Infernal Artist

Chapter 547 Lawn

Twenty meters to the left.

The body must be dug up in an ordinary way so as not to trigger the magic alarm.

Liu Ping's eyes flickered and fell on the grass dug by the attendant.

There is a tombstone there that reads:

"Cemetery No. 7, Obituary."

"——The debt owed to me has not been paid off. I am waiting for you to come back."

This is a passage written in the tone of the manor owner.


How can we ask the waiter to go twenty meters to the left and dig out Delia's body?

Liu Ping stood there, his mind racing, but his face remained calm, quietly watching the waiter dig the grave.

All in all, so much time has passed.

He also arrived at the location early.

Dragon Clan——

There must be something wrong.

The next moment.

Deep and magnificent dragon roars came from the sky.

Lines of small burning characters suddenly jumped out and appeared in front of Liu Ping's eyes:

"The dragon clan begins to release the spell."

"A total of thirty-six dragon spells are acting on Nightmare Manor, which is destroying the entire manor's defense system."

here we go!

Liu Ping listened carefully to the dragon's roar——

Good guy, these dragons haven't even shown up yet, and they've already started attacking this manor.

The ground of the manor began to shake.

The ground cracked open with one meandering gap after another.

There were sounds of collisions in the void, and at the same time, lights and shadows rose up.

That was the confrontation between the Dragon Curse and the manor's defense system.

The manor owner's voice suddenly sounded: "Damn bugs, you dared to come to my door before I had time to deal with you."

A flash of dark light rushed out of the manor and flew deep into the sky.

From all over the manor, some guys with powerful auras flew into the air and followed closely behind.

The Dragon Clan takes action!

Liu Ping calmed down and suddenly said to the waiter beside him: "The manor owner is invincible, don't worry, keep digging."

The waiter came to his senses and said apologetically: "I will continue digging."

"You're digging in the wrong place."

Liu Ping said, walked a distance to the left, pointed to the side and said: "——It should be here, I dug it wrong just now."

Where he pointed, a tombstone appeared at some point.

There are two lines written on the tombstone:

"Cemetery No. 7, Obituary."

"——The debt owed to me has not been paid off. I am waiting for you to come back."

The waiter was startled for a moment and glanced at the tombstone in front of him. He saw that the tombstone was empty and there was nothing written on it.

"Sorry, it should be Cemetery No. 7."

The waiter apologized quickly, jumped out of the half-dug pit, and carried a hoe to the place Liu Ping pointed to.

He resumed digging in the dirt.

Liu Ping peeked around and saw that everyone in the manor was staring at the movement in the sky, and no one paid attention to the lawn.

——I hope the Dragon Clan can delay this for a little longer.

He glanced into the void again.

Lines of burning small characters floated:

"You used your words to deceive with all your might."

"You activated the strange acting skill: Special Effects Artist, causing a tombstone to appear in the open space. The original tombstone was covered by your special effects and turned into a wordless monument."

"You added the power of 'deception' to your weird acting skills: the special effects artist, making all observers think that the first tombstone covered by the special effects is tombstone No. 7."

The sound of hoes shoveling soil kept ringing.

The hole in the ground is getting bigger and bigger.

Liu Ping looked towards the sky and saw that the violent fluctuations in the sky began to weaken.


I've only dug half of it here, and you guys can't stand it?

Liu Ping glanced around and spotted another waiter at the edge of the lawn.

"Hey!" he shouted.

The other party was originally looking up at the sky, and when he heard his greeting, he looked over.

"Come here and help!" Liu Ping waved.

The waiter hesitated for a moment and said respectfully: "Okay, distinguished guest."

He walked to the tool box, took out a hoe, and came to help dig together.

A voice suddenly sounded in Liu Ping's heart:

"We can't stand it anymore."

Then the sound of fighting in the sky stopped.

The black light flew down again and gently stopped on the lawn.

Nightmare Manor Lord.

Liu Ping said calmly: "Generally speaking, the dragon clan is aware of current affairs. I don't know how those brats dare to provoke you."

"I have guests today - I swear, I will kill them before long." The manor owner said.

"Of course." Liu Ping said.

The owner of the manor glanced at the two waiters and felt that everything was fine, and ordered everyone in the manor to be on guard. Then he nodded to Liu Ping, turned around and walked towards the manor.

——Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was some mysterious induction that made him subconsciously come to Liu Ping.

But all is well.

"Deception" and "Special Effects Artist" are running steadily and continuously.

The owner of the manor returned to the banquet hall, sat down on the main seat, and started talking to several guests around him again.

From beginning to end, he did not notice the situation in the cemetery.

A while passed.

A waiter said: "Sir, we have dug it."

"Okay, open the coffin lid and let me take a look." Liu Ping said.

He walked to the pit and tried his best to recall the appearance of the umbrella holder.

There was a heavy sound——

The coffin lid was opened.

The two waiters looked over and saw that the body of the umbrella holder was indeed inside.

——Strange-level performance ability: special effects artist.

"You can go up, I'll take a look." Liu Ping said.


Two waiters stood on the pit, one went to return the tools, and the other stood still.

Liu Ping walked down step by step and stood in front of the coffin.

A female corpse lay in the coffin.


Around Delia, an endless stream of humanoid light appeared as a shadow, taking the form of Andrea.

"Liu Ping... finally met again."

Andrea laughed and sent a telepathic message to him.

"This is not the place to talk. I have to find a way to take you away first." Liu Ping said in a voice message.

"I'll maintain the magic around Delia, you take us away!" Andrea said.

Liu Ping took a few steps forward, leaned down, pressed his hands on the body, and then gently pulled back.

The body was carried along by his power, immediately rose into the air, and landed on his shoulders.

With a calm expression, Liu Ping carried the body back to the pit.

"The goods have been tested and are good." He smiled.

The waiter looked into the coffin and saw the body of the umbrella holder lying still.

Although the guest's movements seemed a bit big just now, they did not have any impact on the body.

He nodded secretly in his mind and looked at the guest again.

I saw this distinguished guest standing there with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Okay, you can go back to the banquet hall. Just leave the rest to us." The waiter said respectfully.

"Then I'll trouble you." Liu Ping said.

He carried Delia's body and walked back to the banquet hall step by step.

"How is it?" The manor owner couldn't help but asked when he saw him coming back.

"The corpse is in very good condition. I guess my customer will be very satisfied," Liu Ping said.

Everyone turned a blind eye to the female body on his shoulder.

——"Special effects artist" + "deception".

——The mysterious technique of the Holy Spirit: a body of nothing.

The performance ability has been transformed into self-deception, and this time it has added a layer of deception, not to mention the blessing of the power of the Holy Spirit!

Under the influence of the three powers, no one noticed anything wrong for a while.

"Stay for dinner?" the manor owner said calmly.

"No, time is wealth, Your Excellency." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, then I won't send it away. I'm looking forward to hearing from you." The manor owner said.

"Goodbye." Liu Ping said.

He bowed slightly and left the banquet hall under the guidance of another waiter.

Cross the long stone steps and arrive in front of the manor again.

The carriage was waiting outside.

"You walk slowly, the master said, I look forward to your next visit."

The waiter handed a badge to Liu Ping.

Liu Ping took the badge and said with a smile: "This business deal was so successful, of course I will come again."

He went straight into the carriage.

The carriage slowly drove away from the manor.

Tens of breaths passed.

Several people wearing masks suddenly appeared in the carriage.

Dragon clan!

"We didn't resist him, and the time we fought for was a little short." The leader said in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter." Liu Ping said.

By this time he had revoked his power and Delia's body was held in his arms.

However, it is invisible to everyone.

"It doesn't matter?" the other party asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it was successful. I have found them." Liu Ping said.

"Great, then you exit the dream immediately. By the way - don't take the manor's emblem back with you, otherwise he will find you."

"for you."

Liu Ping handed over the manor emblem.

The next moment.

He woke up from camp.

Delia's body was lying quietly in front of the bonfire.

"Are you awake?" Alande on the opposite side asked concernedly.

"Yes, is there anything going on?" Liu Ping asked with a smile.

"No, I'm watching, don't worry." Alan said.

"Good work."

Liu Ping lowered his head and looked at the corpse.

——Alain couldn’t see the body either.

Is this the power of "no body"?

"Andrea, are you there?" Liu Ping asked silently.

"I'm here." Andrea's voice sounded.

same moment.

In the nightmare manor.

The owner of the manor is negotiating a new business.

Except for the Dragon Clan, which bothered me for a while, every other business went smoothly.

So he was in a good mood too.

Suddenly, some doubt in his heart prompted him to turn his head and look towards the lawn outside.

On the lawn——

Why are there two pits?

The owner of the manor disappeared directly from the spot and appeared on the lawn.

There are only two pits here, one is Cemetery No. 7; the other is an open space without tombstones.


The waiter knelt before him, looking terrified.

"What happened?" the manor owner asked.

"I just discovered that the place we dug is not Cemetery No. 7." The waiter said.

The owner of the manor stepped forward and waved gently.

The ground suddenly cracked.

An empty coffin flew out and landed in front of the manor owner.

He looked at the empty coffin and thought for a long time, but he couldn't remember who was inside it.

"Does anyone remember who is buried here?"

There was no response from the entire estate.

The manor owner gradually fell silent.

The murderous aura that reached the sky burst out from him.

"Very's really amazing. The Dragon Clan is really good at it."

He said with a cruel smile.

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