk thread shuttled through, trapping all the corpse insects around Hua Qingkong.

A voice sounded: "Who...are you?"

"I am Hua Qingkong, the spiritual summoner. Please come and help me defeat these insects."

"Insects...I remember, I am their enemy, but to defeat them, I need to use your body."


"Yes, remember, once I possess you, it is almost impossible to break away from you."

"There is no other way. If you don't come, I will only be eaten by bugs." Hua Qingkong gritted his teeth.


In the sky, endless light fell down and poured into her body.

All the light and shadow gradually dispersed.

Liu Ping said: "The corpse insects that besieged you..."

The voice said: "They possess the power of the unspeakable one. When I was trapped in the cave, I wanted to see what you would do - until just now, I had been paying attention to you."

Liu Ping said: "In this way, you are one of the three sealed ones, and you are the spirit of Hua Qingkong."

There was silence.

The other party didn't speak.

Liu Ping was a little surprised, suddenly felt something in his heart, and looked into the air.

I saw the light door slowly shrinking and falling towards Liu Ping.

——It turned into a card and gently fell into Liu Ping's hand.

The card depicts an endless cemetery, with a majestic church in the center of the cemetery, emitting a faint brilliance.

Lines of burning small characters emerged:

"You got the card: Holy Church."

"Explanation: In past historical records, the entire process of its being corrupted by darkness and evil was described in detail, but that was a false Holy Church. The real one has been hidden in the mirror world, waiting for some kind of call."

"Someone has to tell you before you know what its power is."

"——This is the core sequence card of 'Exile Land'."

Liu Jing calmly studied the cards.

The voice finally sounded:

"This card can dispel all prying eyes, making it impossible for any existence to detect that you have the core card of the sequence."

Along with the other party's explanation, the exact same explanation appeared on the card.

"Go ahead, your only chance is to collect all the core cards of the entire 'Land of Exile'."

"So what if I collect them all? I'm afraid I still won't be able to confront that devil head-on." Liu Ping said.

The other party doesn't know the heroic spirit operating interface on his body.

Why do you ask yourself to collect core cards?

The voice said: "The secret I want to tell you is actually this matter-"

"'Exiled Lands' is a complete set of cards."

"When you collect all its core cards, you can awaken the card hidden in the deck."

"It will be your strongest support."

Liu Ping couldn't help but said: "Wait! Why are there hidden cards?"

"Every sequence has a hidden card... If you survive, I will tell you about this in the future."

The voice gradually became fainter and disappeared into the void.

The next moment.

Several lines of small burning characters appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"The current world has been eliminated."

"The spatial overlap is lifted."

"Time begins to reset, returning to the moment you entered this world."

There was a flicker of light and shadow all around.

The whole world dissipated.

Liu Ping found himself back on the solid road, surrounded by a long line of carriages.

The voice of the leader of the Chamber of Commerce came from afar:

"what happens?"

Wind Demon Lorenzo floated in the air and said in surprise: "Huh? The overlap of time and space has clearly appeared, why did it disappear again?"

Someone shouted: "Report! The soldiers beside me are missing!"

Someone else shouted loudly: "Boss, we are missing a few people here."

Lorenzo the Wind Demon flew down and quickly asked those people.

Everyone is on alert.

Liu Ping looked around him and saw several professionals who were completely unaware, staring closely at the fields on both sides of the road.

They didn't know they had just disappeared.

That is to say——

It’s truly a time reset.

...What a means.

Liu Ping sighed secretly, and Yana's voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"I seem to have gained a lot of experience points, and I will soon be able to improve my strength."

"You are a paladin at the peak level, can you continue to improve?" Liu Ping asked.

"Originally, I was at full level and could only advance towards the gods - but after loading your sequence, the path of the Paladin seemed to extend upwards - to an extent that I didn't understand at all." Yana said in a kind of way Said in an incredible tone.

"Then continue to improve. We need strength so much now."

Liu Ping looked into the void in front of him.

Lines of burning small characters are suspended:

"You have heard the secret of the Void Divine Pillar."

"You have noticed the prisoner's triple identity."

"You have heard the secrets of the hidden cards in the 'Land of Exile'."

"Drama +3."

"Current scene: 4/10."

"In addition, you learn a lot of secrets during exploration, which increases your experience points."

"Current experience value: 110%."


——It’s ready to be upgraded!

Liu Ping looked around and saw everyone looking nervous, so he shook his head and said, "Not now, wait until later."

The prompt on the interface stopped moving.

Several screams suddenly rang out from the team.

Lorenzo the Wind Demon shouted loudly: "All professionals, prepare to fight!"

He flew towards the place where the screams occurred, and then——

Everyone saw the monster.

It was a monster with the upper body of a human and the lower body of an insect.

It hid in the void until Lorenzo passed by, then suddenly jumped out and stabbed him fiercely.

A card suddenly appeared on Lorenzo's body.

"Hurricane Blade!"

he shouted.

The violent and complicated wind blade burst out suddenly, twisting the insect into several pieces.

"It's not the devil—"

Lorenzo looked at the monster's body, said half a sentence, and then couldn't continue.

Beside him, someone lost his voice and said:

"What kind of monster is this? I've never heard of it!"

People gathered around and looked at the monster's body silently.

No one can answer that question.

A strange atmosphere began to spread among the team.

"Let's go, don't stop, let's start immediately and keep moving forward."

Lorenzo made a quick decision.

"But my lord, several of our people have disappeared - don't we stop and look for them?"

A professional spoke up.

Lorenzo turned his head sharply, looked deeply at the professional and said:

"I control the power of the wind and can detect the breath of life of everyone. The breath of those people just now has disappeared."

After saying that, he walked towards the front of the team.

The professional froze in place.

Soon, no one paid any attention to him, and people started to act silently.

The team moved forward at an extraordinary speed.

Liu Ping rode his horse, looking towards the void while galloping.

A new line of prompts appeared in front of him:

"The heroic spirit operation interface has obtained the core cards of the 'Exile Land' and began to evolve."


"You can now adjust the Heroic Spirit operation interface again."

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