Infernal Artist

Chapter 289 Go to purgatory!

This is a naked humanoid monster.

Its entire body is gray-white, with nothing on its facial features except for being slightly sunken. It holds a bone blade etched with countless purgatory runes.

The Demon King fled in panic from the eternal night.

The entire deck world collapsed.

— but the monster stayed.

It faintly exudes a powerful aura, as well as some extremely evil power fluctuations.

This made both Liu Ping and Meng Hu a little unsure of what to do with it.

The tiger walked around it a few times, scratched its head and said:

"This guy is not simple. It is something summoned by the sacrificial ceremony and will not disappear easily."

"Then what should I do? I can't keep chatting with it." Liu Ping said.

The tiger said: "If it escapes, it will be in trouble - forget it, let's call the leader, he is very good at dealing with such evil things."

After saying that, the tiger took out a card and read: "There is a little trouble... I fought with the rabbit and encountered a monster... Captain, you'd better come and see for yourself."


The cards were crushed.

Liu Ping said a few more words to the monster, and then said to the tiger:

"About when will the leader arrive?"

The tiger laughed heartily: "He is a sacrificer. As soon as he hears about this thing born through sacrifice, I am afraid he will come immediately no matter how far away he is."

The words fell.

After only a few minutes.

A bright light flew from the sky, circled the forest several times, and landed quietly in front of the two people.

A man wearing a dark mask appeared.

As soon as he stood still, he immediately looked at the monster next to Liu Ping.


Menghu and Liuping said in unison.

The man wearing the dark mask seemed not to hear anything, just stared at the monster and whispered:

"Ah - it's a sacrificial birth body. I haven't seen this kind of thing for many years. It is definitely an amazing and outstanding war machine."

He glanced at Liu Ping, nodded and said, "Rabbit did a good job. This mysterious skill that can entangle it happens to be one of the very few that can control it."

Liu Ping spread his hands and said: "The devil has escaped, what should we do with this thing?"

"There are many secrets hidden behind such a guy. Fortunately, I happen to have a deep research on sacrificial birth bodies." The leader said.


Liu Ping became interested when it came to secrets.

He suddenly remembered that when he reached level 41 just now, he had an opportunity to strengthen his skills.

He directly chose to strengthen his body's movement and agility speed, and then he said:

"How to make it reveal the secret?"

"It actually doesn't know anything, so we need some means..."

The leader said, taking out a set of cards, surrounding the monster, and constantly placing the cards in the void opposite it.


All cards light up in sequence.

A mysterious power emanated from the card and enveloped the monster.


There was a sound of breaking glass.

All the cards were broken into tiny pieces, constantly rotating around the monster, showing blurred light and shadow.

The light and shadow gradually became clear.

A scene of the world appeared before the three of them.

There were only three suns in the sky, and the earth was composed of boundless deserts and ruins.

In those ruins, various devils and humans live.

"We found it. All its sacrificial bodies come from such a world. It seems to be a certain level in purgatory." The leader said.

"I'm afraid we have to invite Xingchen here to know which level of purgatory this is." said the fierce tiger.

The group leader laughed and said: "The purchase can be done later, it is still interesting. I will call her right now."

Liu Ping said: "Then this monster——"

The leader took out a card from his black-covered card book and stuck it on the monster.


The monster immediately turned into a card, floating in front of Liu Ping.

"This is a more evil ritual that can erase all consciousness of the captured person and turn it into a puppet body that completely obeys orders and obeys the orders of the person who captured it."

The group leader handed the card to Liu Ping and said:

“The hardest thing about it is capturing it – you did it, so it’s yours.”

Liu Ping took the card.

Lines of burning small characters emerged:

"Purgatory Sacrifice Summoned Body."

"Puppet card."

"You restricted all its actions, and then it was refined into your puppet card through an extremely evil and powerful sacrificial method."

"From now on, it will obey your orders and fight."

Liu Ping was a little surprised.

This monster was so powerful that it was almost comparable to a prisoner, but it was subdued by an evil ritual.

The leader of this group... is really ridiculously strong.

He looked at the leader. There was no expression on the dark mask of the leader, and he just laughed:

"Look, the rabbit was restrained by my hand."

"I'm only 14 years old," said the tiger.

"So in order to calm him down, I gave him the puppet." The leader said.

Menghu patted Liu Ping on the shoulder and said: "The leader's methods are indeed good, but everyone in our entire team is extremely difficult to deal with - including you, right?"

"Thank you, Captain." Liu Ping said sincerely.

The leader nodded and said, "You are much stronger than the Card Master of Time, so grow up quickly."

In the sky, a star fell.

It turned into a woman wearing a star mask and quietly appeared in front of the three people.

"I'm buying supplies, why are you calling me in such a hurry?"

The woman said in a complaining tone.

"I discovered some of the devils' movements. They are imitating the fighting bodies similar to the prisoners. I really didn't expect them to be able to do this."

The leader said solemnly.

Liu Ping and Meng Hu were both shocked.

I didn't expect that the leader could see so many things that he couldn't detect.


The devil has begun to understand the prisoner's affairs, and can even create a similar existence through sacrifice, which is really a very important thing.

How far have the devils gone?

The woman paused and her attitude suddenly became serious.

"Let me see... the sun created by three spells... This is the 875th floor of purgatory, a world of ruins."

"Fox and the others have something to do, so this time the four of us will go and see if we can find out any information from that world." The leader said.

"No problem." Tiger said.

"Okay." The daughter of the stars said.

"That's fine with me, but I've never been to purgatory before." Liu Ping said.

The tiger said in surprise: "You haven't been to purgatory? Then when you were alive -"

Liu Ping said: "I don't know if you have heard of dark dramas."

The leader nodded and said: "I see, no wonder I sensed the imprint of the gods from you."

"The brand of the gods?" Liu Ping asked in surprise.

"It is illusory. When a god attempts to take a slave, it will leave a mark in advance that has not been used - the gods are very busy. They just mark you so that they will not forget you one day." The group leader explained.

Liu Ping suddenly realized.

It turned out to be a mark that had not yet been cast.

No wonder the sequence has no reminders.

——But the leader can sense it.

What an eye-opener.

Liu Ping discovered something from his previous battle with the Card Master of Time.

These people are too strong.

That Time Card Master was actually able to offset his own prison-guarding tactics.

This has never happened before.

——Maybe this is the strongest group of people in mankind?

Seeing that he was silent, the group leader comforted him: "Don't worry, it has dissipated, but there is still some smell left."

The Girl of the Stars drew a card and said to Liu Ping: "Can I see what kind of dark drama you are facing?"

The regiment leader and Menghu looked at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping smiled and said calmly: "Of course."

The Girl of the Stars pointed the card at Liu Ping and whispered:

"Disaster appears!"

Endless tombstones suddenly appeared on the card, extending to the end of the world.

The Daughter of the Stars took a look and showed the card to the leader and the tiger.

The tiger said with emotion: "It turns out to be a slave world of complete death. Tsk, it's not easy for you to escape from such a dark drama at such a young age."

The leader and the Daughter of the Stars both nodded.

Their attitudes have quietly changed.

If they had some considerations and scrutiny when they first recruited Liu Ping, now they are willing to think more about Liu Ping.

14 years old.

Holy camp.

One man escapes a dark drama filled with dead people.

Can kill the Card Master of Time.

The battle just now can also play a big role.

——He is only 14 years old, and he has already shown such great talent.

If trained well, this young man will definitely become a solid support for the entire team.

The leader thought for a while and said: "He is a newcomer, and it is his first time going to Purgatory. Xingchen will take care of him a little while, and Tiger and I will go look for clues, and you will be responsible for supporting us."


The daughter of the stars agreed immediately.

She took out a card book with a cover full of stars, searched inside for a moment, and said:

"The 875th floor of Purgatory...found."


The card was thrown out and turned into a ray of light, covering the four people.

The next moment.

They soared into the sky and disappeared into the void in an instant.

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