Infernal Artist

Chapter 350 The Secret of the Heroic Spirit Operation Interface!

Taoist temple.

The meeting hall.

The ball of burnt meat lay on the ground.

Silence fell.

The leader sat at the top, and the other elders lined up on both sides, all staring at the ball of meat.

From Liu Ping and the Taoist temple to the people who gathered the disciples and rushed there, the whole thing had been told back and forth no less than twenty times.

The facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive.

In that situation, Liu Ping's best choice was to kill someone.


Killing his best friend without any hesitation... This makes people somewhat doubtful about Liu Ping's character.

According to what the disciples on the side said, including Liu Ping himself, he noticed something was wrong and took action immediately without any hesitation.

This is also the reason why he can catch the opponent off guard in one fell swoop.


It always makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Behind the elders, the disciples communicated silently with their eyes, looking at Liu Ping from time to time, with a sense of alienation in their eyes.

The leader finally opened his eyes and said: "The matter has become clear. Elder Zhu Mei immediately reported it to the Martial Alliance and ordered them to send someone to find out the true identity of this evil spirit."

"Yes!" An elder saluted the leader, turned around and left the hall.

The leader looked around and saw all the disciples staring at Liu Ping, and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"It's all gone," he said.

People left the hall silently and dispersed.

A moment.

The hall became empty, with only the leader and Liu Ping left.

"Killing him, do you feel any guilt in your heart?" the leader asked.

"No." Liu Ping said.

"Is there any hesitation in taking action?"


"Looking back, do you think you did anything wrong?"


"If one day, your master and I are parasitized——"

"Don't worry, I will kill you as soon as possible."

The leader stood up, walked to the pile of blackened flesh, and said, "Parasitism is an irreversible process. The person being parasitized suffers extremely, and his whole body feels like he is being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, but he can only... Watching parasitic evil things use their bodies to do evil."

Liu Jing listened quietly.

The leader continued: "What you did is right, but I'm afraid there will be a lot of criticism in the future, just like countless flies."

"There are countless flies, but I don't have time to become a flyswatter." Liu Ping said.

"Then what will you become?" the leader asked.

"If one day the cult collapses, I hope it will be by my own hands." Liu Ping said.

"Is this your way of comforting the deceased?" the leader asked.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

He sighed again, opened his boxing stance in the hall, and performed a set of boxing techniques, his expression gradually becoming a little gloomy.

"What kind of boxing technique is this?" the leader asked.

"The boxing technique of Xu Sheng's sect, I promised him to pass on this boxing technique and promote the martial arts of his sect."

"...It is indeed difficult. This boxing technique can only strengthen the body." The leader said.

"Forget it, I'll think of a solution slowly." Liu Ping said with a sad face.

The leader smiled, took out a thin piece of paper from his arms, and handed it to Liu Ping.

"This is it?" Liu Ping asked.

"The second form of the Soul Summoning Sword Technique." The leader said.

"Master, aren't you willing to teach me?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

"Hmph," the leader said coldly, "You still want to promote his martial arts for your friends? You have to make your own martial arts' reputation known in advance!"

"Thank you, Master."

Liu Ping quickly saluted and then stared at the page without blinking.

The leader said from the side: "This move is much more difficult than the first move. Your master and I also studied hard for three years before I could barely perform it."

"Is it so difficult?" Liu Ping raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, you need to stop being impetuous, calm down, and think hard before you can understand the essence." The leader said.

"Yes." Liu Ping continued to read the sword manual.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

He suddenly said: "I see, this is how the second form is used -"

As he spoke, he touched the saber on his waist.

The leader's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly shouted: "You don't care where you are practicing, just go back to your bed and think about it slowly!"

Liu Ping came back to his senses and felt that he was too crazy about sword skills. He smiled and clasped his fists and said, "Yes!"

He held the page and left quickly.

After he left, only the master was left in the hall.

The leader finally breathed a sigh of relief and murmured in a low voice: "As a teacher, I won't let you get slapped in the face..."

Two quarters of an hour later.

In the bedroom, Liu Ping put down the pages of his book.

Soul Summoning Knife Technique——

The first style is Qilin Chop;

The second style is Feng Lai Yi.

They are all tricks that I have never thought of, and they are very inspiring.

It can be seen that one person's thinking is limited, but the entire civilization is infinite.

At this time, I suddenly saw the candlelight on the table dancing.

——The Law of Fire is coming.

Liu Ping smiled and asked, "What's going on this time?"

The candle flame flew up lightly and landed in his hand.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"The original law of the world: fire, has been upgraded to the 'first burning' stage."

"It already has the power to connect with the operating interface of this heroic spirit."

"This connection took five hours."

"Now complete."

"This sequence is naturally recognized by the original laws of the current world."

"The current place we are in is the ancient era of the real world."

"Currently engaged in a strange awakening ceremony."

"After countless years, the current situation is your only chance to awaken."

"Start publishing the destiny mission of heroic spirits:"

"The only truth."

All the fine print was gone.

Liu Ping suddenly reacted and asked hurriedly: "Wait! Why is it the destiny mission of the heroic spirit?"

Lines of burning small characters reappeared:


"You have obtained the prison knife."

"Although the Prison Suppressing Sword and the Sheath of the Four Holy Pillars are temporarily sealed, one of their powers can still be used -"

"Under 'silence', in the strange ritual, this operation interface can tell you the only truth:"

"You are the heroic spirit that needs to be awakened."

"This operation interface is your only sequence."

"You have been reincarnated and wandering between life and death for too long, and now you have your only chance."

All the small words were collected quickly.

In the darkness, three groups of light gradually lit up, surrounding the flame in Liu Ping's palm.

A cloud of cold water mist, a golden light, and a blue wind shadow.

I also saw lines of burning small characters emerging:

"The four holy elements are beginning to stir."

"Your strange awakening ritual is on track."

"The secret is about to awaken."

"The maintainer of the ritual has successfully completed the task and can begin to rest."

Does this refer to Mizuki?

——It seems that she has been secretly maintaining the entire ritual.

"The maintainer of the ritual needs to make a choice immediately, either to withdraw, or to stay and become a witness to the secret, and be ready to bear the risk of eternal destruction brought by the secret at any time——"

"You need to talk to her about this."

Liu Ping suddenly looked up.

I saw Mizuki floating in the air looking over.

She landed next to Liu Ping, stared at the three rays of light, and said, "I didn't expect that the laws of your world are so primitive. There are only the most basic ones of earth, water, fire, and wind. It's really hard to understand..."

"What can't you figure out?" Liu Ping asked.

"Why would such a primitive human world attract the most troublesome and strange beings? They should be completely disdainful of conquering such a world." Mizuki said.

She continued with confusion on her face: "They are obviously so powerful, but they only release the most basic power to conquer the world... Is it because they are afraid of attracting the attention of other beings?"

Mizuki suddenly looked at Liu Ping.

Liu Pingping was expressionless, looking directly into her eyes and said: "So there must be a secret here. You need to make a decision early."

"Me? What decision should I make?" Mizuki said with a smile.

"If you want to pry into this kind of secret, you must be prepared to be wiped out at any time, because secrets are always accompanied by risks, especially when it involves that kind of powerful and strange existence." Liu Ping said.

Mizuki suppressed his smile and fell into silence.

Time passes gradually.

She finally said: "Liu Ping, who are you?"

"I am a practitioner who woke up in the eternal night for various reasons, and then explored the secrets of the past era all the way, and arrived at this moment." Liu Ping said.

"No, this is just your life. I want to know what weird things you were in?"

"I don't know either."

Liu Ping sighed and said: "What follows is my private matter. If you just want to watch me die, then for the sake of safety, you should leave."

Mizuki said: "I must tell you, before the Law of Fire recognized you, I was fully supporting the entire strange ceremony and had no time to do anything for you."

"I completely know, so what?" Liu Ping asked.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but the reason why I left in a hurry at first was because I was afraid that my resurrection would attract the attention of my mortal enemy. And when I said that I wanted to watch you die, I was bound by the contract and could only stay, so I want to repay your favor in the end——"

Mizuki looked anxious.

Liu Ping nodded slightly.

After saving her at that time, she did not take action against herself, but left immediately.

Just listen to Mizuki continue talking:

"Now that the whole ceremony has stabilized, it is said that I have completed the contract and can indeed leave."

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

"But if I leave the sacred pillar here and return to the strange boundary, I will still face the pursuit of deadly enemies. I can't defeat them." Mizuki said.

"It's also very dangerous here." Liu Ping said.

"Yes, I have seen those bugs. Even if they are strange, no one dares to mess with them." Mizuki said.

Liu Ping closed his mouth and just looked at her.

Now is the time for her to make her final decision.

"I - no one has ever helped me in the strange situation. I had already fought to death, but you helped me -"

Mizuki walked back and forth in the room and said resolutely:

"There's no way I can survive if I go back, so I might as well take a gamble!"

Her body began to emit a misty light. The light gathered into a circle, and there were countless strange runes around her body.

Amidst the boundless wind and water light, she whispered:

"As the initiator of the ritual, I have no way to participate in this world, but I still have a way to do it. As long as you are willing, I can be your comrade-in-arms!"

"What are your conditions?" Liu Ping asked.

"Fight side by side with me. If you can save me, try to save my life." Mizuki said.

"No problem." Liu Ping said.

Mizuki put his hands together and whispered: "The supreme law of destiny, I surrender at your feet and offer all my strange power. Please connect me with a broken thread of destiny and let me live in this world." .”

Heavy lights and shadows fell in the void like a painting screen, unfolding in front of her one after another.

"What is this for?" Liu Ping asked.

"I want to abandon the past and become a person of this world."

Mizuki looked at Liu Ping, took a deep breath and said, "In this way, my enemies will no longer be able to find me in the past, but I will also become an extremely fragile human being."

"Just like me." Liu Ping said.

"just like you."

"Well, wish us good luck."

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