Infernal Artist

Chapter 602: Sparse words but thick feelings

The pile of bones moved on the ground, but did not get up.

Liu Ping simply stretched out his hand and wrapped the entire room with the special effect of "nothingness".


No matter what movement occurs in the room, it cannot be detected outside.

"Well done, Liu Ping."

The female Death God lit a cigarette and took a deep breath before squatting down in front of the skeleton and pressing the skull with her hands.

Paused for a few breaths.

She said: "The souls have been eaten, leaving only the bones... Through the memory of the bones, we can know that this is a magician - the strongest kind. He is imprisoned here and used for various purposes." After researching, I finally couldn’t hold on and died.”

"What research?" Liu Ping asked.

The female God of Death frowned and muttered: "It's probably the countermeasures and defenses of various magics..."

God interrupted her and said: "This person was used to verify the setting set and died."

"Verification?" Liu Ping repeated.

"Yes, his magic has reached its peak, and he was captured to complete the set of nightmare monsters to counter all living beings." God said. .

"It turns out this is a place like this..."

Liu Ping squatted down and gently touched the pile of bones.

There are dense and deep marks on the bones, which clearly indicate that they have endured unimaginable torture.


Liu Ping shook his head, stood up, and looked outside.

What I saw outside was an endless rock wall, with rooms like this carved out on it, so densely packed that they couldn't be counted.

——All the rooms were silent.

With his spiritual sense, Liu Ping could sense the situation in those rooms.

All those imprisoned here died.

Only the bones are left here.

The setting set is thus perfected and can counter all beings without worrying about being harmed by the power of all beings.

Liu Ping fell into silence.

The female God of Death threw a cigarette over and said, "If you're in a bad mood, just smoke one. Don't worry, it's ordinary tobacco."

Liu Ping took the cigarette, lit it with a wisp of fire at his fingertips, and then took a deep breath.

"You know how to smoke." The female Death God said with interest.

"When I was practicing magic, I also invented a special kind of smoke. I can't remember the name now, but it was very shocking at the time." Liu Ping said.

"Why is it shocking?"

"Because I mixed some animal souls into the tobacco, which makes it particularly pleasant to smoke."

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he walked slowly to the collapsed wall and looked out into the void.

A guard radiating starlight flew by quietly.

Liu Ping stood still.

There was darkness all around, and all he could see was that the cigarette in his mouth was extinguishing and smoke was rising silently, seeping into the darkness, and gradually spreading out.

Because there was no wind, the smoke became thicker and thicker, making Liu Ping's figure blurry.

"What are you thinking about?" the female god of death asked softly.

"All living beings suffer," Liu Ping said.

"The gods are also in trouble and cannot save themselves, let alone all living beings." The female death god said.

Liu Ping blew out a puff of smoke and his eyes became dark.

"I'm the first one to step out of the set, right?" he asked.

"That depends on God." The female Death God shrugged.

God said in a considering tone: "Overall, you are the first."

"Since I am the first person, then I will reluctantly stand up and do something extraordinary." Liu Ping said, putting out the cigarette and flicking it to the ground.

In the darkness, he slowly pulled out the Baina knife.

"Have you thought about it?" God asked.

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

A mature woman in a red robe quietly appeared from the void, kneeling on one knee in front of Liu Ping, and pressed her hands on the edge of the Baina knife.

Tick ​​tock. Tick ​​tock.

The blade cut her hands, and blood spread on the long knife.

"This sword can use tit-for-tat to defeat the enemy, and I can also know the enemy's weaknesses. Now I bless it with my own divine power, so that it can be blessed by my laws, and the power of 'emergence' will be even greater." The red-robed woman smiled. road.

Lines of small burning characters appeared in the void:

"Gaia, the mother of the earth, has completely recognized you."

"She is the only true form of the mother of all earths in countless parallel worlds. She was guided by God and fled to the main world, and was saved by you."

"This is a secret and cannot be said in vain, because the current blessing can only be known by this sequence."

"Your weapon: the Baina Dao has been blessed by the blood of Mother Earth."

"Because the Baina Dao is consistent with Mother Earth, this blessing has increased the power of the long Dao."

"Baina Dao tells you its power, and only then can you master its power."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping couldn't help but raise his long knife.

Unexpectedly, before he could ask this time, the long knife automatically made a buzzing sound.

It was as if someone was whispering in my ear——

Lines of burning small characters then appeared:

"Knife name: Baina."

"The only thing."

"The earth blesses the blade, and everything holds the sword."

"The power of this sword will be further enhanced after it is upgraded. It requires a certain amount of emotion to ignite its power, and it can manifest into the following powers:"

"Shu Yu: The first sword that touches the enemy will surely reveal the enemy's weakness;

"Chouqing: If the second sword can hit the enemy, it will definitely have a fatal effect."

Liu Ping read it quickly, saluted Mother Earth solemnly, and said, "Thank you."

Mother Earth bowed slightly and responded: "You're welcome, you saved my life... Now, please do it according to your own will."

She retreated into the void and hid herself again.

It was quiet again.

Liu Ping held the knife in one hand and closed his eyes, as if he had entered a state of concentration.

Only the female Death God stood not far behind Liu Ping, smoking slowly.

An inexplicable aura spread all around, invisible and undercurrent, and gradually became turbulent as time went by.

at some point.

The female God of Death raised her eyebrows and looked out into the dark void, and chuckled: "I smell... a familiar smell."

Deep in the dark void, a star guard is slowly flying towards this side.

Liu Ping slowly opened his eyes and took a step forward.

He flew towards the star guard silently, and did not stop until he was about to reach the other party.

The Star Guard was unaware and continued flying towards him.

Liu Ping raised his Baina knife and waited quietly.

The distance between the two sides quickly shortened.


The star guard's body full of light collided with the Baina knife.

It jerked back, as if it was incomprehensible——

It’s obviously a void——

Why did he feel a stinging sensation as if he had hit something sharp?


The long sword screamed.

The words are sparse!

Liu Ping appeared from the void and flew towards the star guard.

The star guard reacted immediately, and condensed a dazzling pillar of starlight all over his body, which instantly transcended the limitations of time and space and hit Liu Ping directly.

——But it came up short!

This turbulent pillar of starlight penetrated Liu Ping's body, flew into the distance, shot directly through the layers of buildings, penetrated the ground, and shot into outer space.

It turns out this is Liu Ping’s illusion!

He is a born king of deceit, and the special effects artist can use it to deceive even the Lord of Nightmares, let alone these star guards?

"Hee, the time of death has come."

The female Death God stood in the room and flicked the ashes of her cigarette.

The words have not yet finished.

Liu Ping quietly appeared behind the Star Guard.

The long knife in his hand trembled, and a high-pitched roar erupted, as if he was venting unspeakable anger for Liu Ping.


Liu Ping said calmly.


A long wind blew up, and the sword was filled with light. Colorful clouds rose into the sky like chasing the moon, and suddenly dispersed amidst the boundless roar.

In an instant, the star guard let out a low scream in the light of the sword, and his figure was chopped off to the point where not even a scrap was left.

Lines of burning small characters flashed quickly:

"You have used the power of Baina Dao: sparse words and thick feelings."

"You killed the world-like life form: the Star Guard."

"'Killing for Fun' has been activated."

"Please continue to kill an existence of the same type. The soul power you gain will be enough to advance to the next level."

"The next realm: Myojin."

"This is the realm of gods, and it can already belong to the heaven of six paths of reincarnation."

"come on."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping heard a sigh coming from his ears:

"Killed." God said.

"Yes, it's done." Mr. Gun said.

The two sighed, with a hint of comfort in their tone.

"With my blessing, of course it's no problem, right, Liu Ping." Mother Earth hummed.

"This is what it means for us to fight side by side, madam." Liu Ping smiled.

He looked toward the dilapidated room.

A faint light appeared on the face of the female God of Death, her eyes moved, and her aura became a little more prosperous.

When she found Liu Ping looking at her, she showed a rare hint of embarrassment and explained:

"Death strengthens me, especially the death I look forward to."

Mother Earth interjected: "Liu Ping, you have alarmed all the world-like life forms nearby, you can hide now."

Liu Ping looked around.

I saw streams of light flying towards me quickly.

These are the star guards who were alerted!

He looked at the female Death God.

The female God of Death quietly disappeared and once again hid in the black ring on his ring finger.

"Everyone, do you have any opinions on the Death God becoming stronger?" Liu Ping asked thoughtfully.

"No objection, hide quickly - there are too many enemies." Gun Ye said.

Liu Ping waved his hand.

Special effects artist activates!

He suddenly fell into nothingness.

But he continued to ask: "Gaia, do you have any objections?"

"Of course not. After her strength increases, she can actually provide me with some help." Gaia said.

"Where is God?" Liu Ping asked.

"Do it, kid," God said.

Liu Ping nodded, held the Baina knife in both hands, and held it upright in front of him.

At this time, the Star Guards had all arrived, but no trace of Liu Ping was found.

They looked at each other, and their bodies suddenly expanded.

——They are about to launch a large-scale group attack together!

In nothingness.

Liu Ping stood still.

The long knife in his hand disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, he also disappeared.

The next second.

A disembodied sound sounded, as if it was beautiful music coming from the infinite void.

The star guards looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Only lines of small burning characters remain in the void:

"With your anger today, ignite the power on the long sword again."

"You cast the secondary strange knife technique:"

"If there are any voice-hearers, their souls will be cut off here."

"The sound is inescapable."

"All current targets have been hit."

"'Shu Yu' is activated!"

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