Infernal Artist

Chapter 279 Gift from the Divine Pillar

A familiar feeling emerged in Liu Ping's mind.




I’m going to upgrade myself!

Liu Ping was relatively calm.

I already had the experience of reaching level 30 before.

And after seeing such an amazing secret, it would be strange if you couldn't upgrade.

"Wait a moment, I'll level up and talk to you later."

He patted the devil on the shoulder and said.

"Ah, okay, please do as you please." the devil said repeatedly.

Liu Ping took a few steps back, closed his eyes, and silently experienced the changes in his body.

The soul power surged like a strong wind.

This is the continuous improvement of the essential power of the soul!

Liu Ping felt that his aura could not help but rise, quickly reaching the same state he had reached not long ago, and it continued to rise sharply.

"How did you...promote so quickly?"

The devil's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he said in surprise from the side.

Liu Ping ignored it and just looked into the void silently.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You see the real world."

"You have learned a valuable secret that has never been known before."

"Even many famous card masters have never heard of such a secret in their entire lives."

"Although someone covered up everything that happened before, the divine pillars will not be deceived. They have noticed what happened to you."

Liu Ping stood still.

The surrounding scenes suddenly flashed by and disappeared with the wind.

Heaven and earth turned into nothing.

Darkness falls.

In the endless darkness, majestic pillars connected to the sky and the earth appeared in front of him.

The upper half of this giant pillar is densely covered with iron ropes and flames, while the lower half goes deep into the endless darkness, and is filled with heroic spirits.

Purgatory and the Pillars of Eternal Night!

In the darkness, a line of small burning words emerged:

"In the name of Twilight, you are recognized by Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night;"

"Based on the truth you understand, Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night will provide you with more power by default, hoping that you will grow up as soon as possible and help them resist future disasters."

"Your level has been raised."

"Current level: level 40."

"All your attributes have been improved, reaching the level of a level 40 professional."

"You have received an additional 50% from Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night."


"All your attributes continue to improve, and are already far higher than level 40."

"Current soul power value: 300."

"——Please don't let down the blessing and expectations of the world."

Liu Ping opened his eyes and quietly felt the power he had never experienced before.

Thinking becomes faster and clearer;

The soul power surges up continuously, and it seems that powerful moves can be released at will;

The sensing ability has also become stronger - standing in the dark, you can feel the danger in all directions from a distance.

"I understand," the devil suddenly said from the side, "It turns out that you pretended to be at level ten before, but you are actually almost at level 50!"

Level 50?

Liu Ping smiled and made no explanation.

After all, it is better not to make any announcement about the extra power granted by Purgatory and the Eternal Night Pillar.

"Liu Ping..."

Lilith whispered.

"What's wrong, Lilith?" Liu Ping asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, he also noticed something.

"Huh? There seems to be an extra card in the card book?"

"Yes, I don't know what happened. I just found a card suddenly appeared in the card book."

The stuck book opens automatically.

I saw a card lying quietly in the card slot, and there was a note next to it with a sentence written on it:

"If you want to reach the real world again, please collect one of the following sets of cards:"

"Sacrifice, coin, sacred."

"So much time has passed that many decks have become unsafe, but ritual decks and coin decks can still help you reach the real world."

"——If you can get a whole set of sacred decks, that would be the best."

"You can defeat that unknowable existence. I guess you have at least mastered the card spelling skills."

"Find a way to assemble a sacred deck and put it together——"

"You will gain a way to sneak back into the real world."

"I have given you the first card of the sacred deck as a reward for your victory over the unspeakable existence."

"——After all, you are a holy knight yourself."

"Looking forward to seeing you again."

Liu Ping read the note and looked at the card.

I saw a bottle of water exuding a holy aura painted on the card.

Lines of burning small characters appeared:

"Card: Holy Water."

"Holy cards, trap cards."

"5 points of soul power can be used once, three times a day."

"Any evil being hit by it will fall into a state of sluggish diarrhea. If you continue to fight, the damage of the holy water will continue to increase until anal fissure."

"——Justice will prevail."

Liu Ping took a while to digest after reading it.

This card must hit an evil entity before it can take effect.

"Yana," he called.

"What's the matter?" Yana's voice sounded.

"I just want to ask, our holy camp... how to judge whether a being is evil?"

"When we don't like a person, we say he is evil."

"So direct?"

"Our holy camp is aboveboard and has always been so."

"Been taught a lesson……"

Liu Ping rubbed the trap card and fell into deep thought.

Currently, I have three sacred cards in my hand, namely Holy Water, Holy Knight, and Paladin.

The eternal night is endless.

Where can I find the remaining sacred cards?


He looked towards the void and his eyes fell on the heroic spirit operation interface.

As he focused, a certain ability on the interface lit up.

Liu Ping held the "Holy Water" card tightly and said silently:

"Activate the bond of destiny."

Burning small characters continued to appear in the void:

"Holy Water is the first card in the Holy Deck and is also a trap card;"

"It shows the spirit of the holy camp, highlights the temperament of many holy professionals, and tells others in the name of 'trap' not to fall into evil easily."

"Bond Card: Atonement Coupon."

"The indulgence represents the other side of the priesthood. It is responsible for forgiveness, while the holy water is responsible for punishment. You can usually find it on the inside of the eaves of those steeple-like buildings - whenever it leaves the holy profession, it will automatically return to this The place."


Although I still don’t know how to find the next card, I at least know to look for a spire-type building.

Liu Ping kept it in mind and picked up another card.

——Prison Suppressing Knife.

Rather than finding the complete set of sacred cards, it is more urgent to find its scabbard.

Otherwise it will bring death to itself sooner or later!

Just like dealing with the big guy.


Liu Ping pondered and activated the fetters of fate again.

I saw another line of burning small words quickly appearing:

"The origin of the Prison Knife is a secret. You don't know everything about it yet, but it is willing to cooperate with the activation of 'Destiny and Bond' so that you can find the scabbard for it."

"Bond Card: Prison Knife Scabbard."

"The sword and the scabbard are two separate cards because each of them has extremely powerful attributes and has different missions."

"The previous owners of the Prison Suppressing Knife were all extremely powerful beings, but with their strength, they still could not find the scabbard, so in the end they had to die with regrets."

"——Because the scabbard is not in purgatory and eternal night, of course they can't find it."

"It's in the real world."

As if to keep it secret, all the small words quickly turned into ashes, fluttering in the sky, and slowly disappeared.

Liu Ping stroked his forehead.

——Come back.

It seems that we still need to find the sacred deck first and go to the real world.

The devil said cautiously: "Sir, you have been looking at the cards for so long, can we find a safe place now?"

"The road we are taking now is relatively safe," Liu Ping said.

He patted the devil on the shoulder and said: "Let's go, let's set off first. At least we have to find a way across the abyss."

"Okay." The devil got up from the ground.

The two hit the road.

"How long did you stay in that place before?" Liu Ping asked.

"Three hundred years," the devil said.

"Three hundred years? No movement?"

"Don't dare to move."

"You have perseverance, I admire you."

"Sir, are we going to keep moving forward like this?"

"Don't worry. The giant said before that this road is relatively safe."

"Look! There is a bone dragon in the sky."

"It's just passing by."

"Sir, it's coming down!"

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