Infernal Artist

Chapter 342 Lighting the Fire

Bitter wind and cold rain.

On the cliff.

A ferocious man in ragged clothes walked away with a stick and shouted:

"The evil dragon is wagging its tail, the tiger is in the sky, and the bear king is hammering!"

The iron rod danced continuously, with three moves in a row, smashing the rocks on the mountain, making bursts of sounds.

The big man threw away the iron rod, put up a posture on the spot and said: "Ha-he!"

He waved his fists like a madman and threw out a long series of punches. He stopped the attack while panting, and his knees weakened and he fell to the ground.

"Brother, that's all I know, please spare my life."

The big man kowtowed repeatedly.

Liu Ping stood aside, pondered for a moment and said, "Did you come up with that stick technique by yourself during the chaos?"

"Yes." The big man said.

"The boxing skills are not bad. It can be seen that the moves have undergone some evolution, but I think your moves are not finished yet, and the meaning of the boxing is not fulfilled. Do you have something to hide?" Liu Ping said.

The big man trembled with fright, and said repeatedly: "Brother, I learned this boxing from my master in the past. I didn't expect that my master would be killed by the cult after I had learned it half way. I fled and the rest You won’t be able to learn half a set of boxing.”

Liu Ping asked: "How long have you been a robber?"

The big man sighed and said: "I fled to a village and made a living by working for others. I was originally stable for a year or two, but half a month ago the evil cult came to massacre the village again."

"I couldn't cry alone. I ran all the way out of the village. I bumped into this group of people on the way and tried each other's skills. They said that I had enough to eat, so they forced me to join the group and was sent as a vanguard to seize your village. .”

Liu Ping smiled and said: "In the fight just now, I noticed that you were the strongest in martial arts, but you didn't have the intention to kill me. You hesitated every time you made a move, so I spared your life."

The big man didn't speak, he just kept kowtowing.

Liu Ping said: "I have something to think about. You bury these people first, and then we can talk about what to do."

When the big man saw what he said, he was overjoyed knowing that he had survived.

"Yes! Yes! I will bury them right now."

He stood up from the ground, glanced at the corpses on the ground, and couldn't help but shudder again.

——A bandit vanguard of more than a dozen people, with strong soldiers and horses, rounded up a young man, but they were all killed by the young man.

Things started to go wrong from the moment the boy picked up the knife.

During the fight, he had a novel smile on his face, walking back and forth among the crowd, and commenting on the opponent's moves from time to time.

But every time his sword struck out, he would definitely kill someone.

——Like an evil spirit harvesting human heads.

The big man suppressed the fear in his heart, worked hard to dig a hole, piled all the corpses in, and then erected a grave.

At this time, the rain stopped, and the wind in the mountains was as cold as a knife.

The young man stared blankly at the mountain stream, not knowing what he was thinking.

The big man hesitated for a few breaths, and finally suppressed the thought of seizing the horse and running away. He knelt down beside the young man again and said:

"Brother, they are all buried."


The young man looked back at the grave bag and said with appreciation: "The dead are exposed in the wilderness, and it is so close to our village. It would be bad if the plague spread. You have helped me solve a big problem."

"Please spare my life, little brother." The big man kowtowed.

"By the way, does the half of the boxing technique you just had have a name?" the young man asked.

"Master said it's called Blood Surge Fist."

"Why is it called this name?"

"Master said he didn't know either. It might mean that blood must be seen."

Liu Ping laughed and said: "This boxing method has a slight effect in transporting qi and blood. Its main purpose is to strengthen the body, so it is called Blood Surge Boxing."

The big man Mumu looked at the young man blankly, thinking that he had learned boxing for ten years and fought with the idea that "everything will be bloody", but the young man said that the main purpose of this boxing was to strengthen the body, and he didn't know what to do for a moment. .

The young man took a few steps and whispered: "I just thought about it. Your boxing technique mainly transfers the blood of thirty-six hours. The moves you know are only enough for twenty-one weeks. If you want to complete it, the remaining The several moves you make should be effective in this way."

He opened his boxing frame and performed the twelve postures in just three or five breaths. He stopped his hands and took his breath and stood still.

"Ah!" The big man cried out.

"What?" the boy asked.

The big man burst into tears and choked with sobs: "My master - my master used to beat me like this. It's a pity that I didn't learn how to do it. Now I remember it when I see it."

The young man nodded and took a few more steps. The movements of his hands kept changing. He gradually changed from the previous "Blood Surge Boxing Technique" and developed a completely different boxing technique.

The big man watched with wide eyes, feeling that he was completely unable to block any of the opponent's blows, and felt chills all over his body.

"What kind of boxing is this?" he couldn't help asking.

The young man said: "The Blood Surge Boxing Technique is fine for strengthening the body, but my situation is probably not that good, so I used it to evolve a set of martial arts techniques to kill the enemy."

He withdrew his fist, turned around and looked at the big man and said:

"You helped me bury the body. As a reward, I can teach you this set of boxing techniques that are specifically designed to kill people, or I can pass on to you half of your master's lost set of 'Blood Surge Boxing Techniques' - you choose."

The big man said without hesitation: "Please pass on my master's boxing skills to me, and I will repay you by being a cow or a horse in the next life."

"You have a good temper - but with your skills like this, in troubled times, I'm afraid the sect's inheritance will be cut off." Liu Ping said.

The big man was so blessed that he kowtowed and said, "Please accept me and serve by your side. I will do my best."

"May I have your name?"

"Xu Sheng."

"Xu Sheng, I am Liu Ping, follow me back to the village."


The two took the horses, collected the weapons and belongings from the bandits, and headed down the mountain together.

About half an hour.

Liu Ping and Xu Sheng drove their horses back to the village.

Xu Sheng looked around and saw that there were only a few people in the village, only some old, weak, sick and disabled.

Several old people gathered around a large vat, filled the water with ladles, and were drinking.

"It's rootless water!"

Xu Sheng said with bright eyes.

A woman limped forward and handed a ladle of water to Liu Ping. Liu Ping took it and handed it to Xu Sheng. After he drank it all in one breath, he asked: "You don't have Wugen water to drink?" ?”

"The plague is rampant and it hasn't rained for a long time. We can only drink water from wild streams - eight people fell ill and died after drinking last time," Xu Sheng said.

"Is that why you came to rob the stronghold?" Liu Ping asked.

"I became a bandit and realized that even bandits can't survive these days." Xu Sheng said with a bitter smile.

The woman seemed to be the person in charge of the village. She looked at Xu Sheng warily and said:

"Liu Ping, this person is——"

Liu Ping recalled the information that came to his mind and said with a smile: "Aunt Wu, don't worry. He is a friend I met when I was studying abroad. He just helped me fight off the bandits."

Only then did the expressions of the women and old people relax.

"Since I am your learning partner, please come and have dinner with me." Aunt Wu greeted.

Xu Sheng looked around and whispered: "Are all the men and women in your village going to the battlefield?"

"Inevitable." Liu Ping said.

According to memory, the humans in this world have been defeated one after another, and now all the men and women in their prime have to be recruited to fight on the battlefield.

As for the enemy——

They are a kind of evil human beings who believe in a certain sect, no longer consider themselves human beings, and are bent on destroying the entire human race.

Liu Ping and Xu Sheng looked around.

——The sky was dark, but not a single fire was lit.

Xu Sheng sighed and said: "The evil cult is too coercive."

Liu Ping recalled one more thing.

After the cult emerged, they threatened that anyone who dared to use fire would be brutally tortured and killed——

That's how they've always done it.

Over time, no one dared to light fires in these remote mountain villages and countryside that were not protected by cities.

Liu Ping pondered: "Without fire, there would be no cooked food and boiling water, and people would easily get sick and lose strength. Without fire, there would be no smelting of iron tools. This is also the reason why villages are gradually extinct and unable to resist cults."

He glanced at Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng lowered his voice and said: "I do have a fire certificate, but no one in the entire bandit team dares to use fire."

"Bring the Huo Zhezi."


Liu Ping took the Huozhezi and was about to use it, but was stopped by the woman on the side.

"Liu Ping——" Aunt Wu said worriedly.

"Tomorrow the bandits will attack the stronghold. Tonight we will eat cooked food and drink boiling water." Liu Ping said.

Even if the bandits attack you, you will die, and if the cultists attack you, you will die. It is better to have a good meal first so that you have the strength to fight to the death.

Aunt Wu sighed and stopped talking.

Xu Sheng whispered: "Your place is far away from the front line. There are not many people from the cult who can penetrate here. Don't worry about them for the time being."

He deliberately spoke in a loud voice so that the old, weak, sick and disabled people around him could hear clearly.

Many people's throats rolled and their eyes shone.

"Then have a good meal." Liu Ping said with a smile.

He broke the fire and blew it.

The next moment.

Mizuki, who had been floating in the air, opened his eyes and whispered: "Fire is the boundary between life and death, it is purification, it is sublimation, it is destruction and rebirth - it is coming!"

Liu Ping felt something in his heart and looked at the Huozhezi in his hand.

Only one eye appeared in the flames, and it looked at him steadily.

Liu Ping could feel an emotion conveyed by the other party——

It's some kind of approval and expectation.

Mizuki chuckled and said: "It seems that its power is being annihilated, so even the slightest hope brought by your human race can attract its attention.

The next moment.

The eye was gone.

The fire is still a fire, burning quietly in the darkness.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"The law of fire inspires you, and your strength will be protected by the flames."

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