Infernal Artist

Chapter 631 My Career

Seven Lords of the World.

Eliminate one person.

The remaining six world masters contributed six types of life:

Humans, Snowhounds, Dwarves, Snow Demons, Werebears, Frost Elves.

If you look closely, humans, snowhounds, dwarves, and werebears can all survive in the ice and snow.

——Although it’s a little harder.

But the Snow Demon and the Frost Elf are different.

The Snow Demon is an ancient elemental being whose body is made of frost, and the Frost Elf is the ruler of the ice and snow system.

If these two beings join the village, the so-called test will definitely be much simpler.

Bai Yan smiled and said: "Very good, let's work together and try to survive this test."

The other two men nodded together.

Liu Ping sneered and said: "Looking at the way you were scrambling just now, I don't think there is any need to cooperate anymore."

Bai Yan said: "I have disliked you from the beginning. If you have existences like frost elves, you must also have other frost-like life races. Why didn't you take them out earlier?"

"That's right, this guy seems to be looking for death... Why don't the three of us work together to send him out of the dream!" Another man named Jiao Tu said.

The dream only assigned tasks, but it never said they couldn't attack each other.

"I think it's a good idea." The last man said.

A faint murderous intent suddenly appeared on them.

Liu Ping smiled and was about to say something when he saw Bingye and Dai taking a step forward, blocking him on the left and right.

"Want to fight? Come on, the three of us versus the three of you, let's see who can stay in the dream." A blurry shadow of the world appeared on Bing Ye's body.

——This is the main attribute of the world!

She comes ready to unleash the world!

Dai said nothing, just pulled out a dark green branch, with five or six light groups of different colors lingering on it.

——The Art of the World.

The two women blocked Liu Ping behind them and were ready to fight with all their might once they struck!

The three men opposite looked at each other.

"No, ladies, we just want to teach this boy a lesson. Why are you protecting him?" Bai Yan said, spreading his hands.

Dai's face was covered with frost, and she shouted: "We can obviously discuss the matter with each other, but you insist on grabbing a favorable position, so that one of our sisters has to leave."

"Liu Ping is the youngest and most immature. Now you want to bully her. We will never agree." Bing Ye said.

The three men were a little confused, and their eyes fell on Liu Ping.

For this man...

They really want to fight!

Is this man so charming?

Liu Ping took a step back, took out the Baina knife and held it in his hand: "Three versus three, okay, let's have a fight to see who will leave the dreamland."

It was quiet in the snow.

Both sides stopped talking and silently prepared to take action.

At this time, the snowflakes falling all over the sky once again formed lines of small characters, which appeared in front of everyone:

"The dream has changed direction."

"Your division has brought about new changes in the content of the mission:"


"According to your own wishes, let the sentient beings under your command form two different camps. The one who survives for a month wins."

"In this test, the outcome will be determined by the outcome of all sentient beings."

"World-like life forms are not allowed to fight in this test, otherwise they will exit the dream."

All the snowflakes dispersed.

"Let's go." Bai Yan said.

The two men calmed down their aura at the same time and followed him to retreat into the wind and snow.

Soon, they were out of sight.

"Quick, we need to start developing immediately so that the creatures in our hands can survive here!"

Bingye waved his hand.

There was a campfire, a few tents, and some supplies on the ground.

At the same time, the Snow Demon, Bear Man, and Frost Elf fell together and stood in the camp.

Bing Ye walked up to the Snow Demon and whispered: "Your task is to immediately build the camp's wind and snow defense site, and apply various offensive and defensive ice and snow spells to the camp - you have to act fast!"

The Snow Demon roared wildly, and his body slowly sank, submerged into the surrounding snow, and disappeared.


Waves of formation spells came from the snow.

Dai said to the bear people: "Plant various snow plants, you need to obtain food."

"Yes." The bear said in a loud voice.

It took out a handful of seeds from the pocket on its waist, muttered something in its mouth, and started scattering them around the camp.

The frost elf looked at Liu Ping, waiting for orders.

Her beautiful face showed deep sadness.

Liu Ping muttered: "Follow me."

He led the frost elf towards the wind and snow.

Bingye and Dai looked at him from behind.

"What did she do?"

"I don't know, her world may be very unique. I sensed an unusual aura from that frost elf, like..."

"The dead are raised."

The two women looked at each other in tacit understanding.

the other side.

In the snowfield.

"What did you do before Shen Mian?" Liu Ping asked.

The frost elf raised the long bow in his hand and said: "I killed countless invaders on the continent. Later, the nightmare came in person to destroy everything. When I died in the battle, many tribesmen prayed for me and let my soul escape. Passed the fate of being devoured.”

"You seem to have something else to say to me?" Liu Ping said.

"All my friends are dead, my relatives have been swallowed by nightmares, and the world I love has fallen into destruction. If possible, I would rather be destroyed with them, but I have been saved by them, and my fate has made me wake up in the eternal night-"

The frost elf's eyes fell on Liu Ping's face and asked softly: "The gods said that you are the enemy of nightmares."

"Yes." Liu Ping said.

The Frost Elf said: "Nightmare... can it really be killed?"

Liu Ping laughed and said, "When I was still a human, if I had introduced myself in a more humble way——"

"I am the strongest person in the world, the best in the world. I have experienced hundreds of battles. I am invincible and invincible. All my enemies are frightened by this. They kneel in front of me and beg me to let them go. The world's martial arts comes from my hands. I created the Dharma, the wealth of the world is in my hands, everyone admires me and surrounds me, I am so awesome, there has never been anyone more popular than me among millions of people."

The frost elf stared at him blankly.

——You call this a "modest way of introducing yourself"?

Liu Ping took out a cigarette, lit it in the wind and snow, took a deep breath, and continued:

"But I can't fight the nightmare."

The frost elf lowered his head silently.

Liu Ping said: "There is no need to recall those failures and pains. After all, even people like me have failed, let alone you?"

"But it's different now. I have become the world and killed two nightmare lords in a parallel world - albeit in a tricky way."

Facing the frost elf's gaze, he smiled gently and said, "I'll kill them."

"I will kill them all from now on."

"Any nightmare lord who bullies all sentient beings will die wailing at my feet. If they taste good, I don't even mind eating them. I will return a hundred times the pain to them, so that they can fully appreciate the suffering of all sentient beings. .”

"So listen, you can refuse to work for me, that's fine, but I have to ask, while I'm doing this—"

"Would you like to join?"

The wind and snow howled.

Liu Ping stopped talking, just slowly smoked a cigarette and looked towards a certain direction in the snowy field.

——The three departing World Lords went in that direction.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

"Your Excellency, I would like to join your cause."

The voice of the frost elf sounded.

She took a step forward, knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Ping, held one of his hands in her hands and said, "From now on, I will obey all your orders."

Liu Ping blew out a burst of smoke, held the other person's hand, and smiled:

"Let's go find their camp and kill them all."

The Frost Elf bowed deeply, stood up, took two steps back, and whispered: "Wait for me."

"Anything else?" Liu Ping asked.

"To put it humbly, it's a trivial matter." The Frost Elf said.

She took a deep breath, put her hands together, and recited an obscure incantation quickly.


A powerful wave of power exploded from her body, turning into a tumbling air current that pushed away the wind and snow.

Beautiful natural runes emerged from the surface of her white body.

Countless ghost images gathered into a halo behind her.

She was flying gently in the air, and her whole aura was completely different from before.

Two lines of small words appeared above her head:

"Frost Ranger, Crown of Ice, Lord of the Frost Clan, Demigod."

"——She is the king among the frost elves."

Liu Ping was speechless for a while.

Is this what you call a humble little thing?

Having said that, I thought it would be a blessing to get a frost elf and not have to leave the dream immediately.

Who knew God would find such a demigod?

"Your Excellency, all my powers have been unlocked and I can take action."

"your name?"


"I'm Liu Ping, nice to meet you, let's go kill now."


The two people's figures flashed and disappeared from the place like afterimages.

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