Infernal Artist

Chapter 264 Night Wish

this day.

An announcement resounded throughout the Machinery City:

"The 'Nightwish' team has made an indelible contribution to the evolution of Mechanical City, and the team's level has been raised to the highest level."

"The Mechanical City now has the function of exploration and reconnaissance."

"By paying a certain amount of resources or soul power, professionals can view any movement within a radius of 100 million square kilometers around the Machinery City."

“This feature is free for the four teams of ‘Evil Shadow’, ‘Apocalypse’, ‘Dark Soul’ and ‘Nightwish’.”

The announcement was repeated three times before it completely dissipated.

On the top floor.

The entire Nightwish team is here.

Liu Ping listened quietly and said, "The 'Nightwish' team applied to search for traces of the devil within 100 million square kilometers."

"As you command." The voice said.

Pictures of light and shadow unfold.

Thick smoke billowed, flames shot into the sky, and fierce battles broke out one after another.

On each screen, powerful demons were besieging human gathering points.

Every human being had no room to beg for mercy and was beaten to the point where their souls disappeared.

Hua Qingkong said: "We have to find a way to save them."

Seeing everyone looking over, she further explained: "Population is a very important thing. Only with a large population base can there be more hope for the birth of some rare and powerful professionals, and only then can humans hope to exist in the eternal night."

"Just do whatever you want." Liu Ping said.

Hua Qingkong raised his hand and clicked back and forth in the void.

After counting the interest.

She lowered her hand.

Lines of small black characters began to appear in front of the eyes of all the professionals in Machinery City:

"Series of emergency missions started:"

"Save the humans in other settlements, ensure that they are protected from demon killing, and bring them back to the Mechanical City alive."

"According to various methods such as combat, support, escort, first aid, etc., corresponding tasks and rewards will begin to be generated."

"Note that the rewards for this large-scale mission group are 30% higher than ordinary missions."

"Various tasks are being released, please pay attention to all teams to receive them."

——Rewards increased by 30%!

The three teams of "Evil Shadow", "Apocalypse" and "Dark Soul" immediately took over the joint mission and set off towards a large human settlement.

In the Machinery City, every team started to take action.

A line of small burning characters suddenly appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"You have witnessed the evolution of Sequence: 'Mechanical City', and witnessed the entire process of its new functions. Your understanding of the Sequence world has further deepened."

"Your role has increased by 1 point."

"Current scene: 9/10."

Only a little bit of acting left before you can awaken a new mysterious skill!

Liu Ping's heart palpitated.

It's not because of anything else, but out of all the skills he knows, only the mysterious skills can only withstand even gods and unspeakable monsters, without being able to resist or avoid them.

Bugs also suffered a lot from being a "show stealer", and finally figured out a way to use supersonic attacks to avoid this skill.

Right now, there is only a little bit of drama left, and it is about to evolve!

"What do we do now?"

Libertas spoke up.

"Us? Of course we also have to participate in the mission. The three-point upgrade method is not a joke." Bai Mao narrowed his eyes and said.

"Three-point upgrade method?" Hua Qingkong turned around and asked doubtfully.

She suddenly discovered that both the white cat and Libertas had improved their levels.

Liu Ping and Yana have also been upgraded.

There is also a dog named Huoyang on the ground, which seems to have improved two levels in just one day.

It looks less and less like a pastoral dog.

——This is too fast!

"Yes, this is Liu Ping's unique upgrade method, and it's very useful." White Cat said.

"Do you have three ways to improve your strength?" Hua Qingkong asked.

Norton just joined this morning and explained at this time: "Yes, whether it is obtaining intelligence, fighting or collecting cards, it can help us improve our strength."

"It's such a good thing, please use it for Hua Qingkong. She needs to quickly improve her strength to release my power." Hua Qingkong said.

"Need becomes my card." Liu Ping said.

"Hua Qingkong, do you agree?" Hua Qingkong asked.

She nodded to herself.

Yana pulled out a double-headed snake whip, biting one end on Hua Qingkong's hand, and the other on Liu Ping's hand.

"Ahhhhhhhh, it hurts! You damn humans!"

The panda doll on his waist roared angrily.

Liu Ping said calmly: "Shut up, this is not a fatal injury, you don't feel any pain at all."

"Huh? It really doesn't hurt!" the panda said in surprise.

Liu Ping suddenly said: "Yana - hiss - hurry up - hiss - it hurts so much."

"Bear it." Yana smiled.

A moment.

The ceremony is over.

"You have obtained the card: Spirit Summoner Hua Qingkong."

"Your experience has increased."

"Current experience: 10%."

"You have another card in your joy deck."

Hua Qingkong turned into a card.

I saw a spacious classroom painted on the card——

This is the place where Liu Ping, Libertas and Hua Qingkong first met in the empire.

Hua Qingkong sat in the classroom, looking around and smiling.

——It turns out that that time is what she misses.

Liu Ping tapped on the card.

The card transformed into Hua Qingkong again, standing in front of everyone, looking into the void in front of herself.

"Three-point upgrade method——"

"Very good, I have seen it, and I will work hard with that spirit to improve my level."

she said softly.

Liu Ping looked away from her and scanned everyone.

Yes, everyone needs to improve their strength.

"Let's also find a mission, Machine Master, show the mission entry."

Liu Ping said.

Pieces of mission information appeared densely before everyone's eyes.

He took a few breaths and said, "I'll choose this one."

Everyone looked at the one he was pointing to.

"What do you think?" he asked everyone.

"You are the leader of the team, you have the final say." Yana said.

"I have always thought you did a good job in commanding the battle. It's up to you to decide." White Cat said.

"It's a pity that I haven't defeated such a powerful monster. Forget it, it's up to you." Libertas sighed deliberately.

Everyone laughed.


"Our first team mission begins now."

Liu Ping stretched out his hand and tapped on the task.

A voice suddenly sounded:

"Combat team 'Nightwish', you have selected a mission, please start executing it immediately."

Liu Ping stretched out his hand and pressed it on the card book.

A series of soft sounds.

Everyone returned to the card book, leaving only him and Yana standing in the night.

Liu Ping said: "Towards the southwest."

"The three major teams of 'Evil Shadow', 'Apocalypse', and 'Dark Soul' have arrived and are delaying time while resisting the attack of the Devil's Floating Fortress."

Yana said: "The purpose of our participation is to help them as reinforcements?"

"No, we blew up the floating fortress." Liu Ping said.

"If you exceed the task limit, you will get an excess reward." Yana smiled.

"What reward?"

Yana took a step forward and hugged him gently.


The boundless golden light pierced the darkness, rushed into the sky, and roared away like the blazing sun.

A gathering place for humans.

The fire from the sky continued to fall, turning the entire land into a sea of ​​fire.

One after another, the devils flew out of the floating fortress and unleashed a series of attacks on the evacuating people below.

The evil ghost was covered in blood and roared: "Master of Dark Souls, heal me!"

The Holy Priest flicked a glowing rune into the air from a few hundred meters away.

The runes dissipate.

In an instant, bursts of twisted lines of light flew around, illuminating the surroundings. The wounds on everyone who came into contact with the light began to heal.

The evil ghost also recovered, took a few breaths, and once again led his men to block the back of the large army.

The Tool King waved the crossbow in his hand and shouted loudly: "No, we have to retreat! There are too many of them!"

Everyone looked up.

Above the sky, from the huge floating fortress, groups of devils flew out one after another, flying down into the wind and about to arrive on the ground to join the battle.

The evil ghost looked into the sea of ​​fire.

I saw many people isolated on the other side of the sea of ​​fire, with ardent hope in their eyes.

"No! It can't be saved!"

The evil ghost's teeth were bleeding and he opened his eyes to look around.

All the melee professionals standing behind the team looked at him.


Still step forward to save people.

This decision affects the fate of the entire team.


A loud voice sounded in my ears:

"Please note, this is the machine owner, and the 'Nightwish' team is requesting to speak to you."

"Connected!" said the evil ghost.

A calm voice came from the other side: "Go and save people."

"No, if I lead people to rush over, the whole team will not be able to leave." The evil ghost said tremblingly.

The voice said calmly: "I'll cover you."


The words have not yet finished.


A deafening roar came from far away.

Golden light came in a flash.

A figure appeared in mid-air.

It was a man with a light and dark halo floating above his head, and his face was covered by a mask.

The mask is pure white, with only the pupils outlined by a touch of bright red.

"It's him?"

The evil ghost thought and couldn't help but shout.

But the man raised his finger and made a slight silencing gesture towards the evil ghost.

Two golden wings suddenly appeared behind him.

The paladin poked his head out from behind him and smiled at the evil ghost.

boom! ! ! ! !

Golden light rose into the sky, flying towards the huge war floating fortress in the dark sky.

The next moment.

The masked man rushed through most of the distance and took out a card book.

"Take it back."

he read.

The paladin disappeared immediately, and the golden light also disappeared.

The man took advantage of the upward momentum and kept getting closer to the depths of the sky.

The endless rain of magic light blasted out from the devil's hand in the sky, crossed the long sky, and hit the man.

The man spreads his arms.

Amidst all the ferocious magic attacks, he was hit countless times, but he still stood on the deck of the floating fortress intact.

It was truly a miraculous sight.

Unless it was a god, who could be hit by so many attacks without any reaction?


Maybe even the gods may not be able to do it.

"One small step for me, one giant leap for Nightwish."

After the man finished speaking, he put his hand on the card book.


The entire Nightwish team appeared around him!

These people rushed forward and their figures suddenly disappeared from the deck.

——They entered the devil's floating fortress!

The demons all over the sky immediately gave up attacking the human settlements below, and instead returned to the floating fortress for reinforcements.

On the earth.

The Tool King pointed at the sky and said, "Was I dreaming just now? Or is everything real?"

The Holy Priest sighed and said with satisfaction: "I finally know why he can be the leader of 'Night Wish'."

The evil ghost woke up from a dream and roared:

"Follow me and save people! All go into battle and save people!"

The professionals rushed forward in a black mass, jumped over the sea of ​​​​fire, and began to rescue the remaining people.

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