Infernal Artist

Chapter 523 Eating


The monster kept walking forward.

"It's strange. I've never seen such a guy. Why can he deceive me? How did this level of weirdness come about?"

It meditated silently, passing by one big tree after another.


A deer seemed to be disturbed by something, jumped out from the depths of the grass, and rushed into the other side of the jungle in a panic.

The monster turned a blind eye.

The female voice asked: "Master, a delicious soul passed by just now - won't you eat it?"

"Its soul is too immature. It must go through several more reincarnations until it truly grows into a spiritually rich soul before it can bring us energy." The monster said in an instructive tone.

A black bear several meters tall suddenly jumped out and chased after the deer.

The monster still didn't care and just continued to move forward.


It suddenly stopped and said: "Remember, beautiful souls already possess high spirituality. You can smell the aura emanating from them from a long distance away. Only souls with such aura can , can provide beneficial power.”

"Yes, Master." The male and female voices responded at the same time.

As he finished speaking, dozens of heavily armed dark elves suddenly appeared in the jungle ahead.

These elves were armed with bows, arrows, knives, daggers, and staffs, and quickly surrounded the monsters.

The monster said calmly: "We impart knowledge to all living beings, help them survive, grow, and mature, and improve their spirituality through the process of life, so that the soul can sublimate and become something truly delicious."

The female voice read: "Souls! Your master has arrived and you have reached the end of life. Why don't you surrender?"

The dark elves were immediately unable to move.

Shadows flew out from the bodies of the dark elves and disappeared into the bodies of the monsters one after another.

The monster stood still.

The male and female voices moaned happily together, as if they were absorbing something.

All shadows disappear.

The elves fell to the ground, lifeless.

Only a young elf stood there trembling, his eyes confused and his expression dull.

The monster then stretched out his hand.

I saw a small translucent shadow lingering on its hand.

The male voice asked doubtfully: "Master, why don't you let us eat this soul? Although it is young, it contains the highest spirituality."

The monster's voice sounded again:

"You only saw the strength of her soul in this life, but you didn't see her future."

It walked up to the young dark elf, its tall figure slowly leaned down, and looked quietly into the female elf's eyes.

"What an excellent seed - after a few more lives, her soul will become more abundant and powerful, becoming an existence far beyond ordinary souls. At that time, once any nightmare species wants to evolve, it can eat her, So you get a nice energy reserve.”

The monster caressed the female elf's head and put the translucent soul in his hand into her body.

After doing all this, the monster said: "I have marked her body. When her spirituality truly matures, I will come and eat her."

"Yes, Master." The male and female voices said at the same time.

"Now that you have learned to distinguish the edible degree of souls, you have also absorbed a lot of souls. Now release your power and eat all the souls worth eating in this world." The monster said.

"Yes, Master." The male and female voices said simultaneously again.

It vertically flew up to the very high depths of the sky, took a deep breath, and burst out a long aria-like ode in both male and female voices at the same time:

"All living beings, your ordinary life has come to an end. Now you should show your only spirituality and provide enough strength for your sowers. This is the true meaning of your existence, come -"

A monstrous momentum erupted from it and spread throughout the world.


Male and female voices began to scream together.

From all directions, more and more souls rushed into the sky, scrambling to be absorbed into its body.

The aura of the monster is getting stronger and stronger, and it is gradually different from when it was first born, even to the point of being completely different.

boom! ! !

The sprayed mist spread out from around it and turned into clouds that covered the entire world, covering everything.

About ten breaths later.

The monster raised his hand.

Some souls are lingering in its hands.

"These are all good enough souls. They have not stopped making progress, nor have they been overwhelmed by the mediocre life." The male voice said.

"They deserve to continue living until they truly mature and then provide strength to their owners." The female voice said.

The monster waved his hand, and those souls immediately flew out and flew towards his original body.

"Let's go and hunt down the soul that gained strange power!"

"Sir, don't you want to eat a few more worlds?"

"It's too late, that guy has almost run out of my sensing range, let's catch up first!"

It said in an excited tone.

"Master, I have a question." The female voice said respectfully.

"Say it."

"Why do some souls gain strange powers? Is it allowed by us? Or is this a kind of loss of control?"

"It is allowed - there are special nightmares responsible for guarding these souls, because they are the most powerful fruits and will supplement the strength of the most noble beings in nightmares."

The void opened a door again, and the monster walked in and disappeared.

This is an underground passage.

Long steps extend in the passage, and rows of professionals stand on both sides, holding weapons and looking serious.

Liu Ping walked quickly along the passage and soon reached the end.

"Sir, this is it. This is the door from purgatory to eternal night."

The leader of the army of all races said respectfully.

Liu Ping stood on the steps, looking down.

All the steps disappeared when they reached here, leaving only a deep cave leading vertically downwards.

"The only way to survive is through this deep cave?" Liu Ping asked.

"You must have the appropriate technique to keep yourself dead when passing through the deep cave, so that you will be released by the laws of purgatory." The army leader said.

Liu Ping's figure blurred for a moment.

The next moment.

He said: "Okay, I understand, you should run away quickly."

"Escape?" The army leader didn't know why.

"That's right, three minutes ago, as the owner of Hellfire Bank, I sent an urgent reminder to the Supervisory Committee of all races. An invincible monster has appeared. You don't have to guard here. Follow my order and go immediately. Escape." Liu Ping said.

He had an extra document in his hand.

The leader took a serious look and immediately waved and shouted: "Everyone, evacuate from the emergency escape tunnel!"

One wall of the passage opened, revealing a narrow tunnel.

Professionals from all races rushed toward the tunnel, entered it in an orderly manner, and then disappeared at the end of the road.

"Multiple teleportation channels - there are hundreds of worlds to teleport to, so even if you meet an enemy, they won't know which world to enter, let alone kill all of us." The leader explained.

"Go quickly." Liu Ping said.

Suddenly a voice sounded in the void:

"Too late, these miserable souls."

The void opens.

A tall monster walked out of it, showing a strange face that was half male and half female.

Its head turned slowly, and the back of its head faced Liu Ping.

All the hair is pushed aside, and there is a face that is even more penetrating——

His eyebrows were full of compassion, his eyes were closed, but his mouth continued to extend to both sides, as if he was smiling.

Liu Ping pushed the professional leader.

The leader immediately understood and rushed towards the tunnel.

The monster did not try to stop it, but slowly walked toward the tunnel and said:

"Life always thinks that it can escape from danger, but little does it know that everything they do is actually a play we have set for them long ago——"

"To make it more convenient when eating."

Long lines of light emanated from it, wandering in mid-air.

Liu Ping looked at this scene, and his body suddenly emitted some invisible fluctuations.

Lines of small burning characters jumped out and appeared in front of his eyes:

"You activated the 'Peering into Heaven' once."

"You're going to see what's going to happen to the other person."

All the surrounding scenes disappeared in a flash.

Liu Ping saw the monster walking to the entrance of the tunnel and piercing the lines of light behind it into the depths of the tunnel.

World transmission channels were opened one after another, and those lines of light suddenly submerged into them and began to absorb souls from the dense world.

It absorbed the souls of hundreds of worlds at once!

A monstrous momentum emanated from it, so much so that the entire underground passage was filled with strong winds capable of destroying everything.

There was a flash of light and shadow.

All the scenes disappeared from Liu Ping's eyes.

He found that he was still standing where he was, and the monster had already stood at the entrance of the tunnel, with all the lines of light behind it rising——


Can't make it stronger!

A huge vertical pupil suddenly appeared behind Liu Ping.

——Devil-faced Nian Dao!

All the lines of light behind the monster were about to fly out, but suddenly they were shocked.

It couldn't help but take two steps back, turned around and chuckled at Liu Ping: "Don't be anxious, this is such a good opportunity, I will kill you after I finish eating."

Before he finished speaking, a bright sword flew out and struck the monster directly, sending it flying away.

Liu Ping stood with a knife, blocking the tunnel entrance, and shouted: "Changxue!"

"I come!"

Li Changxue's voice sounded.

I saw a magnificent sword light penetrating the void and cutting into the depths of the tunnel.

The entire underground world began to shake and shake.

——The tunnel collapsed with a sword!

Naturally, all the world transmission channels densely packed in it were destroyed.

At this time, the monster had just flipped around in mid-air, landed on the ground, took a few steps back, and stood firm again.

It glanced at the passage of destruction.

"Weird guy, do you really want to die?" the monster said gloomily.

Liu Ping held the Baina knife and whispered: "Some foods are not so easy to eat and may kill you."

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