Infernal Artist

Chapter 290 Ruined World


Floor 875, world in ruins.

The three suns in the sky gradually lost their light, and the world was shrouded in night.

On a cliff somewhere.

Four figures appeared quietly.

"Isn't it called a ruined world? Why is it still so prosperous?" The young man couldn't help but ask.

He looked at the brilliant giant city outside the cliff, illuminated by lights and turned into a nightless sky, and felt that he couldn't see enough.

This seems to be a metropolis on the tech side.

A line of burning small words appeared in mid-air, giving a precise reminder:

"You discover the world:"

"The 875th floor of Purgatory, world in ruins."

"Your experience points have increased by 10%."

——It is said that the world of purgatory has nearly millions of levels, so as long as you travel through various purgatory worlds, you can level up.

This is such a vast and wonderful collection of worlds!

How does it work?

Liu Ping fell into deep reverie.

A female voice sounded:

"This place is so prosperous because it is the most central city in the world. I guess if there are any clues, they can be found here."

Daughter of the Stars.

She opened the card book, took out four cards, and handed them to everyone.

Liu Ping took the card and looked at it, but it was a card he had never seen before, with the appearance of a boy drawn on it.

"Disguise card."

"Disposable cards."

"It can change your appearance so that no one can see your true appearance."

"How to use: Crush."

Liu Ping gently crushed the card.


With a soft sound, he found that his appearance had completely changed, and even his clothes had turned into a simple set of technological and civilized clothes.

Xingchen looked at him and said: "This set of clothes automatically adopts the most common style worn by 14-year-old boys in the world - it is quite handsome."

The leader, Tiger and Xingchen also crushed the cards and then took off their masks.

The leader turned into a tall man.

The tiger looked a little thin and old, and it was impossible to tell that he was a martial arts master.

Xingchen turned into an ordinary-looking woman.

"Has Fox ever collected intelligence about this world?" the leader asked.

"Yes, I have recorded it here." Xingchen said.

She took out a thick notebook, turned to one of the pages, and read:

"Only a world like ruins is where humans are allowed to stop."

"The eight hundred and seventy-five-story ruined world is full of all kinds of disasters and barrenness. It is a low-level world where humans live."

"If they prove their worth, they can go to the more powerful world of purgatory and serve the devil as slaves."

"The spire in the city is the core power center used by the devils to rule the world."


Liu Ping became serious and looked towards the city that never sleeps again.

Sure enough, after taking a closer look this time, I found that at the end of the city, there was a minaret that almost blended into the night.

"Sequence, let me see the bond description of the holy water."

Liu Ping said silently.

Lines of small characters flashed across the void:

"Bond Card: Atonement Coupon."

"...You can usually find it on the inside of the eaves of those spire-like buildings..."

The indulgence may be hidden here!

Tsk, luckily I came to purgatory, otherwise, where would I go to find a spire-like building in the eternal night?


It is a wonderful irony that the sacred cards are hidden under the devil's roof.

"How should we proceed?" Tiger asked.

"Entering this metropolis, there are some deserted buildings on the edge of the city. We settled there, then found the black market and slowly inquired about the news." Xingchen said.

She added: "Of course, we have to get some money first."

"Is the transaction here electronic payment or brainwave payment?" Menghu asked.

"They use physical objects - banknotes or gold coins." Xingchen said.

The leader laughed and said softly: "Then, getting money is not a problem, and it is not easy to be traced. The task is very easy to carry out."

Several people nodded.

It is actually very difficult to trace traces of crime when using physical currency for transactions.

Unless using cards.

But in terms of card tracking prevention, both Xingchen and the group leader have good ways to deal with it.

"Solve the funding issue first."

The leader said, opening the card book and pulling out three cards.

I saw an altar, a statue of a god, and a beam of light painted on these three cards respectively.

The leader places three cards in mid-air in the shape of a "C".

They gradually lit up and connected to each other with long dark black lines.

The leader said softly: "Then, all evil sacrificers, tell us your wishes."

I saw that on the card with the "Light Pillar" painted on it, sentences and words appeared continuously, showing many wishes.

The group leader looked silently for a while, then laughed and said: "Stop!"

All the fine print faded away, leaving only one line of fine print on the card:

"Devil, please save me. I am suffering from a curse. If anyone can save me, I am willing to give up my life savings or even sacrifice everything!"

The leader looked back at Liu Ping and said, "I remember that the sacred system is very good at lifting curses."

Liu Ping said: "I do have a technique that can lift the curse."

"The card is a medium. If we use the spell to remove the curse on it, we can make money." The group leader said.

He showed the idol card in front of Liu Ping.

Liu Ping waved his hand casually.

Holy healing technique!

While this technique heals others, it can also remove magic and curses from the other person.

Two holy lights were seen circling around the card in the leader's hand, and after a while they slowly disappeared into the void.

The leader sensed the breath and said with a smile: "It's time to get the sacrifice."

Among the three cards floating in the air, a large number of gold coins and bundles of banknotes suddenly appeared on the card that represented the altar.

The gold coins made a clattering metallic sound, and the bundles of banknotes made a dull sound as they banged against each other.

They kept pouring out, filling the entire altar.

The leader looked at the money that kept appearing on the altar and asked, "How are the prices in this world?"

"A large denomination bill is enough for the four of us to have a nice lunch." Xingchen said.

"——He seems to be a very rich guy. I don't know if he will feel sorry for me." Menghu joked.

"Money and money are all external things. The curse made his soul tortured. Rabbit saved him just now. He deserves such reward." The leader said.

He randomly pulled out a few blank cards and distributed them to everyone, then put the altar card on the blank card and transferred the boxes of gold coins and banknotes.

Liu Ping took a card.

Lines of burning small characters appeared before his eyes:

"Debit Card."

"Space cards, storage cards."

"How to use: attach your mind to the card and select the item you want to take out."

The group leader warned: "You don't have to be frugal, but you have to be cautious and don't attract too much attention."

"I know." Liu Ping said.

A few people walked along the hillside for a while, and soon saw the winding mountain road.

A big truck passed by.

Xingchen pulled out a card, looked at it, and said, "It will be very beneficial for us to use transportation to enter that metropolis."

The tiger waved to the truck.

The big truck sped up and rushed past the four people.

The tiger was about to charge forward, but was held down by the captain's shoulders.

"I'm new here, don't cause trouble," the group leader said.

The tiger had to stop.

"I forgot to tell you, this is a world filled with materialistic desires and extravagance," Xingchen said.

"In purgatory, which world is not like this? It's all the work of the devil." The tiger said angrily.

Not far away, another truck came.

Liu Ping took out a large note and waved towards the truck.

The truck stopped in front of the four.

The driver glared and said, "Going into the city?"

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"Do they all have ID cards?"


"Humph, it turns out they are a group of homeless people, so there's nothing we can do about it." The driver shook his head.

The truck began to move slowly.

Liu Ping handed over the banknotes and said, "Help me."

The driver didn't answer, but said resolutely: "It's too dangerous to bring undocumented people into the city, and I can easily be implicated. Even if you slap me in the face with a bunch of banknotes, I won't agree -"

Liu Ping took a bundle of banknotes and threw them into the cab.

The driver had no time to dodge and was hit in the face by the bundle of banknotes.

The truck came to a screeching halt.

The door opens.

The driver said seriously: "Come on."

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