Infernal Artist

Chapter 324 The Devil and the Church!


Liu Ping looked at the demon who was pretending to be dead with his eyes closed, feeling a little curious.

But he didn't fly over to check.

——Because I don’t know what the devil’s strength is.

"Xingchen, can you seal that devil? Let's take it back and study it slowly."

Liu Ping said.

Luo Xingchen said: "Good idea."

She stretched out two fingers to hold a seal card, and was about to use it when her face suddenly changed.

Thousands of magic spells appeared in the sky, attacking from all directions.

Luo Xingchen and Liu Ping were surrounded in the middle.

They were about to be hit by these intensive spells——

Luo Xingchen's hand turned into an afterimage and suddenly twitched in the void again.

"Black hole!"

She scolded.

A card was thrown out by her and turned into a huge black ball in the air.

The next moment——

All the spells seemed to be attracted, burrowing into the black ball and disappearing.

Liu Ping said: "The leader is right. Having you as my bodyguard is really reassuring."

His gaze crossed the sky and locked somewhere in the void.

I saw Professor Gore floating in the air and loudly said: "Liu Ping, you have made the worst choice!"

He waved his arms randomly.

The scattered parts, machines, equipment and space stations took to the sky again and were put together again.

The low-Earth orbit space station is intact as ever!

Luo Xingchen drew a card again and said softly: "How dare you sneak attack us."

The card turned into endless stars in her hands, traveling rapidly, and finally——

"Mourning the Death Star, disperse."

With her voice, the card disappeared instantly.

I saw tiny cracks gradually appearing on the outer body of the space station, which was intact as before.

These cracks snaked and crawled like snakes, covering the entire space station in an instant.

A moment.

The entire space station completely disintegrated, and all parts disappeared into the illusory starlight.

"No! Who are you!"

Professor Gore roared.

Another voice sounded: "They are existences outside the main world, just like me."

I saw a huge and ferocious figure appearing behind Professor Gore.

It disappeared into the void and walked toward everyone step by step, gradually revealing its clear figure.

At this time, its body shape had shrunk dramatically and turned into a normal human being.

- It transformed into a man wearing a black robe.

"It's the devil from before." Luo Xingchen said.

"That's it." Liu Ping nodded.

Not an ordinary devil, but a devil.

He added secretly in his mind.

Professor Gore's expression suddenly became respectful and he said:

"My lord, I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep."

"It's okay, you can step back first. I want to have a chat with them." The man in black robe said.

Professor Gore stared at Liu Ping hatefully, turned around and flew into the distance.


Or rather the devil, was looking at Liu Ping and Luo Xingchen with interest.

It just glanced at Liu Ping and ignored him, instead focusing on Luo Xingchen.

"I am Waldo from Purgatory, which world do you come from?" the man asked.

Luo Xingchen looked at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping said: "We are from Yongye."

The man was a little surprised and looked at him again. He still couldn't figure out why Luo Xingchen followed his lead.

"Yong Ye... It seems that my people have provoked my own people. I'm sorry for this, but please return the low-Earth orbit space base to me. It has many valuable scientific research results. It's too much to be destroyed like this." Pity."

The man said.

"No problem, but what are you going to use in exchange for it?" Liu Ping asked.

"What do you want?" the man asked.

"I want to know why you are here." Liu Ping said.

The man smiled knowingly and said, "Are our purposes different? This is the only world that can produce souls. It is the birthplace of souls at the top of the three pillars of eternal night, purgatory, and void."

Liu Ping's brain started spinning rapidly.

The devils set up dark dramas and sequences of fools in the eternal night, all for one purpose.

Get the soul!

This demon god directly stated the words "the place where the soul is born", and its purpose of coming to the real world is clear.

"How's the recent harvest?" Liu Ping asked.

"There are indeed many people who are willing to be tempted. After they die, they will be reincarnated in purgatory... In short, my business has always been good." The man said.

"Last question, why are you staying on this space station?" Liu Ping asked.

"Technology and knowledge are very important powers. If you master them, you will control the lives of hundreds of millions of mortals, right?" the man said.

Liu Ping made a gesture.

Luo Xingchen hummed and threw a card.

There was a flash of void.

The space station that had been cut and sealed by countless spaces reappeared in mid-air.

"Thank you both very much. We are now in the clear. There is no grudge between us." The man saluted.

"See you later," Liu Ping said.

"See you later." The man smiled and nodded.

Liu Ping and Luo Xingchen flashed and flew towards the direction of the earth.

The man was floating in the air, quietly watching the two people retreating, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"That boy has an unpleasant holy aura about him."

The man seemed to have some emotion and growled angrily: "What the hell, we have to work so hard to confuse sentient beings every time to get a few souls to enter purgatory, but they just say a few words casually, and people are dying before they die. When the time comes, you will take the initiative to want to go to heaven..."

"A bunch of cunning liars."

The man spat hard, turned around, and flew slowly towards the space station.

"That devil is very powerful and not easy to kill."

Luo Xingchen said casually while sitting in the busy night market.

"We have just arrived and haven't figured out the situation yet. It is completely unnecessary to go up and kill it directly." Liu Ping said.

The hot pot was served.

Liu Ping lit the fire, looked at the spicy red soup that was gradually boiling, and said: "It turns out that this is the source of the birth of all souls."

"If that devil didn't tell lies, this is a very valuable piece of information." Luo Xingchen said.


A man came over and sat down at the table.

White wolf.

"Have hot pot instead?"

He directly took a set of cutlery and started to cook the meat.

"How is the situation over there?" Luo Xingchen asked.

"The rabbit's trouble has been solved, and I also discovered what those United Churches are about." White Wolf said.

"What's the situation in the church?" Liu Ping asked with interest.

"First of all, the technology and other forces in this world have developed very well. Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to convince a person to believe in illusory existence." Bai Lang said.

Another voice sounded from beside the table:

"Just tell me the conclusion."

At some point, the group leader also came back.

He leaned the black sword upright against the table, picked up a cup of tea, and drank it slowly.

Bai Lang nodded and said: "Every church is completely different from what we have seen - in such a world where various forces are highly developed, if there is no real thing, no one will come to join the church."

"What is the true God of each church?" Liu Ping asked.

Bai Lang shook his head and said: "I came back before I had time to investigate - there is a powerful detection technique in the secret underground base of the United Church."

Liu Ping nodded silently and asked, "What is the status of the church in this world?"

"It's very transcendent - this world advocates freedom of belief, and even applying to establish a church is not difficult." Bai Lang said.

"Captain, how is the situation over there?" Luo Xingchen asked.

"Got a mount."

The group leader spoke briefly and seemed to be in a good mood.

He asked Liu Ping: "What are your plans next?"

Liu Ping thought for a moment and said, "All my card books and follower cards are left in the parallel world."

The three of them looked at him and nodded together.

"In this world, various forces have their own mountains. Even the devil has a space station, so we should also have a force of our own."

Liu Ping reached out and pulled out a card again.

——Exposure card.

This is the first performance card developed by all the powerful people in the parallel world.

"Are you going to make your debut again?" Luo Xingchen sighed.

"No, I decided to set up a church." Liu Ping said.


The three of them said in unison.

"In my hometown, it should be called a sect." Liu Ping said.

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