Infernal Artist

Chapter 371 Search!

It's still that alley.

——But something seems to be different.

The old man in black looked around thoughtfully and said thoughtfully: "As a law enforcer, you come to trouble me, isn't it a bit wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Liu Ping asked.

"Among the gods of death, I am relatively observant. I really don't understand why I messed with you..."

The old man said, took a deep look at Liu Ping, and shouted: "Deprivation: all things are consumed."

Two lines of small burning characters immediately appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"As the God of Darkness, your most powerful attack technique: All Creation is no longer available."

"The power of this deprivation comes from the strange curse of the death god: punishment for sin."

"As a price, the power of the death god was weakened by 10%."

Liu Ping was slightly startled and praised: "Amazing, you only spent 10% of your strength to deprive me of my strongest attack technique."

The old man in black said: "Among the many strange beings, I am the one who has lived the longest. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Liu Ping asked.

"Those who dare to challenge death have all become the targets of death, without exception." The old man in black said.

"I've actually started to regret it." Liu Ping sighed.

The old man in black smiled gently and said: "Don't worry, I will eat you slowly to ensure that you have enough time to regret and despair."

He walked towards Liu Ping.

Suddenly, countless thin lines appeared in the void, completely covering the old man in black.

A cold female voice sounded:

"The body was broken into pieces."

Swish Swish Swish Swish——

The sharp sounds of the air being split came and went.

Green flames suddenly ignited all over the old man's body, and he roared out of the void filled with dense threads.

But in front of him, a stunning woman holding a giant sword was waiting for him.

In the sky, a dragon emerged from the clouds.

A cat appeared behind the old man.

"Deprived of: card ability!" He roared with all his strength.

In an instant, everyone disappeared.

The old man stood still.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at the fine wounds that appeared on his body.

Blood gushes from the wound.

But the old man breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "The card... this was his plaything back then."

"You know?" Liu Ping said, crossing his arms.

"Yes, he wants to use the power of strangeness to condense the cards so that all living beings can directly skip many levels and directly become a kind of strangeness." The old man said.

"Stop playing tricks like this. When you banned me, you also banned 20% of your own power. I guess you won't be able to ban anything else."

Liu Ping said, casually pulling out a guqin.

Musical instrument, Chaofeng!

This piano is not commonly used, but it is indeed a magical instrument. It can definitely make people wary when used to bluff people.

Because it ignores defense!

Ding ding dong dong——

Liu Ping plucked the strings at will.

The old man in black looked at him warily and waved his hand to block it in the air.

The sound of the piano suddenly took on a tangible sharp edge, collided with his hand, and bursts of air burst out.

"Real damage..."

The old man looked at the blood marks on his fingers and said again: "Deprived of: Sound Technique."

The piano in Liu Ping's hand suddenly lost its sound.

Thirty percent!

The death god used three levels of strength to ban his "All Things Killing", "Card", and "Sound Method".

Is there still 70% strength left...

Liu Ping smiled and said: "According to the memory of the God of Darkness, there are generally three to four abilities of strange beings, so you deprived me of three abilities without hesitation..."

"I've always been cautious," the old man said.

"Well done, you deserve a reward." Liu Ping praised.

He took out a golden apple from his sleeve and threw it at the old man casually.

Blessing: golden apples!

The golden apple is holy and full of divine power, and can replenish all consumption of the soul. However, if the person who eats the golden apple cannot meet your requirements, he will surely fall into a weak state, with his combat power reduced by 30%, and every attack will have a certain probability of making an error.

——No one can resist the temptation of a golden apple. Once he gets it, he will definitely eat it.

The golden apple turned into an arc of light and fell directly in front of the old man.

The old man in black couldn't help but reach out to grab the golden apple, but his face became extremely frightened.

"This is the top level of sacred power!"

He screamed and suddenly tore open his sleeves, revealing a dark dragon on his arm.

The dragon soared from his sleeves, rushed up to meet him, and swallowed the golden apple in one gulp.

In an instant, the old man shouted quickly: "Deprive: Holy ability!"

Liu Ping raised his hand.

He watched as the holy light on his hand completely disappeared.

"Forty percent, you have lost 40% of your strength." Liu Ping said thoughtfully.

"But you have lost all of your strange powers - the most powerful being among us only possesses five kinds of strange powers. Four of you are already well hidden," said the old man in black.

Liu Ping smiled slightly and took out the Baina knife from his waist.


His whole body turned into a fire phoenix.

The expression of the old man in black changed, and he whispered: "This is impossible, this is the power of the fire of the Holy Pillar Law..."

"Do you know him?" Liu Ping said.

The old man suddenly shouted in a low voice very quickly: "Deprivation——"

Liu Ping interrupted him with a faster speaking speed: "I will deprive you of your deprivation!"

The old man froze.

He found that he could not recite the incantation.

Liu Ping's voice came from the phoenix that appeared in flames: "I forgot to tell you, I have always been amazing and talented, and I have countless skills. The reason why I won't let you continue to deprive me of it is because I like to use a knife to end normal battles. .”


The sound of swords erupted from the fire phoenix.

"Black dragon!" the old man shouted.

The dark dragon entrenched behind him roared and rushed towards the fire phoenix.

Dragon and phoenix fight.

The dark light and the flames were entangled, but in just a moment, the power of the dark dragon was greatly weakened.

——It has eaten the golden apple!

The fire phoenix suddenly disappeared.

A more ferocious unicorn appeared suddenly, bit the black dragon in one bite, and took it flying deep into the sky.

Liu Ping appeared.

A voice came from behind him: "Finally I was fooled! Go to hell!"

He saw the old man in black standing behind him, holding a coffin filled with spikes in his hand, and his other hand spread out, revealing an extremely strange and mysterious rune.

"Coffin of Death!"

The old man shouted.

Liu Ping was put into the coffin without any resistance.


The coffin is closed.

Blood gurgled out from the gaps in the coffin.

The old man stretched out a finger, dipped it in the blood, and tasted it in his mouth.

"Finally dead."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

A long knife stretched out from behind the coffin and pierced his chest.

Flames burst from the blade.

boom! ! !

The long knife and the old man in black burned violently.

The old man in black let out a howl full of pain and said in disbelief:

"No! This is impossible! You were obviously caught by me!"

Liu Ping said nothing and allowed the flames to completely burn through the old man's body. Then he drew out his knife and chopped off the old man's head.

The battle is over.

Only then did he put the long knife back into its sheath.

"You did catch me, but that was me in the parallel world." He said calmly.

Behind him, another shadow suddenly appeared.

The shadow gradually became clear and turned into another Liu Ping, standing behind him expressionlessly.

Prison Suppressing Knife, False God.

"Void God."

"——Summon another you in parallel time and space to fight for you before you draw your sword, and can disperse at any time."

The person who entered the coffin just now was him in parallel time and space, but the real him took the opportunity to hide behind the coffin——

Then draw the knife.

Everything around him gradually became blurry.

The void battle arena disappeared.

It's still that dark alley.

An old man in black clothes fell gently from the void.

He coughed, staggered toward the corner of the alley, and soon saw that scene.

The body of a young man fell to the ground, but his soul stood beside the body in confusion.

Soul Soul saw the old man at a glance, suddenly knelt on the ground, and said excitedly:

"God of Death! Which one of the four gods of Sleep, Life Extension, Illusion, and Crime and Punishment are you?"

The old man in black, or rather Liu Ping, smiled gently and said, "Isn't it the God of Crime and Punishment that you believe in?"

"It's really you!" cried the soul.

"Of course, I will take you back to the Kingdom of God now." Liu Ping said.

He reached out his hand and gently pressed it on the top of Soul's head.

All of a sudden.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You are extraditing souls to the real world."

"This extradition will allow the power of the Law of the Earth to continue to grow."

"Your law of fire has reached 'first burning';"

"Your law of water has reached 'initial condensation';"

"Your earth's law has reached its 'initial existence';"

"Please continue to work hard and let the power of the wind awaken."

"Hurry up, we are getting closer and closer to the destruction of everything."

All the small words disappeared in a flash.

The soul also disappeared from the front of the old man in black.

Liu Ping sighed and said silently in his heart: "Where did the destruction... begin..."

He coughed slightly and turned to leave the alley.


A man appeared at the end of the alley.

God of the night.

He stared at the "old man in black" with a strange look and said, "The punishment of the four gods of death?"

"It's me, are you - the God of Night?" Liu Ping asked.

Something seems amiss.

Wasn't the God of Night knocked unconscious by himself and thrown on the street?

Why did this guy come to find the death god?

The God of Night said softly: "Yes, I have been looking for you for two whole hours."

"What's the matter?" Liu Ping asked.

The God of Night showed a strange smile.

Liu Ping was about to speak when he suddenly felt something in his heart and took a few steps back vigilantly.

In the void in front of him, lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You are a god of death."

"You can feel death happening."

"Humans in Endless City are dying at a rate beyond imagination."

Collect all the fine print.

The voice of the God of Night sounded again:

"The power of death will be in my hands. I will draw the power of all the death gods to salvage that armor."

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