Infernal Artist

Chapter 263 Team Meeting

a cat.

A milky-white cat squatted on the eaves, quietly watching the lively market below.

It squinted its eyes, looked slightly condensed, and occasionally licked its paws.

When the wind blows, it will stop what it is doing and look like it is listening carefully.

——Because when the wind blows, you can hear more secret things.


I have been sitting on the eaves for a long time.


Lines of burning small characters appeared before its eyes:

"You continued to activate the magical power 'Tingwei'."

"You have heard detailed information about three hundred and fifty-one professionals, as well as various gossips."

"Thanks to Liu Ping's 'Lord of Heroic Spirits' and 'Three-Point Upgrade Method', the experience you gain is enough to upgrade your level."

"Current level: 33."

"Your spiritual power, demon power, soul power, qi, blood, muscles and bones have all been improved."

The white cat looked at it for a while, feeling a little listless and couldn't help but yawned.

Getting stronger is indeed getting stronger...

But it’s actually very boring to listen to all kinds of gossip here with a procrastinator.


A figure quietly jumped up to the eaves and said with a smile, "Sister, can you tell me what information you got?"


The white cat squinted his eyes and didn't answer for a moment.

Libertas quickly took out a whole plate of fish from behind and said respectfully: "Sister, this is the order Liu Ping ordered when he left. He said you had a hard day and deserved an extra meal."

The white cat's eyes lit up, and he quickly stood up and went up to smell it.

This fish tastes great!

Liu Ping really knows how to care about people!

The white cat showed a satisfied look, waved his paw and said, "Come closer."

Libertas tilted his head obediently.

A furry white paw stretched out and pressed on his forehead.

Liberta stood still.

The white cat turned into a girl, picked up the plate of fish, smelled it, and said:

"Initiation is the fastest, but this time there is a lot of information and it is more complicated. It will take you a while to accept it all..."

She ate it with great taste.

Libertas' body gradually began to waver slightly.

——He upgraded.

Machine City.

Top floor.

Here you can look out into the distant night and see those unusual high-altitude creatures in the eternal night.

Those creatures are strange in shape and each exudes a powerful aura.

They occupy their own piece of sky, never fall to the ground, and always live in the wind.

Occasionally, some unlucky guys, who just fell from purgatory into eternal night, hit the airspace of those creatures, and were "left" there forever.

Liu Ping leaned on the railing and looked at the monsters in the sky quietly. After a while, he asked:

"Is everyone here?"

"It's all ready." Yana said.

Liu Ping turned around.

Opposite him stood three serious-looking men.

Evil Ghost, Tool King and Holy Priest.

They are the leaders of the three major teams in Mechanical City: "Evil Shadow", "Apocalypse" and "Dark Soul".

"Some of you may have seen me. Last time, I took a 'restricted area pass', which caused some minor conflicts, so the leader of one of your teams died."

Liu Ping coughed lightly and said with a smile: "I'm sorry for breaking your monopoly."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Evil Ghost asked.

"I want to say that in the future you can still develop your own team and contribute to the Machinery City, but don't do things like monopoly. That is not good and will affect the growth of other teams." Liu Pingdao.

The Tool King sneered: "Only the fifty-level paladin standing next to you? Your 'Nightwish' team only has one high-level paladin, but you dare to give us orders?"

Hua Qingkong was reading quietly aside, but then she raised her head slightly and said:

"I advised you that it would be easier to kill them."

"Forget it, one more person, one more force." Liu Ping said.


Hua Qingkong stared at the three people opposite.

Her light black eyes gradually turned into deep purple, and long transparent threads suddenly emitted from her body, completely covering the entire floor.

"Level 60."

"Destiny system!"

"...Can't move anymore."

The three leaders were all horrified.

Paladins don't kill.

But this girl——

This girl originally looked like she was only ten levels, but who knew she was actually a destiny professional with a level as high as sixty!

In the entire Mechanical City, the highest level is only level 30.

It is said that level 60 is already the level of a god.

——There are actually human professionals who can reach the level of gods?

The three leaders gradually came to their senses.

Their eyes fell on Liu Ping again.

Two people were randomly sent out, a level 50 paladin and a level 60 destiny ability user.

As the leader of the "Nightwish" team, how strong will this boy be?

"Our Xieying team will no longer monopolize any resources in the future, and strive to make the entire Machinery City develop better." Xiegui said politely.

"It's the same with revelation."

"The same goes for the Black Soul Group."

The other two people quickly expressed their stance.

Liu Ping nodded and said, "Very good. I took up a lot of your time. I'm very sorry. You can go about your own business now."

The three of them nodded slightly in greeting, said goodbye and left.

They walked into the elevator and made their way down through hundreds of floors to a team-only floor.

The elevator door opens.


"The boss is back."

"Chief, what is going on?"

Several professionals asked in unison.

Without saying a word, the three leaders quickly walked through several doors and arrived at a small room at the end.

The door opens.

A little girl squatted on the sofa and was looking at the messy cards spread out on the table.

"Tasha, do you see any clues?" Evil Ghost asked.

"The leader of the 'Nightwish' team... everything in his past is blurry." The little girl said.

"Can't you figure out any details?" Tool King said.

"Only the recent events can barely be calculated."

The little girl collected all the cards and placed only one card in front of the three leaders.

On that card, the crown made of white bones shattered, and blood spilled on the ground.

The little girl held the card, her expression suddenly became confused, and she chanted in a low voice:

"The unnamed king, who had never suffered a defeat and was feared by everyone, was defeated by him."

"This happened yesterday, it happened today, and it will continue to happen in the future with his death and resurrection."

"All the laws rejoice in it."

“He is the one to whom all things surrender since yesterday.”

After the little girl finished reciting, her expression returned to normal.

She exhaled, pulled the evil ghost's sleeve and said: "Boss, I suggest you never mess with him. The prophecy has made it very clear that he defeated an unnamed king!"

"What does the Unnamed King mean in your prophecy?" Tool King asked.

"Weiming means ineffable," the little girl said solemnly: "The indescribable terrifying monster - the one who can be king among these monsters."

"Why can't it be said?" Sheng Mu asked.

"We sentient beings will die if we just hear its name, so it cannot be said." The little girl said.

Suddenly, another female voice sounded behind her:

"There's another meaning, it's called summer insects that can't talk about ice."

Yana didn't know when she had put a hand on the little girl's shoulder.

Hua Qingkong took the divination card from the little girl's hand, looked at it with interest, and said: "No matter how strong the summer insects are, they can't live until winter and see what frost looks like, so you Tell it what frost is—"

"No matter how you say it, it can't understand it."

Yana smiled and continued: "I'm not laughing at you, but those monsters are indeed existences that humans cannot understand."

Hua Qingkong patted the little girl on the shoulder and returned the card to her.

"Your divination ability is very good. It's wasted staying here. Come to 'Nightwish' to see me when you have time, and I will teach you a few more tricks."

After saying that, the two women disappeared at the same time.

Quiet for a few breaths.

The little girl said loudly: "I can move."

She looked towards the three leaders.

The three leaders were still unable to move an inch.

Top floor.

Endless mechanical gears floated in the air, constantly turning.

Liu Ping put a card into many gears.

Hua Qingkong appeared quietly and said with a smile: "They have a very good fortune teller who calculated your victory over that guy."

"Did you threaten them?" Liu Ping asked without looking back.

Yana then appeared and said:

"Just to leave a deep impression on them, I hope they won't try to do anything behind our back in the future."

Hua Qingkong looked at Liu Ping and said, "You put a core card of the 'Fool' sequence in the Mechanical City sequence?"

"Since our team wants to serve the public here, it still has to make the same contribution as the three major teams." Liu Ping said.

In front of his eyes, lines of burning small characters appeared:

"Mechanical City can accept any sequence of core cards to evolve and become stronger."

"You paid for a 'Fool' sequence core card."

"The Mechanical City has begun to evolve."

"There are currently three evolutionary functions, and the Machine Master invites you to choose from them."

"One: Expansion of floors;"

"Second: detection and reconnaissance;"

"Third: City protective armor."

Liu Ping asked: "Qingkong, are the current floors full?"

"Far from it, at least there are still hundreds of empty floors." Hua Qingkong said.

"Then I have an idea...just in time we need to take a look at what so many devils wanted to do when they entered the eternal night yesterday."

Liu Ping said and chose "detection and reconnaissance".

The core card emitted a burst of light, gradually flew into the air, and lined up with other core cards in the Machinery City.

All the gears are spinning like crazy.

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