Infernal Artist

Chapter 524 Facing the nightmare!

The collapse of the tunnel gradually ended.

Liu Ping stood in front of the tunnel holding a long knife, his mind slightly calmed down.

As long as this monster is not allowed to absorb the souls of all living beings, its strength will not rise to an unsolvable level.

The monster stood not far away and said:

"Strange being, now you have two choices."

"What choice?" Liu Ping asked.

The monster said: "First, tell me your origin and foundation immediately, so that maybe I will leave you a way to survive and kill you later; the other option is to die here."

"Actually, you have two choices." Liu Ping said.

"Me?" the monster said unexpectedly.

"Either be beaten to death by me here, or go elsewhere to find energy - in short, you are no match for me now." Liu Ping said.

The monster's expression froze, and after a while he said: "No one has ever dared to talk to me like this."

"Congratulations, now you have it." Liu Ping said.

The long knife flashed.

Thousands of cold lights, like fine lines, instantly covered the entire underground passage.

Almost instantly, these sword lights surrounded the monster and slashed at it in an airtight manner.

The monster remained motionless, just waiting for the sword light to flash by before speaking:

"You think too highly of yourself, but you don't know that all sword techniques are designed by us and cannot harm us."

Liu Ping squinted and saw that there were no wounds on its body.

Yana's voice quietly appeared in his ears:

"Run away, Liu Ping, this guy is impossible to fight."

Maria also spoke out: "The female swordsman used her sword to kill it for several hours without any wounds on it - now it is stronger!"

The monster suddenly showed attention and said: "Your followers are right, it is impossible for all living beings to defeat us."

"Can you hear them talking to me?" Liu Ping asked confused.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he raised his knife and slashed behind him.

Almost at the same moment, the monster appeared behind him——

Before the blade of the long sword bloomed, it was violently knocked back by the monster, and Liu Ping was blown away along with him.

Rumble, rumble——

The deafening crashing sound continued for a while before stopping.

The monster said slowly: "In order to allow all living beings to gain the ability to survive and hunt and fight with each other, we give all living beings cold weapons and various side powers."

Liu Ping's voice rang out from the ruins:

"So my sword skills can't hurt you?"

The monster said: "Of course you can't hurt me. All your skills come from our settings. They are destined to be unable to cause harm to us from the beginning."


With a burst of sound, the bricks and stones were pushed away, Liu Ping stood up again and said:

"Really? I don't believe it."

He suddenly disappeared from the spot, and the long knife flew through the passage like the wind, slashing the monster countless times in succession.

The monster remained motionless, letting the endless sword light hit him, and even said leisurely:

"Many times, sentient beings think they have mastered a skill, but in fact they have reached a certain standard, and are therefore automatically granted new skills and knowledge."

"All from you?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, this is all knowledge we have set long ago - for example, your sword technique, which you think you have honed yourself, is actually the sword technique we have preset for all living beings. Your soul reaches a certain level. , I automatically realized it, this is called enlightenment." The monster spread his hands.

The wind and the sword light all disappeared.

There were no wounds on the monster's body, as if it had really just experienced a blow from the wind.

"What good will it do to you if we become enlightened?" Liu Ping asked.

"This proves that your soul level has been improved, becoming more delicious and powerful." The monster said.

"It's so disappointing." Liu Ping sighed.

"Food has emotions, which is a sad thing. I will eat you right now." The monster said.

All the weird aura on it condensed and turned into a murderous aura that soared into the sky.

Li Changxue suddenly appeared in front of Liu Ping, drew his sword and said, "Go to Yongye, quickly! I'll hold it back!"

Yana and Maria also appeared.

"Let's go!" Yana pushed Liu Ping with her hand, sending him flying out and landing in front of the deep cave leading to the eternal night.

Liu Ping glanced towards the deep cave.

——At this time, as long as you jump down, you will leave purgatory.

Will this monster catch up?

Does it also need to be recognized as "death" by the law before it can enter the eternal night?

I created the art of sealing corpses and turning them into ghosts, which can pass the verification of the law, but this monster may not be able to do it!

Maybe you can escape by jumping down.


He looked at the three women blocking the front and suddenly shouted: "Lilith!"

Three soft sounds in a row.

The three women turned into cards and returned to the card book.

Liu Ping held the card book tightly and whispered: "Seal them away and don't let them cause trouble."

"I know." Lilith responded nervously.

The monster watched this scene from a distance and said with a joking smile: "Aren't you going to run away?"

"I'm not used to other people blocking the knife for me." Liu Ping put away the card book, raised the knife again, and walked towards the monster step by step.

"Then prepare to die." The monster said calmly.

"Think about it carefully. The wave of nightmares has not yet come, and you cannot face me with your full strength." Liu Ping said.

"That's right," admitted the monster.

"With my countless experiences facing you like this, am I still unable to hurt you? No, I don't believe in evil today." Liu Ping said.

He is getting closer and closer to each other.

The monster sighed and said in a bored tone: "All living beings always make us laugh with their shallow knowledge, but it doesn't matter, I will let you understand your own shallowness before you die."

The next moment,

One person and one monster disappeared from the place at the same time.

boom! ! !

The entire underground passage shook and gradually began to collapse.

Liu Ping appeared where the monster originally stood, with an evil ghost mask on his face at some point.

The monster stood not far away, shook his head and said: "It's useless. Ghosts and gods are actually just a setting. They seem to be able to control all living beings, but in fact their abilities are very limited. We are the true gods who created everything, even you." You can call us God.”

Liu Ping's voice sounded from behind the evil ghost mask: "God eats people? I don't find it funny at all."

Not only did he put on an evil ghost mask, he even equipped himself with the title of saint, "Icon before the Tide"——

Although I don't know what the use is.

But as long as he can provide even a little help, Liu Ping will not hesitate at all.

Stones fell from above.

The tunnels also began to disintegrate.

——The brief confrontation between the two has made the world unbearable.

"Before this world is destroyed, I will let you die first."

The monster said lightly, moved his hands, and walked towards Liu Ping casually.

Liu Ping took a deep breath, moved the Baina knife to his left hand, and then took out the prison knife.

He began to accelerate slowly, and at a certain moment he suddenly raised his hand, and the two swords turned into long lines across the world.

The passage ahead suddenly burst open.

The monster twisted its body slightly, took a step from time to time, and quickly avoided all the sword lights.

The moment Liu Ping sheathed his sword, it suddenly waved its long arm and knocked Liu Ping away with one punch.

However, when Liu Ping exited, his whole person suddenly disappeared.

The other one used the power of inertia and fell back to the original place gently and skillfully.

The monster said with great interest: "Two you, double swords, thirty-one secret sword techniques, twenty-six enlightened sword techniques, until the end, you did not hit me, but lost a parallel world." Doppelgänger - it seems that you are at the end of your rope."

Liu Ping was silent for a while and said calmly: "Sure enough, he saw through all my moves."

"It's time to hit the road. I hope your soul is delicious too," the monster said.

Boiling white light suddenly appeared from its body, illuminating the entire passage like a sea, and it turned into a swift afterimage and rushed towards Liu Ping.

This moment.

Countless memories flashed through Liu Ping's mind, and he even recalled the scene when he first fought against a monster many lifetimes ago.

There is no way.

There is no way.

There is no way.

——In countless years, he has never defeated the nightmare monster.

No living thing has ever defeated the nightmare monster.

Even all the skills and knowledge of sentient beings are given by them.

Even the enlightenment of sentient beings only activates the measures set by them, allowing them to acquire different skills and knowledge - and this is just to let them know that such sentient beings are more delicious.

How ridiculous.

How - desperate -

Could it be that we can only rely on "cheating" to escape again?

The only thing that can work against them is "deception"...



Liu Ping was suddenly shocked.

In the blink of an eye, the monster was already in front of him.

"eat you."

It grabbed Liu Ping and opened its mouth wide at the same time, as if it was trying to suck something into its belly.


A dull, disturbing voice sounded.

The void also cracked open several inches at this sound and did not close for a long time.

The monster's hand was opened by Liu Ping!


It made a surprised sound and grabbed Liu Ping with its other hand.

Liu Ping also stretched out his other hand and pressed forward lightly, as if predicting the future, pressing on the monster's wrist.

A thick layer of frost appeared, freezing his and the monster's hands together.

"What's this!"

shouted the monster.

A flash of light flashed in Liu Ping's eyes.

——It doesn’t know.

This monster knows all the skills and abilities set for all living beings, but it doesn't know what they are!

The monster subconsciously wanted to push Liu Ping away, but Liu Ping used the frozen hands of both parties to melt away the force, and punched the monster's belly with all his strength with his other hand.

The monster was immediately knocked away.

At this time, Liu Ping's hand was still connected with the other party!

He chased after him and punched the monster hundreds of times with one hand. Only then did the frost disperse. He took a few steps back and assumed a defensive posture.

boom! ! !

The monster flew out and hit the passage, completely collapsing the entire passage.

For a while.

It pushed away the bricks and stones that were pressing on it and asked with a solemn expression: "What kind of boxing is this?"

Liu Ping stood on the other side of the passage.

The bricks and stones kept falling down, but he didn't care at all and just said softly:

"There once was a couple who were practicing monks. The woman had to spar with the man every night. She was not allowed to sleep unless they sparred."

"But every time if the man wins, the woman will become angry, turn around and run away, closing the door of the cave to prevent entry."

"The two of them are about the same strength. If the man gives way, he will be beaten into a pig head or even injured. He will no longer be interested in doing some of the good things he wanted to do in the evening."

"Yes, the male cultivator found me and commissioned me to develop this set of boxing techniques. In this way, I can defeat the opponent and prevent the opponent from running away."

"Yes, this boxing technique has nothing to do with any of your settings."

"——This is the boxing technique I created."

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