Infernal Artist

Chapter 373 Reserved Battle

"Any clues?"

Liu Ping asked.

Know first: “Just one sentence.”

"What?" Yan Ming asked.

Know first: "Only if the god of death holds a card can you get clues."

Suddenly bursts of light surged around her.

These rays of light scattered and disappeared into the void silently.


The prophet raised his hand and said, "Bring me a deck of cards, please."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The train attendant smiled and turned to get the card.

The God of Dreams sighed and muttered: "As a god, I haven't shown my true form among mortals for a long time."

"So you forgot a lot of things." Know first.

Beside her, the light on Yan Ming also dissipated.

She turned into a mortal and truly appeared on the seat.

Liu Ping followed suit.

After a while, the waiter brought over a card and looked at the people at the table strangely.

——There was clearly only one person just now, why did three more people suddenly appear?

The waiter turned around and left.

"Believers of the God of Curiosity, huh, if the timing wasn't right, I would eat her." The God of Dreams said.

The prophet frowned when he heard this, opened the deck of playing cards, and shuffled the cards skillfully.

"Okay, each of you draws one," she said.

Liu Ping, the God of Dreams, and Yan Ming each drew a card from the deck.

"Show me." Know first.

The God of Dreams turned over the cards in his hand and saw a King of Clubs.

The prophet glanced at him and said calmly: "You are the king of this battle. You need to lead the entire alliance of gods to fight against the monster holding the umbrella. When you continue to meet certain requirements, you can get instructions for the next step."

The prophet took out a small box and handed it to the God of Dreams: "Go, this is a token to lead the alliance of gods. You must prepare for war immediately."

Dream Shinto looked deeply at the prophet: "Can I believe you?"

"If I hadn't reported the news to you, you would have been swallowed up by the umbrella holder - don't you want to take revenge on it?" asked the prophet.

The God of Dreams looked sharply, took the small box, and said solemnly: "Maybe the gods and I can kill it directly."

"Good luck." Know first.

The God of Dreams nodded and disappeared into the void.

Yan Ming turned over the card and saw a Queen of Hearts in his hand.

The prophet looked at her and said: "Stand up now, walk step by step to the front of the train, and then walk back. If you see any disputes on the way, let the disputes subside for the time being, and then come back and tell me."

Yan Ming got up and left.


Liu Ping and the Prophet were the only ones left at the dining table.

The prophet's body trembled.

She pressed her hands on the table with all her strength, and then she barely suppressed her emotions.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Ping asked.

The prophet stared at him and said: "Of the two death gods just now, one is going to fight a meaningless war for the King; the other is the auxiliary daughter, for the Queen."

"——And which card is yours?" she asked softly.

Liu Ping turned over the cards.

I saw a man wearing colorful clothes engraved on the card, holding a scepter with a smile on his face.

"It's the king."

The prophet's face turned pale, but his expression was unexpectedly calm.

"My card is the Joker, and the card of the God of Dreams is the King." Liu Ping said with a smile.

The prophet closed his eyes, opened them suddenly, and said quickly: "Two of the four death gods will definitely be killed."

"And the two opponents in the war that year will replace the two slain death gods and draw the big and small kings respectively."

"In the long years, you have chased and escaped, and continued to fight, and finally arrived here."

"In this sealed world, that armor will be the key to your confrontation."

"What will happen if it gets the armor?" Liu Ping asked.

"My king, if you let it get the armor, you will be swallowed by it and become a part of it, and the war will be completely over."

The prophet suddenly became excited and trembled: "——This is the seal you set back then. You left the armor here because you must want to defeat it here!"

Liu Ping picked up the clown card, held it between his two fingers and said, "I can't beat that monster now."

The prophet whispered: "When four cards are drawn, the war begins."

"There is one rule:"

"In the Endless City, all strange existences can only use their power against humans after their death."

"While humans are still alive, even you and your opponents are not allowed to use any harmful force against humans."

"This is the last rule you concluded with all strange beings back then."

Liu Ping suddenly said: "No wonder that monster drives the gods to start a battle between themselves. This is because it has no way to deal with mortals personally."

"Exactly." Know first.

"What should I do?" Liu Ping asked.

"No one knows, not even me, only you know." Know first.

At this moment, a line of small burning characters quickly appeared in the void:

"The triggering condition has been met."

"The reservation battle begins!"

"After a long trillion years, another decisive battle between the King of Strangeness and Nightmare is about to begin!"

"You have obtained the powers of earth, water, and fire that you reserved back then. Now please awaken the power of wind."


"Fulfill the wishes of all living beings and gain the power of wishes."

"As you continue to gain the power of will, the law of wind will gain more power and wake up completely."

"When the Four Saints awaken, you will gradually discover the clues to awaken the strange armor."

Liu Ping glanced at it.

Is this the arrangement he left behind back then?

I must want to find an opportunity to fight back in the endless pursuit and escape.

Maybe this is it?

His eyes fell back on the prophet.

The prophet looked at him and felt uneasy. It took him a while to calm down and whispered: "I didn't betray you."

"I don't remember anything. What happened that year?" Liu Ping said.

"No one knows, that is the most terrifying secret. Only you and your enemies have planned to kill each other, from trillions of years until now." Know first.

"I died countless times." Liu Ping said.

"No one knows how strong your enemy is, but without you, I bet that the entire Divine Pillar and even all the existences in the strange world would have been slaughtered long ago." Know first.

At this time, Yan Ming came from the end of the carriage, sat next to the prophet again, and said, "I saw a group of believers of the God of Sin, shooting down the passengers in each carriage in sequence."

The prophet looked into the void for a while, as if observing something.

A moment.

She said: "Take a rest first, we will change trains later - in five minutes, our whereabouts will be exposed."

Yan Ming nodded.

Liu Ping stood up and walked towards the back of the carriage.

"Where are you going?" Yan Ming asked.

"Look for clues." Liu Ping said.

He passed through the carriage and came to the previous carriage, where he immediately saw a group of people holding pistols and daggers, killing ordinary passengers.

Liu Ping took a deep breath and took out the prison knife.

The long knife shook.

"Virtual God" is activated!

"——Summon another you in parallel time and space to fight for you before you draw your sword, and can disperse at any time."

The next moment.

Another old man in black appeared quietly and stood behind him.

"You continue to be the God of Punishment." Liu Ping said.

The old man in black nodded and asked, "What about you?"

"I can guess the wishes of many people in this carriage." Liu Ping said.

He walked towards a gangster armed with a knife.

The man had just killed a woman, and when he saw Liu Ping approaching, he immediately smiled ferociously and said, "For the glory of the gods!"

He swung his long knife and slashed at Liu Ping's neck.

A card suddenly appeared in Liu Ping's hand——

The void becomes a battlefield!

In an instant, Liu Ping and the gangster disappeared at the same time.

The second hand moved.

The void opens.

The gangster came out with a sharp knife and nodded to the old man in black behind him:

"I am him now."

"Interesting - I remembered that strange beings cannot attack living mortals." The old man in black said with a smile.

"Just now I was a disciple of the Bailing Temple in the real world. I was a human being, so I could do it."

The gangster - or Liu Ping said.

"Are you going to let me be a strange god for you all the time?" the old man asked.

"That's it for the time being." Liu Ping said.

He walked forward quickly, waving his long knife constantly in the process, killing all the gangsters along the way.

One, two, three, four, five.

Five seconds.

All gangsters die.

Liu Ping put away the knife and shouted to the surrounding passengers: "Everyone, it's safe!"

Those passengers who were still alive suddenly cheered.

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You fulfilled the wishes of 17 mortals:"


"Kill them;"

"Do not kill me;"

"Who can help me;"


"The Law of Wind gains power."

"Please keep up the good work."

"come on."

Liu Ping held a sword and said to the old man in black standing at the end of the carriage: "Work."

The old man sighed and said: "Dead souls, I will send you to reincarnation——"

He raised his hand and led the souls emerging from all the corpses into the void and disappeared.

Another line of burning small words appeared in the void:

"You allow the dead to return to the real world and be reincarnated."

"The power of the earth increases."

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