Infernal Artist

Chapter 340 The spirit of contract

On the gray sea.

The "mermaid" breathed quickly: "The contract is done, hurry up! Try to see if you can save me!"

"Why did you die?" Liu Ping asked.

"I was seriously injured by the enemy. Its strange power remains in my body, constantly devouring my soul, and is about to kill me completely." Xuying said.

A ray of light flew out of the phantom's vertical pupils, covering the half of its body that was only white bones.

I saw those white bones covered with black insects.

If you look closely, you will find that these black bugs are entirely composed of runes, and they are an extremely weird runic life.

"did you see it?"

"The strange thing born from the mixture of the forces of the twenty-five side laws - its lethality is so powerful that all my power cannot get rid of it. If you can -"

"Stop." Liu Ping said.

The "mermaid" immediately stopped talking and just stared at him with three vertical pupils open.

Liu Ping said: "This ability of mine must be used in battle. You can fight with me at will."

The "mermaid" understood and said quickly: "Many strange powers have conditions for activation. If this is the case, then I will use a little bit of the power of frost."

A streak of frost formed out of thin air, turning into a two-meter-long curved sea fork, stabbing towards Liu Ping.

"Shield!" Andrea said quietly.

A large dragon-shaped shield was erected in front of Liu Ping, blocking the fork of ice.

The fork of ice did not turn, but kept hitting the big shield, making a pleasant "ding-dong-dang" sound.

"Is it okay?"

"That's it."

Liu Ping lowered his head and looked down at the mottled white bones of the monster, and said: "This strange thing in you should be sealed, it should not make you fall into death."

In an instant, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You are a super popular actor in the weird side. In your scolding, the weirdness in the other person's body that was born from the mixing and interweaving of the powers of the twenty-five side laws has been sealed."

All the black rune bugs on the "mermaid" stopped eating.

They huddled together and turned into thick "ink dots", no longer making any movements——

It's like falling into hibernation.


The monster let out an excited cry and was about to get up from the sea.

Sudden changes occurred——

An illusory dagger full of ancient vicissitudes suddenly appeared from its body and pierced its heart at once.

The monster let out a desperate roar.

Its huge body twisted crazily on the sea, and it said loudly:

"You sealed that strange power, so the opponent's backhand was activated. Quick! If you can still save me, take action immediately, otherwise I will be completely killed by this dagger!"

——It turns out that this is the real killing move!

If the "mermaid" cannot resist the rune black worms from before, it will be continuously eaten by the black worms and sink into the abyss of death little by little in despair.

But if it resists this torture technique——

Immediately, a more ferocious and strange technique will be activated, directly taking its life!

What a ruthless method!

What a vicious thought!

Liu Ping shook his head with regret.

I don't know what kind of existence this guy has provoked. I can only seal a strange power, and there is no way to help it now.


Liu Ping's heart suddenly moved and he whispered: "Come out!"

There was a buzzing sound from the prison-suppressing knife.

The next moment.

The void opened, and a humanoid shadow quietly emerged.

Two lines of burning small words then appeared:

"You have released the power of the Sheath of the Four Sacred Pillars: 'Virtual God'."

"You in the parallel world have been born and appear in front of you."

Liu Ping casually kneaded the technique and released a series of slight wind blades, slashing towards the shadows.

Shadow holds a knife to block.

"You are also in combat mode. See if you can save him." Liu Ping said.

The shadow turned to look at the monster. Invisible fluctuations suddenly surged in his body, and he said, "The strange power can actually make a ready-made dagger? It's too dangerous. I think it's better not to hurt anyone."

——He also used strange acting skills: "Super popular actor"!

The two of them looked at the "mermaid" together, and saw that the illusory dagger suddenly became dim, turned into a blur of light and shadow at a speed visible to the eyes, and re-entered the "mermaid"'s chest.

The dagger is sealed!

The "mermaid" lay limply on the sea, her body rising and falling, gasping for air.

"Death is leaving me."

It said with difficulty.

Liu Ping said: "How long will it take for your injury to recover?"

"Mermaid" said: "Before, I was unable to parry the opponent's attack and was seriously injured, and then I was affected by these two strange powers. Now that they are sealed -"

It whispered obscure incantations.

I saw blood and flesh gradually growing on the white bones of half of its body. In just a few breaths, all its organs had grown out, and then a layer of blue-purple fish scales appeared.

"As long as I recover, I can suppress their power and gradually wear it away - about two thousand years will be enough to completely eliminate it."

The "mermaid" stared at Liu Ping in mid-air, and the power fluctuations in his body became more and more intense.

It seems to be preparing something.

"Huh? I just saved you and you want to take action against me?" Liu Ping said with a smile.

The "mermaid" was silent for a moment and shook his head.

It stretched out its arm and gently pulled in the void, opening a passage.

"Mortal, you possess extremely rare sealing power. If I kill you, I'm afraid it will trigger the reaction of the endless strange laws and make people aware of my whereabouts."

"Plus you just saved my life."

"I'll spare you."

After "Mermaid" finished speaking, he walked towards the void passage.

Liu Ping said: "Hey, we seem to have signed an alliance contract. We agreed that I would help you with treatment and you would help me deal with my enemies. Do you want to break the contract?"

"Mermaid" let out a deep laugh, shook his head and said:

"Innocent fellow, the person who signed the contract with you is some strange power in me. It can completely represent me, so there is no problem with the contract, but -"

Its three vertical pupils revealed a sarcastic tone as it spoke the answer:

"I just wiped it out completely."

"When it no longer exists, the contract is automatically void."

"Mermaid" continued in an elegant and calm tone:

"Innocent fellow, accept this lesson. This is a free lesson given to you by me, who has seen endless strange lives, during this lucky nirvana and rebirth."

"——Ignorance is really the original sin of you humans. I hope you can defeat it one day."

After saying that, it walked into the void passage and gradually disappeared.

Liu Ping floated in the air, spreading his hands and saying:

"Although you have wiped out that strange power, it represents you. You are the one who really signed a contract with me."

All of a sudden.

The fish scales with the contract written on it suddenly appeared.

It emerged in mid-air and erupted into a stern, high-pitched chirp, as if it was warning something.

Lines of burning small characters quickly appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"You have the final right to interpret this contract."

"The other party's explanation is not valid."

"The other party must fulfill the obligations stipulated in the contract, otherwise the other party's body and soul will be tortured forever and will not be able to sleep!"

Collect all the fine print.

The void channel that was about to close suddenly opened again.

The "mermaid" jumped out of the passage, stared at Liu Ping with three vertical pupils, and shouted:

"This is impossible!"

"The magic is magic, I am me, it is the one who signed the contract with you, it has nothing to do with me!"

The chirping sound on the fish scales disappeared and turned towards Liu Ping's direction.

——Yu Scale seemed to be waiting for Liu Ping’s explanation.

Liu Ping coughed lightly and said: "In our opinion, we have fulfilled all our obligations, and none of the tricks you can use can change our original intention of entering into the contract——"

"You know you should help me."

"That's the final explanation, and you have to fulfill this obligation."

Fish Scales immediately turned to the "mermaid" and erupted into a sharp, stern cry again.

"Mermaid" said with a ferocious smile: "But you forgot one thing. This fish scale belongs to me. I can do with it whatever I want. I can destroy it directly!"

It stretched out its hand, grabbed the fish scales and squeezed them hard.

The entire fish scale was completely shattered.

The moment it was scattered, Liu Ping said: "Although the fish scales are broken, the contract is still established. The sequence and followers on me are all witnesses, so the contract is still established."

"Mermaid" roared: "No! We never said anything about the witnesses."

Liu Ping said: "Witnesses do not have to be listed on the contract, but they have always existed and witnessed the entire contract process!"

"Fart! There is no such thing!"

"I said yes."

"I see...bastard! When did you take away the final right to interpret the contract!"

The "mermaid" woke up from a dream, summoned a black trident with cold light, and said viciously: "Go to hell, you shameless guy!"

The halberd was raised high, the sharp tip filled with unspeakable power.

——But it didn’t stick.

Liu Pingshi said calmly: "Our contract stipulates very clearly that the consequences of attacking a partner seem to be more miserable than death."

The halberd froze in mid-air for a full half minute, and finally put it down slumped.

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