Infernal Artist

Chapter 630 The test is coming!

"In my world, the choice of civilization is barbarism - because it is the simplest, resources are given to all living beings, and they can do whatever they want."

A tall woman with a long ponytail said.

"Barbaric? Sister Bingye is so delicate, she would choose barbaric?" Liu Ping held the wine glass and said with big eyes.

"Haha, I prefer nature. By the way, what about you, Liu Ping?" the beauty known as Bing Ye touched his head.

"Ah," Liu Ping said, recalling the composition of his Four Holy Pillars, "I chose technology."

Several women were a little surprised.

"Then you have to be careful. The technology side is born with an 'evil' attribute. If it is not good, it will be very troublesome." Bing Ye said.

"Why? Sisters, please enlighten me." Liu Ping said.

"Because technology will allow ant-like beings to gain the power to destroy the world." said the green-haired woman named Min.

"Technology is too materialistic and powerful. It can easily make sentient beings unconsciously think that they are powerful and do unimaginable things." Another woman said.

"That's true." Liu Ping murmured.

It is said that armed with sharp weapons, murderous intention arises from within.

Although the research on technology is often not out of bad intentions, as time goes by, some things are not as good as everyone imagined at the beginning.

This also reminded Liu Ping.

He said sincerely: "Thank you sisters for your teachings."

At this time, several more men passed by this section of the carriage. When they saw several girls, they came over to strike up a conversation.

The girls didn't want to offend anyone, so they chatted for a few words and then sent the person away.

"It's really annoying." Bingye said.

"It would be great if someone could stop these guys for us." A woman said with emotion.

Liu Ping clapped his hands and said, "It just so happens that I have an illusion technique that can turn me into a man. It won't be a problem to deceive those guys."

The girls became interested.

"Can it really be done? Ordinary illusions cannot fool these guys, they are really good at it." Min said with a smile.

"I'll try." Liu Ping smiled.

He sat still and silently activated the "Special Effects Artist".

All of a sudden.

He transformed from a cute and beautiful girl into a male teenager.

——He turned into his original appearance!

"Try it with a glass of wine."

A woman handed over a glass of wine.

Liu Ping smiled and cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, fairy."

There is no need to act at all, just drink the wine as you are.

Liu Ping drank it all in one gulp.

"It's really just like a man."

Everyone found it interesting and praised in unison.

"The key is that it doesn't have that lewd look, and it's not annoying." A woman clasped her hands and smiled.

"Everyone, do you think my appearance is okay? How about I block those guys for you?" Liu Ping poured himself another glass of wine and said with a smile.

"Then you will be our man!" Bingye said.

All the girls laughed.

Liu Ping smiled and simply maintained the illusion, allowing himself to maintain the image of a man.

I am originally a human being, not the world, so I must use the body of the Holy Spirit to participate in this spiritual growth.

——These are God’s original words.

But it’s quite tiring to keep pretending to be a woman and have to behave like a woman and speak like a woman.

It's better to be a man again right now.

At this time, several more men turned around from the car in front. When they saw the girls, their eyes lit up and they immediately came forward to strike up a conversation.

Liu Ping waved his hands directly at them and said, "Sorry, there is someone here."

The male world leaders looked at him, then at the women, and asked in surprise: "Are you alone?"

Liu Ping shrugged and said, "They are all mine."

The men widened their eyes and looked at the women in disbelief.

The women nodded together.

Bingye even walked up to Liu Ping, gently leaned on his shoulder, and exhaled: "I'm sorry, we all belong to him."

The men were silent, looked at Liu Ping a few more times, turned around and left quickly.

After they left, the girls burst into laughter.

"Wouldn't this allow Liu Ping to offend people everywhere by himself? That's not good." A woman named Dai worried.

Bingye snapped his fingers and said, "That's the truth, Liu Ping, why don't you—"

Liu Ping waved his hand and said, "It's okay. If I really encounter a problem, I'll change back to my original female appearance. I'm afraid those men won't be able to blame me anymore."

The girls thought so, and since it was really interesting, they stopped trying to persuade her.

Had some more fun.

Bingye suddenly frowned and said, "We are almost at the station, and our first test is about to come."

Sure enough, the speed of the train slowly slowed down and finally stopped.

The next moment.

The train simply disappeared.

Everyone found themselves standing in a snowstorm.

There is nothing on the vast white land, except for the rolling snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Liu Ping looked around and saw that there were far fewer people.

There are only three women beside him, namely Bingye, Min, and Dai.

There were three men standing nearby.

Seven people in total.

"It seems that this place is more suitable for our test, so we were placed in this location." A man said.

He was Bai Yan who was the first to talk to him just now.

Because he went to other carriages, he didn't see Liu Ping's transformation into a man, so he glanced at Liu Ping and was a little surprised why two beautiful women were following Liu Ping.

"Ladies, how about we get together and face the test together?" said a man.

The women looked at Liu Ping.

"Okay, that's good. It's only right that we work together." Liu Ping said.

Bingye was a little surprised, then thought about it and agreed: "Yes, everyone's goal is to become stronger, and it is right to help each other."

With their nods, Min and Dai naturally had no objection.

"Don't worry, we will take care of you." Another man smiled.

After reaching such an agreement, the atmosphere among everyone became harmonious.

"What kind of test will it be?" Min worriedly expressed what everyone was thinking.

"Coming!" Bing Ye shouted softly.

Everyone looked into the void and saw the fluttering snowflakes staying in the air, forming a few lines of text:

"Each world master provides a kind of creature and builds a village here together to ensure that the creature he provides can withstand various tests and survive here for a month."

“Success leads to spiritual growth.”

"If you fail, leave the dreamland, end this promotion immediately, and wake up from your deep sleep."


"Your success or failure is directly determined by your dreams."

——Awakening from slumber means that the growth of the world's life forms has stopped.

No one wants to wake up at this moment.

"Okay, it seems we are going to work hand in hand to build a village in this desolate snowfield." Liu Ping said.

Before he finished speaking, others were already taking action quickly, throwing cards into the snow.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

Amidst a series of sounds, the light and shadow outlines of four lives appeared in the snow.

"Hahaha, humans are the creatures I provide!" A man laughed wildly.

"I guessed that you were going to rob humans, so I provided the snow dogs." Another man said.

"Mine are dwarves, and they are also very suitable for living in the snow." Bai Yan said excitedly.

Bing Ye's expression turned ugly and he whispered: "I'm the Snow Demon - are you all moving too slowly?"

I saw two cards flying back to Min and Dai's hands, with humans and dwarves appearing on them.

"They beat me to it." Dai gritted her teeth.

Liu Ping came back to his senses at this time.

Each world lord has to provide a kind of creature.

Then naturally you can no longer provide the creatures provided by others.

Therefore, there is a huge advantage in throwing out the life cards first.

After all, not many races can survive in the ice and snow——

Especially since these people in front of them are all newly born world-like life forms. In their world, the races of creatures are limited.

Moreover, the mission clearly states that there will be various "tests."

Min pulled out a card and sighed: "I do have another kind of creature that is suitable for living by the water. I don't know if they can survive in the ice and snow."

"It doesn't matter, we help each other." Bingye cheered.

Min reached out and threw out the card.


A soft sound.

I saw new lights and shadows appearing on the snow, forming the outline of the fish-man.

The next moment.

The fish-man let out a low howl of reluctance and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Min shook his head bitterly and said: "There is no ice and snow in my world, so it's over now."

Her whole body turned into a burst of light and shadow and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

——She left the dreamland.

There was silence.

"It seemed like someone said they wanted to take care of the ladies just now?" Bingye glanced coldly at the men opposite.

The men were silent.

——After all, how can you give the opportunity to others at such a critical moment?

"Where are you two?" Bingye looked at Dai and Liu Ping worriedly.

Dai glanced at the men and snorted coldly: "Fortunately, there is a land of ice and snow in the far north of my world, where a kind of bear people live. They were originally going to be extinct, but I temporarily softened my heart and helped them regain their vitality. I didn’t expect it to be used here.”

She waved and tossed the card.


A soft sound.

The light and shadow transformed into a bear-man.

The bear people originally lived in the world of ice and snow, so they naturally stayed here peacefully and did not disappear directly like the fish people.

Now only Liu Ping is left.

Everyone looked at him.

Liu Ping sighed slightly.

There is only one big desert in my own world.

But I have a special god that others don't have.


——Whether God is omniscient depends on this moment.

He shrugged and stretched his hand into the void.

A card was drawn by him.

I saw a woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful face painted on this card. She had long ears, was holding a bow and arrow, and was looking towards Liu Ping.

Lines of small burning characters appeared in the void:

"Card: Frost Elf."

"Rare race, advanced life form."

"This is a kind of elven life with a high affinity for ice and snow elements. The ice and snow civilization they built can be ranked among the top three in many worlds."

"——From the dead who sleep in the eternal night."

"By the way, Mother Earth has a message for you from this sequence:"

"Eternal Night is such a wonderful place. I dug up the body of the Frost Elf from the depths of the earth. The God of Death drove away the death from her - now she is yours."

"By the way, God also asked this sequence to bring you a message:"

“Don’t worry, the omniscient and almighty Lord will naturally know what you need. If you pray, I will show you.”

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