Infernal Artist

Chapter 546 Burial Place


Alande sat on the other side of the bonfire, staring at Liu Ping quietly.

Rabbit squatted on Liu Ping's shoulder and played cards with Lilith. He looked back at him and said:

"Are you sick? Why are you always staring at Liu Ping?"

"No," Alan looked thoughtful, "I always feel that it wouldn't be safe here if he falls asleep."

"Of course it's not safe. This is the bottom of darkness, the deepest place of eternal night. Anything can fly from the void," Rabbit said.

"He asked me before if he urgently needed treasures to exchange for merit. I said yes..."

Alan spoke slowly, looking at the Expeditionary Force interface. After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled——

He saw a humanoid robot all in white appearing in front of him.

"What is this?" Lilith asked curiously.

"The self-propelled combat destroyer is a powerful weapon on the technological side. It requires 1,500 merit points to redeem it."

Alande said, and said to the humanoid robot: "The only instruction: protect the sleeping man opposite me."

The white robot slowly turned around, glanced at Liu Ping, and said, "The brainwave characteristics have been recorded and patrol begins."

Its head suddenly opened, shooting out a few rays of light that hit several inconspicuous places in the camp.

A series of explosions sounded.

"Hidden hazards and prying devices have been removed."

The robot made a cold and murderous sound.

"It's strange, its attitude seems to have changed." Rabbit said, looking at the robot warily.

"It is directly connected to the expeditionary force sequence and has extremely high autonomy." Alande said.

The robot said: "There is a person in the current advance team who has deployed an invisible timed magic bomb in the camp. His name is Zhang Changjiu, a magician."

"This behavior violates the discipline of the expeditionary force and should be entered into the transformation pool."

"An arrest action plan has been generated."



The robot turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the camp, flying towards the east.

In the camp.

"How strong is this robot?"

"If you use cold weapons, you can beat me. If you are fully armed, I can't beat it." Alande said.

Rabbit murmured: "Sure enough, it is of some use."

"This robot is so fun, let's release a few more." Lilith said happily.

"I have spent all my merit points and can no longer redeem them, unless Liu Ping comes up with some rare treasures and lets me redeem them for merit points," Alande said.

"Forget it, it's actually enough. Let's wait. He shouldn't sleep for too long," Rabbit said.

"I think so too." Alande said.

The camp was quiet again.

Melodious music floated in the hall.

Sitting on the main seat of the long banquet table was a human-shaped black shadow.

There were already seven or eight visitors on both sides, all dressed in costumes and various masks, chatting in low voices amidst the melodious music.

When Liu Ping walked into the hall, people looked at him.

The humanoid black shadow said: "Welcome, Dragon King, I wonder what good news you have brought me."

Liu Ping said: "Whatever you need, I will bring you, Your Excellency."

He looked at each other.

The next moment.

A line of small words suddenly appeared above the other party's head:

"The Lord of Nightmare Manor."

"Explanation: Pick all valuable things in the universe."

This humanoid shadow is the owner of the manor.

It laughed and said: "Businessmen say so, but I do need you somewhere, please take a seat."

Liu Ping nodded and sat down at the table.

"Continue the topic just now." The manor owner said to another woman wearing a mask.

"Your Excellency, my master wants thirty souls that can contain strange power. As long as you are willing to let go, the master will pay you generous rewards." The woman whispered.

"Thirty? That's too many, it can't eat that much, and I gave it thirty at a time, so other beings will have objections." The manor owner said.

The woman placed a black bag on the table and pushed it in front of the manor owner.

The owner of the manor glanced at the bag and said, "Come here, take her to pick out the soul."

"Thank you for your generosity."

The woman bowed to the owner of the manor and retreated with the waiter.

The owner of the manor motioned to the other man to speak.

The man said: "The tide of nightmares has not yet arrived, but our master has already gained the support of some devils - the main channel of time and space is under your supervision. Do you think it would be convenient for our people to pass this level? Go to Purgatory and engage with those demons.”

"This is against the rules. If you occupy several levels of purgatory world first, your master will gain more than other existences." The manor owner said.

"Your Excellency, please take a look." The man took out a confidential letter and gently placed it in front of the manor owner.

The owner of the manor opened the secret letter, read it, and said thoughtfully: "That's it...then let me say this in advance, if you have any problems, you have to settle them yourself."

"Of course, we will never bother you again." The man said.

The owner of the manor took out a small pendant and handed it to the man: "This is a token of the passage. Come, take him to the passage to have a look, and tell the guard by the way."

"Thank you, sir." The man carefully held the pendant, put it into a box, and put it away.

He bowed again, exited the hall, and walked deeper into the manor under the guidance of the waiter.

Liu Ping kept it in mind.

Yes, the owner of the manor guards time and space, so he has not dared to use the power of prison suppression until now.

If it catches it, it's over.

Only the Dragon Clan, who didn't know what method they used, was able to let themselves see the whole thing.

At this time, the manor owner looked at the third person.

"Master, this is the recent income of the manor. Please take a look at it."


The manor owner held a roll of parchment and read it.

At this time, there were four people wearing masks left at the table.

The manor owner suddenly said: "Dragon King, now I can tell you the news."

"There is a guy holding a black umbrella, and his body is buried here." Liu Ping said.

"Oh? Do you know about this?" the manor owner asked with interest.

"Yes, someone wants that half body. As long as you set a price, money is not an issue." Liu Ping said.

It was the body of the obituary.

At that time, Liu Ping was sent here as the "obituary". Because he did a good job, the owner of the manor returned a hand——

Most of the body of the obituary is still buried here.

"Are you talking about the obituary? He is a disobedient guy, and someone actually wants his body?" the owner of the manor said with waning interest.

"Yes, I find it strange too, but the price offered by the other party is very good, so I had to reluctantly come over." Liu Ping said.

He looked out the window.

On the lawn outside, there are tombstones one after another.

Although the tombstones are blank, Liu Ping's "Seeing and Hearing Like God" has been activated, and naturally you can see the lines of small words floating on those tombstones.

The slain Strangers are buried here.

——The obituary and Delia's body should both be here.

"Such a small business... tell me how much money it costs to hire you as a lobbyist." The manor owner said.

"There is a bank on the Pillar of Purgatory, called Hellfire Bank. That existence said that as long as you are willing to give him the body of the obituary, he will take out 30% of the entire bank's wealth." Liu Ping said.

The manor owner finally became interested and said with a smile: "It's really good news. I know that bank. 30% is not enough. Give me 50%."

"My authority is to give you 45% at most. If you insist on 50%, then I have to go back and ask." Liu Ping said.

"The uncanny power of the obituary is very strong. I sometimes ask him to do things for me. Even if he eats it as a fruit, there is a chance of getting a promotion. So the minimum is 50%, and you can't lose a penny." The manor owner road.

"Can I see the goods?" Liu Ping asked.

"Okay, come here, take him to the lawn and dig up the graveyard No. 7." The manor owner said.

A waiter came over.

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Liu Ping stood up and followed the waiter outside.

Behind him, the manor owner asked the next person wearing a mask: "Okay, let's talk about our business."

"Yes, sir, the situation is like this..." the man began to speak.

Liu Ping stopped listening and followed the waiter out of the hall, all the way to the lawn.

"Please wait a moment, we will open the coffin immediately." The waiter said politely.


Liu Ping stood aside and watched the waiter digging the soil with a wooden shovel.

"Why don't you just open it?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Except for the master, we all work like ordinary people in the manor," the waiter said.

Liu Ping narrowed his eyes.

Lines of burning small characters appeared in the void:

"The other party is doing ordinary types of work."

"More than a hundred strange powers shrouding the cemetery are in a silent state and have not been triggered."

I see.

Only by using ordinary people's methods can we avoid all warning forces.


Where is Delia's body?

Liu Ping glanced at all the tombstones casually.

Small letters appear on each tombstone, identifying the body buried there.

But there was no Delia.

...Yes, her body is attached to the Holy Spirit's technique: "The Body of Nothing".

I am afraid that by this time, no one will remember that she was buried here.

Even the owner of the manor doesn’t remember it!

Liu Ping was thinking silently when a voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Liu Ping, I'm on the ground twenty meters away to your left, with Delia's body."


This is her voice!

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