Infernal Artist

Chapter 367 Fighting the female ghost!

For a moment.

Hua Qingkong appeared from behind the three-headed female ghost, holding thin and dense silk threads in her hands.

The white cat on Liu Ping's shoulder disappeared.

The three-headed female ghost suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!"

Her two heads on the left and right raised up at the same time, spitting out light from her mouth.

But I saw two rays of light coming together, illuminating everything around.

Liu Ping's expression changed and he shouted: "Come back!"

He drew out his long sword and slashed into the void.


Endless clashing sounds resounded in the void, as if the light was attacking everything.

Hua Qingkong and Zhao Chanyi changed their moves at the same time and started to defend.

But the attack of that light was all-pervasive, and soon, the two of them were continuously repelled, with traces of scars appearing on their bodies.

"It's useless!" The three-headed female ghost laughed wildly, "My attack is the emergence of light and blades, spreading everywhere with light. You will all be cut to pieces by a thousand swords!"

The void trembled continuously.

Norton was also struck by the light.

Yana looked stern and shouted: "Holy Light!"

Boiling white light swayed out from her hands, healing the wounds on everyone's body.

"Hahaha, this trick of mine can last for several days, let's see how long it takes for you to heal!"

The three-headed female ghost shouted angrily, and her aura became even stronger.

Sudden changes occurred——

I saw a rocket suddenly drilled out of the ground, carrying three female ghosts and rushing into the sky.

boom! ! !

A violent explosion sounded.

Everyone turned around and looked at Libertas.

Libertas shrugged and said, "As a thief, it's not too much to just bury a rocket launcher."

Hua Qingkong looked up at the sky and said calmly:

"It's useless. Instead, it gains a wider field of vision, and that move will become stronger."

In the sky, the three-headed female ghost began to glow with fierce light.

She is like a sun——

Liu Ping suddenly said: "Use such a cool move to deal with us. This is the first time for all of us to fight against a being like you. We are not allowed to use such a move!"

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You activated the bizarre performance ability:"

"Super popular actor."

"Explanation: When you scold the other party, a strange power corresponding to the other party will be sealed until you cancel this seal."

"Can be used once per battle."

"You sealed the other party's strange skill: the elimination of all things."

In the sky, the scorching sun suddenly lost all its light.

Almost at the same time, a dragon appeared above the three-headed female ghost and spit out a breath of dragon breath towards it.



The female ghost let out an angry roar and struggled to fight back, but the dragon transformed by Andrea sprayed her again and she had to fall to the ground.

"You sealed it?" Yana asked quickly.

"I only blocked this one move. I hope it doesn't have any more powerful moves." Liu Ping said truthfully.

The three-headed female ghost quickly crossed the sky and landed opposite the crowd.

It raised its eyes and looked at everyone again, its face looking a little gloomy.

"Card transformation... This was a boring trick he invented back then. It has some unexpected effects. I guess no one would have thought of this..."

The female ghost gradually gained more murderous intent, staring at Liu Ping and saying, "It seems that you are his descendant."

"Whose descendant am I?" Liu Ping asked.

"You don't need to know that much, you are going to die anyway." The three-headed female ghost said.

It grinned ferociously, held a strange handprint, and shouted: "Innocuous body!"

All of a sudden.

The skin of the three-headed female ghost was covered with a layer of gray mist.

"Sealed my most proud strange power - so what? I just need to kill you slowly, but you can't even break through my defense."

It said slowly.

Hua Qingkong and Zhao Chanyi disappeared from the place at the same time.

The two of them took action at the same time, but they saw countless blades and thin threads rushing towards the three-headed female ghost like strong winds and huge waves. However, they were blocked by the gray mist around it and could not get close at all.

The three-headed female ghost sneered and looked towards Libertas.

"Kid... take my weapon..."

As soon as the words fell, it pounced towards Libertas.

Liu Ping's eyes twitched, and he instantly spread the forty-meter night curtain, teleporting Libertas behind him.

The three-headed female ghost burst into a burst of triumphant laughter:

"It's useless. You can't break through my defense at all. I will slowly torture you to death!"

Liu Ping and Yana looked at each other.

"How?" he asked in a low voice.

"You try it first." Yana said.

Liu Ping coughed lightly and sighed: "Your strength is indeed beyond the expectations of us mortals. It seems that we can only die here."

The three-headed female ghost said viciously: "That's right! You can get such a completely isolated mirror world, you must be favored by the mysterious law - but it's useless. Not only will you die, but that bitch will also die from infinity sooner or later. Eliminated by the law!"

Liu Ping glanced into the void.

I saw lines of burning small words appearing quickly:

"You unleashed the power of saving lives and healing wounds."

"Your words inspire the other person."

"You gained 100,000 soul power points from the opponent."


"The opponent this time is no small matter. Baina Dao needs more soul power to unleash its advanced strange power to deal with it."

"Please continue to collect soul power, or directly use your own strange power."

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief and nodded towards Yana.

Yana laughed and said softly: "It seems that her 'innocuous body' can only defend against various attacks, but it cannot defend against the blessings of friendly forces."

A halo of light spread out from under her feet and quickly spread out, enveloping the three-headed female ghost.

——Aura of protection!

This is Yana's exclusive aura as a paladin.

Any allies shrouded in this aura will bear half of the damage done to the Paladin when she is harmed.

I saw Yana raising the bloody giant sword high and piercing her chest fiercely.


Her brows wrinkled slightly.

Opposite her.

The three-headed female ghost suddenly burst out into a painful scream:

"Ahhh! What on earth is this! Why should I bear the harm for you?"

Yana slowly pulled out the giant sword from her chest and said calmly: "I believe you are a friendly force, so you have to share some of the damage for me."

The three-headed female ghost flashed towards Yana.

Liu Ping immediately moved.

He swung his long sword and instantly slashed out dozens of sword rays, directly knocking the three-headed female ghost away.

"Her melee skills are not strong."

An idea flashed through Liu Ping's mind, and he became more confident at the same time.


Even if the opponent is a strange monster, it cannot be strong in everything, so no one can be its opponent.

The three-headed female ghost covered her chest, screamed again, and said to Yana:

"Stop! If you continue like this, you will die too!"

Yana held the sword with one hand and waved it casually with the other hand, letting the holy light scatter on her body.

"I'm sorry, I can treat you." She said disdainfully.

The giant sword left her body, and the wounds on her body healed immediately.

The three-headed female ghost was stunned.

"Asshole!" it roared suddenly, "When did such an unreasonable and weird profession appear in this world!"

Yana suddenly struck out and stabbed the giant sword into her chest again.

The three-headed female ghost burst out screaming, her whole body shaking, as if she had suffered an extremely heavy injury.

Her chest also split open, and a gurgling stream of blood spilled out.

Libertas smacked his tongue secretly behind Liu Ping:

"Oh my God, you must not offend Sister Yana in the future, otherwise she will treat me as an ally and do this, and then I will be done with it."

Liu Ping looked at the pain flashing in Yana's eyes, shook his head, and shouted to the three-headed female ghost:

"Hey, does it hurt? Let me treat it for you, so that you won't say that we are bullying the minority."

He raised his hand, held a touch of holy light and sprinkled it out.

Light shrouded the body of the three-headed female ghost——

It looked like her wound had healed.

In the void, another line of small burning characters jumped out:

"Your life-saving technique absorbed 200,000 soul points from the opponent."

"Do you want Baina Knife to absorb the soul power you have drawn so that it can release more advanced targeted power?"

Liu Ping glanced at Yana.

Although he was blessed with healing skills, his chest was continuously penetrated by giant swords. Such injuries would still cause unparalleled severe pain.

Liu Ping held the Baina knife and said softly: "I'll give you my soul power. Give me a power that can completely break through its defense."


The Baina knife roared, and a faint green light suddenly appeared on the long knife.

"The intersection of time and space and the laws of elements emerges with extremely fierce power:"

"Destroy the world."

"This power can destroy all the space in an entire world with just one sword. It can definitely break the opponent's 'innocuous body'."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping drew out his long knife and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment.

Everyone is turned into cards and returned to the card book.

A sword light appeared in the whole world, penetrating the heaven and earth, and struck towards the female ghost.

It looked at the sword light, slightly startled, and a look of fear suddenly appeared in its eyes.

"This knife - it's wrong! You're back -"

The female ghost screamed and jumped up to run away.

But the entire world has been completely isolated. Even if it wants to escape, where can it escape to?

The sword light came overwhelmingly.

The world is empty.

Everything in the entire mirror world was chopped into powder and dissipated into the void.

Liu Ping stood with his sword in hand.

Suddenly, the entire void suddenly disappeared.

Liu Ping found himself back in the real world, standing not far behind many guards and internal officials.

It is surrounded by red bricks and green tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, and gorgeous and majestic palaces.

A card suddenly appeared in his hand.

I saw a female ghost with three heads painted on this card.

Two lines of burning small words appeared in the void:

"You have completed the duel in which the void becomes a realm."

"You get the other person's ID card, and you can use it to get everything the other person has."

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths and put away the cards.

With this strange identity, he can break into the sealed world, explore the secrets of the armor step by step, and even find his original identity.

But now there's one more thing to do -

Liu Ping walked towards the guards again.

He slowly separated from the crowd, squatted down in front of the drowned palace maid, and said solemnly:

"It's all over, please rest in peace."

The palace maid slowly closed her eyes.

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