Infernal Artist

Chapter 372 Prophet and Death God

"You can feel death happening."

"Humans in Endless City are dying at a rate beyond imagination."

All the small words disappeared in a flash.

Liu Ping's expression froze and he asked in a low voice: "What exactly did you do?"

"Belief has penetrated into the bone marrow of everyone in civilization. It is deeply rooted in everyone's thoughts - you guys pretending to be gods have done a good job. Now it is time for me to harvest them." The God of Night said.


Several people rushed into the alley and hid in dark corners, making shivering sounds.


Another group of people ran in with guns and laughed: "You guys who believe in the God of Healing have long disliked you. Now the oracle of our God of Poison has come down, allowing us to kill you all!"

Da da da da——

There was a burst of shooting.

The group of people in the corner were all beaten to death.

The gun-wielding believers of the God of Poison let out a burst of excited whistles, turned around and ran towards the street outside.

They never saw the two gods in the alley.

Under the silent night.

All kinds of explosions, screams, gunshots, and cries suddenly broke out.





Relying on the belief in death controlled by the God of Punishment, Liu Ping can completely sense that hundreds of people are falling into death in Endless City.

The whole world seemed to wake up and let out a continuous groan in the tone of all living beings.


The God of Night listened attentively and said with a smile: "A feast has begun."

Liu Jing said calmly: "It is indeed a feast for everyone when the believers of the gods kill each other, but what does this have to do with you?"

"You are all part of me." The God of Night said succinctly.

Liu Ping imitated the old man's tone and said: "We have many death-type gods and are not weak in strength. Do you want to kill us all by yourself? This is not funny at all."

The God of Night stared at him and said softly: "If you didn't resist, you might suffer less pain."

Above his head, a line of small words appeared:


Liu Ping glanced calmly.


What is this?

The hands of the God of Night turned into sharp claws and walked towards Liu Ping step by step.

"I deprive you of your sharp claws so that it can't attack." Liu Ping said.

The spell turned into invisible power and spread out in the void.

Almost the next second——

The sharp claws of the God of Night turned back into hands again, losing their attack power.

"Is this the power of punishment?"

The God of Night whispered.

Liu Ping said in the tone of an old man: "I am one of the oldest strange beings, and you have been deprived of your strongest power by me. Whether you can survive tonight is unknown - get out of here."

"Strange life?" The God of Night showed an incomprehensible look on his face, shook his head and said, "I heard that you will lose 10% of your strength when you use crime and punishment."

"So what?" Liu Ping asked.

The Night God stood still.

Several figures emerged from the entrance of the alley.

They slowly walked to the God of Night and showed his face.


Liu Ping looked at the few people and searched the identities of several people from the memories of the old man and the female ghost.

He looked puzzled and whispered: "Midnight, poison, curse, murder... why do you gods unite with the night?"

The five strange beings spoke at the same time: "I said, I need your power, but you have no right to choose."


Although they are five strange beings, their expressions and tone of voice when they speak seem to be the same person!

This is too creepy.

Liu Ping took a step back, his expression changing slightly.

All this time, I have been fighting against strange beings at the huge risk of dying at any time.

In fact, whether it is the "killing of all things" by the female ghost or the "punishment" of the old man, they are extremely powerful and strange techniques, and there is almost no way to break them.

It was only through his quick wit that he managed to catch a glimpse of life.

Now you have to deal with five strange beings at once?

And there's obviously something wrong with them -

Something controls them! ! !

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Liu Ping's ears:

"I count three, two, one. You immediately cross the alley and run southwest to the railroad tracks. A train is passing by. You have to jump on the train to survive."

Liu Ping immediately found the owner of the voice from the old man's memory.

——This is another death god.

Is he here to be a rescuer?

Just listen to that voice and count:




Light and shadow flashed.

The overlapping worlds suddenly descended and enveloped the five gods in front of Liu Pian.


the voice urged.

Liu Ping made a quick decision, quickly climbed over the low alley wall, and ran towards the southwest.

He didn't dare to fly. After all, he didn't know how many enemies there were and whether they were watching from a certain direction.

He sped through the darkness, passing through street after street that fell into the night, and finally saw the railroad tracks.

The sharp sound of the whistle sounded far away in the deep night.

——The train is coming!

Liu Ping suddenly felt something, turned around and looked not far behind him.

I saw a ragged man standing behind the wall, looking at him puzzledly and saying:

"God of Crime and Punishment, what are you hiding from?"

This is a carrion god who walks in the dark night.

Even among the gods, his status is extremely low.

"Mind your own business and don't tell anyone you've seen me, otherwise I - I mean, all our death gods will come together to kill you, do you understand?" Liu Ping said coldly.

"Yes! Don't worry, I won't say anything." Seeing that he was angry, the man nodded quickly and bowed.

Then the train roared through the station.

Liu Ping rushed onto the train and suddenly disappeared from the sight of the God of Carrion.

The God of Carrion was stunned for a while.

He was gradually attracted by the screams and gunshots coming from the entire block behind him. He turned his head and looked at the exploding fires rising one after another in the night sky.


One after another, figures came out of the shadows of the street.

The God of Carrion opened his mouth wide and counted in a low voice: "One, two, three, four, five - a total of five gods, are you harvesting believers?"


In the darkness, another figure appeared.

I saw this was a man holding a black umbrella. Shirtless man.

He adjusted his sunglasses and said softly: "Believers are a very important part, but we also harvest the gods."

When he spoke, the five gods behind him spoke the same words at the same time, with exactly the same look, tone, and emotion.

The God of Scavengers shrank in fear and retreated step by step.

The umbrella holder glanced at him and said in a disgusted tone: "Relax, I have no interest in gods like you - by the way, what gods did you see passing by here just now?"

The God of Carrion was about to speak when he suddenly remembered Liu Ping's advice.

It's more of a threat than an exhortation.

The gods of the death system are powerful, have a clear division of labor, and unite with each other, so they are not easy to mess with.

Why do you want to get involved in such a thing?

The God of Carrion grinned, showing a mouth full of rotten teeth, and said in a flattering tone: "No, I have been guiding a few wild dogs to eat rotten mice, and I haven't seen anything."

The umbrella holder clicked his tongue, shook his head and said: "When this world is functioning normally, it does need scavengers like you, but now it is going to be destroyed -"

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the darkness.

Behind him, five gods looked towards the God of Carrion.

They exuded a boiling strange power.

On the train.

Liu Ping walked into the dining car and sat down at the clean and tidy dining table.

Opposite him sat an old man wearing reading glasses, knitting with his head down.

"Huanmeng, thank you for weaving the dream and helping me out," Liu Ping said.

"Shen Mian is dead." The old man said without raising his head.

"Did those gods do it?"

"No, it's a weirdo holding an umbrella."


Liu Ping was shocked.

Wasn't that guy sealed in?

It turns out it's alive!

"You don't have to thank me. If you die, the next one to be killed will be me - I have extended my life to ask for the prophet - look, they are coming." The old man said.

On the aisle, two women came and sat down next to them.

A girl with colorful hair.

And, an intellectual woman wearing a professional uniform.

Liu Ping looked at them and immediately found them from the memory of the God of Crime and Punishment.

The girl is the life-prolonging god among the death gods. She likes to walk in the world and calls herself Yan Ming.

The intellectual woman is the only god of divination in the entire Endless City, and is known as the prophet.

The girl said: "I'm afraid this old man doesn't know anything about crime and punishment. Time is tight, so it would be better to let the prophet tell the whole thing directly."

"Yan Ming is right, let's get started." Huan Mengzhi said while wearing reading glasses.

The prophet then said: "Endless City has reached its final moments, but the strange war of that year is not over yet... We will not know the direction of the war until the destined destruction arrives soon."

"Impossible!" The God of Dreams took off his reading glasses, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"The King of Strangeness has been dead for countless years," the girl Yan Mingye said. "His armor was banned here along with us, and now you actually say that the war is not over yet?"

"This is the deepest secret. Only if we tell it at this time, will the world not bite us back - because it can no longer take care of itself." Know it first.

Several people looked out of the car window in unison.

The devoured gods began to give orders for believers to kill each other.

Endless killing is going on.

As the number of devoured gods increases, this killing will sweep across the entire Endless City.

"We can unite other gods. I don't believe it. If we gather all the weird power of our existence, we can't defeat that weirdo holding an umbrella." The God of Fantasy Dreams said.

"I've been doing this since yesterday, but it can only be used to delay time." Know first.

"You mean, all of us together can't beat that guy?" The girl Yan Ming asked unwillingly.

A trace of fear flashed in the prophet's eyes, and he nodded slowly.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"What do we need to do now?" Liu Ping asked.

"The King of Strangeness invented the card back then, in an attempt to allow all living beings to directly use the power of Strangeness. He hid an extremely secret card in the Endless City. You have to find it." Know first.

"What's that card for?"

"Those who hold that card can call upon the power of that thing to help us defeat the invading enemy."

"you are right--"

"That's right, I'm talking about the authority of the Law of Strangeness, the robe of the king of all worlds, the emblem of herding for all living beings, the legacy of the King of Infinite Strangeness, and the armor of all laws."

Everyone was silent again.

"We betrayed him, will his armor still help us?" The God of Dreams sighed.

The prophet said in a meaningful tone:

"Everyone, you must remember one thing."

The three death gods looked at her together.

Just listen to her whisper: "Although the king is dead, this war has never ended."

"He'll be back."

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