Infernal Artist

Chapter 325 The church is established!

Liu Ping looked at the paper in his hand.

The first one reads: "Want to know the inside story of the earthquake that year? Evil species are hidden underground, and only this church can purify them!"

The second picture: "Shocking secret, why the ancient corpse on the seabed is still moving!"

The third picture: "The miracle of outer space, the wreckage of a huge spaceship - a personal account from an astronaut."

Liu Ping placed a thick stack of papers on the dining table and asked:

“Are these United Church brochures?”

"That's right." Bai Lang said.

"This is considered a church? Why does it feel like it's not popular?" Liu Ping thought.

While eating the hot-boiled meat, Bai Lang said without raising his head:

"I checked and found out that when you came out of the mental hospital, the World Government originally arranged for you to study in No. 4 Middle School. There was no care from the church at all."

"So they are a group of liars?" the leader asked while drinking.

"The so-called United Church is a group of underground churches. They have not been officially registered with the World Government's specialized agencies, so they dare not appear openly." Bai Lang said.

"Why don't they register? Is the government's management very strict?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, on the contrary, the government welcomes any church to register. On the contrary, those churches that have not registered will be suppressed and wanted by the government."

"If that's the case, why don't they register?"

"They have no money."

“Is it expensive to register a church?”

"Our meal costs about 500 yuan, and it costs 100 million to register an official church."

Several people were relieved.

"I see. Let me check the church's registration."

Liu Ping turned on the communicator, operated it a bit, and said in surprise:

"The formal church can purchase large laboratories, have its own territory, and hire scientists of all levels!"

He slapped the table, stood up and said, "Let's go make money. Once we have money, we can directly establish a church. I can create the dimensional card by myself!"

"Really? Let's go and build a church." said the group leader.

"But money-"

"Don't worry, let's go." Luo Xingchen put down his chopsticks and said.

ten minutes later.

The four of them stood on a street, looking at the machine embedded in the wall.

"Nowadays, most of the business is handled by 24-hour self-service, so even if it is late at night, we can use this machine to directly register a church," Liu Ping said.

He stepped forward, clicked continuously in front of the machine's screen, entered his personal information, and selected the "Register Church" option.

A box immediately popped up on the screen:

“Please name your church.”

Liu Ping hesitated for a few seconds, then looked at the three people behind him and said, "My deck is a 'Happy' deck, why not call the church the Happy Church?"

"For a church, the word 'joy' is not a good word, because it may make people mistakenly think it has another meaning." Bai Lang said.

"I see."

Liu Ping and the group leader understood and nodded in agreement.

"What does the other meaning mean?" Luo Xingchen asked puzzledly.

"Nothing." The three men said in unison.

Liu Ping mused: "My approach is to use technology to push the world forward, gradually increase the power and level of the church, and then gain world-renowned influence and lead the entire world into a mysterious stage of civilization."

"Then call-"

"The Church of Scientology."

"This is not bad." Bai Lang said.

"Simple and clear." Luo Xingchen said.

"That's it." The leader said.

Liu Ping typed the words "Church of Science" on the screen.

Another box pops up:

"Please pay 100 million world coins, or trade with equivalent."

The leader called: "Stars."

"Okay," Luo Xingchen stepped forward and said to the machine, "Please prepare a place. I'll pay in gold."

The wall retreated to both sides, revealing a small room inside.

A prompt sounded: "Please place the equivalent items in the room, and it will continuously transfer the exchange items to the designated exchange bank."

Luo Xingchen walked into the small room.

"Xingchen, do you have so much gold?" Liu Ping asked worriedly.

Luo Xingchen said: "Gold is formed by the collision and ejection of neutron stars in the universe. It just so happens that there are countless stars in my deck. The equivalent of 100 million yuan in gold is just a trivial matter."

She raised her hand.

The golden beads continued to slip from her fingertips, fell to the floor, and were teleported away instantly.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

The gold beads piled up on the ground like a rainstorm and were quickly carried away.

Eventually Luo Xingchen became impatient and simply dropped the heavy gold bricks.



A prompt sounded:

"You have paid sufficient registration fees."

"The Church of Scientology is founded!"

"Your formal rights are as follows:"


Liu Ping quickly found one of the items and said, "I will immediately exercise my identity granting authority to establish formal identity information for the church."

"Luo Xingchen, Bishop of the Church of Science."

"White Wolf, Bishop of the Church."

"Darkness, Bishop of the Church."

"Liu Ping, trainee priest."

An electronic sound sounded: "Please wait."

Luo Xingchen poked Liu Ping with his finger and said, "Are we all bishops?"

"You are a female bishop." Liu Ping said.

"But why are you a trainee priest?" Luo Xingchen asked.

"Because I'm only 15 years old - a 15-year-old bishop. If I tell others, people will think we are just joking." Liu Ping said.

"It's a bit expensive to spend 100 million to get a formal status." Bai Lang said, crossing his arms.

"It's not over yet, we still have to find a place to stay." Liu Ping looked at Luo Xingchen.

"Just leave the money to me." Luo Xingchen said.

"Well, with the stars here, Liu Ping, you must choose the best place." The group leader agreed.

Liu Ping was silent for a breath and said:

"Can I really pick the best place? In fact, I discovered an oversight on their part -"

The leader interrupted him and said: "The church must quickly expand its influence. You only need to become bigger and stronger. Don't worry about anything else - Bai Lang and I will protect the church."

"Okay, with the leader's words, I will choose the best place for the church."

Liu Ping said solemnly.

After dawn.

World Central City.

World Government.

Countless robots are moving things out.

There were densely packed shuttles parked in the square outside, constantly transporting things away.

A senior official who had just arrived at work grabbed a robot and yelled, "What's going on? Why is the World Government moving?"

"Report sir, because the World Central Processor has sold all the government office buildings." the robot said.

The senior official was stunned and said in disbelief: "Sold? Impossible! This must be a procedural error!"

"Indeed, in terms of the setting of the central main processor, the World Government's land has never been marked, and no one has ever dared to buy the World Government - but today this scene happened." The robot said.

"Who bought it?" the senior official asked.

"A church—the Church of Scientology," the robot said.

The senior official had a look of fear on his face and murmured:

"...It's really terrifying. This church actually has such huge funds! Such meticulous thoughts and methods! Such superhuman courage - wait! How many people do they have?"

"Four, sir."

"What did you say!!!"

same moment.

In the World Government office building.

Bai Lang squatted on the window sill, moved his nose and said: "Many professionals have come to test it. This incident has a great influence."

"This is a good thing." The leader said.

He looked down the hall.

I saw Liu Ping standing in the hall, climbing on a set of sophisticated large-scale experimental machines, directing the assembly of the robot.

Luo Xingchen stood beside Liu Ping, watching him busy with interest.

"When the dimensional card is created, human civilization in the entire real world will usher in a leap - White Wolf, do you know what this means?" the team leader asked.

"I don't know. Anyway, we should leave our names in history. Captain, what do you think this means?" Bai Lang shrugged.

The leader was slightly excited and said: "It means that we are saving the entire history of mankind. This will have a huge impact on everything on the main timeline, and even our future will be changed accordingly."

Bai Lang looked out the window again and said: "It seems that a few of the strongest professionals want to cause trouble. Behind them are the three forces of the devil, evil spirits and the goblin consortium."

He licked his tongue and said, "Can you let me go and have fun this time?"

"Then go ahead and don't kill irrelevant people," the group leader said.


A terrifying smile appeared on the white wolf's face, he took a few steps forward, turned into a wolf, and disappeared from the leader's sight.

The leader stood there for a while and suddenly said to himself: "White Wolf likes to play assassination... This is not influential enough..."

He reached out and pulled out a card from the void, threw it out the window and said:

"Go and lie down on the top floor of the building."

The card fluttered in the wind and suddenly made a soft sound.


The card disappears.

A huge bone dragon flew into the sky, hovered for a moment like blocking out the sky, and landed on the top floor of the World Building.

It looked down at the world with cold eyes, and suddenly burst out with a roar that shook all directions.

In the hall.

After hearing this, Liu Ping quickly retracted his attention and once again directed the robots to install the equipment.

Luo Xingchen jumped off the machine, walked to the group leader and said:

"There are many secrets and hidden things in the real world. Is it a bit too much for us to be so high-profile?"

The leader said: "We need to be more high-profile, so that we can win back people's hearts from all ethnic groups. After all-"

"The historical moment when the Void Divine Pillar collapses is not too far away."

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