Infernal Artist

Chapter 603 The goblin appears!

someone said--

The knife is a killing weapon, how can it scream?

There is no problem with this.

So when a knife starts to sound, it is usually the sound caused by the friction between the strands of sword light wrapped around the blade and the void.

Liu Ping held the knife in both hands and struck hard——

The long knife erupted with waves of buzzing sounds that were higher than the others, spreading around like an overwhelming force, and it was like a grand symphony.

In this complex and high-pitched sound, the void turned into endless darkness, and a being with a body shaped like heaven and earth appeared behind Liu Ping.

Dark snake!

It suddenly opened a pair of vertical pupils and looked down at the entire world.

Floating black holes began to appear throughout the underground world, and gradually, the entire world began to become riddled with holes——

Just its gaze is too much for the world to bear!


The giant dark snake seemed to have discovered something and looked around him.

I saw layers of mist rising and dying around me, turning into misty, colorful colors.

"With such affection, you still want to use me to kill the enemy. It shows that you are very careful - I am very satisfied with this."

The giant dark snake said in a urn voice, silently sliding out from behind Liu Ping, slowly passing in front of him, and gradually disappearing at the end of the line of sight.

It's as big as the world, so it looks like one world passing through another.

When it finally leaves.

All visions disappeared. .

All the Star Guards are gone.

——I didn’t see what the dark snakes did at all, they ceased to exist.

Lines of burning small characters appeared quickly:

"You used the king-level magic knife technique: Snake Kiss."

"This sword technique overlaps with the power of the long sword, 'thick emotion', to produce a stronger emerging power."

"You have killed the thirteen star guards surrounding you."

"'Killing for Fun' activated."

"You have gained an excessive amount of soul power. Please wait a moment. You will soon enter the promotion state."

Collect all the fine print.

Liu Ping stood in nothingness, slashed the ground with his knife, and gasped:

"So tired."

Master Pao appeared next to him, stretched out his hand to click in the void, and praised:

"Your sword is so powerful. I'm starting to have more confidence in our future."

"There are too many targets to kill, so of course we have to go all out - what are you doing?" Liu Ping asked.

"When we entered this dead planet, I released a batch of quantum mimic robots, and now we just have a look at what this underground world is like."

After Mr. Pao finished speaking, he clapped his hands.

Screen after screen of light suddenly appeared in front of him, showing various parts of the underground world.

Dense screens of light float in mid-air,

Liu Ping and Pao Ye stood there and watched slowly——

This scene is like they are in a "monitoring room" checking the entire underground world.

"Ah, be careful, they seem to have a back-up plan," said Mr. Pao.

Liu Ping looked in the direction he pointed and saw several star guards fleeing in embarrassment on a screen of light. They came to a huge bronze door and chanted a spell in unison.

The door slowly opened.

"It seems that they found that they couldn't deal with you, so the remaining star guards went to ask for help." Mother Earth said.

"That knife blow just now has exhausted my strength. No matter who it is, I don't want to hit it." Liu Ping waved his hand.

"Then let's blow this place up—"

As Mr. Pao said, he quickly clicked on a light screen and began to prepare something.

"It's best to blow up a place like this completely," Liu Ping said.

"That's right, that's right, watch me set up a beautiful fireworks." Mr. Pao said.

"How beautiful?" asked the female Death God.

"You can blow up this planet and turn it into cosmic dust." Mr. Guno said in a boastful tone.

"Not bad, I want to enjoy it." The female Death God said happily.

"Liu Ping just killed so many world-like life forms, has your strength recovered somewhat?" Mother Earth asked.

"Yes, I can already use some power." The female Death God said.

"After the bomb is deployed, who will light it?" Gun Ye asked excitedly.

"I'm here to play." Mother Earth said.

"Press this." Gun Ye pointed at a button in the void and said.

Mother Earth appeared, reaching out to press the button——


God's voice sounded: "Wait a minute, you seem to have forgotten one thing."

"What?" Mother Earth asked.

Her hand had pressed on the button, making a crisp 'ding dong' sound.

An electronic voice sounded: "Detonate in 1 second."


The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

God's voice sounded faintly: "Everyone, we are here to find the goblins, have you forgotten?"

Several people were startled.

"Oh, no, how could a god like me forget such an important thing." Mother Earth said curiously.

"Me too." The female Death God said.

"I am the first generation of gods, why would I forget this?" Pao Ye asked doubtfully.

Liu Ping was silent for a moment and looked into the void again.

Lines of burning small characters appeared there:

"You are under the influence of an unknown witchcraft."

"Your focus will disappear in no time."

"You can't keep remembering things about goblins."

A thought flashed through Liu Ping's mind.


This method and style seems... very familiar...

He couldn't help but look towards the light screen again.

I saw that the bronze door had been opened.

The star guards fled in a hurry, and soon disappeared, leaving only the dark door.

The ground began to shake.

——I can’t tell whether it’s because the bomb is about to explode, or because some kind of terrifying monster is about to appear.

Mother Earth said: "Attention, those star guards have all escaped from the planet, and the magic beetles did not stop them."


The ground began to shake violently.

"We are all still on this planet - why did I think about blowing myself up just now?" Mr. Guno said with some frustration.

"I guess... we will forget to find the goblin. I'm afraid this is the goblin's method." Liu Ping said.


Master Gun, Mother Earth and the God of Death said in unison.

Liu Ping showed a helpless look and said: "Otherwise, who else can make us forget it quietly?"

The words just fell.

A cry mixed with anger suddenly sounded and spread throughout the underground world.

"Aha, damn bugs!"

"You have never been my opponent. Now that you have opened the door to disaster, I will kill you all!"

"After all, I have been imprisoned by you..."

The sound stopped suddenly, and suddenly sounded again in an extremely subtle way:

"Wait... let me count..."

"Ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, forty thousand——"

"Four plus four makes eight, yes, I'm sure of that."

"Eight plus doesn't bother me. It's sixteen, so sixteen plus sixteen..."

"...How many thousands of years is it?"

The sound got stuck here.

After a while, the sound seemed to disappear and never sounded again.

But through the light screen, one could see that one ball after another with wings was thrown out of the bronze gate and quickly scattered in all directions.

Mother Earth said thoughtfully: "It is said that double-digit addition and subtraction are the eternal enemies of the fairies, but what are these?"

"This is the flying flash bomb of the goblin clan. It can blind the eyes of all beings." Master Pao stared at the light screen and said.

He took out some sunglasses and handed them to everyone.

Mother Earth put on her sunglasses and said, "If it can calculate the correct answer, it will prove one thing."

"It's not a real goblin." The female Death God said.

"Absolutely correct, we just need to wait for it to figure out the answer." Mother Earth said.

"Aren't you afraid that it will deliberately miscalculate to deceive us?" Master Pao asked.

"No one can deceive Liu Ping." The female God of Death said with a sweet smile.

Explosions sounded from deep underground.

Buildings all around began to collapse.

——The bomb arranged by Mr. Gun is detonating.

Boom, boom!

With explosions one after another, the entire underground world began to collapse.

The planet is on the road to destruction.

Even the magic beetle flew up and circled around the gradually fragmenting planet.

But the goblin was still hiding deep underground, silently calculating something in that bronze door.

When the world completely falls apart——

A hesitant voice sounded from the door:


"Equal to forty-five?"

The female Death God covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Does it lie?" Mother Earth asked.

"No," Liu Ping said happily: "It really made a mistake. Let's go get it to join the group - Gaia, send me there."

"You go forward." Mother Earth said.

Liu Ping took a step forward.

In an instant, he arrived at the bronze door.

I saw that the walls in the room were filled with dense calculation equations.

There is indeed a goblin here with red eyes, holding chalk in his hand and calculating crazily on the wall.

When Liu Ping arrived, it looked back at Liu Ping and said in an aggrieved and anxious tone:

"My calculation process is obviously correct, why is the calculator still giving me different answers?"

"A calculator is a gadget that often makes mistakes, so you don't have to trust it." Liu Ping shrugged.

The goblin was stunned and said happily: "Ah, you are so right. Why should we trust the calculator?"

It took out a big hammer from its arms and smashed the calculator into pieces with several blows.

"Huh - I feel much better now. Who are you?" asked the goblin.

Liu Ping was about to speak when he suddenly saw a line of small burning characters flashing in front of him:

"The advanced soul power is all ready."

"Please note that you were once a practitioner in the Six Paths of Reincarnation world, and you also belonged to the worlds of Purgatory and Eternal Night Divine Pillar."

"At this critical moment of advancement, please choose one of the two world affiliations to continue your advancement."

"please choose."

Liu Ping said without hesitation: "Six Paths of Reincarnation."

——There are too many mysteries in Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the nightmares have not yet collected enough Six Paths of Reincarnation skills, so the setting set is incomplete.

So the Six Paths of Reincarnation is a breakthrough!

Two lines of small burning characters appeared:

"You chose the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

"You are about to be teleported away to complete this advancement."

Liu Ping's expression changed and he shouted: "Wait--"

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

"Hey? Why are you leaving?" the goblin asked curiously.

It rolled its eyes, flew to the place where Liu Ping disappeared, and said while desperately diving into the void:

"Let me go and have a look too, it doesn't matter if I take a look - I promise to only take a look!"


It slipped into the void and disappeared.

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