Infernal Artist

Chapter 341 Strange Awakening Ceremony


The huge "mermaid" has transformed into a figure similar to Liu Ping's, and even found a cloak to cover the fish tail of his lower body.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Liu Ping said.

"Even after experiencing a moment like that, do you think we can work together happily?" A voice sounded from under the cloak.

"With the contract, you will definitely help me - can this be unpleasant?" Liu Ping said.

The other party was silent.

Liu Ping thought for a while and said: "First of all, there is no conflict of interest between us; secondly, although you are a strange being, I think you are quite good at transactions and contracts, which means that we can communicate well - —”

"Finally, I am a reasonable person. If you can really help me, I will reward you accordingly when you need it."

He said these words seriously, and the "mermaid" listened silently, thought for a while, and then said:

"Until I think of a way out of the contract, you can call me 'Mizuki'."

"I am Liu Ping." Liu Ping said.

"Liu Ping, listen carefully. I don't know why you are willing to reincarnate as an adult, but as a human being, it is very difficult to fight against strange beings. There is almost no hope."

Mizuki found a mirror and with a simple move, various human faces continued to appear on the mirror.

"Why is this so?" Liu Ping asked.

"Liu Ping, you have to understand one thing - although you can hear the secrets without dying, secrets are extremely precious treasures. Unless you can pay something of equal value in exchange, I will never entrust you with any secrets in vain. ." Mizuki said.

"Then how will you help me understand my enemy? One day in the future, I will definitely defeat it." Liu Ping said.

"Don't talk big words so early."

Mizuki said, tapping towards the mirror.

The ever-changing human images on the mirror finally stopped.

A girl with her eyes closed jumped up. She was wearing a plain dress from a certain sect, showing a sense of calmness and solemnity.

Mizuki put down the cloak covering himself.

——It took on the appearance of that girl.

The girl made a clear and moving voice and sighed: "Human beings, the endless destruction has not brought you into the abyss of despair, and even an existence that can sign a contract with us has been born. Are you as humble as you not willing to serve as food forever? character of?"

"I guess the desire to survive is the same for any life." Liu Ping said.

"Helping food get rid of their original fate - such a ridiculous thing would happen to me. Forget it, I suddenly became interested. I want to see your final ending." The girl said.

"Thanks for the help." Liu Ping said.

"But are you ready? This is a path beyond all others. Once you fall from it, you will inevitably enter a state of eternal destruction. I will leave without hesitation at that time, and you will have no chance to regret it." The girl. road.

"It sounds difficult." Liu Ping said.

"It's not very difficult, it's extremely difficult. In fact, if I wasn't on the verge of death this time, in my prime, I could have beaten you ten thousand times without blinking an eye," the girl said.

"So strong?" Liu Ping smiled.

"No, it's because humans are too weak. This is your fate and your original sin." The girl said lazily.

Liu Ping looked at the vast ocean and said calmly: "I have met many people. They have no time to display their talents, no time to face the era of drastic changes, no time to live well and feel everything, and no time to save their own destiny. , we are already in eternal darkness, but our era has always been like this. It alternates between despair and destruction, allowing us to face everything in silence."

"If you can give us a chance."

"Even if there is only one chance -"

"I'll definitely catch it."

The girl turned her head, looked at him and said: "Then go and prove your will. If you want to obtain strange power, just relying on some sequences and the bonds of the previous life is simply not enough."

"What should I do?" Liu Ping asked.

The girl slowly opened her eyes.

For a moment, it seemed as if countless worlds and times flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"Strange Awakening Ceremony."

The girl spoke.

Without waiting for Liu Ping to speak, she quickly recited an obscure and difficult-to-pronounce incantation.

On Liu Ping's body, a card made a resonating sound, automatically flew out of the card book, and landed between the two of them.

It is the "parade of day and night".

The girl stared at the card and said, "Your time is helping you, but time is only the most common law. You need the support of more laws to get enough foundation stones to move towards the strange depths." Climb.”

As he spoke, the "Parade of Day and Night" gradually emitted rounds of light, as if it had been activated.

"What do I need to do?" Liu Ping asked.

The girl said: "Strangeness is the multiple emergence of laws, but where do the laws come from? In fact, the simplest way is for you to become the strongest among your own ethnic group and save the historical destiny of your ethnic group - this way , the laws related to your ethnic group will gradually believe in you, be willing to follow you, and then help you——"

"Let me see, you really have the title of 'Twilight's Embrace', which is what attracts the Law of Time to help you."

"Remember, this is the first step of the weird."

In mid-air, the "parade of day and night" suddenly disappeared.

The next moment.

The boundless seawater began to surge upwards, gradually submerging the bodies of Liu Ping and the girl Mizuki.

"You said that many times, you are too late to save everything." The girl said.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

The girl looked at him coldly and said, "Now you have time."

"Go and find a way to save those times that belong to you. If you can't, you will die in it."

Liu Ping asked: "What if I did it?"

The girl closed her eyes and said: "The laws outside of time will notice you, trust you, and help you move towards the weird step by step just like time."

"——This is the strange awakening ceremony."

The water drowned both of them.

A flash of light quietly appeared, gently grabbing the two of them, and pulling them towards a certain direction into the abyss of the deep sea.

He didn't know how long he had been floating before Liu Ping stopped in front of a door.

I saw it written on the door:

"Real World Year 1373."

Next to this line of words, there is a line of bright red marks:

"The Beginning of the First Destruction."


The door suddenly opened.

Liu Ping and the girl were sucked in by the raging undercurrent.

It's raining.

Liu Ping climbed up from a cold and hard stone and found that he was wearing a rough and hard armor.

Mizuki floated in the air, reaching out to catch the rain out of boredom.

"What's going on?" Liu Ping looked around.

"Remember, from now on, you are a person of this era. You only have the average strength of your current age, and you cannot use any other powers beyond this era." The girl Mizuki still closed her eyes, emotionless. said.

"I see, what do I need to do?" Liu Ping asked.

"Win!" the girl said, "You have to keep winning until you become the strongest person in the entire human race and lead the entire human race to defeat the enemy. Only in this way will the laws pay attention to you."

Liu Ping said: "Time——"

The girl said: "It is on your side, so there is enough time."

"All right."

Liu Ping picked up a halberd from the ground, put it on his shoulder and looked around.

It is surrounded by weeds and trees, and there is no human habitation.

"You're just floating in the air and following me?" he asked Mizuki.

"Yes." The girl said.

"No one can see you?"


"Why do you keep your eyes closed?"

"Because there's nothing worth seeing."

"Okay, let me see what to do - wait, this seems to be an era of martial arts."

The sound of wind and rain was suddenly mixed with the sound of hurried horse hooves.

I saw a group of people holding lamps and riding horses in the night rain, approaching quickly.

"There's a kid on patrol, kill him!"

An order sounded.

Immediately several horses rushed out and rushed towards Liu Ping.

"It's quite difficult." Liu Ping sighed.

"Of course," the young girl Mizuki said, floating in the air, "You are currently only as strong as a young martial arts practitioner of this era."

Liu Ping weighed the halberd in his hand and found that it was indeed a bit heavy.

It seems a bit unrealistic to drive this halberd with his current strength.

"The cards can't be used either?" he asked.

"You can't win the favor of the laws by cheating. They are older and wiser than you - they actually have their own thoughts and personalities." Mizuki said.

A look of expectation suddenly appeared on her face:

"I have helped you release the strange awakening ritual, but maybe... you can't even pass the first level?"

"You really expect me to die here?" Liu Ping raised his halberd with difficulty and pointed at the fast-running horses.

"As long as you die here, the contract between us will end immediately, and I will be free." Mizuki said.

In the wind and rain, four horses had arrived in front of Liu Ping.

The leader drew out a long knife and slashed at Liu Ping's neck, and said with a smile:

"You can't even lift a gun, but you dare to patrol the border?"

Liu Ping suddenly took a step forward, stepped sideways to avoid the collision of the horse, and held the halberd diagonally on his back.

There was a crisp sound of weapons clashing.

Liu Ping was knocked away with his halberd. He turned over in mid-air and swept the halberd forward with the strength he had just exerted.

Before one of them could react, his neck was broken by a halberd and he fell off his horse.

Liu Ping spun the halberd another half circle, allowing it to hit another horse.

The man just raised the knife, but the man and the horse rolled and hit the ground hard, and he suddenly fell into coma.

Liu Ping stepped forward and pulled out a knife from his waist, cut off the head, kicked it away to block the sword of the fourth man, and turned around to hold the horse of the first man killed.

When the rabbit was up and the falcon was about to fall, he borrowed the power of his sword, killed two people and snatched a horse.


He got on his horse and patted the horse's back with his knife.

The horses were frightened, turned around and bolted towards another road.

"Hurry up! This kid killed both of us!"

Someone in the group shouted angrily.

Everyone hurriedly turned around and chased Liu Ping down the path where he disappeared.

It can't go more than a few miles.

They had to slow down.

The young man was seen standing on the cliff in front, his head lowered, as if he was thinking about something.

He came back to his senses when he noticed the crowd coming.

"Almost forgot."

He wiped the rain off his face and said with a smile:

"I need to know what kind of skills you all have. Otherwise, if you come up with a cultivation technique or make a gun, you will be disqualified."

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