Infernal Artist

Chapter 351 The Gift of Destiny

Three layers of light and shadow condense into a painting screen.

They appeared in the void, and vague figures and scenes gradually appeared above them.

"What is this?" Liu Ping asked.

"This is the reincarnation destiny I obtained from the Law of Destiny by devoting all my strange power to offering sacrifices." Mizuki said.

The first light and shadow I saw was a solitary mountain peak. Among the many beautiful buildings and jade buildings at the top of the mountain, a young girl fell on the ring, dying.

The second light and shadow showed a deserted mountain village. Among the corpses on the ground, there was also a girl who was about to die.

In the third light and shadow, a gorgeous and majestic palace appeared. In the palace, a woman was lying on the bed, lifeless.

The three light and shadows seemed to be obscured by some force, and only a rough image could be seen.

Liu Ping pondered: "These are three human women who are about to die - so you have to possess their corpses, resurrect them, and reuse their identities to integrate into the world, is that right?"

"We can only guess this way," Mizuki said in an awe-inspiring tone: "But to be honest, fate is not something we can guess. It only shows a general direction."

"Which destiny line are you going to choose?" Liu Ping asked.

"I don't know much about human civilization, can you give me some advice?" Mizuki asked.

"According to my personal understanding, in the first scene, you will become a female disciple of a certain sect; in the second scene, you will become a survivor of a certain village; in the third scene, you will probably become a Named the royal family." Liu Ping expressed his judgment.

"Which one is most beneficial?" Mizuki asked.

"The second type is the cleanest. All your social relationships have disappeared and your identity will not be questioned, but you also have no help." Liu Ping said.

"Yes, you are right." Mizuki nodded.

"The remaining first and third fates both have certain benefits."

Liu Ping continued: "In the first fate, you will have the same martial arts status as me, but I don't know how you are doing in the sect - since you were beaten to death, I guess your status must not be very good. Sample."

Mizuki said: "Since we have decided to fight side by side, we will immediately face your strange awakening ritual, and we will also have to deal with those unspeakable strange enemies, so I must have a good position, at least be able to help us. .”

"That's the third option - becoming a royal family." Liu Ping said.

He nodded secretly.

Once Mizuki decides something, he is still willing to do his best.

It's like she didn't say anything but kept maintaining the whole strange awakening ritual.

Liu Ping thought for a while and said: "According to my understanding, in this world, the status of the royal family is still very high. They have very little blood, and they seem to be guarding some secrets of this world. They also own the country, the country, and the country, and join hands with the Martial Alliance to fight against the evil cult. .”

"Then it's settled, I will join the royal family and become the royal woman who is about to die." Mizuki said.

"Will she really become that woman directly?" Liu Ping asked.

"I don't know. Fate just presents itself and never tells us the specific details, but I guess becoming a royal family is much better than the other two fates and can help us." Mizuki said.

"That's true." Liu Ping agreed.

"Then - I'm going." Mizuki said.

Liu Ping nodded and said solemnly: "I will find a way to find you and try to get to know you in a way that everyone agrees with."

"Well, I'll wait for you to come."

After Mizuki finished speaking, the girlish image on the surface of his body completely disappeared.

She once again transformed into a being with three vertical pupils and a long fish tail.

Liu Ping waited quietly at the side with bated breath.

——He has never seen such a deal with fate in exchange for reincarnation as a dying person.

Even in the records of civilizations on all sides, there is no such thing.

Mizuki didn't take any action for a moment.

"What are you waiting for?" Liu Pingqi asked.

Mizuki lowered his head, put his hands on his body, caressed the damaged and decaying scales, and said softly:


"In the midst of the strange and strange, only by gathering a set of strange and strange armor according to the law can we effectively protect ourselves——"

"And my armor has been completely destroyed."

"So I actually have no way out."

She reached out and patted her body lightly, making a crisp metallic vibration sound.

The sound of dense metal scales clashing followed.

The whole set of skin made of scales suddenly spread apart, and even her three-eyed head and arms flew out spinning.

All these things rotated in the air, forming a half-destroyed shell——

The fish tail, the fish scale body, and the face armor with three vertical pupils, all of this turned out to be just a battle armor!

The armor floated in mid-air, and gray mist immediately surged around it.

Liu Ping looked at the suit of armor blankly and slowly turned his head.

Then he saw the real Mizuki.

She has long, glowing hair, and her figure is like a real girl, but the difference is that her whole body is made up entirely of countless dark blue stars. She is a life form that Liu Ping has never seen before.

"According to my spell contract, this armor has been sacrificed to the law of destiny."

Mizuki stretched out his hand made of stars, pressed it on the armor, and reluctantly pushed it toward the void——

The entire suit of armor disappeared immediately.

Only one vertical pupil shot out from the mask with three vertical pupils and landed lightly on her hand.

Mizuki showed a look of joy and said softly: "The law of fate has left me a ray of power to repay my sacrifice."


The three light and shadow paintings on the screen began to tremble, as if they would disperse at any moment.

"Destiny is waiting for me," Mizuki nodded towards Liu Ping and said, "I'm leaving, remember to come find me."

"Okay - by the way, do you need a contract?" Liu Ping said.

Mizuki shook his head and said, "I can no longer form any contract. I can only hope that you will keep your word."

"Don't worry, you are my comrade-in-arms, I will definitely find you." Liu Ping said.

Mizuki smiled slightly, held the vertical pupil, and walked into the third light and shadow scene.

All of a sudden.

The three light and shadow pictures disappeared together.

--she left.

Liu Ping took a few steps back and sat down on the bed.

One more comrade.

And he is a high-level comrade who understands the power of strangeness.

And she was directly reincarnated into the royal family.

This is really a powerful boost and will definitely play a positive role in my next actions.

Thinking of this, he looked towards the flame in his hand.

I saw that the light transformed from water, wind, and earth had all converged into the flames.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"The strange awakening ceremony has begun to enter the formal stage."

"This heroic spirit operation interface releases a joint mission with earth, water, fire, and wind:"

"The Water of Beginning."

"Mission description: This world has lost many inheritances in continuous battles. You need to rely on your own talents to complete all the lost knowledge and make it a complete system again."

"——The abyss of water is endless, such as knowledge."

"Parallel Mission: Fire of Destruction."

"Mission description: Kill all the cultists. The power of the four elements will grow with you in the killing."

"——Fire destroys all things to burn light."

Liu Ping read it silently.

There are two tasks at the moment. Shui's task can only be carried out after he obtains a certain status.

Otherwise, if I don’t even know which inheritance has been severed, how can I make up for it?

The task of fire is easy to say.

Just kill.

Liu Ping sat cross-legged on the bed and began to think quietly about how to proceed with these two tasks.


There was a rapid knock on the door.

"Who?" Liu Ping asked.

"Uncle Junior, the master has urgently summoned you and ordered you to go to the main hall immediately!" someone said outside the door.

Liu Ping was a little surprised.

It's late at night.

It's already midnight, why do you suddenly summon yourself?

He stood up and put away the pages of the book, tied the sect's standard long knife around his waist, thought for a moment, put on his boxing gloves, and then opened the door.

The disciple outside the door saluted him and said, "The elders have all gone. Junior uncle, please!"

Liu Ping nodded and hurried to the main hall with him.

I saw that in the main hall, all the elders and heads had gathered together.


Liu Ping cupped his fists.

"Well, come here." The leader nodded to him.

Liu Ping walked over and stood beside him.

The leader looked around and said seriously: "Okay, everyone is here. Now I will announce the news I just received."

He took out a note and read: "A large number of evil spirits have sneaked into the palace with the intention of assassinating the current Holy Emperor."

The crowd moved in excitement.

"Quiet!" The leader shouted sharply.

Everyone immediately fell silent.

The leader said: "The Holy Spirit is not weak in martial arts, and he is protected by masters from various factions. Those evil spirits have naturally been killed. The Holy Spirit was seriously injured, but his life is not worried for the time being."

"Fortunately! Fortunately! Otherwise the world would be in complete chaos." An elder said repeatedly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The leader nodded and said solemnly: "But something is not right."

"What's the matter?" asked another elder.

"The emperor has never had a bloodline to continue. The queen was pregnant for ten months with great difficulty. When she was about to give birth, she was attacked by an evil spirit today and died of serious injuries-"

"On her deathbed, she successfully gave birth to a baby girl."

"In case the emperor has something unspeakable, the baby girl will be the last royal heir."

"Now all the sects are going to the capital to protect the last bloodline of the royal family."

Our Bailing Temple is a big sect, so we naturally have to go there. "

"Give me my order——"

"The guardian elders on the left and right, please order ten disciples each to follow me to the capital and set off immediately!"

The two elders responded in unison: "Yes!"

"Other elders, you must be extremely vigilant and guard the mountain gate without making any mistakes."


The elders responded.

The leader waved his hand and said: "Okay, everyone is gone. Those who are coming to Beijing with me will get ready immediately. We will set off in three-quarters of an hour."

The crowd dispersed.

At this time, the leader turned his head to look at Liu Ping and said, "You come with me."

Liu Ping was already stunned. When he heard the order, he hurriedly responded: "Ah, okay!"

"Why do you think you are so distracted? Go get ready!" the leader frowned.


Liu Ping exited the hall and quickly walked towards his bedroom.


Destiny is really unpredictable.

The royal family was already thin, and the emperor did not have many concubines.

With a high probability, the one shown in the fate picture must be the queen.

They and Mizuki thought that the opportunity given by the law of fate would resurrect Mizuki as the dead woman.

This guess is reasonable, but wrong.

——The royal woman finally died.

It is very likely that Mizuki became the last bloodline of the royal family and became the orphan!

How can we fight side by side?

Taking ten thousand steps back to tell the story——

I have never taken care of a baby before! ! !

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