Infernal Artist

Chapter 278 Seeing the truth

"You want cards?" the devil asked.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"...If I read correctly, your level is less than level 20."

"That's right."

"But you have the ability to avoid dangerous places and find those safe places, right?"

"Absolutely correct." Liu Ping said with a smile.

The devil gradually felt a murderous intention and said with a ferocious smile:

"Then, lead the way for me, otherwise I will kill you at any time. No, I will torture your soul until you dare not disobey my will."

The smile on Liu Ping's face gradually faded.

I saw a girl suddenly appear, waving the ethereal threads on her five fingers, and whispered:


There was a flash of void.

The dense silk threads were like a spider web, completely binding the devil's hands and feet.

The girl snorted softly and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Another beautiful woman holding a card book came out from behind Liu Ping and said with a low smile: "We Paladins cannot kill, so we have to put more effort into torturing souls."

A card was thrown out by her.

The woman turned back to Liu Ping and disappeared.

The card turned into a blazing holy fire with a bang, burning on the devil's body.

Whenever its body is burned into charcoal by the flames, the holy fire turns into light and heals those wounds.

When the wound was completely healed, the light turned into a holy fire again, burning the devil.

Light and fire are constantly transforming.

The devil was about to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth.

"It's so dangerous here. It's not good to be too noisy."

A man appeared from behind Liu Ping and reached out to touch the air.

——Space confinement!

The devil kept shouting, but no sound came out.

Liu Ping sighed, looked at the devil and said:

"What are you doing?"

Twenty minutes later.

The holy fire on the devil gradually went out.

The threads that fixed it were also pulled back by a hand stretched out from the void.


It fell to the ground dying, gasping and saying: "I was wrong! I shouldn't have evil thoughts in my heart, please forgive me."

Liu Ping squatted next to it, patted it on the shoulder, and said sincerely: "Of course I will forgive you, because we must unite sincerely to complete a series of things."

A soft light flew out from his hand and fell on the devil.

The devil's wounds were gradually healed.

——At least on the surface, there seems to be no scars anymore, and there is no smell of paste.

"Thank you."

It struggled to get up from the ground, panting and taking out a stuck book.

"Sir, please choose whatever card you want, as long as you let me live..."


Liu Ping took the card book and read it carefully.

——As a level 50 devil, most of its cards are higher than level 40, and a few of them have reached level 50.

Liu Ping picked up a level 40 card and looked at it.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:


"To cast a 'life-killing', you need at least a level 50 card."

"To cast 'Seeing Destruction' once, you need at least a level 40 card."

Liu Ping simply shook the stuck book.

Cards fell out one by one and were placed neatly on the ground by him.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

the devil asked cautiously.

Liu Ping said: "I'm not sure how many I need to use... just wait for me."

He waved the Shadow Knife, gently picked up a level 50 card, and slashed it forward——

In an instant.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You consumed a level 50 card."

"You have activated the power of the Prison Knife: Seeing Death."

"The peeled-off parallel world has appeared. You can enter it at any time and watch the destruction of that world."

The void retreated to both sides.

Liu Ping took a step forward.

The surrounding scenery completely disappeared.

He saw that his body had turned into a pure soul body, and whether it was the card book, clothes, protective gear or the panda around his waist, they all remained in place.

I am like a remnant soul, constantly floating in the darkness.

As if sensing something, he looked up and saw two lines of small words above his head:

"A spectator in a parallel world."

"Ignore all constraints, you can go anywhere and observe everything, but you cannot interfere."


The whole world seemed to be reconstructed and appeared in front of his soul body.

There was ice and snow all around.

The wind and snow kept coming.

——Dream sequence world.

Frozen Valley.

In front of the ice block that sealed the nightmare.

Liu Ping flew around at will, feeling that as a soul, he was quite light and agile.

on the ground.

The other self, together with the black shadow, was completely absorbed by the monster in the ice, leaving only the bones falling to the ground.

That's exactly what happened after that moment.

If he hadn’t made that knife move——

Everything in the world will develop in that direction.

The sealed ice block is full of cracks.

The frost cracked.

The nightmare stirred.

It walked out of the frost with heavy steps, and the constantly flashing light on its head began to become faster.

A voice emanated from around it:

"what do you?"

Liu Ping was stunned for a moment before he realized that this parallel world had been peeled off from the main world, and the person he was talking to was not him.

He turned and looked down at the ground.

I saw a panda doll flying up from the ground and hovering in front of the monster.

A voice sounded from the panda——

This voice was less noisy than when Liu Ping died, but instead conveyed an indescribable strangeness:

"I'm dead, and so is he - it turns out this is the way to unlock the 'Darkest Death Puppet'."

A long black pipe suddenly appeared in the void.

The panda jumped up suddenly, got into the black pipe, and disappeared all of a sudden.

"Want to run?"

The light on Nightmare's head suddenly became brighter, and his entire body turned into a ray of light, rushing into the black pipe.

Liu Ping was greatly surprised and chased into the black pipe.

As soon as he entered the pipe, countless repulsive forces suddenly hit him from all directions, and the terrifying power contained in them could tear almost anything apart.

Liu Ping saw the nightmare reappearing in human form in front of him, letting out a deafening roar, but was still gradually forced back by invisible forces.

A line of small burning words suddenly appeared:

"It can't travel to the real world!"

"You are a bystander in this parallel world and the holder of the prison knife."

“You can enter the real world!!!”


The long knife vibrated violently.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, all the repulsive force disappeared and turned into an extremely powerful pulling force, violently pulling Liu Ping's soul body and flying towards the depths of the pipe.

He glanced back one last time.

The nightmare let out a sharp roar of unwillingness and finally slipped out of the pipe.

Liu Ping turned around and looked forward.

The speed is getting faster and faster, so that everything becomes a blur of lines.

This speed far exceeded Yana's flying speed, and even gave Liu Ping an inexplicable feeling in his heart——

With this speed, he will reach eternity.




Everything disappears.

Suddenly countless nebulae bloomed in the darkness.

They are either reborn, glorious, or declining and perishing.

But Liu Ping surpassed them in just a moment.

Keep flying forward!

I don’t know how long it took, and I don’t know where I arrived.

The front suddenly turned into complete darkness.

A line of burning small words appeared:

"About to arrive in the real world."

"Repeat, you are about to arrive in the real world!!!"

The darkness coalesced back into tubes.

Liu Ping flew forward along the pipe and finally saw the dim light at the end of the pipe.

He rushed out facing the dazzling white light——


Covered everything.

When all the whiteness dims, only a few scenes can be vaguely seen around.

Liu Ping squinted his eyes and waited until the white light completely disappeared before raising his head.

He found himself sitting in a classroom.

Ahead is a blackboard.

There is also a blackboard at the back.

There were fourteen-year-old boys sitting around.

The clock on the wall ticks every minute.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses stood in front of the blackboard and was speaking loudly:

"Okay, classmates."

"We've finished explaining the solution to this problem."

——Yes, this is a classroom.

Liu Ping was extremely sure of this.

According to the technological world view, all young learners are concentrated in such a place to learn knowledge and skills.

Is the real world such a place?

Suddenly, everything was quiet.

The whole world fell into silence.

Liu Ping looked at everyone and saw that everyone was frozen.

The clock on the wall stopped moving.


The teacher wearing glasses took off the frames and threw them on the podium.

He took out a cigarette, lit it, took a long drag, then looked at Liu Ping and said:

"We don't have much time, let's keep the story short."

Liu Ping said quickly: "Your Excellency is——"

Outside the classroom, a huge dark fog suddenly appeared, slowly crossing the square and flying towards this side.

The middle-aged teacher frowned and said, "They came too quickly because I'm not very good at acting to deceive them——"

His eyes fell on Liu Ping and he said:

"Young Twilighter."

"It's good that you can defeat the prisoner. It's very good. That's why I will lend this body to see you."

"Remember, the real world is far more dangerous than the eternal night you live in."

"In fact, it has been destroyed, so people will leave it and go to the void."

"It's a pity that the Void Divine Pillar was also destroyed."

"Now only Purgatory and the Eternal Night Pillar are left. I don't know how long these two pillars can last."

"Come back next time - I have memorized your soul beacon, and next time I will show you the so-called reality."


"Don't come back with illusions of parallel worlds. This will cause great concern to those unknowable beings."

"Now, go back!"

boom! ! !

Liu Ping only felt an endless roar coming from his ears.

The hour and minute hands on the wall began to spin crazily, while more and more black shadows outside the classroom quickly disappeared.

Time is going backwards!

The endless wind blows in the darkness.

Liu Ping felt that he had entered the black pipe again and kept going backwards.

The world is spinning.

The nebulae blooming in the universe are passing by at a faster speed.


fall from the sky.


Only darkness.

Liu Ping opened his eyes suddenly.

He found himself standing in endless darkness, with the long knife in his hand just falling.

The devil was panting on the side, with a look of pain on his face, and said, "Sir, how many more cards do you want to use?"

Liu Ping ignored it and just looked into the void.

A line of small burning words floated:

"You performed the 'Seeing Destruction' move."

"Because you observed the real world, it caused a series of shocks. Although the whole thing has been wiped out by a certain existence, this sequence recommends that you do not use 'Seeing Destruction' again within ten days."

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