Infernal Artist

Chapter 277 Prison Suppression

"you are dead;"

"you are dead;"

"you are dead;"


In the void, lines of burning small characters kept popping up.

Although the content of the reminder is death——

But at this moment, both Liu Ping and Panda couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"All the lives I gained by killing all sentient beings are back!"

Panda said in an extremely excited tone.

Liu Ping thought deeply for a moment and muttered: "Everything that happened after this moment was cut out, and I became who I am at this point in time..."

——His level returned to the tenth level.

"Yes, this is not just traveling through time and space." Panda also said.

Liu Ping looked into the void.

The transparent map obtained from the Strange Demon King has long since disappeared.

What does this mean?

——Indicates that the following things have not happened yet.


He looked up and saw a halo of light and dark alternating above his head.

"Forty meters of darkness!"

——Why is it still there?

Only a line of burning small words appeared:

"The contract on the Eternal Night Pillar cannot be reversed."

"You prepaid the level 20 and level 30 skill nodes in advance and obtained the 'Forty Meters of Night'."

I see!

It's not bad to escape with your life and still gain something.

Liu Pingzhu stood up with his knife in hand.

A black shadow suddenly appeared on the bronze sword.

It was the guy who compiled the anatomy manual!

However, what appeared on the knife was only a shadow, not the real him.

"No matter who you are, if you see this light and shadow, it proves that I am still alive. I want to thank you very much."

The black shadow bowed solemnly and continued:

"Don't worry, you are already the owner of this knife, so you can naturally hear its secrets."

"Back then, I learned through various divination that I would die when I used it once in the future."

"Unless at that moment, someone picks up a knife and cuts out time and space, then I can be saved... and at the same time say goodbye to this knife..."

"You have to be careful, this knife will always cause the death of the user——"

"That's what fate has in store, unless you find the scabbard."

"I have never found its scabbard, so I have been unable to activate its three powers of 'silence', 'rotation' and 'virtual god' in its complete form."

"This is a pity...but at least you saved my life..."

"Thanks again."

"I will further express my gratitude when we meet in the future."

The black shadow became dim and gradually disappeared from the blade.

Only the last words floated in the darkness:

"The name of this knife is: Prison Suppression."

All sounds disappear.

In the darkness, lines of burning small characters quickly emerged:

"You got the weapon card:"

"Long Knife: Suppress Prison."

"——The gift of all gods, the protective blade of the Lord of time and space."

"This sword has the following powers when in its sheath:"


"——Those who hold this sword can hear all secrets and have nothing to fear;"

"Turn around."

"——Not immune to any inevitable damage. All damage will be borne by defensive techniques or objects first."

"Void God."

"——Summon another you in parallel time and space to fight for you before you draw your sword."

"The above three powers can only be activated when the sword is in the sheath."

"The following three powers can be activated when the sword is drawn."

"Suppress your life."

"——Swallowing a card cuts off time and space, turning it into a peeling parallel world that will no longer come to the main world."

"See destruction."

"——Swallow a card, enter a peeled off parallel world, and watch the destruction of this world."

"Ye Yin."

"——This knife can be attached to other weapons and exert all the power of other weapons."

"Those who hold this sword can go to the real world."

"Special Note:"

"The stronger the card that the Prison Suppressing Sword swallows, the longer the time and space it cuts off, and the longer it stays in the world of destruction."

"When it loses its scabbard, it will create the destiny line of Devouring the Lord. Every time you use it, you will be one step closer to your own death."


"You are an existence with the title of 'Twilight's Embrace'."

"You have just become the master of this knife."

"Because of your name, when this 'Suppression' is activated, this knife draws a card from its previous owner, which saves you from consuming the card."

"The next time you use this sword, a card will be consumed."


Liu Ping looked at the densely packed small burning characters and could hardly recover for a moment.

——A scabbard is required?

This is the first time I have seen a knife that can bite its owner without a scabbard.

And it has three powers, which cannot be used without a scabbard!

Currently, I can only use the following three powers:

Suppress life, see and disappear, and hide at night.

There is another sentence:

"Those who hold this sword can go to the real world."

This sentence is completely incomprehensible.


There is no time to think so much now.

Liu Ping held the bronze sword, took out the shadow sword, and tried to put the two swords together.

I saw the bronze long knife turning into deep darkness, silently attached to the shadow knife, and gradually disappeared.

Two lines of small burning characters appeared:

"You activated 'Ye Hidden'."

"The Suppressing Prison is hidden in the shadow. It can exert the power of the shadow at any time, and can also activate the power of the Suppressing Prison itself at any time."

Liu Ping nodded, put away the long knife, and looked up into the distance again.

——The giant is still circling the mountain.

If I ask for directions again, wouldn't everything happen again?

After having the panda, I thought I would go back if I was dead.

Now it seems that panda is not useful either!

What really works best is the prison knife.

——But it can only activate "Suppress Life" and "See Destruction" by swallowing cards.

The cards in your hand are all companions.

The Rock of No Existence is an easy-to-use strange card.

How can I feed it?

Liu Ping thought hard for a few breaths and suddenly patted his forehead.


There turns out to be a devil hiding in the dark!

He turned to look at a rock in the distance, and saw a line of small words emerging from behind the rock:

"Level 50 devil, hiding."

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hand towards the rock, and said loudly:

"Hey, Brother Devil over there, I've seen you."

Waited for a few breaths.

A devil with a black body and horns on its forehead stood up from behind the rock.

"Who are you? How did you find me?"

The devil asked warily.

Its body is slightly sideways, ready to run into the distance at any time.

Liu Ping felt very sad when he saw it.


In a place like this, it's really not easy to find someone to deal with.

"I am a human from a sequence world, and I was accidentally teleported here." Liu Ping said with a smile.

"Then you really have some strength. You haven't died until now." The devil said.

"I want to discuss something with you," Liu Ping said.

"What?" asked the devil.

"I need something to save my life, and you can provide these things." Liu Ping said,

"Why should I give it to you?" the devil sneered.

"Because I can find a way out of here and take you to a safe area." Liu Ping said.

"Can you prove it?"


Liu Ping moved and flew towards the giant turning the mountain.

When he approached the giant, the giant immediately turned his head and pointed a pair of dark eye sockets at him.

"Excuse me, I know you are the leading actor, but I really have something to ask you." Liu Ping said loudly.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You activated the 'Dragon Armor'."

The giant's arrogance gradually subsided, and he looked at Liu Ping silently, waiting for his next words.

"Where can I go to avoid the bottomless abyss and reach the other side?" Liu Ping asked.

The giant stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction.

Still in the same direction as before.

"No, I don't want to take this road. Is there any other way that can be taken? A safer way?" Liu Ping continued to ask.

The giant thought for a few breaths and pointed in another direction.


The giant made a sound that shook the void.

Liu Ping nodded and said: "I understand, then, thank you for your kindness, your performance will be very successful."

He glanced at the stunned devil on the ground and motioned for it to move away.

The devil hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and galloped away in the second direction pointed by the giant.

Liu Ping thought about stalling for time, so he asked again: "Aren't you tired from walking around the mountains here?"

Giant: "...tired."

"I don't want to know any of your secrets, because secrets always put people in danger. I just want to know if you keep going back and forth like this. Is there ever a moment when you want to stop?" Liu Ping said.

"No." said the giant.

Liu Ping glanced into the distance and saw that the devil had run out of sight.


It's your turn.

"Okay, I'm about to say goodbye to you. I hope you have a happy life every day."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, a golden light suddenly appeared behind him.



A deafening roar sounded.

She held Liu Ping and flew for three seconds, then suddenly disappeared, then reappeared and flew for another three seconds.

It flew like this for a total of nine seconds.

Then she transformed into a card and flew back to the card book.

Liu Ping took advantage of his remaining momentum and turned into a small pebble, flying far away in the grass.

This place is quite far away from the giant.

The giant stood there for a while and began to circle around the mountain again, no longer paying attention to anything happening in the outside world.

Liu Ping waited for a while, then quietly changed back to his human form and walked away from the mountain.


The giant grew farther and farther away, almost lost in the deep dark mist.

——It’s safe!

Liu Ping stopped and said to the void ahead: "How about? Join me and leave here?"

The void moved.

The devil appeared and said, "You have proven your ability. Tell me, what do you want from me?"


Liu Ping said with a smile.

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