Infernal Artist

Chapter 368 The Secret of the Sealed Realm

"What's going on now?" Mizuki asked.

"I'm not sure if I can tell you these things, because I seem to have discovered a very big secret." Liu Ping said.

People come and go in the palace.

When everyone passed by Liu Ping, they saluted him respectfully, and then carefully stepped away.

——He was holding the princess in his arms and basking in the sun in the yard.

It’s time to beat the cold today.

"It's okay, tell me. I feel that my bloodline has a strange connection with the world, and the world is protecting me." Mizuki said.

"Okay, I found another login method on Guizang Mountain. I found something I left behind in the past era. It was a coffin..."

As Liu Ping was talking, he suddenly lowered his head and glanced at Mizuki.

The infant girl yawned, closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"She was protected by the world, put into a state of slumber to ensure that she did not hear the secrets you told her, and was therefore in a safe position."

It seems she must not hear about this.

Liu Ping sighed and said, "Babies like to sleep to protect themselves in unfamiliar environments... I didn't expect you, Mizuki, to be the same way."

At this time, two palace maids came up with a smile and bowed in front of him.

——Today’s exorcism is over.

Liu Ping handed the baby girl to them, cupped her hands, and turned to leave.


Liu Ping reached out and took out the identity card of the three-headed female ghost.

There is nothing else on the card, only the image of a three-headed female ghost, but no explanation.

There is only a downward-pointing arrow, which is located under the card.


Liu Ping lowered his head and looked at the vast ocean under the ground and the densely packed coffins.

Then give it a try.

He waved his hand and threw the card away.


The card made a soft sound.

In an instant, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You took on the identity of a three-headed female ghost."

"From now on, you can unleash your own strange power without worrying about attracting the attention of other strange beings."

"Entering the realm of seals."

"You are turning into a three-headed female ghost, but currently you have encountered a technical difficulty:"

"Please think of a way to give yourself two more heads immediately."

"——Only in this way can you successfully play the role of the three-headed female ghost and return to the seal as her."

Liu Ping scanned all the prompts at a glance and asked quickly:

"It's impossible for me to grow two heads out of thin air. What are the criteria for this kind of screening?"

A line of small words appeared:

"As long as you have three heads on your neck, one belonging to a human, a beast, and a divine creature."

"Does it need to be like this forever?" Liu Ping asked.

"If you cheat the seal's detection, you can no longer keep three heads." Sequence said.

This is simple!

Liu Ping randomly pulled out a card and shouted: "Come out, Fire Fang!"


The card turned into fire teeth and fell into his arms.

The beast is there.

Next is the divine creature——

Dragon is a divine creature!

Liu Ping drew a card again and shouted:

"Come out, Andrea!"


A little girl in a gorgeous dress appeared in front of him.

"Why did you call me out?" she asked confused.

"I need two heads, one is a beast and the other is a divine creature." Liu Ping said hurriedly.

His body kept diving into the water, and now only his upper body was still on the ground.

Andrea held her chin in her hands, squatting on the ground and looking at him.

"I can be considered a divine creature, but how can I lend you my head?"

Liu Ping waved.

The wardrobe opened, and a long cloak flew over and fell into his hands.

Liu Ping said: "I'll hold Huoyang in my left hand and you in my right hand. Then I'll hide you in the cloak and only expose your head. That's it."

Andrea smiled and seemed very interested: "Okay, I'll form the head."

"Woof!" Huoyang shouted.

Liu Ping quickly put on his cloak, then hugged Fire Fang with one arm and Andrea with the other.

"Okay?" he shouted into the void.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"Okay, you meet the most basic characteristics required to play the current role."

"This performance was a success."

"You will enter the sealed realm as a three-headed female ghost!"

A huge pulling force came from the depths of the water, and Liu Ping was violently pulled down.

He kept sinking with the current.

The surroundings gradually became dark.


A coffin appeared in front.

Liu Ping leaned forward involuntarily, and the coffin seemed to sense his arrival and slowly opened the lid.

Liu Ping was pushed in by the current.

The coffin closed silently, and there was no movement.

Liu Ping lay in the darkness, making no sound or action for a long time.

"Liu Ping?" Andrea whispered.

"Wait a moment, I am receiving everything from this female ghost." Liu Ping said.

Andrea was silent.

Tens of breaths passed.

Liu Ping suddenly let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong?" Andrea asked concerned.

"It's nothing - it's just that she knows too little about the things I want to know, and she knows too much about the things I don't like," Liu Ping said.

"What does she know?" Andrea asked.

"You can't say it. It will be troublesome if you say it." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, then I won't ask." Andrea said obediently.

Liu Ping fell into silence again.

——The Baina Knife will do everything possible to return to the hands of its owner, and its owner is the former King of Strangeness.

The former King of Strangers designed the cards himself for fun.

The three-headed female ghost only knows these two things.

All right.

He is the former king of weirdness.

But how did he die? Who killed him? Why have I wandered between life and death for so long?

Everything is shrouded in mist.

"Andrea, Huoyang, please go back to the card book first." Liu Ping said.



A man and a dog disappeared from the coffin.

Liu Ping lay down for a few more breaths.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind the coffin:

"It's your turn to patrol the city today, don't forget it."

"I know." Liu Ping replied calmly.

"I haven't found any seeds worth harvesting for several days. I wish you good luck." After the voice finished speaking, it disappeared.

Liu Ping closed his eyes, opened them again, and leaned back violently——

With the sound of "click, click, click", his whole body sank into the depths of the coffin and suddenly fell in.

It's like falling into a void——

Liu Ping kept falling.

With a slight movement of his mind, he controlled his body to flip gently in mid-air for several weeks, and then landed on the ground.

This is a dark street.

It is surrounded by tall and uneven buildings that stretch to the end of the road.

People were coming and going on the streets.

Occasionally, a vehicle whizzes by quickly.

It was evening.

The dim sunlight is fading.

Darkness is coming.

Liu Ping stood there, looking back and forth, and saw an old man in black sitting on a chair by the street.

People walked past him, but it was as if they couldn't see him at all.

Even when someone passed by, they clearly touched his legs and feet, but they didn't seem to feel anything at all. They didn't even look at the old man and continued walking forward.

Liu Ping walked towards the old man.

The old man noticed it immediately and turned his head sharply to glance at him.

"I remember that you and I don't seem to have any conflicts of interest or grudges." The old man said warily and put his hand into his pocket.

"That's right, I'm patrolling the city today, but the time hasn't come yet, so I'll take a rest here for now." Liu Ping said with a smile.

When the old man heard the word "city patrol", he immediately took a closer look at Liu Ping and said, "Yes, I have checked the's your turn to patrol the city in ten minutes."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he relaxed a little.

Patrolling the city is the most important thing.

They are not allowed to attack each other before, during and after patrolling the city.

Liu Ping sat down next to him and asked casually: "How is business lately?"

"It's okay, I can barely get by." The old man said.

"If you don't develop followers, just sit here and don't move - this is not like a death-type god." Liu Ping joked.

"I have a believer, and he died today." The old man said.

His eyes crossed the street and landed on a black church opposite.

"How's the quality?" Liu Ping asked.

"Looks very average, no talent or talent." The old man sighed.

"Maybe there will be a surprise? Maybe it will be a very pure one?" Liu Ping said.

The old man's throat rolled.

At this time, there was a sound of bells in the church.

There were a lot of faint sounds of crying coming out.

The old man stood up slowly and said to Liu Ping, "See you later."

"Go." Liu Ping nodded in greeting.

The old man stepped forward and walked across the street.

After taking a few steps, the old man suddenly transformed into a dark monster with a miserable green will-o'-the-wisp burning on his back. He walked straight through the church wall and disappeared from Liu Ping's sight.

Waited for a few breaths.

Suddenly a low cheer came from the church.


"God has come!"

"He's on his way... God guides..."

"This life worthwhile……"

The crowd made a noise.

Liu Ping sat on the bench across the street outside the black church and listened quietly to the movements.

There was no expression on his face.

After a while.

The old man in black reappeared at the door of the church.

He staggered across the street, sat down next to Liu Ping, sighed and said:

"you guessed wrong."

"Really? Is it a very disappointing kind of soul?" Liu Ping said.

"Well, if his faith had been purer—"

The old man took out a tissue and slowly wiped the corners of his mouth, and said in a disappointed tone:

"It won't taste so bad."

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